Internal Migration in the EU

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  • 7/23/2019 Internal Migration in the EU


    Does the Crisis Make People Move?EU Internal Migration and Economic Disparities in Europe

    Preface: About this Policy Brief

    This policy brief looks at the internal migration in the European Union !EU"# $pecial emphasis is placed on the development of internal European mobility and migration movements after both the EU e%pansions in &''( and &'') in light

    of the global economic and European sovereign debt crises#The individual articles give priority to the mobility of EU citi*ens that take advantage of the right to freedom of movement +ithin EU borders# Emphasis is placed on the observa

    tion of the revived tendency of $outh,orth migration +ithinEurope# Countries of origin and destination of these movements are put in the form of short country profiles that relateto each other# The goal of this dossier is to highlight the dif

    ferent facets of the current internal migration movement inthe EU and to offer a point of reference to more thoroughlydeal +ith this topic#

    EU Internal Migration before and duringthe Economic and Financial Crisis AnOerie!

    by Vera Hanewinkel

    (Translation into English: Jocelyn Storm)

    Introduction: Migration in the EU

    The principle of freedom of movement for employees belongs to the four basic freedoms of the European Union!EU"# -ccording to this. every citi*en of an EU member statehas the right to live and +ork in another member state# /European Union citi*enship&. implemented in /00& by theTreaty of Maastricht. ensures each citi*en additional rightsas +ell# 1or e%ample citi*ens of the EU must be treated thesame as nationals in the filling of 2ob vacancies !nationalstake no precedence over other EUstate citi*ens"# 1urthermore. they are allo+ed to participate in municipal elections inthe host country and therefore have the right to participatepolitically#

    The provisions easing mobility have not. ho+ever. led to amuch higher occurrence of mobility +ithin the EuropeanUnion# 3nly about t+o percent of EU citi*ens live and +ork inanother EU member state# This figure has remained stablefor about 4' years. on +hich even the EU east+ard enlargement has had little effect#

    ,r# &' 1ebruar &'/4


    5era 6ane+inkel7EU Internal Migration before and during the Economicand 1inancial Crisis 8 -n 3vervie+

    9isa :reford7$hort 3vervie+7 East;est Migration after the EUEnlargement

    9isa :reford7Ireland

    9isa :reford7United le*Martn7$pain

    1eline Engling Cardoso7Portugal

    1eline Engling Cardoso7=reece

    1eline Engling Cardoso7Italy

    Marcus Engler@5era 6ane+inkel7The Current Development of Immigration to =ermany

    ,o# &' 1ebruary &'/4

  • 7/23/2019 Internal Migration in the EU


    Policy :rief ,o# &'

    EU Internal Migration after the "##$ and "##%


    In light of the largest e%pansion in the history of the European Union in &''(. in +hich eight of the ten countries thatacceded into the community +ere Eastern European states!EUA". a large +ave of immigration into the heart of Europedriven by economic disparities +as feared# Therefore most ofthe EU/B states established temporary provisions that initially restricted the freedom of mobility for citi*ens of the EUA states# 3nly Ireland. $+eden. and the United

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    Policy :rief ,o# &'

    stricted the allocation of loans. many businesses hence fellinto financial difficulties# Investments had to be deferred. numerous businesses filed bankruptcy. and overall demand andproduction fell. +hile simultaneously unemployment rose!:eck@;ienert &''0"# In many countries of the +orld the fi

    nancial crisis caused a recession# The national debt of manycountries rose as they had invested large capital sums tosave the banks and to stimulate the economy#

    #rom the orl! Economic "risis to the Euro$ean #inancial


    Each European state +as affected by the economic crisis toa different e%tent# In $pain the real estate sector collapsed#The U

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    financial crisis has sho+n itself to be a contributor to thechange in the destination choice of migrants. the large part ofEU& migrants living in $pain and Italy not+ithstanding#

    Southern Euro$ean %mmigration

    $everal countries in the heart of Europe. including the United

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    Policy :rief ,o# &'


    The other state +ith a rather lo+ emigration rate. 6ungary.sho+ed the lo+est unemployment rate among the ne+ member states in &''4. +hich meant that this push factor for migration +as less strong than in other EUA states# 6o+ever.the economic situation +orsened in the follo+ing years. resulting in an increasing unemployment rate !to //#&H in&'/'" !International Migration 3utlook &'/&. p# &4)"# ,evertheless. migration outflo+s from 6ungary remained at a lo+level# 3ne reason for this could be rising +ages and a strong+elfare system. +hich also supports home o+nership# -s aresult. FOin 6ungary. the ma2ority of the population are homeo+nersG !=algQc*i et al# &'//. p# &'". a fact that may discourage emigration !=algQc*i et al# &'//. p# &'"#


    omania has +itnessed largescale population outflo+ssince its EU accession in &''). continuing its longterm history as a country of emigration# Due to difficulties +ith migration data it is difficult to determine the actual si*e of emigra

    tion. ho+ever. FOthe number of omanians Rabroad in &'/' is estimated to be around 4 millionG !International Migration 3utlook &'/&. p#&("# omania has been hit by the recent recession relatively hard. +ith =DP gro+th rates falling

    from (#&H in &''B to #0H in &''0# In &'/' thecountry +as still in a recession. ho+ever. the =DPgro+th rate had recovered to /#/H !InternationalMigration 3utlook &'/&. p# &B"# 6ence. push factors for out migration remained relatively strong#


    Poland. the largest economy among the ne+member states. maintained positive =DP gro+thrates throughout the economic crisis !/#H in&''0. 4#0H in &'/' !International Migration 3utlook &'/&. p# &/""# ,evertheless. Poland has e%

    perienced largescale emigration since &''(# Polish migrants accounted for the ma2ority of the migration flo+s to Ireland and the U< after the EUenlargement in &''(# In the U

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    Policy :rief ,o# &'


    3verall. these e%amples sho+ that it is hard to generali*efindings +ith regard to all ne+ member states# Differencesregarding economic development and geographic location as

    +ell as cultural pro%imity to certain ;estern European countries all influence the actual nature of innerEU migrationflo+s# ;hile all states have been affected by their accessionto the EU and resulting migration movements. the scale ofmigration differs bet+een countries# The same can also besaid regarding the impact of the economic recession#


    / -s in many other cases. it needs to be highlighted in this conte%t

    that the analysis of innerEU migration is often hampered by limita

    tions +ith regard to the uality and uantity of migration data avail

    able# $ee for e%ample 1ic et al# !&'//" for a discussion# -lso. thebook by 1assmann et al# !&''0" provides an overvie+ of migration

    statistics and their issues in individual European states#


    by isa Brefor!

