INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY CHAIN ... · A literature review of 30 years of...

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Hansen, S., Too, E. and Le, T. (2018). Retrospective look on front-end planning in the construction industry: A literature review of 30 years of research. International Journal of Construction Supply Chain Management Vol. 8, No. 1 (pp. 19-42). DOI: 10.14424/ijcscm801018-19-42


Retrospective look on front-end planning in the construction

industry: A literature review of 30 years of research

Seng Hansen, School of PCPM, RMIT University, Australia

Eric Too, School of PCPM, RMIT University, Australia

Tiendung Le, School of PCPM, RMIT University, Australia


Academics and practitioners have paid close attention to front-end planning research,

especially in the construction industry. It is known with many acronyms including pre-project

planning and front-end loading. Since 1994, Construction Industry Institute (CII) has set front-

end planning as one of the main research topic areas in their knowledge structure. A lot of

research related to front-end planning and project scope definition has been conducted since

then. However, there lacks a comprehensive review of the current studies on the topic. Thus,

the objective of this research was to undertake a comprehensive literature review of papers

related to front-end planning. Reviewing 83 selected papers, this research raises several

important issues regarding front-end planning such as the position of front-end planning in

project life cycle, the differentiation between front-end planning and project planning, the

significance of front-end planning, the front-end planning organization management, the front-

end planning phases, the challenges in front-end planning implementation, and the

identification of research gaps in front-end planning. The findings of this research contribute

to further understanding of front-end planning and would be useful for practitioners and

academics to conduct further empirical studies on the subject matter.

KEYWORDS: Construction, Front-end loading, Front-end planning, Pre-project planning, Project



History of project failures is well documented. Generally, a project can be considered as a

failure if it cannot meet its initial goals and objectives. Construction projects such as Sydney

Opera House in Australia, The Big Dig in the United States (US), and Jakarta Monorail in

Indonesia are some examples of project failures (Alexander, 2014; Bourne, 2007; Flyvbjerg,

2014; Poole & Samuel, 2011) that resulted in losses for stakeholders. Conversely, on a more

positive note, these project failures could serve as lessons learned for construction professionals

in managing construction projects.

Studies have shown that many large infrastructure projects failed in its planning and execution

stages (Flyvbjerg, Bruzelius & Rothengatter, 2003; Gibson, Bingham & Stogner, 2010; NRC,

2003) due to the fact that modern projects are usually very complex and have a high level of

uncertainty and interdependency. Previous studies have also examined the influence of project

planning on project execution success and suggested that effective Front-End Planning (FEP)

can enhance project performance (Gibson, Wang, Cho & Pappas, 2006; Sherif & Price, 1999).

It has been argued that ‘doing the right project’ is equally important with ‘doing the project

right’ (Williams & Samset, 2010). Infrastructure projects must, therefore, be carefully planned

and right decisions made early. Ineffective FEP can impact on the next project phases or even


Hansen, S., Too, E. and Le, T. (2018). Retrospective look on front-end planning in the construction industry: A literature review of 30 years of research. International Journal of Construction Supply Chain Management Vol. 8, No. 1 (pp. 19-42). DOI: 10.14424/ijcscm801018-19-42


lead to implementing the wrong project (Williams & Samset, 2010). Hence, it is pertinent that

key stakeholders and project managers pay attention to good FEP implementation.

Although it has been widely studied, previous research by Edkins, Geraldi, Morris and Smith

(2013) proposed that FEP practice has been poorly understood and is often inconsistent. There

is a lack of clear understanding and effective guidance about FEP. Therefore, this paper aims

to present a retrospective look at FEP in the literature over the past 30 years in order to provide

a better understanding of the concepts and issues related to FEP.

This paper begins by describing the integrated literature review method adopted in this study.

It then presents the key findings from this review in which seven key themes of FEP were

identified. These seven key themes cover issues related to project planning vs FEP, the

significance of FEP, FEP organization management, FEP phases, FEP implementation and

practices, and challenges in FEP implementation. Finally, it concludes by suggesting potential

direction for future research on FEP.


This research adopted a qualitative approach to identify FEP issues. Specifically, it follows the

Integrative Literature Review Approach to review, critique, and synthesize the related literature

in an integrated way so that new perspectives can be produced (Torraco, 2005). To ensure

appropriate literature are included in the review, a systematic process used by Le, Shan, Chan

and Hu (2014), Osei-Kyei and Chan (2015) and Chan and Owusu (2017) were employed to

guide the selection of literature relevant for this study. Explicitly, this study was conducted in

five phases as follows.

Phase 1: Searching for Target Literature

At this phase, the relevant papers from target journals were retrieved. The journals considered

for the review were those peer-reviewed journals that have their own virtual libraries (VLs).

These VLs includes the Emerald, ASCE Library, Taylor and Francis, Elsevier, Wiley-

Blackwell, SAGE, and SCIRP. For instance, the journals identified in ASCE Library includes:

Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Journal of Management in Engineering,

Journal of Infrastructure Systems, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, and

Journal of Architectural Engineering. Table 1 shows the summary of these target journals.

Additionally, other types of publications were also identified as literature sources. These

included: conference papers (mainly ASCE Conference series, ARCOM Conferences, Project

Management Institute Annual Conferences), institution web sources (CII, The World Bank),

theses or dissertations, and published books.

