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Issue #:0067 Vol: 7 May 2012




(Vishva Sarvatma Bhava Chaitanya Prasara Nilayam)

Spiritual Patron Samartha SadGuru Sri Ramachandra Maharaj Spiritual Facilitator Prof. Satyanarayana Chillapa President IUSCM

Spiritual Doctrine, Conceptual Guidance - and - Motivators: Bhagavan Sri. Adi Sankara and Lord Sri. Krishna Paramatma (Gitacharya )



Message from the Master

Constant remembrance of Master is the Time tested penance for spiritual and worldly welfare of the Seeker of Reality. But unfortunately it has degenerated into gross methods of various types,

including displayed wall posters, circulated copied handouts, depicting quotations from Master’s speeches and announcements of functions etc. Of course there is nothing wrong in the technique adopted. Problem comes only, when the essence of the message is over shadowed by the actor’s vanity of show. It should not be forgotten that the subtlety of thought is the index of proximity to Spiritual Reality, the Para Brahman.

Spiritual News Bulletin

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This is because, subtlety is directly associated with pervasiveness; and pervasiveness is a potential power, since it occupies more space. God is subtlest of subtle, and so all pervading, omniscient, Omni knowing, and omnipotent power. Therefore, when Master is conceptualized as Reality, Para Brahman, in human-format of Guru then that Thought to be empirically valid, should be so subtle, that the material content of the concept of Master is sucked away from the heart of the Seeker and only ’’Idea’’ remains lingering in created vacuum. A time comes when the ’Idea’ is also gone and “Nothingness’’ Prevails in the mind-psych of the Seeker: What to speak of the spiritual (‘Adhyatmic’) status of such a Noble Person!

All this highest spiritual condition is dawned by mere easiest way of an act of WILL of surrender to Master. So, the moral is ‘Do not display’ your spiritual condition by exhibition, in any external or internal form, if you really want to avoid density and grossness in your personality formation. The Idea of remembrance of Master and the Self, seeking Master, both are lost into oblivion and only wonders remain! All this process is activated by development of “Thushnibhava’’ through yoga meditation, where in the positive and negative thought currents generated by heterogeneous sanskaras generated in mind-psyche get neutralized leading to “Action-less Action’’, called in Yoga Parlance as “Nish Kama-Karma’’.

Finally, the adoption of the method of subtlest thought of Master, (The Reality), is sure to bring in an attitude of renunciation (Vairagya) from the very first day of initiation into the system. It is observed, some very senior associates in our yoga system, feel and act in terms of personal likes and dislikes, even in issues related to the welfare of the organization. As indicated earlier, a yogi with the mind-psych of matured “Thushnibhava’’, that is, a mind of ‘Neutrality’, neither accepts nor rejects actively, any interaction situation. He receives as “Prasada’’ the Grace from God, all that comes in his way. A True Seeker of Spirituality must avoid by all means the pretence and show; and also “No-Jokes’’ in Spirituality. It is a condition of pure, plain, simple, non-contradictory, time to time, moment to moment, existential

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conscious Self - living. The Yoga condition of “Negation’’ in the words of Sage Ashtavakra is;

“ Idam Kritham-Idam Na-Ethi

Dwandwair-Muktho Yadaa Manah Dharma-Arttha-Kaama-Moksheshu

Nir-Apeksham Tadaa Bhaveth “

Meaning: When the mind is free from such pairs-of-

opposites as “this is done”, and “this is not yet done”, it becomes indifferent to righteousness, wealth, desire and liberation.

An Astral Transmission Through

Prof. Satyanarayana Chillapa President IUSCM, HQ. Hyderabad-59, India

The Medium of Manifestation

Mind and body are the medium through which, Atman / Brahman Reality is manifesting. This expression of Soul, through Mind, which acts, as if the mirror casts it’s Image which is called Ego-Self (Jeevatma). The intensity of manifestation depends on the quality and clarity of the medium, the Mind, through which it is expressing that, affects spiritual condition of the Seeker of Reality. It should be made clear in this context that Mind is nothing but Consciousness in motion and in flux. The phenomenon is just like the relationship between the sea waves and the sea. When there is no pressure in the sea water, there are no waves. It is calm and quiet as sea only. Or the flowing water is called river and when the flow of water in the river is


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यथ च चलता िहनु ुे ंतन मनो अमत उचतृ े तद एवच तपह शा त िसध त मो उचते े

arrested it is called lake. Similarly if there are no thoughts in consciousness, there is no Mind and it’s function as mind is transcended. That is why Saints proclaim a calm peaceful mind as Divinity in manifestation and “THAT’’ condition is called as Immortal.

Meaning: “The mind wherein all thought disturbances dissolved, That state is Immortal. That is the result of the highest penance. Shastras (Scriptures) proclaim it as Moksha i.e. release from the Painful transmigration cycle of repeated births and deaths’’ (Ref: Mahopanishad, 5-101) The three Phases of Consciousness viz. Waking state (Jagrath avastha), Dream state (Svapna vastha), Sleep state (Sushupti avastha) are another Medium of Expression. Waking State of Consciousness is Solid Three dimensional medium. Dream is Uni-dimentional medium; whereas Sleep is Zero dimensional medium. Another way to look into issue of Manifestation of Self is on Causal Basis viz. Physical Body, Astral Body, and Causal Body. The Three bodies Physical, Astral, and Causal of Self are actually composed of five layers or Koshas namely

1- Elemental Food Sheath (Annamaya Kosha), 2- Vital or gross Energy Sheath (Pranamaya Kosha),

3- Mental sheath (Manomaya Kosha), 4- Intellectual Sheath (Vignamaya kosha),

5- Bliss Sheath (Anandamaya Kosha).