    ;ith regard to migration movements +ithin the EuropeanUnion. Ireland poses an especially interesting e%ample as itonly began to e%perience a period of prolonged immigrationfrom /00 on+ards. Fmaking it the last EU Member $tate tobecome a country of net immigrationG in /00 !uhs. updated by uinn &''0"# Until then. Irelands migration e%perience had been dominated by emigration !see 1igure /"# 3neevent that developed a ma2or impact on the countrys immigration e%perience at the beginning of the &/st century +asthe EU enlargement in &''( and the conseuent immigrationof citi*ens of the ne+ member states# In &''(. Ireland +asone of three EU member states that decided not to apply anyrestrictions to the immigration of nationals from the ne+member states !

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    Policy :rief ,o# &'

    The fact that the economic recession has had a significantimpact on migration from Central and Eastern Europe to Ireland also becomes visible in the activity rate of PP$ numbersallocated to migrants from these countries# 6ere. data sho+sthat activity rates for migrants from the EU/' states. of+hich Poles form the biggest group. have declined significantly !Central $tatistics 3ffice &'//"# The activity rate forEU/' migrants that arrived in &'') dropped the sharpestfrom AH on arrival to (H in &''0 !Central $tatistics 3ffice&'//"# This suggests that a number of Eastern European migrants left the country during this period# $uch an assumption is also supported by the official estimates of emigrationpublished in &'/& !Central $tatistics 3ffice &'/&a"# 3verall.emigration numbers for migrants from all EU/& countries arepresumed to have peaked in &''0 at 4'.B'' and to bearound /(.A'' in &'/& !see 1igure 4"# -t the same time. immigration rates for EU/& nationals +ere estimated to havedecreased to /'.('' in &'/& from their peak of AB.4'' in&''). +hich means that the estimated net migration hasbeen negative since &''0 !see 1igure 4"# ;hile the recession is likely to be the ma2or reason for these developments.other e%planations may be Fimproved labormarket conditionsin Poland and the fact that the pool of potential emigrants OinPoland has diminishedG !

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    Policy :rief ,o# &'

    United 2ingdom

    by isa Brefor!

    3ne ma2or indicator of migrant influ% to the U< are the ,a

    tional Insurance ,umbers !,I,o"# 1oreign !overseas" nationals +ho +ant to gain employment For claim benefits @ ta%credits in the U

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    Policy :rief ,o# &'


    by Beatri, -on,.le,/'art0n

    (Translation into English: Jocelyn Storm)

    Immigration in 1imes of Economic Boom

    :et+een /00 and &'') $pain e%perienced one of the longest phases of economic gro+th in its most recent history# Thecharacteristic that dominated this phase of prosperity +as thestrong surge in the number of ne+ 2obs# In the third uarter ofthe year &''). $pain reached a historical high point +ith &'#Bmillion employees !EP-/&'/&"#The gro+ing 2ob market. full of opportunity. +as one of themain pull factors for immigrants# The share of the foreignpopulation in relation to $pains total population that hadbeen only /#H in /00A. gre+ by &'') to more than /'H#The year &'') had the highest influ% of immigrants. totaling0&'.B4(# ('#H of these immigrants came from a Europeancountry. the ma2ority !4).BH" from EU member states#

    %mmigration from Euro$e

    Differentiation must be made bet+een the various immigrantgroups +hen referring to the immigration from Europe#

    1or one. there is the traditional immigration from the EU

    /B. in particular from =ermany. the United

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    Policy :rief ,o# &'

    ble in the U$- had a negative effect on $pains economicperformance# In the second uarter of &''A $pains economyfell into recession# There +as a hint at an improvement of thesituation in &'/'. but in the last uarter of &'//. $pain fellback into a recession that has continued until today#

    3ne of the most difficult conseuences of the economiccrisis is the massive retrenchment of 2obs in recent years#Unemployment is one of the fundamental problems that influence the recovery of $pains economy# The climbing unemployment rate is leading to an everincreasing burden on thesocial security system because. on the one hand. both thenumber of contributors and hence. the ta% yields are sinking.+hile on the other hand. the number of recipients of social+elfare benefits is increasing#

    The unemployment numbers take on historical dimensions# In the third uarter of &'/& there +ere more thanB.))A.''' unemployed. of +hich /.&''.''' +ere foreign citi*ens# Unemployment is particularly serious in the youth pop

    ulation# ((H of the unemployed $panish are bet+een / and4( years old and in the same age group among the unemployed foreigners the rate is above (H#

    Immigrants are affected by the crisis to a greater degreethan is the native population# In the third uarter of &'/&. theunemployment rate of the foreign population +as 4(#AH.+hereas in the $panish population it +as at a lo+er &4#4H#Particularly affected are the citi*ens of third countries. +hoseunemployment rate !4(#H" +as above that of EU citi*ens!&A#0H"#

    1ecreasing %mmigration

    Employment conditions in $pain have affected migration patterns# The effect is that the immigration is decreasing andmany migrants that already live in $pain are deciding eitherto immigrate again to another country or to return to theirhome countries# :et+een &'') and &'//. more than /#B million people left the country. of +hich /#4 million +ere foreigners# The number of incoming migrants has dropped by half+hile outmigration has been continuously increasing !increase by BH bet+een &'') and &'//"# This has led to themigration balance currently being in the negative# In &'//.there +ere B'.''' more people +ho left the country thanthose +ho immigrated into the country in the same timeframe# The most recent numbers published in $eptember&'/& sho+ that this number has more than doubled. amounting to /4A.'''# ,evertheless. immigration to $pain has continued. albeit at a rather lo+ rate# In &''A there +ere still0'.''' immigrants to $pain. though this number hasdropped do+n to the current annual average of (''.'''# Thisindicates that the migration streams are ad2usting to the ne+situation in $pain#

    "hanges in 'igration olicy

    The effects of the crisis also influence migration policies# Thesocialist government issued an ordinance in &''A entitledFPlan for a 5oluntary eturnG !Plan para el retornovoluntario". +hich is intended to encourage immigrants tovoluntarily return home# The ordinance allo+s migrants to

    continue receiving unemployment benefits if they return totheir home countries and if they promise to not return to$pain for three subseuent years#

    -fter the change in po+er in &'/&. the $panish PeoplesParty !Partido Popular 8 PP" made t+o changes to their

    aliens act !9ey de E%tran2era"# The first change made the reuirements for registration in the resident registry more difficult# egistration. ho+ever. is an essential reuirement forthe assignment of a health insurance card# 6aving disguisedit as an austerity measure. the Peoples Party limited the access of irregular immigrants to public health services#