Table 1: Summary of target journals based on the VLs (Researchers’ work, 2018)

No. VLs/Publishers No. of Journals No. VLs/Publishers No. of Journals

1 Emerald 7 5 Wiley-Blackwell 2

2 ASCE 5 6 SAGE 1

3 Taylor & Francis 5 7 SCIRP 1

4 Elsevier 4


Hansen, S., Too, E. and Le, T. (2018). Retrospective look on front-end planning in the construction industry: A literature review of 30 years of research. International Journal of Construction Supply Chain Management Vol. 8, No. 1 (pp. 19-42). DOI: 10.14424/ijcscm801018-19-42


Phase 2: Searching for FEP Literature

Next, the search engines for each journal and source were located and some keywords were

used to narrow the search. These keywords were ‘front-end planning’, ‘front-end loading’,

‘pre-project planning’, and ‘project planning’. The literature search was limited from the year

of 1986 to 2017. These papers were then imported to Endnote X7 software.

Phase 3: Selecting Relevant FEP Literature

At the end of the initial search, an examination involving visual examination i.e. reading the

abstracts or document summaries, were conducted to sieve the papers. This is done to identify

relevant papers that are more aligned to the subject matter. A total of 83 publications that meet

the criteria were selected for further review in this study. Table 2 shows the top five search

results from target journals identified.

Table 2: Search results of relevant publications (Researchers’ work, 2018)

No Name of Journal Number of

initial searches

Number of

selected papers

1 Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 36 7

2 Journal of Management in Engineering 22 8

3 International Journal of Project Management 17 4

4 Journal of Construction Management and Economics 11 1

5 Project Management Journal 6 4

Phase 4: Analysing the Content of Selected literature

Thematic coding technique was used to analyse the content of the selection publications.

Significant ideas, issues, phenomena, etc. in the text were coded. The selected publications

were further analysed and grouped into categories based on common themes. Figure 1 below

shows an example of the coding process conducted in this research.

Figure 1: Example of the coding process (Researchers’ work, 2018)


Hansen, S., Too, E. and Le, T. (2018). Retrospective look on front-end planning in the construction industry: A literature review of 30 years of research. International Journal of Construction Supply Chain Management Vol. 8, No. 1 (pp. 19-42). DOI: 10.14424/ijcscm801018-19-42


Phase 5: Report Findings and Recommendations

Finally, the researchers reported the findings and recommendations. The findings and

recommendations were presented with respect to the surrounding issues of FEP in construction

industry. They were presented in tables and figures and discussed in the ‘Findings’ section.


The review identified seven key themes of FEP research in the last 30 years. They are: (1)

project life cycle, project planning and front-end planning; (2) the significance of front-end

planning; (3) front-end planning organization management; (4) front-end planning phases; (5)

front-end planning implementation and practices; (6) challenges in front-end planning

implementation; and (7) directions for future research.

Front-End Planning in the Project Life Cycle

A project life cycle represents the path a project takes starting from the beginning to its end. It

is generally sequential and provides the basic framework for managing a project. A generic

phase of project life cycle are initiation, planning, execution, and closure. However, different

project types will have a variety of project life cycle. For instance, project life cycle in

transportation projects typically have six phases, i.e.: needs assessment, feasibility/scoping,

preliminary design, detailed design, construction, and operation & maintenance (Le, Caldas,

Gibson & Thole, 2009). In addition to project life cycle, all project will be managed by five

processes of initiating, planning, executing, monitoring & controlling, and closing which are

used in every phase of the project. A decision whether to continue or not with a project may be

made at the end of every project phase (Newell & Grashina, 2004).

Project initiation starts by the decision to build some facility. This decision is made based on

previous judgment, knowledge and experience, and some cost-benefit evaluation. Next is the

planning phase, followed by the execution phase and the closure phase. In ideal conditions,

when a project is moving to the next phase, the degree of project definition is increased, while

the amount of influence over the project outcomes is decreased. Therefore, the area with the

highest opportunity to influence project outcomes starts from the initiation phase up to some

extent of the planning phase, as depicted in Figure 1 (Newell & Grashina, 2004).

With a growing number of research projects on FEP, it is important to differentiate project

planning and front-end planning. Meredith and Mantel (2006) defined project planning as ‘the

establishment of a set of directions in sufficient detail to tell the project team exactly what must

be done, when it must be done and what resources to use in order to produce the deliverables

of the project successfully.’ According to Zwikael and Globerson (2006), project planning is a

crucial stage in project life cycle. Extensive studies have identified planning as one of project’s

critical success factors (Johnson, Karen, Boucher, & Robinson, 2001; Meredith & Mantel

2006; Pinto & Slevin, 1989). Thus, the probability of a project to be executed properly will be

increased with high quality of planning (Zwikael & Globerson, 2006; Zwikael, 2009). The

major outcome of project planning is the project plan which contains elements of project

overview, project objectives, project general approach, contractual conditions, project

schedules, resources estimation, risk management plan, and evaluation methods (Meredith &

Mantel, 2006). It is used to guide project execution from design through construction and

closure (Liang & O’brien, 2016).