The expression of Soul through Anandamaya kosha, the Bliss-sheath is feeling of happiness. Un expressed Soul is Bliss Itself Ananda Ghana. When we say, Waking State of Consciousness is Three Dimensional, it implies Consciousness when activated through five senses of Seeing, Hearing, Touching, Smelling, and Tasting, it gets solidified as three-dimensional out side objects. This

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phase of consciousness is the prime, main, central theatre of day to day existential life projecting, binding, the Ego-Self as Actor to rights and responsibilities, and to the consequences imposed on actions by the norms, of socio-cultural Ethos. Thus, this phase of consciousness acts as the ‘outlet’ to the sensory organs for outside activation, furnishing the main theme of life of the actor, Ego self. In Dream state of consciousness, the five sensor organs are closed to the outside world, eliminating the solidity to the life of actor, the Ego Self. The arena for life action for Ego-Self is in Uni Dimensional Astral world, which is more subtle expanding, covering extensive field of Mental-Space of creational consciousness; thus, giving the scope to Ego-Self to fulfill the desires that, otherwise could not be possible in Waking Phase of Consciousness, though in uni dimensional astral form. But the dream phase has no empirical value and is free of societal censor in life. The real life for all practical purpose is the Waking State of Consciousness. When creational process attains Zero Dimension in Sleep, it is called as “Sushupti’’. It is because, Mind as an Instrument remains dormant and suspended of it’s functions. Similar is the case in narcotic consumption. Whereas, in death mind losses it’s functional activities, permanently by dissolution. The body and mind as medium of manifestation of Soul are in constant change and modification from birth to till death. However, despite the change in physical form, shape, and change in mental thoughts, we intuitively feel the same person. How is it possible? Besides, there is natural law, that, for the possibility of any change, there must be some constant, eternal (Nitya), UN changeable, UN alterable (Kutastha), firm (Dhruva) factor exist, acting as Base (Adhara) for the changing entity. Then alone it is possible to perceive the change in the entity. The “Factor’’ That’’ supports the ever changing phenomenon in physical and mental nature of the being, without any change in It Self is called as Soul or Atman that expresses as Existence –Consciousness - Bliss (Sat – Chit - Ananda), forming the “Base’’ in three media of manifestations of creational consciousness.

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’’ Aadhara Mananda Makhanda Bodham Yasmin Layam Yaati Puratrayam Cha’’ आधार आन द अख ड बोध ं यि मन लय याित पर यचं ंु Meaning: “He (Para Brahman) is the substratum, the Indivisible Bliss - Consciousness and in Him, alone the Three Cities (Waking, Dream, Sleep) go into dissolution (Ref: Kaivalyoanishad Sl.14 So, you, I, and everybody are primarily ‘The Soul, Atman’ which is Eternal, Never Born, Never Dies. It supports the changes in the body, and mind. That is the reason we are able to perceive all changes and modifications that are taking place in the medium through which we are manifesting and expressing as our personality.

When one perceives, logically, he is not the thing perceived. From Time-immemorial, the Media of manifestation of the being are confused and mistaken by ignorance as ‘Our Selves’; “ I ’’ means physical body or mental thoughts: thereby suffering the notion of birth and death, heaven and hell. In Reality “I’’ is Consciousness, that supports and makes possible all changes from birth to the death without ‘In It Self’ undergoing any change or modification. ितष धामस य ो य भो ा भोग य वत ु ु ं े ् त यो िवल णः सा िच मातोऽह सदिसवःे े ं

Meaning: All that constitute the enjoyable, the enjoyer, and the enjoyment in the three realms (Dhama) different from them all ‘‘ I ”, the witness, the ever auspicious, Pure Consciousness. Unfortunately, the problems with the medium of manifestation does not end with this world. Even it is there with Gods “Devatas’’ in Heaven “Swarga’’ also. According to Hindu Vedic Scriptures, Life in Heaven for “Jeevatama’’ the embodied Self is only temporary sojourn till the earned merit of pious acts called “Punya’’ lasts and has to return back to the terrestrial world at the exhaustion of “Punya’’ and start life again as part of

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“Transmigration cycle’’. The manifestation process through medium of divine bodies (Deva Sareera) in heaven is also transient, limited in scope of power by hierarchy, and time bound, perishable. For a sensible, sensitive person, the moment he goes there, he feels the insecurity, of ephemeral life. It is because, there also identification of the being with the medium of manifestation, (just like in terrestrial world) continues, imposing the limitation of conscience of the medium. This contention is based on the analogy of dream, where the body-encasement of the individual is similar to that in heaven i.e. made of “Energy-encasement’’ which is conscious. So, Devatas the heavenly beings also like terrestrial people, have to exercise, at one time or other, for the realization of their True Nature of Being as Soul or Atman, breaking the identification with the medium of manifestation leading to “Moksha’’ as the prescribed part of transmigration cycle. For this to happen Mind has to learn through yoga meditation process to remain “Neutral’’ (Samtavastha)’’ by developing “Thushnibhava’’ the attitude of indifference, “while in interaction situation such that it looses it’s propensity to ‘Engage’ the Soul, into the “cast image’’ of Soul or Atman. The Sanskaras, the action-interaction impressions on the Mind-psych have to be erased out or altered by sublimation and transmutation into Universal Self Consciousness mode. By this Yoga process mind-psych is altered into “Vishuddha Satvatma’’ a highly purified mind-psych, of divine nature in human-format, untainted by the effects of Medium of Manifestation yielding “Nishkama Karma’’ i.e. Actionless action. This is “Moksha’’ the Great release from Transmigration Cycle merging in Ultimate Reality. Swamiji

Special Feature Column

(1) Letter from Sri Ram Chandra Maharaj (Sri Babuji Maharaj), No. B-80, Dated, 27-01-1957,

To Sri N. Kumara swami

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My dear brother, Your affectionate letter dated January 21, 1957 to hand.

When I read the letter I did not sleep that night as the anxiety overtook me so deeply. I was thinking and thinking whether I am a fit man to train others because you have drawn in your letter my own weakness. I was in the dilemma whether the realization should be the goal of the Abhyasi or the feeling power. At last I came to the conclusion that the realization should be the main principle which the teacher and the taught should strive for. A man has no feeling power of knowing his condition but he is realized I think you will prefer him. I again say that the feeling power depends upon your concentration, practice, and experience. You say that you have not developed the feeling power and I understand that you have got it what is required in general. Remember when I took the points of Pind-Pradesh; you said that the nature of bliss differs on each point. When I opened your ‘Anahat’ that is ‘ajepa’ of the whole body you affirmed that you feel like that. The various conditions which an Abhyasi comes across are of course difficult to be explained. This is not the share of everybody but to those who remain absorbed all the time in their internal condition and inner life. I was the only example as my master put down in one of his letters among his several hindered disciples. I was of course very sensitive from my childhood and at the same time from the day I started the method, I was absorbed in it. The people were debating that I am intuition. I left every thing at it’s own place and I have no business but to think of my Master, meditation of course on the condition that was coming through. I had no idea of developing my feeling power but to create layavastha (Negation) with my Master alone. Here in our Samstha I find only Km. Kastoori who has got that kind of feeling power among so many. Sri Ishvar Sahai who is a man of ability of high calibre is also lacking in it as you want. Of course his experience has taught him much. Kastoori has adopted the same way which I did. My dearest Kumara swami,I think of Him alone and do not bother yourself with the idea of the feeling power; it will come by itself, sooner or later. I am ready to