    The second legal change deprived irregular migrants ofthe possibility to obtain a legal residence status on the basisof their social embeddedness !arraigo social"#&

    $tudies sho+ that one of the effects of the economic recession is the change in behavior of the $panish to+ards theimmigrant population and that immigrants are confronted +ithgro+ing resentment. particularly in the +orkforce# The social

    conflicts that have risen due to the economic situation haveled neither to an open public discourse on immigration nor toa noticeable increase in antiforeigner movements# :ut theaforementioned restrictive measures appear to have beendeveloped in order to calm the native population and to makeit clear to them that measures +ere being taken to avert apossible negative economic impact because of 2obless immigrants#

    Emigration of S$anish "iti,ens

    The media especially highlights the changes concerning theimmigration balance and stresses in particular the rene+edtendency of $paniard migration# 3n the other hand. there areonly a fe+ reports about immigrants and immigration# Theemigration of $panish +orkers. +hich gre+ by AAH bet+een&'') and &'//. is a matter of public debate. although thenumber of emigrants has. until no+. not been alarming# 6o+ever. since &''A the migration balance of $panish citi*enshas been in the negative. meaning that every year the number of $paniards leaving the country is higher than the number of $panish citi*ens returning to $pain from abroad# In&'//. B&.''' $paniards emigrated !I,E. &'/&" in comparison to the 4A.('' that returned from abroad to their homecountry# This has resulted in a negative migration balance ofmore than /4.''' people !E5. &'/&"# The migration lossesincreased in the time from Kanuary to $eptember. &'/& to anegative balance of more than &B.''' people#

    Many young. +elltrained $paniards +ith foreign languagekno+ledge and international e%perience are beginning to seeemigration as a possibility to find +ork# -t the same time theyare looking at $pain as a country +hich is void of 2ob opportunities and are certain that they +ill find +ork abroad +hichcorresponds to their ualifications#

    The ma2ority of $paniards that emigrated in &'// decidedto settle in another EU country# 3f the &&.&A& total. ).'''+ent to England and (.''' to =ermany# The U$- becamethe second most important country of destination for $panishemigrants. receiving (.(/' people in &'//# The currentstream of $panish emigration. made up of young people.also sho+s up in the statistics# The ma2ority of emigrants are

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    Policy :rief ,o# &'

    bet+een &B and (( years of age# In =ermany. the U$- and=reat :ritain emigrants in this age bracket make up B0H.B)H. and more than (H of the total. respectively#The discussion about the conseuences of the gro+ing emigration circles primarily around the fact that a large numberof +ell ualified +orkers are leaving the country# $hould theeconomic crisis persist. so does the concern that brain draincould have a lasting effect in +eakening $pains economicperformance#


    / Encuesta de PoblaciQn -ctiva !EP-" O$tudy on the ;orking Popula

    tion. published by the Instituto ,acional de Estadstica !I,E" O,a

    tional Institute for $tatistics& Up to no+ irregular migrants +ere able to legali*e their status if

    they could prove that they had lived longer than three years in

    $pain. that they had not committed a crime in their home country.

    that they had family members in $pain and that they had either a

    +ork contract or an offer of at least a year of employment# -lthough

    the la+ foresa+ the possibility of regulari*ation only in e%ceptional

    cases. there +ere in fact large numbers of immigrants that took ad

    vantage of it#


    by #eline Engling "ar!oso

    (Translation into English: Jocelyn Storm)

    (ro' in the Immigrant Po'ulation

    In &'/'. as a result of the economic crisis. the si*e of the foreign population living in Portugal decreased for the first timesince the beginning of the /0A's !$E1 &'/&. p# /B 3ECD&'/&. p# &&"# Immigration dropped by /&H in comparison to

    the previous year to 4'.''' ne+ arrivals !3ECD &'/&. p#&&"# The migration balance totaled a mere 4.A/B people#

    -ccording to data from the Portuguese foreigners registration office. $E1. at the end of &'//. (4.A&& foreign citi*ens +ith a residence permit lived in the country. +hich +as

    /#0H less than the year before# -lmost half !()#0H" of theimmigrants came from Portuguesespeaking !lusophone"countries. mostly from the former Portuguese colonies of:ra*il. the Cape 5erde Islands. -ngola and =uinea:issau!$E1 &'/&. p# /B"# :ra*ilians made up the largest immigrantgroup. numbering ///.((B people# 6o+ever. this number hasdropped. compared +ith the previous year. by #H !).0/A"#The si*e of other migrant groups also decreased7 the numberof immigrants from the Ukraine !(A.'&&" sank by 4H !/.(A)". from the Cape 5erde Islands !(4.0&'" by '#/H !B0"and from -ngola !&/.B4" by A#&H !/.04/" compared to&'/'# 3nly the number of immigrants from omania !40.4/&"rose by #)H !J&.(A&" in the same period of time !$E1 &'/&.

    p# /)f#"

    Emigration of Portuguese Citi0ens

    In the course of the economic and Euro crises. +hose effectshave been noticeable in Portugal since &''A. the unemployment rate in Portugal rose rapidly !I,E &'/&c. p# )B P3T-D- &'/&"# -ccording to the national Institute for $tatistics.I,E. the unemployment rate climbed to /B#AH at the end of&'/& and to 40H in the age group of /B&B year olds !I,E&'/&b"# The drastic austerity program of the Portuguese government under Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho !P$DWmiddle right" and the high unemployment is currently compelling more and more people to leave Portugal# -gainst thebackdrop of the crisis. migratory directions have distinctlychanged. partly reversing themselves# ;hereas for a longtime Portugal +as an important country of destination for migrants from the former Portuguese colonies. in recent years

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    Policy :rief ,o# &'

    more and more Portuguese are emigrating to -ngola. :ra*iland Mo*ambiue !PU:9IC3 &'/&"# The Portuguese embassies and consulates in -ngola registered the Portuguesepopulation gro+ing from '.''' in &''A. at more than )(.''in &''0. to 0/.0'' in &'/' !3bservatQrio da EmigraXYo&'/&c"# - similar. if also numerically lo+er trend can be deduced from the consulate registry in :ra*il. +here the population born in Portugal gre+ from ('.&(& !&'/'" to (&B.((0!&'//"# ;hile the number of Portuguese that immigrated into:ra*il in &'/' totaled )0A. in &'// there +ere t+ice as many.numbering /.B( people !3bservatQrio da EmigraXYo&'/&e"# The Portuguese population has also gro+n inMo*ambiue since &''A !/.BB" and comprised &/.//(people in &'// !3bservatQrio da EmigraXYo &'/&i"# -ll threecountries are presently e%periencing an economic ups+ing.have significantly lo+er unemployment rates than Portugaland are looking for specialists !PZ:9IC3 &'//"# In &'//.about A'H of the Portuguese that sought their fortune out

    side the EU immigrated to -ngola !Di>rio de ,otcias &'/&"#-ccording to the state secretary of the community of Portuguesespeaking countries. Kos[ Ces>rio. in &'/& bet+een&B.''' and 4'.''' !B.''' to /'.''' more than in the yearbefore" Portuguese immigrated to -ngola and &.B'' to

