Interactive Tree Of Life v2: online annotation and display of … · 2018-12-17 · In addition to...

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Transcript of Interactive Tree Of Life v2: online annotation and display of … · 2018-12-17 · In addition to...

Interactive Tree Of Life v2: online annotation anddisplay of phylogenetic trees made easyIvica Letunic and Peer Bork*

EMBL, Meyerhofstrasse 1, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany

Received January 28, 2011; Revised February 23, 2011; Accepted March 21, 2011


Interactive Tree Of Life ( is a web-based tool for the display, manipulation and anno-tation of phylogenetic trees. It is freely available andopen to everyone. In addition to classical tree viewerfunctions, iTOL offers many novel ways of anno-tating trees with various additional data. Currentversion introduces numerous new features andgreatly expands the number of supported data settypes. Trees can be interactively manipulated andedited. A free personal account system is available,providing management and sharing of trees in userdefined workspaces and projects. Export to variousbitmap and vector graphics formats is supported.Batch access interface is available for program-matic access or inclusion of interactive trees intoother web services.


With the exponential increase of sequence data being gene-rated by various classical and next-generation sequencingstudies (1), phylogenetics and phylogenetic trees arebecoming an integral part of various biological studies.Through the years, many tools have been developed,covering all possible aspects of classical tree visualization.Tools like TREEVIEW (2), Archaeopteryx (3), TreeDyn(4), Dendroscope (5), PhyloWidget (6) and others providemany useful features and are used regularly by scientistsworldwide. However, an important aspect missing frommost visualization tools is the ability to annotate phylo-genetic trees with various external data sets. We have,therefore, developed an in-house tool that included thesefunctions, and made it public after significant interestfrom the small evaluating community (7). Here, wereport on the current state of the tool and recent develop-ments which have greatly expanded iTOL’s functionality,tested by and implemented through the suggestions ofseveral thousands active users. A complete overview offeatures added since the original publication is available

in iTOL’s version history page (


iTOL is an online tool, accessible with any modern webbrowser (Figure 1). Trees are displayed using a combin-ation of Adobe Flash and Javascript. The Flash objectwhich displays the tree and provides interactivity iscreated dynamically by the server using a set of Perlscripts and the Ming library (


iTOL works with two most commonly used phylogenetictree formats, Newick and Nexus (8). Recently proposednew tree format, phyloXML (9) is also supported. Variousadditional data used for tree annotation is uploadedthrough plain text files.iTOL provides most common functions available in any

phylogenetic tree viewer. Trees can be displayed in variousformats: as phylograms or cladograms, rooted orunrooted and rectangular or radial. Several tree custom-ization options are available, giving users a great amountof control over the tree display. Tree clades can be prunedor collapsed, either manually or automatically, based onvarious parameters (such as associated bootstrap values oraverage branch length distance). Trees can be re-rootedmanually on any node, or automatically using the mid-point rooting method. Basic editing functions allow usersto interactively delete or move single nodes or wholeclades.


One of iTOL’s major functions is the creation of high-quality figures for publication or inclusion into other docu-ments. It is therefore possible to export any tree with itsannotations into several graphical formats, both vectorand bitmap. Currently supported formats are ScalableVector Graphics (svg), Portable Network Graphics (png),

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +49 6221 387 8526; Fax: +49 6221 387 8517; Email:

Nucleic Acids Research, 2011, 1–4doi:10.1093/nar/gkr201

� The Author(s) 2011. Published by Oxford University Press.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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Encapsulated Postscript (eps), Postscript (ps) and PortableDocument Format (pdf). In addition, pruned trees can beexported in all supported plain text formats (Newick,Nexus or phyloXML).


Our primary goal when developing iTOL was to offernumerous ways of annotating phylogenetic trees withexternal data. Currently, there are two major groups oftree annotations in iTOL:

(1) automatic annotation based on intrinsic nodefeatures (bootstrap values, branch lengths) and

(2) user provided annotation associated with differentnodes (data sets and other information)


At the moment, iTOL supports 11 different data set types(Figure 2). All data sets are uploaded as plain text files.Various data set parameters can be customized duringupload. Due to Flash performance constraints, eachphylogenetic tree in iTOL can have a maximum of 10data sets associated. An overview of supported data settypes is shown in Figure 2. Detailed description and infor-mation on required formats for each data set is availablein iTOL’s online help pages.