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awaken nearly all your super conscious states where the Divine Wisdom prevails but it will be useless unless you prepare yourself to take help with these things. However, you must not be disappointed. If two good things are not available, grasp the one which is essential. (To be continued in next issue)

(2) FROM: Jyotsna Vodela 15 April 2012 Dear Swamiji Please find the small article, composed by Ravi. I request you to validate the content concept. Regards, Jyotsna Process of Evolution in the plane of Consciousness

We heard several mythical stories about humans turn into stone with a curse, plants expressing themselves to humans etc, leaving us wonder if non-living objects, flora, and fauna have consciousness flowing through them. If so, why doesn't it manifest like in humans. I was reading a book which nicely explained the following: 1. Non-living objects are nothing but an amalgam of metals. Metals are meant to be carrying an inactive form of consciousness and are at the lowest rung in the ladder of consciousness evolution. There is no concept of time in this form of consciousness, hence no discretion between past, present or future. This probably explains why, noticeably, saints prefer not to embellish themselves with ornaments. 2. Whereas flora has partial Consciousness exhibiting some form of life. Although there is still no perception of time at that level, human consciousness sees its perishable cycle. 3. Fauna being the next stage of evolution has higher levels of Consciousness although still partial. Here there is perception of time, but very limited discretionary capabilities. 4. Human form is a significantly evolved form of Consciousness fully equipped with the mental faculties to help realize the need

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to progress on the plane of Consciousness to finally reach and merge with the Ultimate Reality, Para Brahman (God).

A true aspirant, with the help of a Master can use his mental faculties to transcend the limitations of his own mind to progress from Human Consciousness to God Consciousness and finally to the ultimate state of Universal Self Consciousness, which is a permanent state of Bliss. It is not uncommon for an aspirant to ponder whether a human mind that has merged with Para Brahman (God) reaching that state of permanent bliss is Para Brahman (God) himself or an Avadhuta (Messiah). If not, what is the difference? We know that there are different schools of Philosophy world over, and may have a different ways to explain it. What can commonly be construed is the fact that a human mind as it evolves to its highest level reaches a complete neutral state (Permanent Bliss) devoid of the perception of duality (such as pain or pleasure, good or bad etc), and Sankalpa ('Human Will'), whereas Para Brahman (God) who is always in a permanent state of bliss still continues to possess the 'Godly Will' with which he creates, nurtures and destroys this universe in its cycle. It is not an over statement when it is said that "Inscrutable are the acts of God. It is left to the aspirant to experience the bliss with the help of his unwavering faith in Master" Ravi LETTERS (Pearls of Wisdom) FROM: Govind Sami 22 April 2012 Dear Mac Maderski Thank you for your initiative. Hundreds of students and their parents are homeless. No food, no clothing’s and having difficulties in paying fees. Cooked food are now being delivered to schools. We are receiving hundreds of letters from students seeking for assistance.

Your initiative to raise funds for the needy people through social media is very much appreciated.

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All the best in your endeavours. With Masters Blessings Thy Own Self Govinda Sami From Swamiji Dated: 20-4-2012 Dear Sri Mac Maderski Ashirwad

• The diary notes indicate some points suggesting your spiritual expansion into Brahmanda Mandal

• Seeing of Master everywhere on dated 5th and loss of that feeling of experience indicates your “Absorption’’ into Divinity personified as Master. As the Thought of the Seeker goes on getting subtler and subtler, the gross physical form of the devoted “Beloved’’ fades away giving the psychic impression that Master the beloved is abandoning; a feeling of dejection and despair envelops the Seeker.

• The afore cited psychic feeling comes when you cross the Knot (Bindo) 9th. Physically trans-located just One-Finger Width, below the line of fore-head. This faded away when you crossed that point as indicated in the diary.

• The different colours, especially the Indigo-Blue experienced on 25th March gives tidings that you arrived at “Brahmanda Mandal’’ the Super Conscious Region of conscience of existential life.

• This contention is further supported by the experience of “Aloneness’’ The “Kaivalya - Consciousness’’ experienced on 10-4-2012. This mind - psych feeling of yoga meditation fructifies, when Master lifts the Seeker to the 7th Knot located at just above the eye-brows.

• It gives happy tidings of crossing “Pind-desh’’ journeying deep into “Brahmanda mandal’’ The arena of Cosmic Awareness

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• Feeling of pain at point (A) may be opening of super conscious state as read in-conjunction with above enumerated yoga outcome condition.

• The sign of Cramping sucking pressure of cheeks, is due to ascending of “Kundalini Shakti’’, that might have passed away soon after the end of meditation.

• The sign of “pack of wolves’’ felt during meditation has removed sublime Negative currents obstructing the flow of divine consciousness paving the way for smooth ascendance towards Reality the Para Brahman.

• Vacuum feeling at the heart indicates commencement of “Negation’’ by “Layavastha’’ in Master.

“Na Thae Sango Asthi Kena Api

Kim Shudhastya Thyaktum Ichasi Sanghat Vilayam kuruvan Eva Meva Layam Vraja’’

नत सगोअि थ कनािप िक श य त य इछिसे ें ं ंु

सगात िवलय क वनं ं ु एव मव लय वजे ं Meaning: “You have no contact with anything whatsoever. Pure as You are, what do you want to renounce? Having dissolved the body complex enter into “Laya’’ the state of dissolution (Ref: Ashtavakra Geeta1; Chinmaya Pub. Madras-3, India)

Have faith. Your progress is going as designed by Master towards goal; reaching err-long. Swamiji FROM: Mac Maderski 15 April 2012, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA Dearest beloved Smamiji

My thoughts are always with you, hoping Swamiji's and his loved ones are in good health. My apologies for the lateness of this spiritual diary update.