    Mo*ambiue !3bservatQrio da EmigraXYo &'/4"#-t the same time. according to the 3bservatQrio da EmigraXYo !3E". +hich +as founded in &''A. Portuguese immigration to the U$-. Canada and -ustralia decreased !3bservatQrio da EmigraXYo &'/&d &'/&f &'/&h"# The 3E reportsthat the Portuguese immigration into traditional countries ofdestination inside the EU gre+ until &'') 8 totaling B0.0/&people going to $pain. =reat :ritain. =ermany. the ,etherlands and $+it*erland 8 but decreased o+ing to the economic crisis to B4.)/' in &''A and eventually do+n to (4.&&Bin &'// !3bservatQrio da EmigraXYo &'/&g"# This general decline. it is to be assumed. is a result mainly of the strong decrease of immigration to $pain !&'')7 &)./)A. &''A7 /.AB).

    &'/'7 ).)A. &'//7 ).(&(" !3bservatQrio da EmigraXYo&'/&k". +hich has also been strongly affected by the financial and economic crisis !cf# contribution about $pain in thisdossier"# In contrast to this. migration from $pain to =reat:ritain !&''A7 /&.0A'. &''07 /&.&4'. &'/'7 /&.'A'. &'//7/.4B'" and =ermany !&''A7 (.&/(. &''07 (.(A. &'/'7(.&4A. &'//7 B.)B&" increased bet+een &''A and &'//!3bservatQrio da EmigraXYo &'/&a &'/&2"# In the first half of theyear &'/&. the =erman 1ederal 3ffice for $tatistics. Destatis.registered an increase in Portuguese immigration to =ermany +hich +as proportionally relevant !JB4H in comparisonto the first half of &'//". ho+ever moderate in absolute figures !J&.''' people" !Destatis &'/&"# In total Portuguese migration takes place predominantly in the EU#

    The total number of migrants from Portugal is difficult todetermine# The Portuguese Institute for $tatistics. I,E. reports that the number of emigrants has more than doubledsince &''A !&'.4B)". recording (4.00A people in &'//!(/.((( Portuguese and &.BB( of foreign nationality" !I,E&'/&a"# The 3ECD assumes a higher number of emigrants.estimating that since the beginning of the crisis in &''A morethan )'.''' people have left the country each year !3ECD&'/&"#/-ccording to this estimation. emigration has reachedcomparable proportions to the /0's and )'s !appro%#)'.''' per year"# 6o+ever. in comparison to the Fguest +orkersG of the /0's and )'s. migration e%pert. KoYo Pei%oto!3E". states that the emigrants are younger. more urban andmore ualified !3bservatQrio da EmigraXYo &'/&b"# Thechanged level of ualification of the emigrants makes theeconomic relevance of these emigration movements visible7even social groups +ith high education and living standardssense the necessity to emigrate !3bservatQrio da EmigraXYo&'/&g"# :ecause of this. the emigration of Portuguese citi*ens has become a main ob2ect of political discourse# ThePortuguese government recommended young people emigrate in an effort to relieve the national labor market and toprevent social tensions !cf# uote by the Portuguese $ecretary of $tate for Vouth and $port. -le%andre Miguel Mestre"#The public sharply critici*ed this behavior and called for animprovement of the +ork and living conditions in Portugal!TP ,otcias &'/'"#

    page /&

    Percentage of Female Immigrants is 4ro!ing

    The economic and financial crisis has also had an effecton the gender makeup of the migrant population in somecountries# The share of +omen in the total foreign +orkforce rose in $pain. Italy and Ireland# This developmentcame about because sectors in +hich predominantly menare employed. such as the building industry. +ere particularly hit by the crisis# 6o+ever. femaledominated employment areas. like the nursing sector. continue to have ahigh demand for foreign +orkers#

    $ource7 I3M !&'/'". Migration and the Economic Crisis in the

    European Union7 Implications for Policy. :russels#

    !-uthors7 Kobst

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    Policy :rief ,o# &'

    Perce'tion of Immigrants

    In addition to Portuguese citi*ens. increasing shares of theimmigrant population are leaving the country# Contrary to

    popular opinion. ho+ever. no mass return migration into theircountries of origin is taking place !I3M &'/'"# In &'// /.)0'people applied for the voluntary return program !P5"# Thema2ority +ere :ra*ilians. follo+ed by -ngolans !PZ:9IC3&'//"# Eastern Europeans have also increasingly decided infavor of returning to their country of origin !Di>rio de ,otcias&'/'"# In &'//. B0( people returned to their home country+ith the help of the voluntary return program. mostly to :ra*il!B''". follo+ed by -ngola !&B" and the Ukraine !A" !3bservatQrio da ImigraXYo &'/&. p# 4"#

    Differently from the situation. for e%ample. in =reece. theeconomic crisis appears not to have negatively influencedthe behavior of the Portuguese population to+ards immigration and to+ards immigrants living in the country# Portugalpractices inside the EU a comparatively generous and advanced migration policy !3bservatQrio da EmigraXYo &'/&b"#In &''0 the U, classified Portugal as a country of open integration policy !PZ:9IC3 &'/'"# The Migrant Integration Policy Inde% !MIPE\ III" placed Portugal in second place behind$+eden in the ranking of 4/ analy*ed countries and stressedthat immigrants in Portugal are not considered to be scapegoats. but rather victims of the recession# Consolidation measures and austerity programs by the government have notled to an increasing re2ection of immigrants#


    / The 3bservatQrio da EmigraXYo assumes a higher number of emi

    grants in their estimations# $ince &''A bet+een &B.''' !I,E data"

    and /&B.''' !information from the $ecretary of $tate of Por

    tuguesespeaking countries" people of both Portuguese and foreign

    nationalities left Portugal# The latter number +as particularly dis

    cussed in the media#


    by #eline Engling "ar!oso

    (Translation into English: Jocelyn Storm)

