International Festival Event Guide Sample

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Transcript of International Festival Event Guide Sample

International Festival, Davis, CA. Intro and Timeline Page 1 of 22


The 2013 Guide: “Around the World in Six Hours”

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i. Foreword to the International Festival

ii. How to Use the Timeline

iii. Timeline by Month

iv. Event Guide a. Table of Contents b. Documents Organized By Section

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We would like to officially welcome you to the International Festival; A once a year event, and a once a year opportunity. Only for one day does the whole world come to Davis, and all of us here at the Culture Co-Operative and the International House hope that you can sample a little bit of the many cultures that will be represented. Our mission at the Culture Co-Op and IHouse is to foster awareness and respect for all peoples and cultures in the global community, and to show how all of our constituent parts form a beautiful whole. So, enjoy the Festival, I guarantee you will be a richer person for the experience!

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How to Use this Timeline

While this Timeline is specific to the 2013 International Festival, it can be used as a guide to planning other events.

The month- to-month calendar shows the chronological process of organizing the event; notice that that as time grows closer to the festival tasks move from the macro-level to the micro-level; focusing in on details as time goes by.

As for the goals listed in the calendar, specific numbers may change from year to year. For example, “contact 20 food vendors by the end of June,” is a personal goal that a 2013 organizer chose. What is important is to remember to set goals and to set SMART goals:





Timely The appendix is a collection of documents to help future organizers. They range from the official (Tax exempt documents and contracts) to the more informal notes made by 2013 organizers (microlists). Ideally, this timeline will be usable both in a printed paper copy format, and in a digital format. To be printable, some documents which were originally in Power Point or Excel were put in this word document, and are now more difficult to read or use. Because of this, we have included a digital folder with the original copies of these documents in their original formats. This folder is designed to accompany the digital form of the Timeline.

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November General Tasks/ Chairs

• Update the year in timeline • Decide and appoint Head Committee • edit/update timeline • Figure out legalities • Have first meeting and establish monthly meeting times and dates

a. Feedback and evaluation for upcoming year b. Decide date, time, venue, budget

i. Make save the date for people ii. Email contact list from last year for “Save the Date” and offer discount

for repeat vendors for signing up early c. Connect with city for city requirements + fill out the forms d. Make PR plan in November

i. Secure a few large acts for PR plan e. Make planning committee, 4-5 members to help direct beginning stages f. Make sponsorship committee g. Compile List of possible venues (event is outgrowing VMC) h. Research what other events are going on in October/what has gone on in

October in the past Outreach

• Reach out for Holiday Giving • Cold Calls for business’s information on their donation budgets/how they spend

money so they can contact us later

PR/Marketing • Update corporate Sponsor Spreadsheet for who has already been contacted • Update who ACTUALLY donated in past years • Update social media and promotional media with NEW dates, social media

links, phone numbers, etc

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Table of Contents

General Documents • Summary Notes for Each venue and

month • Description of international festival • Fact Sheet • Key Branding • VMC Map • I house membership details • Cost of Tables • In kind donation guide • Projected Budget • Tax exempt document • Committee Contact t information

2013 • Roster • Festival Planning Template • Pluses minuses • Event suggestions • List of social media links • Ad forms and records • Ifest trailer • How to Contact People • Follow up email template • Thank you template 1 • Thank you template 2 • General Tool Kits • Original Documents Download Link

Main Stage • Invitation for performers • VIP invite • Acceptance Email • Performer commitment form • Commitment form • Day of email • Fashion show email • Performer thank you note • Schedule of events • Guide for interns/volunteers working

the mainstage • Things to rememeber for performers

• Juneteenth Main Stage tool kit • Micro Listing for main stage

Country Tables Food Vendors

• City license for yolo county • Food vendor contract • To Do list for Food vendor email • To-Do List • Zero Waste Food Vendor Letter • Selling Vendors • 2013 Selling Vendor Contract • Selling Vendors Micro List • I House table details

Business Tables • Invitation letter template 1 • Invitation Letter template 2 • Contract • Letter to send with contract • Thank you letter • To do list for Business Tables • Micro list 1 • Micro list 2 • Micro list 3

Non-Profit Tables

• Invitation Letter • Contract • Letter to send with contract • To do list for Non-Profit Tables • Thank you letter • Non-Profit Micro List • Yolo County Affadavit for Non-

Profit Tax exemption

Youth Corner • Youth Corner Time Line

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• Inventory/needs1 • Micro List for Self Starters • Facepaint materials

Facepaint Guide/pages Education Room

• Education Room Time Line • Education Room Micro List

PR and Marketing

• PR Marketing Plan • PR Marketing Guide • How to contact people • Ad and Sponsorship Plan • Sample Invite Letters • Sponsorship Form • Sample Letter Cross Marketing • List of social media links • Website Statistics • How to write a press release • Press Release Sample • Press Release Checklist • Davis Patch Advertisement • In kind donations to ask for • List of printers • Sign Posting Assignments • Sign Posting Instructions • Instructions on how to invite friends

on Facebook • Local Events Micro List • PR and Marketing Micro List • PR and Sponsorship microlist • PR/Fundraising Micro List • Fundraising • Advertisement and Sponsorship Plan • Fundraising Committee Suggestions • How to get sponsors • In kind donations to ask for • Sponsor Outreach • Advertisement Outreach