Thank You for the notes Swamiji sent for my study they came very helpful, easing the mind and softening the blow of

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some conditions that I feel am experiencing now, they seem to blend into one another with out much distinction. 24/3/12- 09.00 to 09.30am. Meditation becomes deeper, almost undisrupted by intruding thought waves; the thoughts that do come up to the surface are foggy and distant while meditation continues undisturbed. After meditation, for a short while I was aware of slight pain at point A. 25/3/12- Meditation following 1st preceptor training session. Very different experience. No dark background, just a kaleidoscope of different colours forming all sorts of shapes and forms; mostly white, pink, red, violet and indigo all of different intensities. Towards the end a large white lotus flower formed, with so many petals that I didn't even want to count them. The whole experience was just awareness without a single thought. Even the intense pain in my ankles at that time didn't have much effect on the whole experience. 26/3/12- After morning meditation I recalled Asish's conversation regarding one's energy when thoughts of Swamiji are in one's heart. I closed my eyes and thought of Swamiji with the third eye on the heart region. I could feel the energy or power expands outwards at an enormous rate. 28/3/12-Meditation pm 10.20 to 11.00 clear understanding in regards to purifying the higher chakras first before the lower chakras and the importance of that order as explained by Asish. How unique and efficient Sahajamarg system of meditation is, how it cultivates an aspirant in the most natural way. The possible dangers, set backs and stagnation if cleaning of chakras is in wrong order, leading to amplification of existing samskaras and adding new to the pile. 31/3/12 -Meditation (time not noted) experience of nothingness. Interrupted by a disturbing thought and felt very unpleasant vibrations in the subtler energy body, they lasted until the thought

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vaporised. This showed me the effect of negative thoughts on us even when not felt or noticed by physical body. (In regards to the subtler energy body, I'm not sure if the experience was read and explained correctly) 2/4/12 Meditation pm10.55 -11.30: sensation of energy surging through my body, mainly the heart region and head, peaceful meditation regardless. Forgetting of disturbing thoughts after meditation is becoming common, not even concerned or bothered by them if remembered. 5/4/12 I see Him every where, yet I can not really see Him but aware of him I am, Awareness is what I am. 7/4/12 Meditation following 2nd preceptor training session. Deep, very few thought waves observed: faint, twirling colours appearing from time to time. Sensation of deep space, surging of energy through out the body then awareness leaving it (gross body) experiencing the subtler energy body. This sensation stayed with me for a while after meditation.(again not sure if explanation is correct or just an assumption) 9/4/12 meditation pm 6.10-6.50. Deep and peaceful, opening of eyes after meditation was painful. 10/4/12 Deep meditations, feeling of aloneness and heaviness of heart, meditation brings some relief but only for a short while. Faith that master hasn't abandon me (why would He after taking me so far) also helps. 11/4/12 Meditation pm 7.10 to 7.55. Sensation of a ball of energy around my head (this lasted for some time after meditation), Feeling my cheeks being sucked in. It was hard to remember any thoughts that surfaced during meditation, just as if one is walking through the woods having little concern of being followed by a pack of fang less wolves.

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I have noticed how the vicious wolves (thoughts) turned into loyal and protective guides when called for, over a period of time (sublimation and sub mutation of mind) 14/4/12: experience pm 10.00. Through the left eye a colourful and vibrating wave pattern was observed, similar to what preceptor Robert Becker described in the latest news letter, but it wasn't a reflection as such. It was in view every where I looked, even in the dark. It was shimmering like light reflecting off water as Robert first suspected in his experience. My eyes weren't tired at that time, and a very strong vacuum was felt in the heart during. I recall having such experiences through both eyes a number of times in the past but dismissed them as a result of fatigue. As always, wishing Swamiji and His loved ones all the best. With Devotion at His Divine Feet Thine Own Self Mac From: ASISH MENON 3 April 2012 Dear Bhaisab,

That’s fine, maybe you could help with the English side of the Glossary? Regarding the transcription you did for the 'journey begins' video, Swamiji asked whether we could turn it into a small booklet, with of course a bit more elaboration on some topics. Swamiji recommended you for the project, and said if we wanted more information for it to liaise with him. Please let me know if you’re interested, or have time for the project. Keep well under master’s eyes dear friend Asish Menon Robert Becker 29 March 2012 Dear Gurubhai Asish

You are doing so much good work for the Master I am in gratitude for your efforts I fear my knowledge is not sufficient to be able to make authoritative translations. Of course I will help as

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I can, proof reading etc but it takes a Sanskrit Master to really translate effectively. At the feet of the master Thine Own Self Robert From: ASISH MENON To: Robert Becker, 29 March 2012 Dear Bhaisab Robert,

How are you doing my dear friend? Not sure if you received last email regarding my request for help putting together a glossary for the website and also other IUSCM material. Can you let me know if you are interested in helping that, if you have time?

Over the next couple of years we are wanting more material on the Website with of course many more videos, but we need a glossary to help people understand the basic Sanskrit terms and even English spiritual words. Let me know what you think.... With Masters grace Asish Menon FROM: ASISH MENON TO: Robert Becker, 11 April 2012 Dear Guru bhaisab Robert,

Thank you very much, you have much knowledge to help Regarding the English glossary. The booklet material will be immense help, just intuitively work with whatever you feel it requires. I'll send you the word Document, if you want we can play with it back and fourth with Swamijis Guidance, then to uncle Govind for final edit.

The booklet will be the same format as the SNB, so easy to print. We will be looking to put together much more similar material for the Future. Your help would be dearly loved! Hear from u soon With gurus grace Asish Menon From: Robert Becker: 4 April 2012, Perth, Australia

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Om GuruBhai Yes I will be happy to lend a hand to the English side if that is Also I can print and staple some copies of the booklet of the corrected version if that is formatted like the monthly bulletin that would be a great resource to have for abhyasis... At the feet of the guru Thine Own Self Robert From: Swamiji,10 April 2012 Dear Rajeah Kumar Ashirwad Glad to receive your em. Do meditation regularly on points (A) & (B) as advised by Sri Govinda Sami; cleaning at point (B) in the evening is important; follow the advice. It would do lot of good for you both spiritually & worldly welfare.

