Interesting questions to ask a girl on your first date

Post on 13-May-2015

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Good questions to ask a girl on your first date. these questions will give you a hint on successful first date

Transcript of Interesting questions to ask a girl on your first date


There is nothing more difficult for a man than initiating a fruitful conversation with a lady especially on

his first date. Some of them allow such a very important moment slip away because of fear of rejection.

Have you ever encountered a situation where you boarded a bus or train and coincidently you got very

beautiful girl on the next seat. The typical one you always dreamt about. I tell you most of the men

won’t even dare to initiate a greeting. Duress and nervousness dominates them.

All the cars, money, appearance and dressings in the world won’t mean anything if your communication

with women is not effective. The first hurdle in the way to effective communication is nervousness.

Ways to overcome it will be discuss in our subsequent articles. Suppose you have suppressed the first

hurdle (nervousness) , one thing you have to remember is that communication can be spontaneous.

Anyone can initiate it . This again brings the element of surprise in to the discussion .Most men will tell

you this type of communication is the most difficult one. The best way to counter is to be ready all the


Try to speak calmly and as clearly as possible. If you are the one kicking the conversation off, then its

advisable to start with a polite greeting such as, “Hello” Try as much as possible not to appear to have

rehearsed with your words.

Always drive the talk in the girl’s direction because at the end of the day they love to talk about

themselves a lot.

There are several reasons why it’s important to bring the girl you just met to a very close level of

physical and emotional closeness before you can attempt to ask her out.

In order to make your first conversation with the girl more romantic and drive her attention towards

you, I have prepared the following questions.

NB: Remember these questions alone won’t yield result, composure, calmness, good body language are

also key elements.

1. Is that just a makeup?

Most guys are too naïve to challenge beautiful girls through conversation. They end up giving

exaggerated complements to the girl and thus expose how desperate they are to get the girl’s number.

The best way to complement is by combining it with a challenge. This will prove her to like you.

For example you can tell her that her skin is very beautiful then you follow it with this question; Is that

just a makeup? This will send her head rolling with confusion and mixed thoughts of annoyance and

undeniable attraction.


As I have said earlier, girls like to talk a lot about themselves, so in order to extend the conversation you

as ask ‘why’, don’t add anything else. Make sure you look genuine and curious; this will force her to

respond positively.

For example she can tell you about certain issues about her past, ask her ‘why’. This will lengthen her

talking about herself; furthermore, you will get a glimpse the girl’s personality.


This question to ask a girl . its is the killer, the moment you ask her to tell you something unique about

herself, she will sugar coat the words in order to impress you. At that moment that she is talking make

sure you maintain eye to eye contact with her as long as possible. Her body language will give you a lot

of indication on who she is.

For more questions visit our website