Hansen, S., Too, E. and Le, T. (2018). Retrospective look on front-end planning in the construction industry: A literature review of 30 years of research. International Journal of Construction Supply Chain Management Vol. 8, No. 1 (pp. 19-42). DOI: 10.14424/ijcscm801018-19-42


Figure 2: Ability to influence project outcomes over project life cycle (From Newell & Grashina, 2004)

While project planning is the second phase in project life cycle which involves organizing and

preparing a set of plans to guide project team through the execution and closure phases of a

project, FEP starts from the first phase in the project life cycle and ends with, to some extent,

part of project planning phase. The first phase of a project is the initiation phase where a

business problem or opportunity is identified and a business case defined (Westland, 2006). It

is the conceptualization process of a project. According to CII (2014), Front-End Planning is

‘the process of developing sufficient strategic information with which owners can address risk

and decide to commit resources to maximize the chance for a successful project.’ In other

words, it is a process of analyzing and explaining project’s goals and strategies needed to

achieve a successful end (Cleland & Ireland, 2002). It begins with the conception of a project,

followed by information collection and stakeholders’ consolidation, and finally ends with the

final decision to proceed with the project or not (Motta, Quelhas, Filho, Franca & Meirino,

2014). Figure 3 shows the position of FEP in the project life cycle.

Figure 3: Position of front-end planning in a project life cycle (Researchers’ work, 2018)


Hansen, S., Too, E. and Le, T. (2018). Retrospective look on front-end planning in the construction industry: A literature review of 30 years of research. International Journal of Construction Supply Chain Management Vol. 8, No. 1 (pp. 19-42). DOI: 10.14424/ijcscm801018-19-42


It also can be highlighted that the main difference between project planning and FEP is that

project planning lasts longer while FEP is only up to the stage of making a decision to invest.

The major outcome of FEP is a Final Investment Decision so that the project does not waste

much resources for planning and executing the wrong project. FEP is also known as the phase

when the consequences of most decisions are at the highest while the amount of available

information is at the lowest (Williams & Samset, 2010). The output of this phase is a blueprint

that will be used as input for the next phases (Ceelen, 2014). It becomes the project manager’s

and team’s responsibility to ensure that the right output is produced during this stage (Gibson

et al., 2006). Table 3 presents a comparison of project planning and FEP.

Table 3: Comparison of project planning and front-end planning (Researchers’ work, 2018)

Element Project planning Front-end planning

Characteristic Second phase of project life cycle Initiation phase and part of planning phase



From the end of initiation phase up to

the beginning of execution phase

From the initiation phase up to a decision to

proceed the project is concluded

Major output Project plans Final decision of project investment

Focus Planning to prepare Planning to decide

Significance Important to prepare for the next project

phase, i.e. the execution phase

Important to restrict the project from wasting

time, money and other resources in doing the

wrong project

As a research topic, FEP is also known with many acronyms. Before 1994, the term ‘pre-project

planning’ was used by CII. In short, pre-project planning is a construction industry term that

describes the activities after idea creation and end at detailed design (Furman, 1999). Front-

End Planning is then used to replace the previous term. The World Bank (1996) used the term

of “quality at-entry” to indicate this stage which includes the project identification, preparation,

and appraisal process. It includes the concept identification and selection but not detailed

planning stages (Williams & Samset, 2010). In the New Product Development (NPD) term,

this stage is known as the fuzzy front-end (Iluz & Shtub, 2015; Kim & Wilemon, 2002;

Nobelius & Trygg, 2002). It starts with the initial search for new possibilities and ends when

the organization approves the formal development of the concept to begin (Iluz & Shtub, 2015).

Another popular acronym of FEP is front-end loading (used especially in industrial projects)

which defined by Jergeas (2008) as the period starts from initiation up to the point of official

project endorsement when the ‘Appropriation for Expenditure’ for full budget funding occurs.

Other acronyms include schematic design/design development (used especially in building

projects), advance planning (used especially in infrastructure projects), conceptual planning,

feasibility analysis, programming design, and early project planning. All this refers to the same

term of the front-end planning phase that starts with a conceived idea and ends with the decision

to finance the project (Williams & Samset, 2010).

The Significance of Front-End Planning

A good planning is crucial and hence FEP can be used to ensure project success (Hwang & Ho,

2012; Oh, Naderpajouh, Hastak, & Gokhale, 2016). Many authors has indicated that successful

execution of FEP will result in better project performance (Gibson & Hamilton, 1994; Griffith

& Gibson, 1995; Griffith, Gibson, Hamilton, Tortora, & Wilson, 1999; Safa, Haas, Hipel, &

Gray, 2013) and thus enhance the likelihood for overall project success (Oh et al., 2016; Yun,


Hansen, S., Too, E. and Le, T. (2018). Retrospective look on front-end planning in the construction industry: A literature review of 30 years of research. International Journal of Construction Supply Chain Management Vol. 8, No. 1 (pp. 19-42). DOI: 10.14424/ijcscm801018-19-42


Suk, Dai & Mulva, 2012). For example, Menches, Hanna, Nordheim and Russel (2008)

conducted a quantitative research on the impact of FEP to the overall project performance and

found that projects with better planning produce better performance. In a similar study,

Schoenhardt, Pardais and Marino (2014) found seven common root causes for project failure

where failure to complete FEP is considered the main factor that gives 60-85% impact on

budget variance. In other words, inadequate planning during FEP stage may result in poor

project execution (Jergeas, 2008; Oh et al., 2016). Insufficient planning of FEP process will

directly result in: (1) unclear project scope definition, (2) unstable project team organization,

