initial storyboard

Post on 07-Mar-2016

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initial storyboard using a scenario from personas

Transcript of initial storyboard

Persona used – Vishakha Scenario- A theatre show just got cancelled, so she wishes to enjoy a good movie instead.

Initial prototype and storyboard

1> Visahakha visits the website

2> She enters her city name into the system

3> The options for movie, theatre and concerts appear.

4> Visahakha selects movies, then clicks on “select movie” button. A menu showing movies listed language wise, listed under language tab


5> Visahakha clicks on “genre” tab to see movies listed according to their genres

6> She selects a movie and clicks on “select day” option. A menu showing days opens. She clicks and selects “today”

7> A “go” button appears. Vishakha clicks on it, and a new webpage opens.

8> New webpage shows theatres and their show times. Vishakha wants to read about the movie first. So she clicks on “more” tab.

9> Webpage showing reviews opens up. She reads the reviews.

10> She gets convinced and hovers over theatre’s timings. A pop up showing prices of ticket for that show appears on hovering over show time. She selects a show, a new page opens.

11> new web page opens, with selected movie name and theatre name listed on top left.

12> She clicks on “tickit type”, a menu showing ticket types opens. She selects a type.

13> The other menu “select quantity” automatically opens up. She selects the no. of tickets she wants.

14> The menu showing seats becomes active. She selects the seats by clicking on available seats.

15> Book button becomes active. She clicks on it and proceeds for payment.