When navigating interactive tree displays in iTOL, users canhover mouse cursor over any node to display popupwindowswith various bits of information associated with the node.

Figure 1. iTOL’s user interface. Tree of life (12) annotated with various data sets is shown. Several branches are collapsed and displayed as triangles.Tree branches are colored according to the clade bootstrap value. Popup windows provide detailed information on clades/leaves, such as bootstrapvalues, taxonomical categories or associated data set values. Alternatively, popup windows can display user defined, HTML formatted text, includingexternal links and images.

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By default, these will include bootstrap values, branchlengths and taxonomic data (if present). However, iTOLallows complete customization of the information shownin the popups, which can contain any user-defined HTMLformatted text, including URL links and external images.


Clade support values (bootstraps) offer important cluesregarding the quality of the tree and allow easy identifica-tion of problematic areas. iTOL can display bootstrapvalues in three different ways:

(1) direct display of numeric values above the branchesin the tree;

(2) display of symbols whose size is proportional to thebootstrap values; and

(3) coloring of tree branches using user specified colorgradients, with actual colors calculated from theassociated bootstrap value.


Colors used for the display of trees in iTOL are fully cus-tomizable. Both branch and text color of each node can be

independently defined. In addition, users can specify back-ground colors for various clades. Colors can be specifiedthrough an interactive color editor, or defined in plain textfiles uploaded together with the tree.


iTOL is the first visualization tool which supports thedisplay of horizontal gene transfers (HGTs) in phylogen-etic trees. These can be annotated directly in the originalNewick tree file, using an extended format described iniTOL’s online help pages. Alternatively, HGTs can alsobe defined and uploaded in separate plain text files. HGTsare displayed as arrows with user defined colors andlabels.


iTOL provides a freely available personal account system.It allows registered users to access their uploaded treesfrom anywhere, organize them into workspaces andprojects and easily manage data sets and other treefeatures. Trees are kept private and stored locally in iTOL.

Figure 2. Data set types supported by iTOL. Each tree in iTOL can be annotated with up to 10 different data sets. All data sets are uploaded asnumeric and/or color values associated with tree nodes. (a) Binary: binary data associated with leaves. (b) Color strip and gradient: color gradientsare automatically calculated from numeric data, while color strips allow direct definition of colors. (c) Bar chart and time series: set of single valuesassociated with leaf nodes displayed as a bar chart; multiple single bar charts can be combined into an animated time series data set. (d) Stacked barchart: a stacked set of bar charts. (e) Aligned multi value bar chart: multiple aligned bar charts. (f) Boxplot: boxplots can be uploaded aspre-calculated five-number summaries or as raw data. (g) Protein domain architecture: numerous protein domain architectures can be easilydefined using 13 different geometric shapes. (h) Heatmap: colors of the map are calculated from numerical data and user defined colors gradients.(i) Pie chart: different-sized pie charts can be displayed on any node in the tree. (j) Connections: any two nodes in the tree can be connected by linesof user defined colors, widths and transparency.

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Trees in an iTOL account can be organized into unlimitednumber of user-defined projects. Projects can be furtherseparated into various workspaces allowing easy naviga-tion even in accounts with a large number of trees.


Any user project in iTOL can be set as ‘shared’. Otherusers can simply access shared projects, allowing them todisplay, export or copy the trees contained within.Through shared projects, users can simply keep their col-leagues up to date with various tree versions and otherdevelopments.


When working with hundreds or even thousands of phylo-genetic trees, automation capabilities become an import-ant factor in any tool’s usefulness. iTOL offersprogrammatic access to both its tree upload and exportinterfaces. All iTOL features available interactivelythrough the web interface can also be accessed using thebatch access. Example upload/download scripts areprovided in several programming languages. Varioustools and servers [examples include SmashCommunity(10) and metaTIGER (11)] already use iTOL as thebackend engine for phylogenetic tree visualization.


Funding for open access charge: European MolecularBiology Laboratory

Conflict of interest statement. None declared.


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