    Migration to =reece has continued to last. despite the economic crisis. though has decreased in comparison to previous years !Malkout*is &'//. p# /"# The migration balance iscurrently negative in total. ho+ever. meaning that the numberof emigrants e%ceeds that of immigrants#

    Immigration and Emigration *tatistics

    -ccording to data from the =reek Institute for $tatistics. E9$T-T. //'.A&4 people immigrated to =reece in &'// !'.(B4of =reek nationality. 4/.&&0 third country citi*ens and /0./(/EUciti*ens"# In the same period. /&B.0(A people left =reece

    !&.0/ of =reek nationality. 4).'A4 third country citi*ensand &B.0(' EUciti*ens". BH !JB.000" more than in &'/'#The migration balance. at /B.//. +as negative !&'/'7 0/B"!E9#$T-T &'/4 E9#$T-T &'/&c"# -s of Kanuary /. &'/&. according to E9$T-T estimates. 0)B.4)( foreign citi*ens areliving in =reece. the ma2ority of +hom are third country citi*ens !A&(.&&'" !E9#$T-T &'/4"#/ -lmost half of the immigrants do not possess a legal residence status !

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    Policy :rief ,o# &'

    being e%hibited# Migrants can therefore often only fall backon irregular immigration channels or a nonauthori*ed stay#-ccording to a =reek employee survey. in the fourth uarterof &'// almost 'H of immigrants !both regular and irregular" came from -lbania !((0.)'". H !().4(A" from :ulgaria

    and BH !('.&'" from omania !Triandafyllidou &'/&a. p# B/4"# =reece has in the meantime become a transit countryfor many migrants from -frica. -sia and the Middle East!$otiropoulos &'/&

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    grant group living in Italy. +ith 00.''' people. comes fromomania# The ma2ority of third country citi*ens !J/'&.'''from &'// to &'/&" come from Morocco and -lbania!B'.40 and (0/.(0B respectively" !I$T-T#IT &'/&c"#

    In the +ake of the unrest of the 2rabic S$ring and the

    9ibyan conflict the number of irregular migrants +ho traveledby +ater and landed in Italy rose to over '.'''# The flight ofthousands of people from ,orth -frica led the Italian government to declare a humanitarian state of emergency in 1ebruary &'//#&

    The outlined developments sho+ that the economic crisishas only minimally influenced Italys migration rates to date!9imes &'/&"# The political stance on migration is affected bythe need for complementary foreign labor in the lo++age labor market. +hich has induced decision makers to keep legalimmigration channels relatively open in times of crisis !Pastore@5illosio &'//. p# 4f#" - look at the employment rate of theforeign population in Italy sho+s. ho+ever. that the ability of

    the Italian labor market to absorb foreign labor has diminished +ith the crisis !EM, &'/&. p# )"# In the beginning of&''0 the employment rate of the foreign +orking populatione%ceeded the /'H mark and reached //H in &'// for thefirst time in recent years !I$T-T#IT &'/&d Pastore@5illosio&'//. p# B"# Mean+hile one fifth of immigrants are unemployed# 6o+ever. the ma2ority have not returned to theircountries of origin !EM, &'/&. p# )"#4

    In total the nation+ide unemployment rate in Italy stoodbelo+ /'H in the last decade. despite lo+ economic gro+th!9imes &'/&"# In the third uarter of &'/& it amounted to0#AH !I$T-T#IT &'/&f"# In the same uarter. ho+ever. it roseto 4BH in the /B to &( year age bracket !I$T-T#IT &'/&d"# Inspite of the risen unemployment. emigration of the nationalpopulation is lo+er than in other crisisridden countries in theeuro *one !cf# article about $pain in this dossier"# Themakeup of the emigrant group is similar. ho+ever7 they arepredominantly young and have an academic degree !9imes&'/&"# ,e%t to traditional immigration destinations such asthe U$-. =reat :ritain and =ermany. -frica and $outh -merica are gaining popularity !Kohnston &'/&"#


    / ,et migration has decreased from B#&@/''' !&'/'" to (#4@/'''

    !&'//"# I$T-T#IT !&'/&a" I$T-T#IT !&'/&e"#& The humanitarian state of emergency +as e%tended until 4/ De

    cember &'/& +ith the ordinance of 3ctober &'//# EM, !&'/&. p#

    (4 and (0"#4 The e%act number of immigrants that left Italy to return to their

    country of origin or to migrate into another country is difficult to de

    termine due to unreliable data# -ccording to I$T-T. in recent years

    less than /H of the foreign population has been stricken from the

    Italian population registry every year# ,evertheless the institute con

    cedes that this number is considerably too lo+# $ee Pastore@5illosio

    !&'//. p#//f"#

    1he Current (eelo'ment of Immigrationto 4ermany

    by 'arcus Engler un! Vera Hanewinkel

    (Translation into English: Jocelyn Storm)


    -fter more people emigrated from =ermany in both years&''A and &''0 than immigrated during the same time periodinto the country. the emigration of professionals and specialists and =ermanys lack of attractiveness for highly skilledmigration +as discussed# In the course of the financial andeconomic crisis. ho+ever. this picture has been transformed#In international comparison. =ermany has come through theeconomic crisis so far uite +ell# Employment is gro+ing and

    unemployment is at a lo+ level in European comparison# Vetthere are specialists missing in a fe+ regions and branches#In contrast. the countries of $outhern and Eastern Europe

    suffer more severely from the recession and the effects +illbe more sustained# Mainly ne+ entrants to the 2ob market.many of +hom are migrants and young people. are affectedby high unemployment and drastic austerity programs# Vouthunemployment accounts for over 4'H in several of thesecountries. and even over B'H in $pain and =reece# :y contrast it is only around AH in =ermany#

    1he (eelo'ment of Immigration

    $ince the lo+ point in &''A. +hen a net .''' people emigrated. there has been a steady trend to+ard more immigration# In &'/' the migration balance. that is. the difference bet+een immigration and emigration. +as in the positive range+ith around J/&A.'''# In &'// a balance of &)0.''' people+as attained 8 the highest value since /00 !cf# 1igure /"# 1inal data for &'/& is not yet available# -ccording to estimations the migration balance could have risen to (''.'''# Thisdevelopment is most notably to be ascribed to climbing immigration numbers# 3n the other hand emigration numbershave remained relatively constant in recent years. bet+een''.''' and )''.''' each year# The elevated emigrationnumbers of &''A !)4A.'''" and &''0 !)4(.'''" can be con

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    tributed for a large part to the correction of the municipal residency register#

    Immigration numbers have risen considerably since &''