Send a clear recently taken photo and photo of the Ashram at Nadi for Master's grace; the one sent now is not clear in showing your facial features Swamiji FROM: Rajesh Kumar, 10 April 2012, NADI, FIJI

Thank you very much for the divine and in-depth knowledge. Again thanks for the blessing and we look forward for continuous support and appreciate your valuable time for helping the people of Nadi Fiji From: Swamiji, 11-4-2012 Dear Sister Susan Doran Ashirwad (Divine Blessings)

Happy to welcome you to Sahajamarga yoga Meditation and to the Institute of Universal Self Consciousness Movement (IUSCM) our organization devoted to spiritual renaissance of Mankind, throughout the world. Your short bio-data indicates, amply your catholic nature involved in the service humanity in its varied dimensions. However, following the meditation procedures of our organization as introduced to you by Sri Asish Menon, the Vice-President of IUSCM Sydney, would spiritually orient you as Self, the Soul, serving humanity as the wave of

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consciousness, your own Self in other-garb of consciousness. Do meditation at point (A) & point (B), as told by the preceptor, with craving, to discover your true nature of Spiritual Reality. You are not merely, the body-mind, bio-system covering; it is only an encasement of your true Self, the Eternal Soul, Ever lasting. This comes for actual intuitive experience, when physical-mental coverings are transcended as you go on doing meditation. Have Faith. Your Own Self Swamiji From:Asish Menon, 9th, April 2012 Dearest Swamiji,

Please find attached an introduction by Susan Doran from Melbourne. I met Susan about 4 months ago when I was in Melbourne, I remember Intuitively being guided to initiate her when the time came. She mentioned how She was awaiting guidance for the next part of her spiritual path/ journey.

I felt from Master’s grace that she could be a great preceptor for IUSCM. I await for Masters Orchestrations and initiated her recently Was also guided to ask Susan to be a part of the Preceptor training currently running. With much excitement she agreed, she will be given the rest of the year to mature into Sahajamarga system and then we will finalise her preceptor ship. With Master blessings Asish Menon From: Susan Doran Melbourne, AU Respected Swamiji, I am 61 years old and I am currently working in a Government Organization called Work safe, which is a system where people who sustain an injury in the work place can receive ongoing compensation for weekly payments and medical expenses.

I work as a specialist case manager and deal with some of the most complex physical and psychological claims including

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catastrophic claims. I have 2 daughters and one grand-daughter and I believe my children have been my greatest teachers and would note that the lessons still continue. I have a wonderful connection with my grand-daughter Alicia who is a little treasure.

I have worked over the years with different organizations in an attempt to value add to the people and the planet and know that I could be doing more.

I have worked with White Lion an organization that supports juveniles who have been incarcerated. I have worked in a Drug and Alcohol centre and worked with the elderly in a nursing home. My last mission was working for three weeks with the children and families in Cambodia educating them and providing resources for a better life.

Over the past 20 years I have done a lot of personal development including the following which have probably presented the biggest challenges to overcome:

• 10 day vision quest and sweat lodge (Native American Indian)

• 4 day re-birthing • 2 years of intensive shamanic work

with a Native American Indian who became my Mentor and a good friend.

I am currently working towards the role that is planned for me

spiritually to continue my journey to be of service to mankind. I am open to the many opportunities that are currently being presented to me. Susan Doran Melbourne, AU. FROM: David Musson 29 March 2012 Dear Swamiji, Many thanks for this. Upon reading this message I had the (still subtly ongoing) sensation that I was no longer in a room looking at a computer, but that the computer and entire room were inside of my suddenly expanded consciousness, as though

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I had stepped outside of my perceived 'life' and was witnessing only that which the mind creates, with silent detached peace. This is occurring with a state of non-attachment to these illusion based objects of the mind. What a blissful state. Many thanks again. Your own self, Dave Musson, Namaskar from Sydney FROM: ASISH MENON, 28 March 2012 Dear Swamiji,

Has been some time since a last emailed Swamiji. Hope and Mataji are in sound health, how is Mataji after her Knee operations? My thoughts were with you all.

Life under master’s guidance has been profound of late, subtleties of life becoming more and more clear. Divine guidance re IUSCM and Sahajamarga Raja Yoga for the future is slowly being unrolled before my eyes which is so humbling. Understanding Gods plan intuitively, but at times find it difficult to put into words. I will email you with more precise details of my last few months soon. At your divine feet, your humble son, Asish Menon From Swamiji, 26-3-2012 Dear Sri Mac Maderski Asshirwad Happy to receive your letter-Diary, note Dated 15th -3-2012

• As you progress on spiritual path the sanskasras i.e. micro-impression stored on causal body of the mind-psych become exhausted, and it becomes lighter and lighter. This comes to your experience as you have noted, with cordial, smooth, and pleasant, relations with the people around the company,

• Moderation (Samathavastha) is an important indicators of spiritual progress, and its consequence on your outward behavioural response has already been explained by you at afore paragraph.

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• As the human courtesy, we have to share joys and sorrows of our kith & kin, in the family and friends though, with moderated emotional feelings.

• The signs experienced earlier during meditation, have to subside as you advance from one spiritual psychic area to another knot, mind goes on expanding and becomes subtler and subtler till the time it merges, in Divine consciousness; your diary note indicates the same yoga sign.

• The experience of “not sleeping during the sleep’’ is the stage of yoga condition of “Jagrath-Sushupti’’ conferring divine bliss.

• Swamiji is pleased to inform you that My Master has lifted you beyond the gross “Pind-Deash’’ the body oriented conscience to ‘Brahmanda Mandal’ the subtle Macro-Cosmic universal consciousness that starts from psychic-knot no.7. This is a wide in-depth consciousness on path of spiritual journey. Your devotion (Bhakti), love, surrender to Master, with perseverance, craving, and restlessness to attain the Ultimate Reality, The Para Brahman should be the factors in guiding and propelling your (sadhana) Practice on the divine path.

• A detailed explanation of yoga meditation paving the way to Ultimate goal as per the Sahajamarga yoga philosophy is attached your study to gain in-depth understanding.

• With Master’s Blessings Swamiji

Meditation / Spiritual Diaries

Dated-2-4-2005 Dear Dr. G.K.Sangle Sahab Ashirwad Following letter addressed to Dr. V. G. K. Rao is enclo-sed for perusal.

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Dated 1-4- 2005 Dear Dr. V. Gopalakrisna Rao Ashirwad Your em. is received

• It is Master’s will and desire that you should utilize your stay in USA to propagate the message of Universal Self Consciousness (USC) to all those you come in contact.

• It is the Spiritual Mission. I do not expect “Easy and Rosy’’ success in our Endeavour.

• Remember that Jesus Christ who claimed Himself as ‘The Son of God’ did not have success in His efforts during the life-time.

• It is only after ‘His Crucification and ‘Resurrection’ that the Message spread slowly, facing all humiliation, tortures, and setbacks at every step.

• It is ethical and moral strength ingrained in the Message that it make it universal in acceptance.

