Institutional research Bronte Sheridan

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Transcript of Institutional research Bronte Sheridan

Institutions that might produce and exhibit my music video

By Bronte Sheridan


Apple purchased Soundjam MP in 2000 and renamed it to iTunes. The adaptations from Soundjam MP to iTunes allowed music fans to keep track of songs through a virtual library by playing, downloading and organising digital audio and video s on apple products such as iPhones and iPads.

In 2005, video support was introduced to iTunes, whereby users could drag and drop video clips from the computer into the iTunes library for cataloguing and organization, this is where music videos became increasingly used on iTunes. They can be viewed in a small frame in the main iTunes display, or full screen.

When looking at iTunes as a possible exhibitor for my music video, there are various steps I would have to follow. Firstly I would sell my music video via downloads and streaming through iTunes radio, the default price for a video under 10 minutes in length is $0.99 and it would take around 24-72 hours to go live.

One main thing that makes iTunes seen appealing as a exhibitor is the things they stand for. For example they take a very environmentally friendly approach to their work. Apple’s data centres are 100% powered by energy from renewable sources such as solar, wind, hydro and geothermal. Their ultimate goal is to power all Apple facilities entirely by renewable energy.

A further strength is that the number of apple products being sold are dramatically increasing, therefore so is the number of people who have access to iTunes, to possibly download or stream my music video making it a greater success.

Youtube Youtube was founded by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim who developed the idea in the early months of

2005, with the inspiration coming from Janet Jackson’s role in the 2004 Super Bowl incident, when her breast was accidently exposed during her performances. Karmin could not easily find the video clip of her incident online, which led to the idea of a video sharing site.

It is now the most popular video-sharing website, whereby users can upload, view and share videos. It used Adobe Flash Video and HTML5 technology to display a wide variety of user generated videos. Most of the content on Youtube has been uploaded by individuals.

The main type of video individuals or companies upload is TV clips and music videos, however there is also amateur content such as video blogging, short original videos and educational videos.

Youtube have hundreds of thousands of views every day and I think exhibiting out music video on there would contribute to our video being seen world wide. As a company they also have high ethics and safety policies put in place to ensure the protection of views examples of this are age restrictions. It would not take long to upload our music video to YouTube either, which is another strength.

On the other hand the main disadvantage to using Youtube as our exhibitor is the competitiveness and unoriginality of the site. Millions of video’s get posted to Youtube every day as it is quick, simple and free, therefore there is no guarantee our video will be spotted out of loads of others.

Rough Trade RecordsRough Trade Records was founded during 1978 when “the world was a very different place”. Punk was in ashes, Elvis

was not long dead and John Lennon was yet to be assassinated. Although it is arguable to say that they began too long ago to exhibit current music videos, I believe that the genre of Alternative Rock evolved during this period of time and that actually a record label such as Rough Trade Records would be perfect to exhibit our video.

Examples of producers that work with them are Bernard Butler, who has been hailed by some critics as the greatest guitarist of his generation. Chris Thomas, who has worked with groups such as The Beatles, The Sex Pistols and Roxy Music. Graham Sutton, who is best known as the leader and key figure of seminal post-rock band Bark Psychosis, as well as being an in-demand producer for alternative rock bands since the last 1990’s.

The exhibition of music videos is a long process that needs a lot of time and dedication , for that reason I think it is suitable that Rough Records are based in London whereby it will not take long to get too and back throughout the development.

Work they have produced and exhibited: •




The main purpose of MTV is to be “Music Television”, playing music videos 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Even though it has now adapted to TV shows and films, music videos play a major part in keeping the company alive and there are still channels that constantly play music videos such as MTV Hits and MTV jams.

The original taglines of the channel were “You’ll never look at music the same way again”, and “Oh cable. In stereo”. These quotes are inspirational to a newly formed music production company and we should always keep them in mind.

The company is thriving and expanding daily, as of August 2013, approximately 97,654,000 American households receive MTV, demonstrating the extent of availability when looking at MTV.

I thoroughly support the ethics they enforce such as parental guidance. MTV have set up a ParentPort system which is run by the UK’s media regulators. They set and impose standards across the media to protect children from inappropriate material.