International Society for Krishna Consciousness, Portland - … EDITED.pdf · Sri Krishna...

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Transcript of International Society for Krishna Consciousness, Portland - … EDITED.pdf · Sri Krishna...


    Winter/Spring 2012

    Sri Krishna Janmashtami 2012By: Joshita Reddy

    On August 9th, 2012, we celebrated the special and long-awaited festival Sri Krishna Janmashtami. The devotees celebrated Lord Sri Krishna's Birthday in a very grand fashion . The program included abishek of Sri Sri Radha Syamsundar deities, ecstatic kirtan by group of devotees. Even Mother Cow came to visit us at the event! Cultural activities and sumptuous prasadam were some of the highlights of the festival. There were also a wide variety of booths on display such as: Darshan of Sri Krishna Balaram, Sunday School, Bhakti Vriksha group, Science of Self Realization, book store, and face painting. This event was filled with pure devotion and love for the Lord.

    Continued on Page 2

    Issue No. 2

    Q U E S T I O N S ? C O M M E N T S ?LET US KNOW

    l i l a r p i @ g m a i l . c o m

    Sri Sri Krishna Balarama

    Sri Sri Nitai Sacinandana



    The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 |

    The altar was decorated “Vrindavan-style” with lots of fresh flowers, plants, cutouts of peacocks, cows, deers, and parrots; that were beautifully painted on the backdrop. We did Radha Krishna Abhishek with various ingredients such as: milk, ghee, Honey, Sugar Water, Yogurt and different kinds of seasonal fruit juices along with ecstatic kirtan. This year main attraction for the event was Mother Cow, many visitors enjoyed seeing the real/live cow at the event. Vedic Center Sunday School children performed a drama “Krishna The Butter Thief". It is the past time where Krishna steals the butter and Mother Yashoda chastises Krishna by tying to Grinding Mortar, and delivers Nalakuvara and Manigriva. In the food stall, different varieties of prasadam were served to the guest and devotees.

         This year about 650 visitors attended the festival. The devotees had a single agenda to shower love and affection to all the visitors who came to the festival. Understanding the moods of Lord Chaitanya - devotees emphasized in cultivating more and more new people by spreading message of Holy Name.    The entire occasion of Sri Krishna Janmashtami brought loads of pleasure and enjoyment everyone. This is a huge success of devotees’ hard work, sincerity, and love for Sri Krishna. We all beg and pray to the Supreme Lord that each year we serve the Lord in similar way.

    The devotee youth during the play. Mother Cow


    The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 |

    Hare Krsna, my name is Haladar. I am going to present an article about Sunday School.To begin, there are 3 age groups: Madhava (youngest), Damodara (middle), and Madhan Mohan (oldest). Currently, the main topic in class is cow protection. In Sunday school students take part in projects such as  posters and food distribution. A popular activity that students participate in is called Project Prasadam. Project Prasadam is an activity in which students put various sweets on plates and then decorate the plates with nice paper and then offer the plates to Lord Krishna. Then the students sell the plates as a fundraiser for the bhakti library. The sweets include: gingerbread gopas, taffies, caramels, and carob-chip cookies.The students feel happy

    that devotees get such nice prasadam around the holiday season, and as a result, the Bhakti Library gets new books!

    The Bhakti Library has books for “Sunday Schoolers” of all ages. There are picture books, cooking books, and other books, all of them being devotional.  The two librarians are the two nice devotees, Ananda Shakti Mataji and Ram Tulasi Prabhu. The the cool thing about the library is that there are actually library cards.  

    Another activity that the Sunday school puts on is the Krishna Conscious Costume Party, which takes place around Halloween.  The kids dress up as a character of one of Lord Krishna's pastimes and play various Krishna Conscious games. Depending on how well each student does, specific points are

    awarded.  At the end of each game, they get a sweet put in their bag.  At the very end of the party everybody adds up their points, and who ever wins in their age group gets to distribute kettle corn to the devotees at the temple! Sometimes there are very fancy costumes  at this party and also when we do dramas. Dramas are usually on special days like Janmashtami and Nrisimha Chaturdasi. This year will be different because they  will be doing dramas every three months.  All of these nice dramas have been an effort for some of the teachers, please come and see one some day.

