Information sources seek by different adopter categories

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Transcript of Information sources seek by different adopter categories




Course title : diffusion and adoption of agricultural technologyCourse lecturer : Dr.P.B.Khodifad Asst.Professor Dept.of Extension Education, NMCA,NAU. Presenter : Mahesh . B. Tengli M.Sc(Agri) Extn.Edu Semester –I NMCA,NAU 2014-2015




• Introduction • Composite picture of adopter categories• Rank order of information sources (in U.S.A)• Adoption stages and information sources (in India)• Sources of information by five adopter categories • 1.Innovetors • 2.Early Adopters • 3.Early Majority • 4.Late Majority • 5. Leggards • Reference


M.B.Tengli M.Sc(Agri) Extn.Edu.,NMCA,NAU 3


• An integral part of adoption process is communication of information at various stages. Research states that people

(adopter categories) use different sources of information , the communication channels are classified are as follows

• 1.Mass Media-News paper , Radio , Magazine ,etc.• 2.Government agencies –Extension agents • 3.Neighbours and Friends• 4.Salesmen and Commercial dealers• In this presentation an attempt is made to enlist some of the

sources of information seek by five adopter categories.


M.B.Tengli M.Sc(Agri) Extn.Edu.,NMCA,NAU 4

Composite picture of adopter categories NMCANAU

M.B.Tengli M.Sc(Agri) Extn.Edu.,NMCA,NAU5






Innovators Venturesome


Youngest age , well educated, high status , income ,risk bearing ability.

Close contact with scientific information sources , great use of impersonal sources.

Very cosmopolite

Early adopters Respectful ,Role model

More than middle age , high social status ,large farms, educated.

Great contact with local change agent

Greatest opinion leadership.

Early majority Deliberate,Copy cats.

Above average status , average size land holding , average education.

Considerable contact with change agent and early adopters.

Some opinion leadership.

Late majority Skeptical Below average social status, small holding, less income.

Get ideas from peers who are mainly late majority.

Little opinion leadership.

Leggards Traditional Least in terms of education,income,land.oldest.

Neighbours,friends& relatives with similar values.

Semi isolates

Rank order of information sources (in U.S.A),by stages in the adoption process.

Rank AWARENESS-know about idea , lacks details of it.

INTEREST -seek more information about idea.

EVALUATION-mental trail-Can I do ?

TRAIL-small scale experiment.-How 2do it?

ADOPTION-large scale continued useSatisfaction.

1 Mass media Mass media Neighbours & Friends

Neighbours & Friends

Neighbours & Friends

2 Neighbours & Friends

Neighbours & Friends

Government agencies

Government agencies

Government agencies

3 Government agencies

Government agencies

Salesmen and dealers

Salesmen and dealers

Mass media

4 Salesmen and dealers

Salesmen and dealers

Mass media Mass media Salesmen and dealers


M.B.Tengli M.Sc(Agri) Extn.Edu.,NMCA,NAU6

• Personal experience is the most important factor in continued use of an idea.

• Neighbours, friends and government agencies are ranked high as valid source of information.

• Farmers suspect mass media ,salesmen and dealers, of pushing an idea mainly for the purpose of selling products.


M.B.Tengli M.Sc(Agri) Extn.Edu.,NMCA,NAU 7

Adoption stages and information sources (in India )ADOPTION STAGES IMPORTANT MEDIA OR SOURCES

NEED :it is the stage when an individual wishes to change his existing practices .

Village level change agent and to some extent mass media.

AWARENESS: the individual just come to know about an innovation, but not in detail.

Village level change agent , mass media and other farmers.

INTEREST: he makes an attempt to know more about an innovation.

Formal sources , extension agencies and other farmers.

DELEBRATION : this a stage of deep thinking and mental evaluation.

Informal personal sources including family members.

TRAIL: partial use of innovation , i.e. testing in small scale.

If it is new idea then he seek change agent or fellow farmers.

EVALUATION: individual evaluates the performance of the innovation.

Fellow farmers and neighbours.


M.B.Tengli M.Sc(Agri) Extn.Edu.,NMCA,NAU 8ADOPTION: it is the decision to use the innovation full & continuous basis.

Self-experience gained at the trail stage.

Sources of information seek by innovators

• Information originating source –research centre.• Higher officials in an organization- researchers.• Mass media – Television , Radio , Internet .• Bulletins , Farm Magazine and journals. • Government and private agencies • Sometimes from other innovators.


M.B.Tengli M.Sc(Agri) Extn.Edu.,NMCA,NAU 9

Sources of information seek by early adopters

• Extension agents• Extension agencies • May be sometimes innovators • Mass media –T.V ,news papers• Journals and receive more bulletins compared to late adopters• Salesmen • Extension programmes


M.B.Tengli M.Sc(Agri) Extn.Edu.,NMCA,NAU10

Sources of information seek by early majority

• Village level extension agent• Few more journals and bulletins from the average adopters• Neighbours and friends • Extension programmes and demonstrations• Village level extension agencies –RSK• Local leaders


M.B.Tengli M.Sc(Agri) Extn.Edu.,NMCA,NAU 11

Sources of information seek by late majority

• Local adoption leaders• Very few papers, magazines and bulletins • Seldom T.V and Radio• Peers


M.B.Tengli M.Sc(Agri) Extn.Edu.,NMCA,NAU12

Sources of information seek by Leggards

• Neighbours, friends and relatives ,with similar values as that of Leggards .


M.B.Tengli M.Sc(Agri) Extn.Edu.,NMCA,NAU13


• Reference • Extension education –by A.ADAVI REDDY • Extension communication and management –by G.L.RAY• Diffusion of innovation – by E.M.ROGERS


M.B.Tengli M.Sc(Agri) Extn.Edu.,NMCA,NAU14


“United we stand, divided we fall”.

Thank u……!

M.B.Tengli M.Sc(Agri) Extn.Edu.,NMCA,NAU