(3) incomplete project requirements, (4) ambiguous roles and responsibilities within the project

organization, and (5) incomplete project plans. If this occurs, certainly it will have an impact

on the project performance which results in: (1) doing the wrong project, (2) level of rework

required increase, (3) delays in project execution, (4) project cost overrun, (5) loss of profits,

and (6) stakeholders’ dissatisfaction (see Faniran, Love & Smith, 2000; Williams & Samsets,


Therefore, for megaprojects such as large infrastructure or industrial projects, it is very

important to spend sufficient resources on the FEP phase. It is strongly justified considering

the high level of project complexity and risk while the costs associated with scope changes are

very high (Haji-Kazemi, Andersen, & Krane, 2013; Jergeas, 2008). The main purpose of

investing more resources in FEP is to increase the project success rate (George, Bell & Back,

2008; Hanna & Skiffington, 2010; Hwang & Ho, 2012; Liu, Rasdof, Hummer, Hollar, &

Parikh, 2013; Oh et al., 2016). Hence, the importance to ‘do the right project’ becomes

increasingly important (Gibson et al., 2006; Williams & Samset, 2010). With proper FEP,

project team can identify project risks early in the project planning phases (Bosfield, 2012).

Besides identifying risks, FEP is also a phase where project values are developed (Edkins et

al., 2013). Chapman and Ward (2011) proposed the use of gate reviews to address project

values and risks under uncertain environment. Forgues and Koskela (2009) concluded that the

goal of FEP is to identify project strategies, unify project objectives, describe team roles and

responsibilities, and enhance project communication.

Front-End Planning Organisation Management

To extend the project’s success factor, it is necessary to establish a baseline definition of

organization management (Kraft & Chinowsky, 2003) which defined as ‘the application of

knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to organizational and project activities to achieve the

aims of an organization through projects’ (PMI, 2003). Although it is a prerequisite for

effective management system (Tiller, 2012), there is no previous research related to the

organization management of front-end planning phase. According to Steiner (1979), an

organization management comprises two elements, i.e. strategic management and operational

management. In a similar way, there are two elements of FEP organization management

proposed in this study, i.e. the policy level management and the technical level management.

The policy level management is a strategic management that is fulfilled at the top of an

organization structure and has the power to influence how strategic decisions are made. In this

case, strategic decisions are mainly related to the decisions that can affect the viability of a

project. Technical level management is an operational management that supports policy level

management by providing them with knowledge and information needed in making strategic

decisions. When it is done effectively, it contributes to the success of FEP organization through

the development of a competitive advantage. Both management levels are thus a vital part of

successful FEP implementation.


Hansen, S., Too, E. and Le, T. (2018). Retrospective look on front-end planning in the construction industry: A literature review of 30 years of research. International Journal of Construction Supply Chain Management Vol. 8, No. 1 (pp. 19-42). DOI: 10.14424/ijcscm801018-19-42


The policy level management consists of the employer and the project manager. The employer

is the project sponsor. It has the power to influence decision-making and responsible for

ensuring a successful project (Kloppenborg, Tesch & Manolis, 2011). The project manager is

the person assigned by the employer to lead the project team and in charge of the project.

He/she has the responsibility to set up the environment for project success. Together with the

employer, the project manager must establish effective communication of the project team

(Sewchurran & Barron, 2008).

At the technical level management, FEP project team has two vital elements, i.e. strategic

planning team and technical working group. The strategic planning team is a group of

professionals (usually senior members and experts) that helps strategic management in

planning and developing project definitions and alternatives. It has a major influence in

delivering project objectives and generating strategic options for employer and project

manager. Meanwhile, a technical working group is a group of professionals whose has a

particular technical expertise that will be used to provide technical advice. Together with

strategic planning team, they support the policy level management in making the right project

decisions. Figure 4 below illustrates the relationship of organization management elements

during FEP phase for small projects but may be modified for large-scale construction or

infrastructure projects.

Figure 4: Front-end planning organization (Researchers’ work, 2018)

Front-End Planning Phases

In order to provide a better control, projects are divided into phases. A phase has a definite

beginning and end point and is characterized by typical activities and processes. Similarly,

various efforts have been made to identify FEP phases. Furman (1999) tried to develop a set of

logic flow diagram (LFD) of FEP processes for building projects. He proposed three LFDs to

be used with the PDRI for Building Projects. These three are the section diagram, the category

diagram, and the elements diagram. They are used to explain the logic of FEP process by

showing functional relationships of the activities.


Hansen, S., Too, E. and Le, T. (2018). Retrospective look on front-end planning in the construction industry: A literature review of 30 years of research. International Journal of Construction Supply Chain Management Vol. 8, No. 1 (pp. 19-42). DOI: 10.14424/ijcscm801018-19-42


Meanwhile, according to CII (2014), FEP has three main phases as shown in Figure 5. The key

point from this figure is that FEP process starts from the project feasibility phase and completed

during detailed scope phase. Although this model is often referred to, it does not describe the

overall FEP key features which includes the decision-making process. Thus, there is a need for

more detailed model by considering FEP activities starting from the project initiation up to

making decision to fund.

Figure 5: Front-end planning phases (Adopted from CII, 2014)

Based on the CII model coupled with the FEP key characteristics identified previously, FEP

can be grouped into six key phases as shown in Figure 6. There is a decision gate (DG) at the

end of each phase. A decision gate (also known as phase-gate or stage-gate) is needed to ensure

that a process or idea has met the project objectives. In other words, it is a quality assessment

of a process or an idea. It has one of five possible results: go, kill, hold, recycle, or conditional

go (Cooper & Edgett, 2012).

