Intelli J IDEA

Post on 12-May-2015

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Transcript of Intelli J IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA

Develop with pleasure!

ByAfkham Azeez

Senior Architect & Senior Manager

The creators of IntelliJ IDEA (IMO the best Java IDE) have just come out with v1.0 of a Python IDE - james_clark (on


Hands on session (1/2)● Simple HelloWorld class with main method (psvm + tab)● Copy a line (Ctrl + c without selecting the line)● Duplicate a line (Ctrl + d)● Delete a line (Ctrl + y)● Generate JavaDoc (/** + enter)● Move code segments up and down (Ctrl + Shift + up/down

arrows)● Wrap code segments (Ctrl + t)● Iterations (itar + tab, iter + tab)● Context menu (alt+Enter)● Different types of refactoring

○ Introduce variable (Ctrl + Alt + v)○ Introduce constant (Ctrl + Alt + c)○ Introduce field/attribute (Ctrl + Alt + f)○ Introduce method (Ctrl + Alt + m)

Hands on session (2/2)● Find class (Ctrl + n)● Find file (Ctrl + Shift + n)● Rename (Shift + F6)● Find related files (Alt+F1)● Goto Line (Ctrl + g)● Move between navigated code (Alt+ctrl+left/right arrows)● Incrementally select code segments (Ctrl + w)● Incrementally deselect code segments (Ctrl + Shift + w)● Undo (Ctrl + z)● Redo (Ctrl + Shift + z)● Code headers● Remove all less used plugins

Some useful plugins

● Hungry backspace● CopyFQNPlugin● Copy As HTML● SOAP UI● TCP Monitor● BashSupport● Generate serialVersionUID● Generate toString● FindBugs-IDEA● Atlassian Connector - Crucible

Performance Optimization & Efficiency● Tune idea.vmoptions

○ -Xms1024m○ -Xmx1500m○ -d64○ -ea○ -server○ -XX:PermSize=300m○ -XX:MaxPermSize=600m○ -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC○ -XX:+UseParNewGC○ -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit○ -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled

● Remove unnecessary plugins● Don't load previous project ● Don't save on frame deactivation● Don't auto sync with file system● Create a Desktop shortcut


1. Demos

2. DZone Refcard

Use IDEA as it is supposed to be used. Don't use it as a text editor & syntax