• The Message of Universal Self Consciousness given by our Master is much more direct, deeply subjective as conscious experience of realization of ‘One Self reflected in all beings’ organically like a father in all his children, and experiences all beings reflected in himself which is ‘No-less-than’ the Godly experience of Ultimate Divinity.

• This aspect of potential strength inherent in our Message as given by our Master is the source of endless strength in our efforts and endeavors,

• Announce to all seekers of Truth, through Sahajamaraga Raja Yoga Meditation, that the ultimate outcome of successful practice.

Quotable Quotes

(References quoted are duly acknowledged) (1) By Audi Guru Sri. Lalaji Maharaj:

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“Though Soul, Universe, and God, are different yet both knowledge and ignorance are from the body of one and the same God, and exist in the world with all their filth and purity. This caused the existence of the universe. So we come to the conclusion, that from the view point of practicality, every thing is made of the same Reality. Both are correct. In other words, the path of devotion or upasana, is right. Habits and practices are not independent. They are simply a means to attain the knowledge. Instead of Advaita Gyana, he (Ramanuja) preferred Vishishtsdviata, and instead of renunciation (Sanyasa) he preferred devotion. He established this difference so as to give it a practical shape. He pleaded for devotion, and thought giving up of all other practices is our bounden duty. The thinking of both the Acharyas results in the same. One renounces action and advocates knowledge, whereas the other advocates bhakti and renounces everything else. Therefore both of them have practiced renunciation. One has taken up only knowledge, and the other has taken up only devotion and both of them, at last, have renounced action (Karma). (Ref: THE COMPLETE WORKS OF RAM CHANDRA (Sri Lalaji Maharaj), Vol. 2, P.161, P. SRCM, India) (2) By Samartha Sad Guru Sri RAM CHANDRA MAHARAJ (Sri Babujio Maharaj)

The state of “Aham Brahamasmi’’ is originally caused by consciousness (or chaitanyata) which automatically develops within us as we march along the path under proper guidance. It produces vibrations within, with the result that the mind begins to echo the same vibrations. This state of mind appears at every stage of spiritual progress in their forms: “I am Brahma’’, “ All is Brahma’’ and’’ All from Brahma’’. The entire state in all it’s three aspects is infact unity in diversity in different forms. It appears in a crude form I “Pind Deash’’; in Brahmanda Mandal it becomes finer and more subtle; while in Para Brahmanda Mandal it becomes extremely subtle. All these conditions end within the first of the sixteen circles as shown by the diagram in Chapter 11. The right course of training for an aspirant of spirituality,

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therefore, is to proceed along the path of realization under the guidance of a true and worthy Master in the most natural way, with due regard to inner cleanliness or purification of chakras and complete moderation in the exercise of the senses and other faculties.( Ref: Complete Works Of Ram Chndra, Vol.1; O.71-72; P. SRCM, Chennai) (3) Letter from Saint Kasturiji “ ANANT YATRA’’, Vol.4, P.-25-26, Lakhimpur, D/ 29-10-1955 Revered Sri Babuji Maharaj, Sadar Pranam

You would have received my letter. We all are well and hope that you will be also well. I am now writing my spiritual condition whatever it is by the grace of Master. I see that as the condition goes on opening itself, unlike the past it does not expand upwards inward. Instead I myself becoming like it ( condition). Nay, it seems as if the condition itself is my form. My condition is such that it seems, that I remain busy without being busy in any work, e.g. taking food etc. as if I do not know anything else. Please tell me “what should I do?’’ My condition now remains somewhat sleepy, but I do not feel that it is slept. Earlier when I used to sleep at night, I felt as if my condition was expanding and very light and good and sleeping seemed to me better than getting awake, but now the condition remains sleepy throughout the day and night without feeling any sleep. I feel no difference in between the two. It is not just and proper to call it “Simplicity’’ in the condition. Infact there is no condition at all, because any stage of the condition has not yet started. It seems that heart has left humility. There is no symptom of submission salutation; only a sort of restlessness has enveloped the condition. There is no power left in me, and there is no scope of having firm intention. Only the Master may manage me. It seems that the ‘soul’ has died because there is nothing to foretell me about good or bad.

My condition is such that I may not accept even Heaven for a handful of your feet’s dust. (“Teri Ek Musht khak ke Badle Loon Na Agar Bahisht Bhi Mile) It is so because it seems to me

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that I have got “ Laya’’ in the subconscious mind. It seems that I have got ‘Laya’ in the subconscious mind of the Master or I have expanded in His subconscious mind. It seems that my condition is in the hands rather into the first of the Master and this is seemingly the only bondage otherwise the heart wants to runaway somewhere. Now the condition is only a matter of guess and now even the guess has no knowledge of the guess as there is no field now. Only there is an uniform surface that has no end but my eyes are not even on the surface. you know better, what has happened to me. Amma conveys her blessings to you and Kesar her Pranam. Your most humble daughter Kasturi . (4) Superstition and Spirituality By Dr. K.C. Vardachari “How does one attain ‘That state’ and who will bring us up to that state? Here again despite the fact that we squarely came across with another superstition of “Bahunam Janmanam’’, our Master in His Ultimate form comes to our rescue and leads on and on. He Himself has attained That state in His life time, and He is leading others to IT and told the story of His success in so many words. The surest way of success lies through ‘Painful Restlessness and Burning aspiration’. He Himself was in these conditions for a period of twenty seven years continuously. Again one become superstitious and ask ‘why pain’ when we hope to be one with everlasting bliss. In Master’s language pain is the trunk road to Reality. Even now we find Him ‘so to speak’, wedded to pain.’’ (Ref. P. Sahaj Marg Research Institute SRCM, Tirupati-P.44-45) (5) Ashtavakra Geeta

“Pravruthau Jayate Rago Nivruthau Dwesha Hi

Nir Dwando Balavadho Maneva Meva Vyavasthitah’’

पवथौ जायत रागोृ े िनवथौ श िहृ े

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िन दो बालवतो मानवएवे एव यवि तथ Meaning: Activity begets attachment. Abstention from it

generates aversion. The Wiseman is free from the pairs of opposites, like a child, and indeed is well established in the Self.

Amplification: Without desire activity is impossible. The more we act in a field our desires in that field increase.