Figure 6: Proposed front-end planning phases (Researchers’ work, 2018)

For all projects, FEP starts with the idea and employer’s desire to create something (Newell &

Grashina, 2004) which is called inception phase. Generating the idea is the first activity that

the employer does. Later, the employer must decide whether he/she wants to realize his/her

idea or not. If he/she decides to continue, the next phase is diagnosis. At this phase, the

employer (and maybe assisted by some professionals) will analyze the current situation and

assess whether there is indeed a need for this project. This is important because without proper

diagnosis, the employer may end up with the wrong conclusion that the planned project is


Next is the formulation phase, which is defined as a process of formulating all the initial

preparation needed to obtain maximum benefits of the project. It requires the employer to

establish an organization to perform FEP process. Organizing for FEP starts with project team

selection. It is important to select the people who have adequate subject matter knowledge and

expertise at the FEP stage so that FEP can serve effectively for the next stages (Oh et al., 2016).

This team will be managed by a project manager and have the responsibility to develop a

project charter. A project charter is the first document created and serves as the basis for the

commencement of a project (Newell & Grashina, 2004). It will be approved by the employer

and any delay in getting the approval means that the cost of work that is done on the project is


Hansen, S., Too, E. and Le, T. (2018). Retrospective look on front-end planning in the construction industry: A literature review of 30 years of research. International Journal of Construction Supply Chain Management Vol. 8, No. 1 (pp. 19-42). DOI: 10.14424/ijcscm801018-19-42


lost (Newell & Grashina, 2004). In developing the project charter, the FEP team may have to

do some site investigation, analyzing possible technologies, preparing preliminary scopes, and

evaluating alternatives.

The preparation phase follows where project team prepares FEP plans including planning

targets, identifying project risks, defining detailed project scope, and developing preliminary

designs. This phase is very important since a poorly defined project scope is one of the main

reasons for project failure. If the scope of project is poorly defined, its resources, time and cost

will be understated (Newell & Grashina, 2004). Zwikael (2009) found that activity definition

is the most critical planning process which significantly influencing project success. It provides

the greatest potential for reducing budget and time variability (Gao, Smith & Minchin, 2002).

Project scope definition is the process by which projects are defined and prepared for execution

(Wang & Gibson, 2006). Poorly defined scope elements may increase the final project costs

due to the inevitable project changes which interrupt project execution, cause rework, delay

project delivery, and lower productivity (O’Connor & Vickroy, 1986). At least there are three

project baselines that must be prepared and developed by project team, i.e. scope baseline, cost

baseline, and time baseline. Most projects will establish the scope baseline first. Early

establishment of scope baseline has the advantage of giving the team a means of tracking

changes early in the project (Newell & Grashina, 2004). Hence, there is a lot of research focus

on project scope definition. Once the project scope is defined and approved, project team will

then develop the preliminary designs to be used for the next stage, i.e. front-end engineering

design (FEED). It is performed during detailed scope and consists fundamental documents such

as the engineering plans, outputs, and deliverables for the chosen scope of work (Yussef,

Asmar, Ramsey & Gibson, 2017). The importance of this phase is being increasingly

recognized (Samset & Volden, 2016).

The preparation phase is followed by the review phase. This is a phase where the decision

makers (employer and project manager) make a review and justification whether what has been

done in the previous stages is good or requires some adjustments. This is done with a project

justification which defined as a description of ensuring something is to be right or reasonable.

It will consider all of the benefits and costs that are associated with the project, early in the

project before moving to next phase (Newell & Grashina, 2004). If there is a mistake, project

team needs to make some adjustments.

The final phase of FEP is making the decision whether a project is approved to be developed

to the next project phase or not. At this phase, decision makers need to make judgments.

Williams and Samset (2010) argue that at this stage the decision consequences are at the highest

level while the information available is minimum. Without effective FEP, it is common to find

that decisions made based on intuition and less on model-based analysis. It has been argued

that in reality, decisions are affected more by politic than by rational analysis. That is why

decision-making in construction is complex and unpredictable. In an ideal technocratic model

decision-making, this would not be happened since decision and analysis follow in a logical

and sequential order (Samset, Berg & Klakegg, 2006). In 2013, Nada examined factors

associated with early decisions relevant to investment that are made before project funding

approval. Early decision-making often has an enduring impact during the project advancement

and lifespan.

These six phases are summarized in Table 4, which describes the associated FEP activities with

its correspondent questions for each specific phase that serve as a decision gate point.


Hansen, S., Too, E. and Le, T. (2018). Retrospective look on front-end planning in the construction industry: A literature review of 30 years of research. International Journal of Construction Supply Chain Management Vol. 8, No. 1 (pp. 19-42). DOI: 10.14424/ijcscm801018-19-42


Table 4: Front-end planning phases and activities (Researchers’ work, 2018)






Inception Searching new possibilities and generating

idea to build something

Where do we stand today?


Analyzing the current situation in

construction sector and its environment and

assessing needs

Do we need this project?






Organizing project team, developing project

charter, analyzing technology, evaluating

sites, preparing conceptual scopes, analyzing


What should we do first?

Which directions should we go?

