Intention, power vs force

Post on 28-Nov-2014

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steps to reconnect to Intention force, stay aligned with your inner source

Transcript of Intention, power vs force

intention: power vs. force

Adriana Hoyos

WHO are you?


try to imagine a forcethat is everywhere

there’s no place where you can go where it isn’t

it can’t be divided and is present in everything

you see or touch


extend your awareness of this infinite field of

energy beyond the world of form and boundaries

this infinite field of energy is known as:


the only way you deactivate this

force is by believingthat you are

separate from it !

If there’s an omnipresentpower of intention withineveryone and everything, then we are connected toeveryone and everything

and we are connected to what we’d like to be; what

we’d like to have; what we’d like to achieve...

then, how we came toexperience ourselvesas disconnected from


horses, monkeys, ants, tomatoes, trees... stonesDON’T get disconnected

from the source

... they don’t question their intention!

we humans, however, with our capability for presumably higher brain functions, have something

we refer to as ego which is an idea that we construct around

who we are

ego is made of six

primary ingredients that account for how we

experience ourselves as disconnected

1. “I am what I have”-my possessions define me

2. “I am what I do”-my achievements define me

3. “I am what others think of me”-my reputation defines me

4. “I am separate from everyone” -my body defines me as alone

5. “I am separate from all that is missing in my life”

-my life space is disconnected from my desires

6. “I am separate from God”-my life depends on God’s ‘assessment of my worthiness’

intension cannot be accessed

through ego

so... what should we do ?

steps to intention

first stage:


learning a ‘new task’ requires training your body as well as your thoughts

but how?

developing healthy habits and watching your thoughts: being alert

second stage:


wisdom combined with discipline fosters your hability to focus and

be patient as you harmonizeyour thoughts, your intellect, your

feelings and your body

third stage


After disciplining the body withwisdom and intellectually studying

a task, this process of masteryinvolves loving what you do and

doing what you love

fourth stage


this is the place of intention; this iswhere your body and your mindaren’t running the show and you

can move into intent

i know... i know...

...all that sounds so nice and yetso intangible and quite idealistic.

so let’s see a more practical, less philosophical approach

to reconnect to inention:

seven steps for


ego’s holdon you

1. Stop being offended

the behaviour of others isn’t a reason to be immobilized.

that which offends you, only weakens you

2. Let go off your need to win

you are not your victories or trophies. observe, be at peace and match up with the energy of intention. and

ironically more of those victories will show up effortlessly, as you pursue

them less!

3. Let go your need to be right

ego is a source of conflict and dissension because it pushes you in

the direction of making other people wrong. even if you are right, ask

yourself: do I want to be right or to be happy?

4. Let go off your need be superior

focus more on being better than you used to be, than on being better than others. we all have a mission to realize our intended essence. all that we need to fulfill our destiny is available to us!

5. Let go off your need to have more

ego is never satisfied. the

nature of intention is

abundance & expansion.

attachment makes you feel in a

perpetual state of striving, giving

you the false impression of never arriving

6. Let go off identifying yourself on the basis of your achievements

the less you need to

take credit for your achievements and the more

connected you stay to intention, the more you are free to achieve, and... the

more will show up for you!

7. Let go off your reputation

focus more on being better than you used to be, than on being better than others. we all have a mission to realize our intended essence. all that we need to fulfill our destiny is available to us!

these concludes the three major obstacles to your connecting to intention:

1. Your negative thoughts2. Your low energy choices3. Your self-importance

... some helpful tips

notice how much of your inner speach focuses on what’s missing, on the

negative circumstances, on the past, and on the opinions of others.

shift your thinking to a positive mode

1. monitor your inner dialogue

transform any thoughts that support an inhability on your part to match

with the energy of intention.the sun always shines behind the clouds

2. lighten moments of doubt, fear and depression

recall that everything, including your thoughts, has an energy frequency that can be calibrated to determine wether if you will strengthen or weaken you.

your thoughts create your own reality

3. be aware of low energy

view obstacles as opportunities to circulate the power of your

unbending intent.

4. talk to your ego & let it know that it has no control over you today

see yourself as the observer rather than the victim or the offender

& now...

Who are you?

thank you!Adriana Hoyos