Mental entanglement with the world outside is attachment. Thus activity begets attachment. Certain fields of activities are rejected by us because we know that they are not conducive to us. This rejection or abstention implies our aversion towards certain kinds of experience. The liberated is free from all pairs of opposites. He has neither attachment nor aversion. He lives in the Infinite Bliss of the Self, and therefore, he meets life as it comes to his lot. He neither runs after objects, nor runs away from them. Such a yogi is well-established in the Self Divine. Moment to moment afresh like a child, he lives happily dynamically, boldly facing the circumstances around him, without allowing his mind worry about the “spilled-over –milk’’. (6) Srimad Bhagavata Purana

“Ajaha Srujati Bhutani Bhutatma Yadanugrahat Dadrushe Yena Tadroopam Nabhi Padma Samudbhavaha”

अजहा सजित भतािन भता मा यदअनगहातृ ू ू ु

द श यन तदप नािभप सम वःे े ू ं ु

It is by His grace that Brahma, who represents all beings, creates them and it is by His grace alone, that he was able to

अजहा सजित भतािनृ ू - भता मा यदअनगहातू ु द श यन तदपे े ू ं नािभप सम वःु

“Ajaha Srujati Bhutani Bhutatma Yadanugrahat Dadrushe Yena Tadroopam Nabhi Padma Samudbhavaha’’

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behold His divine form, though born of the lotus sprung from His naval’’ (7) Yoga Vasista:

“Yena Shabdam, Rasam, Rupam, Gandham, Janasi Raghava

So Yamatma Param Brahma Sarvam Aapurya Samstitah’’

यन श द रस पे ं ं ं ग ध जानािस राघवं सोयमा मा परबं सवम आपय समाि थतः् ू

Meaning: “This Self, the supreme Brahman, which permeates every thing, is that which enables you to experience sound, taste, form, and fragrance. ’’

Amplification: This universe exists in the infinite consciousness just as future waves exist in a calm sea; non different in truth but with the potentiality of an apparent difference. The infinite consciousness is un manifest, though omni present, even as space, though existing every where, is un manifest. Just as the reflection of an object in crystal can be said to be said to be neither real nor entirely unreal. Again, just as space is unaffected by the clouds that float in it, this infinite consciousness is unaffected and untouched by the universe that appears in it. Consciousness essentially nameless and formless, but names and forms are ascribed to its reflection. Conscio-usness is transcendental and omnipresent; it is non dual and pure. All these diversities like existence and non-existence, good and evil, are vainly imagined by ignorant people no matter whether this imagination is said to be based on the not-self or the self itself. (8) Swamiji:

Human mind is a wonderful, highly potential, juggler’s

instrument to reflect mental images, as out side non-existing, creational objects that give sensual experiences of “True And Permanent’’ of the perceived objects (Nitya-Satya), though not having empirical validity as facts. The Vedanta Conceptual

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Thought, describes this kind of phenomenon of mind, as “Maya’’. Space called as “Akasha’’ is a highly kinetic reflective medium projected by mind as the micro-cosmic unit, of man’s world consciousness. And, Maya, the ‘Total-mind’ (Samishti) of humanity, Macro Cosmically Theorises, the Universe. What happening, at micro-cosmic level, is, an individual scientist, professionally oriented as Particular-Physicist is ‘mentally stormed’ by images released by micro-impressions (Sanskaras) inducted by his professional orientation, stored on his causal-sheath of mind-psych. The released images in different variety of compiled combination, float in his mental conscience as intuitively visualised images. The force and pressure, of professional self-conviction, with which the Astral-physicist, jettisons-out, his mental notional images of phenomenon of creational universe, into the depths of ‘consciousness space-screen’ of humanity outside decides his ability of bringing conviction of his projected images of mental jugglery. And, the society of Man-Kind has to ‘pay the price’ for this “Tamasha’’- ‘Show of Jugglery’. This is dubbed rightly as ‘New discoveries in Science and Technological Development’ of progressive civilisation. This kind of phenomenon of Maya was succinctly, brought out by Bhagavan Sri Adi Sankara, A Great Indian mystic, Thinker of Vedanta of 6th century:

“ Visvam Darpana Drisya Maana Nagare

Tulyam Nijantara Gatam Pasyann Aatmani Maya Ya Bahiriv

Odbhotam Yatha Nidraya Yah Sakshat Kurute Prabodha Samaye

Svatmana meva Advayam Tasmai Sree Guru Moorta Ye

Nama Idam Sree Dakshina Moortaye’’

“िव दपण य मान नगर त य िनज तर गतं ं ंे ु प य न आ मिन मया य बिह रव ओ ोत यथा िनदयं यः स त क त पबोध समय वा मना मव अ यु े े े ं

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त म शी ग मत य नाम इद शी दि ण मतयै े ेु ू ूं

Meaning: “At the time of SELF Realization one experie-nces, the objective universe of “Names and Forms’’ with in him Self the Atman, as though out side, like seen in dream, is only the play due to illusionary effect of Maya ( mind ) just like a city seen in mirror. (Ref: “Hyman To Sri Dakshina Moorthy’’ Sl.1, By Sri Adi Sankaracharya Pub.Chinmaya Mission Trust Bombay-22, India) Just as the reflected image in the mirror, no doubt is yours, but not you, likewise the creational process, through both, individual mind at micro and god’s mind (Hiranya garbha) at total Macro Cosmic level, has similar validity.

Activities FROM: Govind Sami To:Mac,19 April 2012 Dear Mac Maderski

Thank you very much for your enquiry, concern and interest in helping the flood victims in Fiji. There are several groups collecting food items and clothing’s. Air Pacific, Fiji's International carrier is struggling to cope with transporting these items to Fiji. Some of the victims will require assistance for many more months to come as their homes have been completely destroyed. We, under the banner of International Congress for Fiji and Serve Fiji foundation is collecting funds via Radiothon, personal contacts and a fundraising dinners etc. We collected and sent $20,000 three weeks ago. Food packages were distributed in Nadi and Ba, the two worst hit areas in Fiji. Another $5000 was sent last week and we hope to send another $10,000 by the end of next week. For next three months at least students in Nadi will need to be provided with breakfast, lunch and dinner. In view of this we decided to collect funds and buy food items in Fiji for distribution. If you and your friends wish to contribute please send your donations to ICFI (International Congress for

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Fiji INC.) and we will ensure that it is put to best use. Receipts will be sent to all donors.