    !see 1igure &"# -t that time around &.''' people came to=ermany# This number +as almost B'H higher !0'.'''" in&'// and could have incurred +ell over a million people in&'/

    -lthough these numbers initially appear high. in long termcomparison it appears that immigration has not reached anycompletely ne+ dimensions# In the beginning of the /00'sboth immigration and the migration balance +ere considerably higher# More than /#B million immigrated in /00&. andalso bet+een the years /00 and /0)/ around one millionpeople came into the country each year#

    ,o assertions can be made about +hether the ne+ immigrants +ill merely stay temporarily in =ermany or permanently# The migration numbers that can be determined by themunicipal registration office are comprised of both short andlong term immigration# -s freedom of movement e%ists in theEU. short term immigration could often remain unnoticed atthe moment because registration +ith government agenciesis not al+ays taking place# It can be assumed. ho+ever. thatimmigrants from EUstates that stay longer than a couple ofmonths in =ermany end up registering sooner or later andthen are recorded as immigrants#/

    Countries of Origin

    ;hile immigration out of $outhern Europe is especially discussed in the mass media. a look at the migration statisticssho+s a different picture# The most important countries of ori

    gin numerically in recent years have been in Central andEastern Europe#- strong increase in immigration from countries that en

    tered the EU in &''( !EUA" and &'') !EU&" has beenrecorded in recent years# 1ull freedom of movement hasbeen in force since &'//. +ith the e%ception of :ulgaria andomania. and is being put to use by many !cf# 1igure ("# &

    There +ere also distinct increases in past years in immigration from $outhern European countries +hich +ere particularly affected by the financial and debt crisis !cf# 1igure B"#

    :ut here there must be a difference made bet+een the e%tremely proportionally high increases discussed in the mediaand the absolute immigration numbers# Immigration from$outhern Europe had ma2orly scaled itself back in years priorto the economic and financial crisis# ;ith a surge of )AH. asin the case of =reece !in the first half of &'/& compared tothe first half of &'//". the absolute immigration numbers

    themselves turn out moderate48 especially in comparison to immigration from Central and Eastern Europe#-lso in long term comparison it becomes clear that immigration from $outhern European countries has notreached any ne+ dimensions as of yet !cf# 1igure "#

    4erman 6earners as an Indicator for Immigration

    The number of participants in =erman courses at=oethe Institutes in countries of origin is an indicator ofthe increased intentions to migrate to =ermany# In &'//the institute reported record numbers of participants in=erman courses and tests# The number of =ermanlearners +as at &4B.''' people in &'//. +hich isaround AH higher than in the year before# Participantnumbers increased particularly in $outhern Europe. +itha rise of /'H in =reece. /(H in Italy. &'H in Portugaland 4BH in $pain# FThis development is ascribed to an

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    increased interest in inclusion in gainful employment in =ermany# ;hoever learns =erman has better chances in the local 2ob marketG !5ogel &'/&"#

    The =oethe Institutes are reacting to the gro+ing demandby e%panding their capacity and +ith the initiative FMitDeutsch in den :erufG !lit#F;ith =erman in the ProfessionG".sponsored by the Ministry of 1oreign -ffairs# In technical language courses and pro2ects young people in Portugal. $pain.1rance. Italy and =reece looking to migrate are prepared foreveryday +orking life in =ermany# These technical languagecourses are offered for doctors. nurses. engineers. la+yersand for the tourist branch. among others# ;ith additional 2obapplication training the program participants are preparedpractically for a career start !=oetheInstitut &'/&b"#

    7eactions in 4ermany

    eactions to the climb in immigration numbers appear differently according to immigrant group# There are strong defensive reactions regarding the immigration of less ualifiedpeople groups. for e%ample the oma from Central EasternEurope +ho often come as asylum seekers#(

    In contrast. immigration from $outhern European statesin crisis has been considered thus far mainly positively dueto the profile of the immigrants from these countries# 1irstreports on these migration movements sho+ that these areyoung. +elltrained and highly motivated people that integrate themselves into the =erman labor market. for +hichthey are ready and +illing to learn the local language !Trabant &'/&"# These people are counted among the immigrants that =ermany internationally recruits#

    Economy: Actie 7ecruitment of Immigrants

    The economy recogni*es the immigration from $outhernEurope as a chance in the global competition for the brightest minds# The highly ualified immigrants facilitate eco

    nomic gro+th and counteract the decline of labor force potential. +hich takes place becauseof demographic change !cf# in additionParusel@$chneider &'/'"# 6eadhuntersabroad recruit targeted personnel in bottle

    neck areas. like for e%ample doctors for hospitals in rural areas that have problems to filltheir positions !$tudent &'/&"#

    $everal chambers of commerce offer international events for businesses on the topic ofFprofessional recruiting in the EU internal marketG# The chamber of foreign trade supportscompanies +ith the recruitment of specialistsabroad !1inancial Times Deutschland &'/&.Preuss &'/&"#

    In Kuly &'/& a =erman$panish trainingconference took place in $tuttgart in the presence of the minister of education at the time.

    -nnette $chavan !CDU". and her $panishcounterpart. Kos[ Ignacio ;ert 3rtega !Partido Popular. conservative"# -t that conferencethe possibilities of introducing a dual training

    system in $pain +ere discussed# The =erman apprenticeshipmodel. +hich combines a classroom education +ith practicale%perience. should contribute to the reduction in youth unemployment on the Iberian Peninsula# $o far the training in$pain has taken place e%clusively in schools# - large part ofa years graduates studies in $pain. and many subseuently+ork beneath their ualification level !1inancial TimesDeutschland &'/&"# - cooperation treaty for the implementation of a dual system +as signed in $eptember &'/& by the$panish Chambers of Commerce and the =erman Chambers of Industry and Commerce#

    Assistance in the 8ob *earch

    Immigrants from the EU can take advantage of the assistance from the European Union labor administration !EUE$" in their 2ob search# There are AB' EUE$ consultantsEurope+ide that help them in the search for 2ob vacancies#

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    In addition the International Placement $ervices !_-5" underthe =erman 1ederal Employment -gency. represented in theEUE$ net+ork. organi*es events by invitation of other EUstates. +hich inform about 2ob offers and +orking conditionsin =ermany# Present in these events are also employers +ho

    conduct 2ob intervie+s onsite for definite positions# -ccording to the _-5 there has recently been a Fsignificant increaseG in such events in $outhern Europe !5ogel &'/&"#

    Future Pros'ects

    6o+ long these immigrants from $outhern Europe +ill stay in=ermany is unclear# Those immigrants that bring ualifications +ith them that are needed in the =erman labor market.or +ork in bottleneck sectors or +here there is a lack of +orkers could stay longer. for e%ample doctors and nurses ortrained +orkers in the socalled MI,ToccupationsB# In manyother branches in +hich the labor force demand can be met

    through people +ho have been educated in =ermany. itcould be much more difficult to find a 2ob +hich allo+s for alongterm stay in =ermany# -lready before the economic crisis in some branches there +ere more 2ob seekers than openpositions 8 a situation that has among others led to the casuali*ation of employment conditions#

    There are indicators that the trend of a high immigration+ill continue# -ccording to a prognosis by the economic research institute.