    All of this makes a very nice community please come to our temple soon.  Hare Krishna.

    The Sunday SchoolBy: Haladar Wright.

    A Sunday School Rathayatra


      paritranaya sadhunam´                                                                                                 

    vinasaya ca dushkrutam                                                                                                 


    sambhavami yuge yuge

    "To deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of religion, I Myself appear,

    millennium after millennium."

    There were auspicious stars,(signs of good fortune) present in the sky. There were also rivers flowing full of waters, birds singing melodiously, and lakes beautifully decorated with lotus flowers. The residents of Gandarva and Kinnara planets began to sing, and the sages and demigods showered flowers. So what was the auspiciousness of the day? Yes, it was the appearance of Lord Krishna!                            Long ago, the world was full of demoniac kings. Mother Earth could not bear the thought of these demoniac creatures ruling her planet.So, she took a form of a cow and went to Lord Brahma for some shelter. Lord Brahma said,"Do not worry, I will go to Lord Vishnu and solve the problem". So Lord Brahma along with Mother Earth and other demigods went to the ocean of milk.

    Then, the demigods offered the "Purusha Sukta Prayers" but Lord Vishnu did not reply. Lord Brahma sat in a meditation and got the message from Lord Vishnu within his heart about the coming appearance of Lord Krishnaa.

    In the city of Mathura, a great celebration was occurring. ,King Surasena's son,Vasudeva, had just married Devaki, and were going home on their chariot with the demoniac King Kamsa. While Devaki and Vasudeva were happily sitting on the chariot, they heard a noise. There was a miraculous and thundering voice in the sky announced to Kamsa,"Kamsa,you foolish person! You are so ignorant, that the 8th son of

    Devaki will kill you!” Out of fear and anger, King Kamsa caught hold of Devaki's hair and was about kill her. But before Kamsa could do any harm, Vasudeva stepped in. He tried to pacify him by telling him about the body and soul..Vasudeva requested to Kamsa not to be envious of his sister. Yet Kamsa was not satisfied by these words. So Vasudeva promised to Kamsa that he will give all of his babies to him. Kamsa trusted Vasudeva’s word of honor, and agreed to this proposal.

    After some time, Devaki conceived her first son! Remembering the promise, Vasudeva took his son to Kamsa and the baby to him. Kamsa was very pleased with Vasudeva's behavior and said"You can take back your child. It is only the eighth child that concerns me.So i do not have any danger with this child.So please, return home.”

    However, Kamsa’s confidence was destroyed when Narada Muni informed Kamsa that all the close associates of Lord Krishna had already taken birth in the Yadu Dynasty--and Lord Krishna could appear at any time.After hearing this, he immediately put Devaki and Vasudeva in jail. After this, Devaki gave birth to six children, but cruel Kamsa killed them all. The seventh baby was Lord Balarama, but he was transfered from Devaki's womb to Rohini's womb, by Yogamaya (Lord Krishna's internal potency). When Lord Krishna entered the womb of Devaki, he ordered Yogamaya to enter the womb of Yashoda 

    Finally, the most awaited day had come Lord Krishna appeared, and Devaki and Vasudeva were overwhelmed with joy.

    The Appearance of Lord Krishna By Srikar Valluri



    Continued on Page 6

    phala-vikrayiṇī tasya cyuta-dhānya-kara-dvayam

    phalair apūrayad ratnaiḥ phala-bhāṇḍam apūri ca

    Translation: While Krishna was going to the fruit vendor very hastily, most of the grains He was holding fell. Nonetheless, the fruit vendor filled Krishna's hands with fruits, and her fruit basket was immediately filled with jewels and gold.

