International entrepreneurial projects within the cf e

Post on 30-Oct-2014

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Transcript of International entrepreneurial projects within the cf e

  • 1. International entrepreneurialprojects within the CfE

2. European University Enterprise Network (EUEN) 3. EUEN Characteristics Pilot project 10 Partners: University partners: Coventry University (Project Coordinator), Hogeschool Ghent, Fachhochschule Mnster, University of Turku Business partners: Acerta, Banco Santander, Hewlett-Packard Limited, Microsoft Worldwide - Education Strategy Group Network partners: European Business and Innovation Centre Network, National Centre for Entrepreneurship Education Total budget: 495.982 euro Financial support: EUROPEAN COMMISSIONDirectorate-General for Education and Culture Timeperiod: 01-11-2011 until 31-05-2013 4. EUEN aims EUEN builds up on the established concept of University EnterpriseNetworks, led by the National Centre for EntrepreneurshipEducation and the delivery of the Innovation UEN by CoventryUniversity. EUEN will establish partnerships between enterprise andentrepreneurial universities and multi-national businesses aimed atmaking a substantial impact on long term competitiveness in bothsectors. EUEN aims to enhance entrepreneurship opportunity by: shaping the leadership in education institutions building the capability to deliver entrepreneurship through education by the professional development of the academic and support staff 5. EUEN actionsWP1: Shaping the education environment through collaborative interventions with institutional leaders to stimulate entrepreneurship in staff, students and graduatesWP2: Application of collaborative learning opportunities through business-education-student projectsWP3: Transfer of good practice from the pilot to the wider European communityWP4: Project management ensuring delivery of outputs on time and to budget 6. 7. Knowledge center to Entreprise Servicesthrough Students 8. Matthijs van der WantStaff memberProject coordinator Interreg Kess project 9. KESS Characteristics 12 Partners:Hogeschool Gent (project-leader), Hogeschool West-Vlaanderen, VOKA Kamer vanKoophandel Oost-Vlaanderen, VOKA Kamer van Koophandel West-Vlaanderen,ERSV West-Vlaanderen, Groupe Sup de Co Amiens, Universit Catholique de Lille,Universit de Technologie de Compigne, Institute Polytechnique La Salle Beauvais,Chambre de Commerce Franco-Belge, Ville de Marcq-en-Baroeul, AmiensMtropole Total budget: 1.164.000 euro Financial support: INTERREG IV France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen, Vlaanderen,Oost-Vlaanderen, West-Vlaanderen, Picardie Timeperiod: 01-10-2011 until 01-10-2014 10. KESS Aims Contribution to the economic growth of both regions by cross-borderstudent services, like internships, to enterprises; Realisation of a structural cooperation between higher educationinstitutions, representative organisations for business and enterprises fromboth regions; Creation of opportunities for social and cultural links; Improving the student services to enterprises by the creation ofmultidisciplinary teams of students, teachers and entrepreneurs; Improving the exchange of knowledge cross-border Improving entrepreneurship education in a cross-border context Alignment of demand and supply of the labourmarket cross-border 11. KESS Actions Action 1: Approach between partners Action 2: Prospection Action 3: Support tools Action 4: Project development Action 5: Communication Action 6: Support to students Action 7: Project management 12. Interregional dissemination of the businessconcept of the Centre for Entrepreneurship 13. Characteristics 7 Partners:Hogeschool Gent (project coordinator), Hogeschool Zuyd,Universit du Littoral cte dopale (ULCO), University of theAlgarve, Jade University Wilhelmshaven, Coventry University,Mlardalens hgskola Total budget: 45.147,35 euro Financial support: European Fund for Regional Development Time Period: 1-12-2010 until 30-11-2012 14. Aims Interregional knowledge exchange on entrepreneurial educationand entrepreneurship support Setting up an international network on Entrepreneurial Education Bringging together students of University College Ghent with peers ofother European universities, with the goal of setting up business planstogether and facing intercultural opportunities. Lower barriers for entrepreneurs willing to trade internationally Declining the gap in between education and entrepreneurship Create a short but intensive 3ECTS program for foreign students, inorder to position the Centre for Entrepreneurship Internationally 15. Actions Action 1: Create a network of partners Action 2: Organisastion of anInternational Entrepreneurial Seminar Action 3: Plan study visits to partnercountries Action 4: Create an online Internationalnetwork Action 5: expand the services of the CfE 16. International EntrepreneurialSeminar 7 day seminar April-May 36 students, 6 facilitators + 4 org. Members 7 different participating countries Nationalities completely spread over teams Intense, interactive program Residential location Annual change of host country 17. International EntrepreneurialSeminar Main task: Create a business plan together with 5 other people from other countries in only 1 week! 18. Content Entrepreneurs on the talk Teambuilding Intercultural Role play Brainstorming Theory sessions Groupwork Workshops Elevator pitch Business speed date Company visit City tour in the host country Final presentations Have fun! 19. Quotes"International Entrepreneurial Seminar: we came asguests, we left as a family!"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together isprogress. Working together is success.Unleash your entrepreneurial talent with thisencouraging seminar. 20. Interested in joining our network? 21. Be entrpreneurial before it is too late! 22. US ON FACEBOOK: Centrum voor Ondernemen (CvO)