Which technology should we adopt?








Planning targets, identifying project risks,

defining detailed project scope, developing

preliminary designs, etc.

How (at what pace/ what cost/ which

specific measures/ etc.) shall we get



Reviewing and justifying the outcomes from

previous phases

Are we moving to the right


Is there any adjustment needed?








Making decision whether to proceed with/ to

invest in the project or not, approving project

execution plans

Are we making the right decision?

Front-End Planning Implementation and Practices

The FEP process implementation differs throughout the construction industry (Yun et al.,

2012). Several tools have been developed to improve the effectiveness of FEP including project

benchmarking, alignment thermometer, TQM, and PDRI (Hamilton & Gibson, 1996; Sherif &

Price, 1999). The correlation between project performance and PDRI score has been

extensively explored. Wang (2002) has established a connection between enhanced project

performances and well-defined project scope. Zwikael and Globerson (2006) stated that

benchmarking is an efficient technique and has been frequently used in the project management

environment. CII’s Benchmarking and Metrics (BM&M) has been introduced since 1996

(Hamilton & Gibson, 1996). It collects resources as its inputs and PDRI as the outputs related

to FEP process (Yun et al., 2012).

Later in 2006, CII developed the FEP Toolkit which served as a ‘one stop shop’ for the vast

amount of CII FEP knowledge and tools. In 2009, CII updated the FEP Toolkit to clarify

methods for using the available FEP tools. In 2010, CII developed the third installment of the

PDRI tool, called the Project Definition Rating Index-Infrastructure Projects. A significant

difference was found between each PDRI tools regarding average schedule, cost and change

order performance (Bingham, Gibson & Cho, 2011). In essence, PDRI is used to assess project

scope (Dumont, Gibson & Fish, 1997; Cho, Furman & Gibson, 1999; Cho & Gibson, 2001;

Yun et al., 2012) which can analyze the risks associated with the projects (Ingram, 2009). Up

to 2017, there have been five PDRI tools developed by CII, namely: RT-314A (for small

infrastructure projects), RT-268 (for infrastructure projects), RT-314 (for small industrial

projects), RT-113 (for industrial projects), and RT-155 (for general building projects). Previous

research has been done to compare each tools one another. A comparison of PDRI tools

between small and large industrial projects concluded that small industrial projects have more


Hansen, S., Too, E. and Le, T. (2018). Retrospective look on front-end planning in the construction industry: A literature review of 30 years of research. International Journal of Construction Supply Chain Management Vol. 8, No. 1 (pp. 19-42). DOI: 10.14424/ijcscm801018-19-42


pronounced renovation and revamp project considerations during FEP than large industrial

projects. It also found that in small industrial projects, FEP process should be more focused on

project execution and that small industrial projects are less rigorous than large industrial

projects (Collins, Parrish & Gibson, 2016).

It should be noted that the PDRI alone does not ensure project success, but should be coupled

with sound business planning, alignment, and good project execution (Cho & Gibson, 2001).

Alignment is another important aspect of FEP practice. In 2001, Griffith and Gibson explored

the important characteristics of team alignment during FEP process for industrial projects.

Their research differentiates the definition of project alignment and project teamwork.

Alignment is the condition where appropriate project participants are working together toward

the same set of project goals. They further outlined ten critical alignment issues that contribute

to project success. By addressing these issues and determining the alignment, the project team

can then assess their risks. CII has identified keys to address project uncertainties including

construction knowledge and expertise (Oh et al., 2016).

The influence of FEP to different types of project procurement has also been studied. Recent

research by Sindhu et al. (2017) compared the effects of FEP on conventional procurement,

design-build (DB), and construction manager at risk (CMR). This study revealed that FEP has

a positive relation to the success of fast track procurements (DB and CMR). The results also

highlighted that project performance under DB were better than CMR.

Meanwhile, the use of early warning signals of potential problems in FEP has been studied by

Haji-Kazemi et al. (2013). Using a case study of a Norwegian project, they conducted an

analysis on the early warning signals during FEP stage and showed how a more effective

decision can be made. Matthews et al. (2006) outlined the implications of FEP to project

security by identifying six best practices: (1) front-end planning, (2) alignment, (3) design

effectiveness, (4) constructability, (5) materials management, and (6) planning for start-up.

They stated that FEP is the first step where project security can be deal with during the project

life cycle.

Sometimes justifying that FEP is needed especially in green building projects is difficult due

to barriers such as bigger project complexity, misconception of sustainability, and the

perception of a higher chance of cost overrun than in conventional building projects.

Comparison between green building projects and conventional building projects in relation to

FEP efforts has been conducted by Kang, Kim, Son, Lee and Limsawasd (2013). They used

PDRI to measure the degree of FEP efforts. Results show that there is a positive relationship

between FEP and cost performance of green projects. It is even stronger than the relationship

between FEP and cost performance of conventional building projects.

In addition to the above studies, research related to the implementation of FEP is still widely

open to be explored. Automatisation for instance. In fact, FEPT based on electronic process

has been used for construction of megaprojects. A study showed that the use of electronic FEPT

increases the efficacy of FEP in megaprojects (Safa et al., 2013). One of the few related studies

on automated FEPT for costing and scheduling was performed by Jung in 2008. While

preliminary estimate and schedule are an important part in FEP that has been widely studied,

not many research projects have revealed FEPT roles in these aspects. Figure 7 summarizes

previous research related to FEP implementation and practices.