    One of Krishna’s beautiful childhood pastimes in Vrindavan was his loving exchange with a fruit vendor lady. One day, little Krishna was playing outside and He saw Nanda Maharaj getting a basket of fruits from a fruit vendor lady by giving her a basket of grains. He also

    wanted fruits for Himself, so He went inside the kitchen and got a

    handful of rice in His hands. Since His hands were so small, He dropped some grains on the way. By the time He got to the lady, there were only a miniscule number of grains in his hands. But since He was a child, the fruit vendor lovingly filled Krishna’s hands with fruits. As soon as she placed the fruits, all the fruits in her basket changed into

    precious jewels.

    The lesson to be learned from this is that we should offer everything to the Lord with love. Krishna gives a similar message in Bhagavad Gita (9.26):

    patram ́ puṣpam ́ phalam ́ toyam ́ yo me bhaktyā prayacchati

    tad aham ́ bhakty-upahṛtam aśnāmi


    Srimad Bhagvatam 10.11.11By:Gopal Goel


    Krishna has all the opulences. He doesn’t need anything from us. It is only out of our love and affection for Him that we offer bhoga. We can’t just offer anything to the Lord without any devotion. The food will not become prasad. That also means that we can’t think ”Since I am very rich, it doesn’t matter if I give something to Krishna”. There is one nice story from the Mahabharata related to this topic. One day, Krishna was visiting Hastinapura to make peace between the Pandavas and Kauravas. Duryodhana offered a lunch feast to Krishna but, he didn’t have any love. Krishna wentaway from that sinful place immediately and went to Vidura’s house. Vidura welcomed Him warmly and then lovingly offered banana peels.

    Since Vidura offered the banana peels with pure love, Krishna accepted them.

    Just like Vidura and the fruit lady, we should offer everything to Krishna with love. It doesn’t matter how small or big it is. Krishna is sure to accept it very happily.


    Questions? Comments? Don’t hesitate to contact us :

    Krishna is blue, Krishna is wonderful

    He is the best friend of all

    He is in each and every atom in His full form

    He is in everything, big or small.

    He is smaller than the smallest

    And bigger than the biggest

    He is forever young

    But also the oldest.

    Out of great compassion

    He comes to the material world

    To help everyone

    Go back to the spiritual world.


    Poetry: KrishnaBy: Ram Goel Devotee Interview

    Interviewed By: Tulsi Patel

    My name is Lajjarani Devi Dasi, and this is how I came to Krishna Consciousness.

    On a fervent summer day in New Orleans in 1984, my friends asked me if I wanted to go to the local ISKCON temple for a free vegetarian feast. I said no. After a few weeks my friends asked me again. This time I said yes. When we reached the temple, I was amazed by the feast! The food was delicious! From that day on I slowly started my way into getting involved with he temple. I have been in Krishna Consciousness ever since.



    The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 |

    Word SearchBy: Gopal Goel

    SRI  KRISHNA  JANMASHTAMI  WORD  SEARCH  Balarama     Nanda    Devaki     Prison    Gokul     Vasudeva    

    Janmashtami     Vrindavan    Kamsa     Yamuna    Krishna     Yashoda    Mathura     Yogamaya  

     A  Y  A  M  A  G  O  Y  D  B  I  D  G  R  P  M  P  P  J  C  A  M  N  O  S  I  R  P  L  A  S  M  A  K  M  A  D  O  H  S  A  Y  D  E  W  N  N  E  A  I  Y  N  E  T  A  R  V  A  H  S  M  Y  R  V  W  T  I  N  V  V  A  N  U  M  A  Y  A  N  V  P  H  T  A  S  N  B  F  A  S  D  L  X  A  S  X  F  S  I  R  I  I  S  H  I  A  Y  I  N  J  C  U  K  O  Z  L  N  T  O  B  R  A  R  D  C  D  A  L  E  O  P  A  L  K  A  P  Y  L  A  E  V  U  P  F  K  M  N  B  H  J  O  I  I  V  E  K  G  J  C  I  D  L  J  S  U  W  C  A  D  O  E  L  B  O  V  R  I  N  D  A  V  A  N  G  N  B  M  A  T  H  U  R  A  T  A  D  E