• Donation Receipt • Sponsorship Team Micro list

o Chris Hong Document Compilation

§ Introduction email template

§ Sponsorship advertisement rate sheet

§ Follow up email template

§ Donation Letter § Sponsorship Outreach § Advertisement

responses sheet § Advertisement form § IFest corporate

sponsors 2013

Logistics • Things to have at Check-in Table • Logistics Microlist • First Aid Micro List • Micro List 1 • Micro List 2 • List of printers • Printing Receipt • Ifest Program • Paper Goods For Day Of

o Free Drawing Slips o Jazzy Logo o Sponsorship Packet Cover o QR Code o Flyer front o Flyer Back o Signage o Map

• Zero Waste Safety Training

Volunteer Coordination • Invite Letter • Contract • Volunteer Preferences • Volunteer Training • Volunteer Resources

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• Sample volunteer outreach • Email Volunteer for day of IFest • Assignments for IF Day-of • Roster • Volunteer coordinating micro list

Security • Security Plan • Security Micro List

Decorations • Alaska Totem house posts • Easter Island Moai

• Foo dogs • Chichen itza • Great pyramids of giza • Galapagos islands • Roman colosseum • Taj mahal • The great barrier reef • Tsodilo hills • Vezere valley • Sagana bamboo forest • The forbidden city • Juneteenth Micro List • Sara’s Micro List

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For all Sections of the Festival

Summary Notes Venue: ____________________________ Month, Year: _______________________ Major tasks that MUST be

done • • • • • •

What Worked • • • • • • •

Needs Improvement • • • • • •

Other notes • • • • • •

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International House Davis presents its International Festival 2013

International House Davis will celebrate its third annual International Festival at the Veterans’ Memorial Center in Davis on Oct. 12, 2013. The event is free and open to the public. I-House has been serving international students and visitors for 32 years. “In fact, our weekly coffee klatch, “Connections,” has been taking place for more than 50 years – it began in a private home and moved to I-House some years ago,” said Elisabeth Sherwin, executive director. It is a place and time for local residents to meet and welcome mainly women and their young children from other parts of the world. “But we do much more than offer “Connections.” We offer salsa, tango and language classes, yoga, international movies, art exhibits, cooking classes, panels on current events and more. Of specific interest to the Davis community is our proactive fundraising when a natural disaster hits. We held a community potluck and fundraiser after the Haiti earthquake, the tsunami in Japan, and the East Coast disaster and sent all money raised to the Red Cross.” In the past, I-House offered an Annual Conference, a one-day look at a specific country or region. Longtime residents of Davis will recall Indian, Polish, German, Irish, Egyptian, African and European conferences. “Three years ago we decided to change this model to a communitywide, all-encompassing “International Festival” at the Veterans’ Memorial Center that offered free tables to 30 different countries to display samples of their cultures, plus six hours of nonstop music, dance and entertainment,” she said. “We celebrated “unity in diversity” and also provided a children’s area and booths for food and selling vendors. We have offered International Festivals for the past two years and the response has been overwhelming. Who knew Davis was so diverse? It has proven to be a joyful celebration and we welcome partnering with a Davis or Yolo County business or nonprofit.” So mark your calendars for Oct. 12, 2013 and if you would like to volunteer or become involved with this great event, phone Sherwin at (530) 753-5007.

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International House Davis Fact Sheet for International Festival Oct. 12, 2013 • More than 3,000 people came to our second International Festival in 2012. You are

invited to be part of the third IF, which will be held at the Veterans’ Memorial Center in Davis on Oct. 12, 2013! We are looking for corporate sponsors who will join us putting on a fun-filled day of diversity in music, food, games and dance. Phone Executive Director Elisabeth Sherwin at (530) 753-5007.

Here are some things you should know about I-House: • International House Davis is an independent non-profit that has been welcoming

international visitors to Davis since 1981. It is not part of UC Davis although we collaborate with the city of Davis and UCD.

• I-House offers visitors and community members more than a dozen language classes per week.

• An I-House program, Connections, welcomes international women and children to Davis every Wednesday morning with coffee and cookies. Connections predates I-House, having existed in one form or another for more than 50 years!

• For 15 years, I-House has partnered with the United Nations Association, Davis Chapter, to offer international movies to the community on the first and third Fridays of the month – at no charge.

• We offer art, dance and cooking classes, music and lectures on current events. • We have made a name for ourselves in the community by offering International House as

a free venue for fundraisers to help after natural disasters strike -- as we did after earthquakes in China, Haiti and Peru and the devastation of Hurricane Sandy.

• We offer children’s international storytelling program monthly featuring artist from throughout Northern California.

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Key Verbal Branding

1. What is the International Festival?

The International Festival celebrates diversity and unity. The theme is Around the World. It's like the world coming to Davis for a day.

2. What happens there? There’s something for everyone at the festival.

There are 8 venues: 1. Youth corner: Free activities for youths to do in order to become engaged in different parts of the world. For example, face painting and bead making.

2. Entertainment stage: It reflects entertainment from around the world.

3.Selling Vendors/ Arts and Crafts: The selling of arts, crafts, and other objects from different cultures.

4. Non-Profit tables: Organizations offer information about what they are doing.

5. Business tables: Businesses offer information about their local business.

6. Food tables: There will be 5 food vendors representing different types of cuisines.

7. Education Room: Series of speeches to help educate the public about different cultures.

8. Country table: It is like visiting a country at the Veteran's Center at a table! You get the chance to learn about a particular country.


-pick up sponsor packets at I-House

-Main Pieces of Advertisement:

-posters, cards, business cards, postcards, window poster, lawn signs


1. Ask for money first

2. Ask if they want a table at the event

3. Ask if they want to take an ad in our programs