Instructions heels

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Instructions heels

STEP 8- Assure that you’re walking gracefully. You want to make walking in heels look effortless. Practice as much as needed until you are confident that you can walk in public without fearing you’ll trip on every uneven or slippery surface. In the case of an occasional slip, anchor yourself with the balls of your feet, and take a moment to laugh at yourself. It happens to the best of us.


Whether you’ve silently admired people walking by with sky-high heels or whether you’re guilty of hobbling through the office (awaiting the moment to finally kick your heels off), it’s never too late to learn how to successfully walk in heels. Follow the steps listed below, and you’ll be strutting in no time. Remember, “Don’t fear the heels!”

YOU WEAR THOSE HEELS, GIRL! Instructions by: Brittani Hunter

STEP 2- Sit down on a flat, elevated surface (e.g. a chair, stool) where your feet can easily reach the ground.

STEP 1- Locate a pair of closed-toe heels with the heel measuring between 2”-3”. (Starting with too high of a heel is not practical if you want to look like a natural.)

STEP 3- One by one, slide the appropriate foot into each of the heels.

STEP 4- Still sitting down, get used to the feel of the high heels by moving your feet in a walking motion.

STEP 5- Once you feel comfortable and confident with the heels on your feet, stand up. To be safe, make sure you’re beside something/someone you can hold onto.

STEP 6- With your feet slightly apart, shift your body weight from side to side, then front to back, to get a sense of how to adjust your balance. Use the balls of your feet as your central balance point. When you’re on the balls of your feet, it’s just like standing on your tippy toes. (This step is critical. Times will come when you slip or trip and you have to quickly catch yourself. Yes, you may look silly doing this step. But imagine how silly you’ll look laying on the ground while people walk by, chuckling.)

STEP 7- Now, you’re ready to walk. Using the balls of your feet to anchor you, slowly begin to walk, placing one foot in front of the other. Imagine walking along an imaginary straight line. Walk around as much as you need to—around the house, up and down the sidewalk. Walking in heels is a calf muscle work-out. If you’re walking correctly, you should feel a tiny amount of pressure in your calves as you walk. The higher the heel, the more you’ll feel it. -Be cautious of putting too much weight on the balls of your feet. Remember, you’re trying to walk in heels. Not dance on your toes like a ballerina!

STEP 9- Once you’ve mastered the 2”-3” closed-toe heel, you’re ready to move on to higher heels, high heeled sandals, wedges, etc.