Insert organisational logo here on master slide What is PPI? (Public & Patient Involvement) Name...

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What is PPI?

(Public & Patient Involvement)



Organisation Name

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So what is PPI ?

• Public and patient involvement happens at two levels– Individual– Collective (group)

• PPI key areas– Information– Feedback– Influence

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PPI – The Legislation

• Health & Social Care Act

• Disability Discrimination Act

• Race Relations Amendment Act

• Human Rights Act

• Freedom of Information

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PPI – The Historical Context

• Bristol Royal Infirmary Inquiry

• Improving health in Wales

• Signposts

• Signposts 2

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PPI – The Media Context

• Beverley Allit

• Harold Shipman

• Victoria Climbie

• Kennedy Report

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PPI – Current Themes

• Health Social Care & Wellbeing Strategies

• Wanless Action Plans

• Shaping Health Services Locally

• Healthcare Standards

• Designed for Life

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Signposts- in brief

• A good practice guide on how to involve patients and the public in health

• Includes how to develop a strategy and action plan

• Examples of methods to involve patients and the public

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Signposts 2 - in brief(A self-assessment tool)

• Strategy & planning

• Resources

• Staff training & development

• Results & impact

• Engagement & inclusion

• Collaboration & Partnership

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Linking with Clinical Governance

Pillars of



Education, Training &

Continuous Professional &

Personal Development


Clinical Research &


Clinical Risk Management

Staffing & Staff


Public &



Information Management and


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Healthcare Standards for Wales

First domain – the patient experience

“The views of patients, service users, their carers and relatives and the public are sought and taken into account in the design, planning, delivery, review and improvement of health care services and their integration with social care services”

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Consulting with Stakeholders

• PPI from start of process

• Guidance for consulting on substantial changes to service

• Minimum of 12 weeks

• Consult as widely as possible

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Public & patient involvement in health services

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Overcoming the barriers to participation

1. It isn’t fair to burden people who may be disadvantaged or in difficulties

2. People want decent services rather than a say in them

3. It raises unrealistic expectations

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Overcoming the barriers to participation (2)

4. Not enough resources

5. People are too apathetic

6. Those who get involved are not representative

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Overcoming the barriers to participation (3)

7. PPI means criticising andchecking up on staff

8. Involving people creates delays and inefficiencies

9. Its not really possible to involve children and young people

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Overcoming the barriers to participation (4)

10.How can you involve people

whose rights have to be restricted?

11.Perceptions of health service staff

12. “We tried it one and it didn’t work !”

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Overcoming the barriers to participation (5)

13.Misunderstanding of what is being asked of people

14.Lack of ownership

15.Lack of skills

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Overcoming the barriers to participation (6)

16.What about the needs of participants ?

17.What about barriers between agencies ?

Barnsley PCT Toolkit 2003

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Check in the Baggage

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Why do PPI ?

• It is everyone’s business

• It is a statutory requirement !

• It is good practice

• It means a better service for patients

• Patients & the public are engaged with health

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Benefits to patients & the public

• Improved communication between patients and staff

• Improved understanding of conditions and treatments for patients, carers and their families = better outcomes

• Improved understanding of health services for patients and the public

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Benefits to staff and the organisation

• Builds trust between the patient and staff

• Improves communication between the patient and staff

• Patient experience informs planning and service improvement

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Benefits to staff and the organisation (2)

• Accessible and responsive services based on local experience and need

• Increased patient confidence in local NHS

• Highlight local examples

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You have service changes in the pipeline, what should you


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The Three T’s

• Targeting

• Techniques

• Timescales

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High ConsequenceLow Influence

High ConsequenceHigh Influence

High InfluenceLow Consequence

Low InfluenceLow Consequence

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Targeting (2)

Need to target!

Highest priority

High Influence

Lowest Priority

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• Surveys

• Focus Groups

• User Groups

• Special Interest Groups

• Interviews

• Public meetings

• Citizens Panel

• Complaints / compliments

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• Planning

• Consulting

• Implementation

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Timescales (2)




Ensure agreem



ent Plan

Make decision







Traditional consultation timescale Collaborative consultation timescale

Consultation Consultation

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Timescales (3)

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How long will these phases take?• Initiation.

– The phase at which something triggers the need to involve people, and you start to think what that involves.

  • Preparation.

– The period when you think through the process, make the first contacts, and agree an approach.

  • Participation

– The phase in which you use participation methods with the main interests in the community.

• Continuation – What happens in this phase will depend very much on the level of participation - you

may be reporting back on consultation, or at another level setting up partnership organisations.

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All projects should have – specific aims, – declared outcomes– appropriate methods– sufficient resourcessufficient resources (money, people and time)

And• should be evaluated at the end point.

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