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    EU Internal Migration before and during the Economic

    and Financial Crisis An Oerie!

    :eck. 6anno@;ienert. 6elmut !&''0". -natomie der;elt+irtschaftskrise7 Ursachen und $chuldige#2u3. ,o#&' !// May"#

    :runinger. Dieter !&'//". -rbeitskrftemobilitt in der Euro*one# Deutsche :ank esearch. :eitrge *ur europischen Integration. E4/'onitor. ,o# AB. /' -ugust#

    European Commission !&'/&". European Citi*enship#$tandard Eurobarometer )). $pring#http7@@ec#europa#eu@publicNopinion@archives@eb@eb))@eb))Nciti*enNen#pdf!accessed ///&'/4"

    European Commission !&'/'". =eographical and 9abourMarket Mobility. S$ecial Eurobarometer 556#http7@@ec#europa#eu@publicNopinion@archives@ebs@ebsN44)Ne

    n#pdf !accessed //)&'/4"# European Commission !&'//". eport from the Commission to the Council on the 1unctioning of the Transitional-rrangements on 1ree Movement of ;orkers from :ulgaria and umania. "O'(7899) 67 final. :russels#

    :onin. 6olger et al# !&''A". =eographic Mobility in the European Union7 3ptimising its Economic and $ocial :enefits. %32 +esearch +e$orts. ,o# /0 !Kuly"#

    1ic. Tatiana et al# !&'//". 9abour Mobility +ithin the EU 8The Impact of the Enlargement and Transitional -rrangements. &%ES+ 1iscussion a$er. ,o# 4)0#

    =algQc*i. :[la@9eschke. Kanine@;att. -ndre+ !&'//". IntraEU 9abour Migration7 1lo+s. Effects and Policy esponses. orking a$er 788;85. European Trade UnionInstitute. :russels#

    I3M !&'/'". 'igration an! the Economic "risis in the Eu/ro$ean 4nion: %m$lications for olicy< :russels# !-uthors7Kobst

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    &) May &'//#http7@@+++#cso#ie@en@media@csoie@releasespublications@documents@labourmarket@current@ppsn#pdf!accessed /&/4&'/&"

    Central $tatistics 3ffice !&'/&a". o$ulation an! 'igration

    Estimates 2$ril 7897 (with re*isions from 2$ril 7886 to2$ril 7899). &) $eptember &'/http7@@+++#cso#ie@en@media@csoie@census@documents@populationestimates&'/&@popmigN&'/pdf!accessed /&/&&'/&"

    Central $tatistics 3ffice !&'/&b". Seasonally 2!Auste!Stan!ar!ise! 4nem$loyment +ates (S4+); http7@@+++#cso#ie@en@statistics@labourmarket@principalstatistics@seasonallyad2ustedstandardisedunemploymentratessur@!accessed /)&'/4"#

    Central $tatistics 3ffice !&'/&c". This is %relan! High/lights from "ensus 7899. Part /. March &'/http7@@+++#cso#ie@en@media@csoie@census@documents@cen

    sus&'//pdr@CensusH&'&'//H&'6ighlightsH&'PartH&'/H&'+ebH&')&dpi#pdf !accessed /&/4&'/&" =ilmartin. M# !&'/&". The Changing 9andscape of Irish Mi

    gration. &'''&'/&. &%+S2 orking a$er,o# 0. 3ctober &'/http7@@+++#nuim#ie@nirsa@research@documents@;P0NTheNchangingNfaceNofNIrishNmigrationN&'''N&'/pdf!accessed /)&'/4"

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    -ndaluca. Conse2era de Empleo. DirecciQn =eneral deCoordinaciQn de Polticas Migratorias#


    Destatis 8 $tatistisches :undesamt !&'/&". Pressemitteilung ,r# 40)7 _u+anderung nach Deutschland steigt im/# 6alb2ahr &'/& um /BH. /B ,ovember#https7@@+++#destatis#de@DE@Presse$ervice@Presse@Pressemitteilungen@&'/&@//@PD/&N40)N/&)//#html!accessed /&/4&'/&"

    Di>rio de ,otcias !&'/&". A'H dos emigrantes para forada Europa vYo para -ngola. /) ,ovember# http7@@+++#dn#pt@inicio@portugal@interior#asp%?contentNid&A0&()B!accessed /&0&'/&"

    Di>rio de ,otcias !&'/'". Portugal est> a perder imigrantes com a crise. &4 May#http7@@+++#dn#pt@inicio@economia@interior#asp%?

    contentNid/B)4A !accessed /&0&'/&" I,E 8 Instituto ,acional de Estatstica !&'/&a". Emigrants!,o#" by ,ationality -nnual. &/ December#http7@@+++#ine#pt@%portal@%main?%pidI,E%pgidineNindicadoresind3corrCod''''B&conte%tobdselTabtab&!accessed7 /&A&'/4"

    I,E 8 Instituto ,acional de Estatstica !&'/&b". Estatsticasdo Emprego &'/&. 4# Trimestre. 9isbon#http7@@+++#ine#pt@%portal@%main?%pidI,E%pgidineNpublicacoesPU:9IC-C3E$pubNboui/(4(4AB/PU:9IC-C3E$modo& !accessed //4'&'/&"

    I,E 8 Instituto ,acional de Estatstica !&'/&c". Indicadores$ociais#http7@@+++#ine#pt@%portal@%main?%pidI,E%pgidineNpublicacoesPU:9IC-C3E$pubNboui/B'B'4A'&PU:9IC-C3E$temaB(/(4/(PU:9IC-C3E$modo&!accessed /&0&'/4"

    I,E 8 Instituto ,acional de Estatstica !&'/&d". $aldo migratQrio annual# &'/'. /' 1ebruary#http7@@+++#ine#pt@%portal@%main?%pidI,E%pgidineNindicadoresind3corrCod'''&''conte%tobdselTabtab& !accessed /&/4&'/&"

