Integrating Salesforce and Terminus Hub...What is Terminus Hub? The Terminus Account-Based Platform...

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Transcript of Integrating Salesforce and Terminus Hub...What is Terminus Hub? The Terminus Account-Based Platform...

1© 2019 Terminus Software, Inc.PRODUCT USE

Integrating Salesforce and Terminus Hub

Who is this document for?• Potential Terminus Customers• Existing Terminus Customers• Salesforce Administrators• IT and Security Teams

PrerequisitesTo use this feature, you must have the Terminus Hub product as part of your subscription and you must be an

API Enabled* Salesforce CRM customer.

*The Salesforce Editions which include API access are: Enterprise, Unlimited, Developer, and Performance. Customers on

the Professional Edition may purchase API access through Salesforce at an additional cost.

What is Terminus Hub? The Terminus Account-Based Platform is designed to enable everyone in marketing, sales, and leadership to

address the challenges facing ABM teams today. Within the platform, users can identify and prioritize target

accounts, engage the buying committee with multichannel programs, send actionable insights to sales,

measure results, and report on success to their entire organization.

The Terminus Hub includes the Account Hub, which is your central account intelligence data platform. It

automatically ingests account-level firmographic and behavioral intelligence to give you a 360-degree view of

all of your accounts. From there, you can easily build actionable target account lists, identify gaps in

marketing or sales coverage, and prioritize your ABM efforts across marketing and sales. Hub also offers a

robust account-based analytics suite, including our Campaign Analytics, Opportunity Insights, and

Opportunity Journey views, so it’s easy to assess and optimize individual campaigns, and report on holistic

program success to your leadership team.


2© 2019 Terminus Software, Inc.PRODUCT USE

Why does Terminus Hub require integration with Salesforce?You’ll maximize the value you get from the Terminus platform by integrating with your Salesforce CRM.

By integrating, you’ll be able to easily sort and analyze pipeline and revenue outcomes, drill-down on

campaign and opportunity outcomes, and leverage dynamic CRM data in your account targeting and

engagement plays.

Integration with your CRM is also the best way to leverage Terminus to provide an overall view of the efficacy

and impact of your marketing programs on revenue.

How does the integration work?The Terminus Salesforce integration follows the standard OAuth Web Server Authentication pattern.

The integration is simple and does not require any package installation or modification of Salesfo ce instance:

Terminus User is presented with a Salesforce-hosted authenticationpage from within the Terminus Web Application

Terminus User provides credentials (email address and password) for a Salesforce user that has access to the required objects

Click here to learn more about web server authentication flow.

Is there any Salesforce Admin work required?We recommend creating or leveraging an existing API Enabled integration User in Salesforce with Read

access to the required objects. With a dedicated integration User you can easily control what data is

accessible by Terminus using the built-in Salesforce user permissions. It also eliminates the need to re-

authenticate the integration due to organizational turnover.


3© 2019 Terminus Software, Inc.PRODUCT USE

What API access does Terminus Hub require? How many API calls are made per day?Terminus Hub requires that your Salesforce instance be API Enabled. We make use of the REST API in the

onboarding process and the Bulk API for historical and daily data syncs. The number of calls Terminus Hub

makes will vary according to an organization’s total and updated volumes of data. A single API call will

fetch up to 500,000 records per object.

What objects are required for Terminus Hub?

Read access to the following objects is required for all versions of Terminus Hub:

In order for us to be able to properly pull in User Roles, "View Roles and Role Hierarchy" must be

for permissioned for the SFDC integration user. More information on this setting can be found

here. Having the "View All Data" permission setting enabled on the authenticating user profile will

also allow for this, and is an ideal scenario for Hub implementation.

Read access to the following additional objects is required for stand-alone Measure and the Pro

and Enterprise TEAM platforms:

• OpportunityHistory

• OpportunityFieldHistory

• OpportunityStage

In addition to these standard objects, Terminus Hub may require access to custom objects defined in your

Custom Onboarding Plan.

• Lead

• Opportunity

• OpportunityContactRole

• RecordType

• Task

• User

• UserRole

• OpportunityLineItem

• PricebookEntry

• Product2

• Account

• Campaign

• CampaignMember

• CampaignMemberStatus

• Contact


4© 2019 Terminus Software, Inc.PRODUCT USE

What fields are required for Terminus Hub?We recommend providing Read access to all standard and custom fields on each object listed above. If you have questions about specific fields, please reach out to your Terminus representative so we can provide

more detailed guidance.

Does Terminus Hub need Read and Write permissions?No. Terminus Hub only needs Read permission to your Salesforce instance.

How often does Terminus Hub sync with Salesforce?Terminus Hub pulls in new and updated records from Salesforce every 24 hours, for both your test and

production instances of the Account Hub platform.

Does Terminus Hub store our Salesforce data?Yes. Terminus stores all data from the Salesforce objects named above, according to your platform type.

Should you choose to end your relationship with Terminus, your data is deleted in accordance with your

contract end date.

What security precautions are in place?Terminus Hub follows industry best practices related to application security and compliance. Both the

Terminus Hub web application as well as our API connection to Salesforce require a secure HTTPS

connection. Terminus is an AppExchange approved vendor and performs regular web application

vulnerability scans and third party penetration testing in accordance with industry standards such as OWASP,

SANS/CWE Top 25, and CERT Secure. We have been through many Enterprise security reviews and have

never had any issues.

If you require detailed security documentation, please contact your Terminus representative.

Can I test Terminus Hub with a Salesforce Sandbox?Since Terminus Hub only requires Read access to your Salesforce instance and is optimized to use a minimal

number of API calls, sandbox testing is rarely needed and is not advised.

However, Terminus Hub does support Salesforce Sandbox testing utilizing a Full Copy Sandbox Environment.

Please contact your Terminus representative to set this up.