Information litteracy

Post on 01-Dec-2014

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Lecture held at Comenius Regio vistit from Pärnu, Budkerud oct.2011

Transcript of Information litteracy

 Some rights reserved by James C Farmer

Information literacy

Siv Marit Ersdal, bibliotekar på Drammen VGS

13 schools in Buskerud county

   with school libraries and librarians.... and lot of students

What is information literacy?

Obama in a Presidental proclamation:  

Rather than merely possessing data, we must also learn the skills necessary to acquire, collate, and evaluate information for any situation. This new type of literacy also requires competency with communication technologies, including computers and mobile devices that can help in our day-to-day decisionmaking. 

and october is the month for INFORMATION LITERACY AWARENESS


Wikipedia (AASL) "To be information literate, a person must be able to recognize when information is needed and has the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information."

a google search: collaborative learning and information literacy 



The teacher's and librarians monopoly on "having the right answers" has been challenged.

You need to learn to participate in,

and learn from information activities Lundh : Doing research in primary school: information activities in project-based learning

 "Information literacy are enacted in different ways in different settings"

Anna Lundh, Boreås

What do they need to learn?

and how,                     where and when :)

 Find 3-5 nouns, verbs, or adjectives and describe information literacy in collaborative learning:

classrom 2.0 / collaborativ learning (english vg1) (sience vg1)

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How do we do it?

Just in caseJust in timeJust for you

What can you as a leader do?

as a librarian?

as a teacher


do we need some change?

Hønefoss VGS define a sort of minimum level for several literacieswhat would Information literacy minimum level look like?

 Some rights reserved by svennevenn

One plan to rule them all

prepared by the working group appointed by the county education chief in 2008. The group was given the following mandate:"The committee should examine the library service in the county secondary training in Buskerud with regard to function and cooperation of the school, as well as evaluating competence - and capacity needs with the aim to further develop the library service as a teaching resource. "

The plan for school libraries in Buskerudour vision:School Libraries in the secondary schools in Buskerud will be a key arena for learning and cultural experiences in school. The library will provide students and teachers access to and knowledge of the use of school-related physical and digital information resources.

Dimension 1

The school library should be a key arena for learning at school, integrated into teachers' pedagogical work.

Dimension 2

The school library will be a meeting place across disciplines, classes and professional qualifications, and across cultural and social divisions

Dimension 3

The school library should be a resource in the development of teachers and pupils information literacy

Dimension 4

School Librarians in Buskerud will be among the most development-oriented in  the country, cf. Strategigplan ICT 2010

Dimension 5

All school librarians will be digitally competent.

Drammen Upper secondary shool

Main plan:

Increasing the school library's role as a key resource in the development of students 'and teachers' information literacy.

NDLA, digital literacy

Three courses:

To seek

To evaluate

and To use

we had a fourth course as well, digital ethics...?