Inspiring ourselves to sheer excellence

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Inspiring ourselves to sheer excellence

Inspiring Ourselves to Sheer Excellence.

By: Tsuwa Thompson

What I will be sharing with you..

3 Guiding Remarks3 Lessons of

Olympic Excellence

What is inspiration?

New energy that propels us into positive action.

To awaken,

To fill with emotion,

To motivate,

To cause a new trend.

Question – Who inspires you?

List three people who are

sources of inspiration to you.

Question – What you learn?

Write down one major lesson

you have learnt that was


The words of Paul – Philippians 3 vs 17.

Today’s lessons…

3 Lessons of Olympic Excellence – David Rudisha(800m Gold medalist & World record holder)

Lessons 1: Greatness is possible.

David is not dreaming, he is living out greatness for today he’s crowned the undisputed king of the 800m


David started at the bottom of the athletics


Five years ago, the Kenyan was an average

decathlete competing near his village.

Many would have written David off.

Today – the Olympic gold, the world record, and

David is the master of the 800m race.

Every country has its rags to riches story.

Lessons 1: Greatness is possible.

Through diligence, dedication and determination we can live our dreams and we can fulfil our visions.

Let your dedication and determination match

the sufficient grace God (I Corinthians 15 vs.


People will promote you based on your

diligence and not your faith (Proverbs 22 vs. 29).

Never doubt yourself, more importantly, never

doubt the Lord (James 1 vs. 5-7).

Lessons 2: Gun for Sheer Excellence.

“Rudisha's one minute 40.91 seconds set a new benchmark in an event where only three other men in 36

years have set world records” BBC Sports

There is good, there is better, and there is best.

Some Olympians chose to be the „best‟ i.e. gold

but missed world record fame by 2-5 milliseconds.

Best doesn‟t compare to sheer excellence.

David sought excellence that no one could

contest or deny.

He broke the 800m world record into


We need to start to think of sheer excellence in all we do not just gold medals.

Applaud your successes but do not be

satisfied when there is so much more

(Ephesians 3 vs. 20).

Ask yourself a question – how and where

can I be better? (Philippians 4 vs. 13).

Set a laudable target for yourself and break

a record (Philippians 3 vs. 13).

Lessons 2: Gun for Sheer Excellence.

Lessons 3: Seek to Inspire Others.

There is no question about impact that David made in the lives of fellow athletes in London.

Never has an 800m race been so beautifully


“Every single man ran the fastest ever time for

their placing in history” BBC Sports.

It took the guts and spirit of one man to inspire

his fellow runners to personal glory.

His countrymen were inspired and raked in

more Gold medals.

Provoke and inspire people to levels of greatness that they thought was just a dream.

Embrace the right mindset, don‟t be self

centred (Philippians 2 vs. 3-5).

Go out of your way to find opportunities

to inspire people (Hebrews 10 vs. 24).

Continue to be excellent and by so doing

challenge others to be better (Philippians 1

vs. 14).

Lessons 3: Seek to Inspire Others.

Embrace the right attitude.

Be humble – there‟s is dignity in


Maintain the right focus – like

Jesus, go about your Father‟s


Failure is not a myth, but neither is


3 Guiding Remarks.

Food for thought.

What area could you excel in

significantly over the next one month?

Is there someone you could inspire and

propel to success with your support over

the next 3 months?

Be inspired and be an inspiration.

You are the potter, here’s the clay.