Hansen, S., Too, E. and Le, T. (2018). Retrospective look on front-end planning in the construction industry: A literature review of 30 years of research. International Journal of Construction Supply Chain Management Vol. 8, No. 1 (pp. 19-42). DOI: 10.14424/ijcscm801018-19-42


Figure 7: Previous research related to FEP implementation and practices (Researchers’ work, 2018)

Challenges in Front-End Planning Implementation

Regardless of the FEP significance to project success, some practitioners still decide to proceed

to the next phase without adequate FEP (Lucae, Rebentisch & Oehmen, 2014; Oh,

Naderpajouh, Hastak & Gokhale, 2016). First of all, not all stakeholders agree to pay more

attention to FEP (Lucae, Rebentisch & Oehmen, 2014). This is because FEP process requires

resources (time, money, etc.). FEP implementation may take a long duration to be completed.

A study by Safa et al. (2013) revealed a typical FEP duration of one to two years for a

megaproject. In electronic-based FEPT, it is recommended that the project team clearly

communicate the need for FEPT and other IT systems. Nobelius and Trygg (2002) found that

this phase made up at least one fifth of the total project duration. Samset and Volden (2016)

have identified ten paradoxes which point to two main issues i.e. FEP efficiency in terms of

delays and cost overrun, and project’s strategic decision in choosing the wrong project to be

executed. FEP is a challenging process and the costs associated with FEP should be considered

as an investment rather than an expense (Hwang & Ho, 2012; Lucae et al., 2014).

Another challenge is that FEP with different circumstances will demand diverse resources to

be successfully implemented (Yun et al., 2012). The process of FEP as part of project planning

is complex and involves many parties (Cohenca, Laufer, Shapira & Howell, 1994). Among

other stakeholders, the employer has the primary role and responsibility in FEP process. One

of the first step that the employer has to do is to establish the roles and responsibilities of project

team members. Ambiguous roles and responsibilities during the FEP process may hinder the

work of project team (George et al., 2008). Since FEP process is complex, the employer may

work together with other professionals who serve as the consultants or project team members.

Thus, team continuity is important so that the FEP implementation process can run smoothly

(Gibson, Kaczmarowski & Lore, 1995). In addition, FEP requires expertise in project planning

and development. Some construction companies may lack the in-house expertise. In cases

where there is no construction expertise during FEP phase, it is recommended to hire from

external sources (Oh et al., 2016).


Hansen, S., Too, E. and Le, T. (2018). Retrospective look on front-end planning in the construction industry: A literature review of 30 years of research. International Journal of Construction Supply Chain Management Vol. 8, No. 1 (pp. 19-42). DOI: 10.14424/ijcscm801018-19-42


While Gibson et al. (1995) and CII (2014) suggested that FEP should be standardized, Nobelius

and Trygg (2002) encourage professionals and academics to stop chasing an ideal FEP process

model of a product development project but pay more attention to managerial flexibility in this

phase. Their study suggested the need for early and proper FEP, which then can be analyzed

and shared with the project team. The project team should be careful enough not to rely on

compliance and checkboxes only (Lucae et al., 2014). There have been many tools developed

but the implementation of FEP process will vary between one project to another (Gibson et al.,

2006). Lack of knowledge on FEP tools and the existence of other processes or planning

methods may hinder the effectiveness of FEP to project success (Gibson & Bosfield, 2012).

Without proper knowledge and expertise, poor risk identification and scope definition would

definitely happen (George et al., 2008).

Table 5: Challenges in FEP implementation (Researchers’ work, 2018)

Challenges Sources

Internal Challenges

Lack of knowledge on FEP tools and processes Gibson & Bosfield (2012)

Long duration of FEP Nobelius & Trygg (2002); Safa et al. (2013)

Resources consideration (time, money, people, etc.) Cohenca et al. (1994); George et al. (2008);

Gibson & Bosfield (2012); Hwang & Ho (2012);

Lucae et al. (2014); Samset & Volden (2016)

Lack of expertise and trained facilitators and participants Gibson & Bosfield (2012); Oh et al. (2016)

Lack of management commitment Gibson & Bosfield (2012); Lucae et al. (2014)

Poor scope definition George et al. (2008)

Poor risk identification and mitigation George et al. (2008)

Ambiguous roles and responsibilities during FEP George et al. (2008)

Think of it as a one-time effort Cohenca et al. (1994); Gibson et al. (2006);

Lucae et al. (2014)

Complete reliance on FEP Tools Lucae et al. (2014)

FEP project team continuity Gibson et al. (1995)

Lack of flexibility Nobelius & Trygg (2002); Hong et al. (2004)

Reluctance to learn new things, in this case FEP


proposed in this work

Reluctance to change from the usual practices proposed in this work

External Challenges

The existence of other processes or planning methods Gibson & Bosfield (2012)

Ineffective external communication George et al. (2008)

Varies in circumstances require diverse resources Yun et al. (2012)

Assumption that it may not be suitable due to different


proposed in this work

Difficulties to be implemented in concurrent/ fast-track


proposed in this work


Hansen, S., Too, E. and Le, T. (2018). Retrospective look on front-end planning in the construction industry: A literature review of 30 years of research. International Journal of Construction Supply Chain Management Vol. 8, No. 1 (pp. 19-42). DOI: 10.14424/ijcscm801018-19-42


While planning is a continuous process, another challenge identified is to think of planning as

a one-time effort (Cohenca et al., 1994; Lucae et al., 2014). In fact, FEP is a pivotal process

that must constantly be conducted on each project (Gibson et al., 2006). It has to be updated

regularly so that changes can be accommodated quickly. On the other hand, project goals

should not be either too vague or too restrictive. They should be usable, acceptable, and flexible

(Hong, Nahm & Doll, 2004; Nobelius & Trygg, 2002).