    I3M 8 International 3rgani*ation for Migration !&'/'". Migration and the Economic Crisis in the European Union7Implications for Policy#http7@@publications#iom#int@bookstore@free@MigrationNandNtheNEconomicNCrisis#pdf !accessed /&/4&'/&"#

    MIPE\ 8 Migrant Integration Policy Inde% !&'/&". MIPE\III Portugal# http7@@+++#mipe%#eu@portugal!accessed /&/A&'/&"

    3bservatQrio da EmigraXYo !&'/&a". -lemanha. /' -ugust# http7@@+++#observatorioemigracao#secomunidades#pt@np(@paises#html?id0 !accessed /&(&'/4"

    3bservatQrio da EmigraXYo !&'/&b". - melhor poltica deemigraXYo [ lutar pelos direitos dos ue saem. &A 3ctober#http7@@+++#observatorioemigracao#secomunidades#pt@np(@44/html !accessed //&/&'/&"

    3bservatQrio da EmigraXYo !&'/&c". -ngola. ( $eptember#http7@@+++#observatorioemigracao#secomunidades#pt@np(@paises#html?id0 !accessed /&(&'/4"

    3bservatQrio da EmigraXYo !&'/&d". -ustralia. /0 Kuly#http7@@+++#observatorioemigracao#secomunidades#pt@np(@paises#html?id0 !accessed /&(&'/4"

    3bservatQrio da EmigraXYo !&'/&e". :rasil. B $eptember#http7@@+++#observatorioemigracao#secomunidades#pt@np(@

    paises#html?id0 !accessed /&(&'/4" 3bservatQrio da EmigraXYo !&'/&f". Canada. B $eptem

    ber#http7@@+++#observatorioemigracao#secomunidades#pt@np(@paises#html?id0 !accessed /&(&'/4"

    3bservatQrio da EmigraXYo !&'/&g". EmigraXYo pareceue aumenta porue chegou s famlias ue contam. /0,ovember# http7@@+++#observatorioemigracao#secomunidades#pt@np(@44B4#html !accessed //&/&'/&"

    3bservatQrio da EmigraXYo !&'/&h". Estados Unidos. /'3ctober# http7@@+++#observatorioemigracao#secomunidades#pt@np(@paises#html?id0 !accessed /&(&'/4"

    3bservatQrio da EmigraXYo !&'/&i". Mocambiue. B $ep

    tember# http7@@+++#observatorioemigracao#secomunidades#pt@np(@paises#html?id0 !accessed &(/&'/4" 3bservatQrio da EmigraXYo !&'/&2". eino Unido. &( 3kto

    ber#http7@@+++#observatorioemigracao#secomunidades#pt@np(@paises#html?id0 !accessed /&(&'/4"#

    3bservatQrio da EmigraXYo !&'/&k". $pain. B $eptember#http7@@+++#observatorioemigracao#secomunidades#pt@np(@paises#html?id0 !accessed /&(&'/4"

    3bservatQrio da EmigraXYo !&'/4". &'' mil portuguesessaram do pais nos dois ltimos anos. &B Kanuary#http7@@+++#observatorioemigracao#secomunidades#pt@np(@4(('#html !accessed /&A&'/4"

    3bservatQrio da ImigraXYo !&'/&". $adas de E%trangeirosat[ &'//# http7@@+++#oi#acidi#gov#pt@modules#php?nameContentpasho+pagepid/4A!accessed /&A&'/4"

    3ECD 8 3rganisation for Economic Cooperation and Development !&'/&". International Migration 3utlook &'/& 8Country ,otes7 ecent Changes in Migration Movementand Policies 8 Portugal# http7@@+++#oecd#org@migration@internationalmigrationpoliciesanddata@IM3H&'&'/&NCountryH&'noteH&'Portugal#pdf !accessed /&&&'/&"

    P3D-T- 8 :ase de Dados Portugal Contemporjneo!&'/&". Ta%a do Crescimento eal do PI:. /( -ugust#http7@@+++#pordata#pt@Europa@Ta%aJdeJcrescimentoJrealJdoJPI:/B44 !accessed /&A&'/4"

    PZ:9IC3 !&'/&". EmigraXYo7 longe da Europa e de formaillegal. && 3ctober#http7@@+++#publico#pt@sociedade@noticia@aumentaemigracaodeportuguesesparaforadaeuropaedeformailegal/BA&0 !accessed /&/&'/&"#

    PZ:9IC3 !&'//". Imigrantes brasileiros e angolanos saemde Portugal devido crise financeira. &B ,ovember#http7@@+++#publico#pt@sociedade@noticia@imigrantesbrasileiroseangolanossaemdeportugaldevidoacrisefinanceira/B&&B' !accessed /&0&'/&"

    PZ:9IC3 !&'/'". Portugal foi FgenerosoG na integraXYodos imigrantes mas a crise econQmica abre riscos. /0. 3ctober# http7@@publico#pt@sociedade@noticia@portugalfoigen

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    erosonaintegracaodosimigrantesmasacriseeconomicaabreriscos/(/4 !accessed 0/&&'/&"

    TP ,otcias !&'//". $ecret>rio de Estado aconselha emigraXYo aos 2ovens. 4/ 3ctober#http7@@+++#rtp#pt@noticias@inde%#php?

    article(0((0)tm0layout/&/visual(0!accessed /&/4&'/&" $E1 8 $erviXo de Estrangeiros e 1ronteiras !&'/&". e

    latQrio de ImigraXYo. 1ronteiras e -silo. 3eiras7 &'//#http7@@sefstat#sef#pt@Docs@ifaN&'//#pdf!accessed /&/4&'/&"



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    The =uardian !&'//". Euro$eans migrate south as conti/nent !rifts !ee$er into crisis

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    http7@@+++#bamf#de@$haredDocs@-nlagen@DE@Publikationen@EM,@,ationale$tudien;orkingPaper@emn+p4&arbeitskraeftebedarfde#pdf?NNblobpublication1ile!accessed /)&'/4"

    Preuss. oland !&'/&". $panien +ill die duale -usbildung#

    9ehre auf die Merkelsche Tour. SM!!eutsche;!e. /& Kuly#http7@@+++#sueddeutsche#de@karriere@spanien+illdiedualeausbildunglehreaufdiemerkelschetour/#/(/'(0)!accessed (/&'/4"

    $eibert. 6olger@;apler. `diger !&'/&". _u+anderungnach Deutschland7 -us dem -usland kommen immer mehr-kademiker. %2B/ur,bericht. ,o# &/#http7@@doku#iab#de@kur*ber@&'/&@kb&//pdf!accessed /(&'/4"

    Trabant. K`rgen !&'/&". Die