Insurance and Financial Services journey map

Post on 27-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Insurance and Financial Services journey map

Customer Experience for Service

Jennifer logs in to her dashboard in the morning and can see new leads that have been routed to her from Blu.

The leads are appended with scores provided by Blu.

She can drill down on any individual lead for a more complete view of that prospect (e.g. how the lead was captured, areas of interest based on web site browsing or white papers downloaded, etc).

She can then prioritize her activities for the day based on the information provided.

Her first call is to Alicia. Jennifer can see that Alicia visited the Blu website yesterday and hit several pages including the “saving for retirement” page, “saving for college” and “changing careers” section. Alicia clicked through to the retirement calculator on the site and completed the information about her current situation. She then provided her contact information with a request that she be contacted by phone or email.

Based on Alicia’s recent activity on the website, additional demographic and psychographic information that has been appended to Alicia’s profile, and response and transactional data that Blu has collected for “look-alike” individuals over time, the system recommends that Jennifer offer Alicia a mutual fund account.

Jennifer calls, but gets Alicia’s voicemail and leaves a message. Jennifer immediately launches a personalized, customized email that allows Alicia to schedule a time to talk right from the email message, positions the suggested offer as a topic for their conversation, and provides targeted links for additional information.

Two days later, as planned, Jennifer connects with Alicia and she is intrigued by the offer of a mutual fund account, but wants to understand what it would take to achieve both her retirement goals and help her kids with college.

While they talk, Jennifer is able to validate the information that Alicia input into the web retirement calculator and collect some additional information on the call.

Jennifer follows up their call with an email containing a personalized plan for retirement savings Alicia can print out as a PDF or access as an interactive document, c complete with helpful videos and links.

Later that day, Jennifer decides to move on to the lower ranked leads. Rather than spend her time making individual calls to relatively cold prospects, she launches an automated multi-touch campaign.

The campaign is personalized to the specific lead and/or lead segment -- the products promoted, the images used and the call to action or offers included will be based on where the lead is in the sales funnel as well as available demographic/psychographic/transactional data.

A user friendly click to call or email directs the customer back to Jennifer so that she maintains control of the colder leads she is cultivating.

One of the names on the list is Michael. Michael opens the email and sees that the content is all about the importance of life insurance, a topic he has been researching and talking about online. He is intrigued but he is not ready to be contacted.

Alicia sets an appointment and she and Jennifer plan to connect 2 days later.

Instead he accesses one of the links in the email and issent to a deep link on the Blu website for a more information. He spends most of his time reviewing the advantages of whole life over term life insurance over the next few days.

His interactions on the Blu website trigger the next touch in the Jennifer’s lead nurturing campaign. This time, the email includes a specific offer for whole life and the same user friendly click to call or email.

Michael decides to click to call and he and Jennifer begin their conversation about life insurance.

Jennifer decides that for the top ranked leads, she will reach out directly by phone.

Customer Analytics Real-Time Personalization Omni-Channel Experience Predictive Analytics Real-time Events and Alerts Social Conversation Understanding Customer PreferencesCAPABILITIES:


A few days later Alicia reaches out to Jennifer by phone and is interested in opening a mutual fund account - based on the excellent service and personalized materials provided.

Marketing Optimization


Jennifer is a top performing independent agent. As a busy mother of two, she is highly focused on making the most of her time in the office. While she represents six different carriers, Blu is her preferred partner because of the tools and support they now provide to make her life easier and her time more effective. Last year alone, Jennifer ended up placing 61 percent of her new business with Blu.

Jennifer’s priorities are to: - Increase her customer base.- Interact with customers via their preferred channels- Advise customers on the insurance policies and coverage that best suit their needs and close deals on new contracts

To do her job well, she needs simple, fast and reliable access to Blu Services. She cannot afford to waste time personally cultivating leads that will not bear fruit, so she is looking for as much information as possible to guide her efforts. She knows most of the carriers she deals with have access to a mountain of data about their prospects, but in the past she has struggled to get that data in a form that makes it actionable for her. Blu changed all of that when they introduced a new way for their agents to manage and nurture leads.

This Customer Experience POV describes the art of the possible, based on IBM’s thought leadership and extensive customer experience.

This Customer Experience POV has been developed by Jason Smith and Catrina Boisson.

© IBM Corp. 2014Quota to Production Premiums Earned per Agent Net Income Ratio Engagement Index Percentage of Sales Growth Lead to Quote Total Revenue per Policy Holder Interactions Quote to Close Rate Agent Experience Customer Satisfaction Policy Sales GrowthKPI


Understand Your Customers With Customer Analytics:Customers are more empowered and connected than ever, with unprecedented access to information anytime and anywhere. Their expectations are high, and their buying choices are based on positive interactions with your brand. Customer analytics can tell you who your customers are, what they are doing, what they want, and how and when to reach them, so that you can create personalized experiences that win more business and drive loyalty.

Curate Meaningful Customer Interactions With Real Time Personalization: Turn individual customer interactions into an opportunity for real-time, relevant engagement that results in better conversion, higher lifetime value and greater retention throughout the customer lifecycle. Automatically determine the best communications and best product offers for customers based on historical and real-time behavior as well as time frame, business constraints and marketing objectives, then dynamically display content in the moment based on passive or active customer actions.

Ignite And Grow Customer Relationships With Omni-Channel Marketing: Target thousands – or millions – of individuals, with the right message at the right time through the right channel. Streamline internal processes with a central repository for re-usable offers, segments and contact & response history. Track and honor individual customer preferences, and quickly and cost-effectively design, execute, and measure customer-driven communication strategies across all of your channels, online and offline.