Although it has been widely discussed, team alignment still remains a challenge in FEP. There

are difficulties to create a solid team. It requires commitment, expertise, and experience so that

a project team can work together towards the project goals. It needs a reliable project manager

to lead this team. With many participants involved, project manager must be able to understand

the different mental modes of each team member. Communication must be developed

internally and externally. Ineffective external communication has been proven to be a challenge

in FEP implementation as well (George et al., 2008).

Another challenge in FEP implementation that may not have been discussed in previous

research is considered FEP as a foreign product. This will result in three assumptions, i.e. (1)

since it is a foreign product, it may not be suitable to be implemented here due to different

conditions; (2) reluctance to learn FEP processes; and (3) reluctance to change from the usual

practices. Lastly, the FEP implementation will also face some difficulties when concurrent and

fast-track projects are being implemented where the planning and execution phases of the work

may overlap each other.

Realizing the above challenges, FEP team may establish efforts to ensure the effective FEP

implementation. In short, the principles of successful FEP implementation are planning

standardization, owner-driven process, well defined scope, a comprehensive understanding of

project requirements and goals, detailed design, and a corporate process that supports planning

goals (CII, 2014).

Directions for Future Research

The importance of FEP process is being increasingly recognized. However, it is still

underrepresented in the literature (Samset & Volden, 2015). In addition, research on FEP

adoption status in various countries have not been widely studied. In developing countries like

China and Indonesia where infrastructure development is growing rapidly, FEP related

research will be of great value in the long term. Thus, research related to FEP implementation

in these developing countries has the potential to be investigated and offer significant benefits.

Future research can also be done by looking at how FEP is being implemented in various

construction organizations by observing possible contradictions between theory and practice

(Motta et al., 2014). Gibson et al. (1995) believe that FEP can be standardized. Much efforts

have been made to standardize FEP process mainly related to Project Definition Rating Index

(PDRI) application for various types of project. However, there are still many areas of the FEP

process that can be researched and developed, such as partnering system, constructability, and

early dispute mechanism in FEP implementation.

Another future research recommendation is related to decision-making process during FEP. As

has been explained earlier, FEP final phase is the decision-making phase which will result in a

final investment decision and project approval. The impact of this phase is significant while in

reality there have been not many studies conducted in this area (Haji-Kazemi et al., 2013;


Hansen, S., Too, E. and Le, T. (2018). Retrospective look on front-end planning in the construction industry: A literature review of 30 years of research. International Journal of Construction Supply Chain Management Vol. 8, No. 1 (pp. 19-42). DOI: 10.14424/ijcscm801018-19-42


Ceelen, 2014). In 2012, Hwang and Ho have stated that some professionals in this industry do

not appreciate the significance of project planning. Thus, the lack of professional knowledge

in FEP can be a worthy challenge to be researched.


Failing to plan means planning to fail (Avwontom, 2016). Eventually, the responsibility for

planning lies with the project manager who should ensure that planning have been conducted

properly and to satisfy all key stakeholders of the project (Zwikael & Globerson, 2006).

Furthermore, project manager must be able to make a decision on time so that FEP

implementation becomes effective and efficient.

From the review study, seven categories of FEP issues were identified. It indicates that

effective FEP implementation is one of the most important issues that employers and project

managers must address. This paper also highlights the differences between project planning

and FEP. It presents alternative FEP phases which consists of six phases with a decision gate

appears at the end of each phase. Another issue identified was the FEP organization

management which might be new in this study.

This paper’s contribution is threefold. Firstly, it presents a consolidated synthesis of key

literature on FEP in construction industry. Secondly, project managers and researchers are

constantly trying to study the management of FEP in many aspects. A basic understanding of

the concepts and issues related to FEP is therefore essential. This research answers this need

by presenting a clear FEP position within project life cycle, providing a clear differentiation

between project planning and FEP, establishing FEP organization management, developing a

more generic FEP phases, and identifying some challenges and issues in FEP implementation.

Lastly, since this topic as a research area will continue to grow, this paper provides some

directions for future research. These directions can be used to assist in the execution of more

research in this area so as to benefit the project success.

At the end, the only purpose of FEP is to define project scope and thus ensure the environment

for project success. The strategic value of FEP is to obtain the highest opportunity for the

project team to influence project performance as early as possible. Therefore, effective FEP

implementation is required. The last 30-years’ studies have provided the necessary foundation

for FEP progress and development as a strategy in setting the stage for successful project



The researchers would like to acknowledge the support from RMIT University, Agung

Podomoro University and Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan Republik Indonesia (LPDP)

for supporting this research.


Hansen, S., Too, E. and Le, T. (2018). Retrospective look on front-end planning in the construction industry: A literature review of 30 years of research. International Journal of Construction Supply Chain Management Vol. 8, No. 1 (pp. 19-42). DOI: 10.14424/ijcscm801018-19-42



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