Innovation Begins with Ideation

Post on 15-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Innovation Begins with Ideation


Presented by INSPIRER


There is a lot of talk about innovation in businesses of all sizes,

from startups to multinational public companies.

“Innovation” and “innovate” are the most overused words in all

departments within companies.

Technology teams use it as a goal, as in “to be innovative.”


Marketing teams use it as a slogan, as in “we are innovative.”

�!We create the most

innovative campaigns in existence!

Sales teams use it as a competitive differentiator, as in “this is the most

innovative product.”

you really can’t get more innovative than this! Buy it!

Operation teams use it to promote their goals, as in “innovative

efficiencies in the supply chain.”






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The Latest Data Shows That We Are, In Fact, Innovative!Competition


Human resources uses it to recruit, as in “come work for us… we are an

innovative company.”

Employees across the country agree, we are innovative!

Companies pitch they have an “innovative culture” and that

“innovation is our primary focus.”

“Our middle name is innovation!”

We can’t help but wonder… how do these companies define innovation?

And why do companies hire “Chief Innovation Officers” and have “innovation teams?”

Who are these people and what do they do? What are their special “innovation” skills?

Companies don’t hire “Chief Spelling Officers.” Why do some businesses treat innovation as though it is a speciality only reserved for a select few?

Secret Innovation Club Meeting

We argue that every employee should be “Chief Innovation Officer” and use the tools of innovation to advance the company’s goals.

And don’t get us started on the “innovation consultants” that preach

they have the “secret” solution…

We believe there is no “secret” solution.

Innovation is a natural state of being for every person, young or old. We were all born with the innate ability to innovate, we just either forgot

how to or had it educated out of us. The “secret” of innovation is a blueprint built into

each of us from birth and is easy to remember:


You may be wondering, “If innovation arises from ideation,

then how do we ideate?”

The answer is simple, look at the end of the question in the sentence before this one. Have you ever noticed that a question mark “?” looks like an incomplete lightbulb?

The question mark is the universal iconography for ideas; the building blocks of innovation.


Questions are the key to ideation.

The word “question” which is derived from the Latin quaestio(n-), from quaerere ‘ask, seek.’ Imagine an idea as a map and questions are the ticket to make the journey of innovation,

to “seek” the location of an answer.

Ideation is an internal compass each of us is born with that points us toward solutions.

By being curious and asking good questions we begin on a journey of discovery, seeking solutions to life's many problems.

At Inspirer, we have learned A LOT

about ideation:

1. Everyone is born an ideator.

3. Ideation is a skill that can be relearned.

4. Good ideas are not worthless, just scarce.

5. Executing on bad ideas is VERY expensive.

6. An investment in ideation up front leads to cost savings in

innovation overall.

Everyone can ideate, therefore, everyone can innovate.

If you want to change the world, you can. And you should never be afraid or held back from trying.

In conclusion…

Are you ready to create a truly innovative culture?

?Need help or more inspiration?

Download a copy of this presentation at:

Title: Innovation Begins With Ideation