ICFI has been supporting the needy and poor students in Fiji for last 10 years spending an average of $100,000 a year. Thank you. Regards, Govinda Sami From: Mac, 17 Apr 2012 Dear Govind Sami

I'll try to organise food collection in melbourne for the needy in Fiji, If I could get some instructions from you as to where to send it or I could transport it to Sydney myself to add to your efforts. I just need some directions and time line from you. Please let me know if anything else is needed i.e clothes, etc. Thanking you All the best Mac FROM: Swamiji 19 April 2012 Dear Sri Govinda Sami Ashirwad The flood relief work, undertaken by you to the people of Fiji is commendable; may My Master provide you & your agency with all resource avenues for the work. Inform whether, your note on the relief topic, could be taken for publication in our Sp. News Bulletin From: Govind Sami To: mac 19 April 2012 Dear Mac Maderski Thank you very much for your enquiry, concern and interest in helping the flood victims in Fiji. There are several groups collecting food items and clothings. Air Pacific, Fiji's International carrier is struggling to cope with transporting these items to Fiji. Some of the victims will require assistance for many more months to come as their homes have been completely destroyed. We, under the banner of International Congress for

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Fiji and Serve Fiji foundation is collecting funds via Radiothon, personal contacts and a fundraising dinners etc. We collected and sent $20,000 three weeks ago. Food packages were distributed in Nadi and Ba, the two worst hit areas in Fiji. Another $5000 was sent last week and we hope to send another $10,000 by the end of next week. For next three months atleast students in Nadi will need to be provided with breakfast, lunch and dinner. In view of this we decided to collect funds and buy food items in Fiji for distribution. If you and your friends wish to contribute please send your donations to ICFI (International Congress for Fiji INC.) and we will ensure that it is put to best use. Receipts will be sent to all donors. ICFI has been supporting the needy and poor students in Fiji for last 10 years spending an average of $100,000 a year. Thank you. Regards, Govinda Sami Liverpool Ashram From: mac 17 Apr 2012

Dear Govind Sami I'll try to organise food collection in melbourne for the needy in Fiji, If I could get some instructions from you as to where to send it or I could transport it to Sydney myself to add to your efforts. I just need some directions and time line from you. Please let me know if anything else is needed i.e. clothes, etc. Thanking you All the best Mac FROM: ASISH MENON TO: Suba Rajan 28 March 2012 Dear Associates,

We are currently testing new email id's for IUSCM.

To make it manageable, only Preceptors will recieve new email id's because they contact the outside world with IUSCM programs. It will give IUSCM more professionalism when sending official emails. Please see below a link to the new web mail site ignore the security warning that comes up, it is safe to use!

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Hari, Can you link this email with Swamiji's current yahoo email, which will mean Swamiji can still use yahoo for both email id's, it will be easier if Swamiji wants to use the new email id.

If anyone has any questions please don't hesitate to ask, Please let me know if you don't wish to use it and i will not update the website info. Many thanks... with masters blessings Asish Mennon Sydney, Australia

Birthday commemoration of Samartha Sadguru Rama-chandra Maharaj of Sahajanpur India on 6th May 2012 at Liverpool Ashram, Sydney Australia.

The Ashram was to full capacity and the program started at 2.30pm with a very warm welcome to all Preceptors and Abhyasis including Vicky Todd-Urbinder, Sue Doran and Mac Maderski from Melbourne.

The 60 minute meditation in absolute silence and 'thoughtless awareness'. The transmission from Master was experienced throughout and majority of us were completely absorbed through out the meditation session. For participants it was a time to realising and attaining the goal of human existence, which is oneness with God or Self. Thanks Swamiji for your guidance and showing us the way to experience absolute calm and silence.

Preceptor Jayati Maitra, a school teacher by profession, the newest Preceptor and an active member of Liverpool Ashram read with dignity the 'Brief Life sketch of Samartha Sadguru Ramchandra Maharaj (Babuji) of Sahajanpur, India. The Vice President of the Institute of Universal Self consciousness Movement and operational wing of Sahaja Marga Raja Yoga Dhyana Gruhastha Ashram in the Oceania Pacific Region, Preceptor Asish Menon spoke on the main aspects of spiritual teachings of the Master.

Govinda Sami spoke about Sahaja Marga and its Uniqueness. He emphasised 'Transmission as the unique plank

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of Sahaja Marga and how the divine energy (Pranahuti) is transmitted through the Spiritual Master to the heart of all abhyasis. He added that the evening meditation involves the 'Cleaning' and it is as important as the morning meditation. Everything we do in life leaves impressions (samskaras) in our minds and hearts. These deep impressions build into tendencies which in turn affects our behaviour and thus become a hindrance to our spiritual progress. Therefore, cleaning is as important as the morning meditation. Finally, the bed time prayer meditation reinforces our spiritual goals and connects with our divine essence as we sleep.

Your success in the journey of Self discovery is to have absolute faith in Swamiji. He further added that life is an adventure of Consciousness and our goal is to move from dualistic mind to unitary super mind consciousness. For Swamiji everything is possible - SEEK and YOU SHALL FIND.

The following abhyasis have been prepared and permitted by Swamiji to introduce people to IUSCM system and to conduct individual and group meditations. The following abyasis have gone through rigorous training and were presented with Preceptor's Certificate (Adhyathmic Siksha Niyamic Patra) and it was my pleasure representing Swamiji and presenting these certificates to: 1. Vicky Todd-Urbider - Melbourne 2. Mac Maderski - Melbourne 3. Jayati Maitra - Sydney 4. Kusum Vyas - Sydney

The programme concluded with a devotional song from sister Rukmani Krishna in her melodious voice followed by afternoon refreshments. Photos: courtesy of Aravind Reddy of Kellyville Ashram.

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Editorial Board: Hyderabad - Professor V.Gopala Krishna Rao, Prof.M. Pochiah, Dr.I.Srinivasa Rao, Sri Anjaneya Prasad, Sydney - Mr.Govinda Sami, Mr.Satyanarayana

Sunkara, Mr.Hari Chillapa

22/82 Bathurst Street, Liverpool NSW 1871, Tel. (612) 9822 5333. Mobile : 0419 242

305.;; 1NC9886042

HQ: 143/B, Old Santosh Nagar, Hyderabad -500 059, India NO.670 - 2004 (Registrar of societies) Hyderabad India Land Line:91-40-24531106, Mobile: 91-040- 949 187 9433

Published simultaneously from Hyderabad (India) and Sydney (Australia)

DISCLAIMER: This spiritual newsletter is intended to provide general news and information only. Readers should rely on their own enquiries with Swamiji or Preceptors before making any decisions touching their

own interests. Please do not rely on any part of this newsletter as a substitute for any authentic advise from Swamiji.