Information in Detail. The next step of your paper is to inform your readers about Poe in detail....

Post on 23-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Information in Detail. The next step of your paper is to inform your readers about Poe in detail....

The Body

Information in Detail

The next step of your paper is to inform your readers about Poe in detail.

You will use your research, quotes, and summaries to paint a picture about Poe’s life.

You will need to choose three aspects from Poe’s life to discuss in your paper.

The Body

1. Childhood and growing up

2. Education3. Financial Problems4. The Clemm Family

5. The failures and successes of Poe’s career

6. Poe’s Addictions

7. Poe’s death

Make sure you choose topics that interest you because each body paragraph will have a minimum ten sentences.

(If your paragraphs are less than half a page each you are not writing enough!)

Possible Choices:

After you choose your three topics about Poe’s life, create five more note cards using the article I assigned as home work.

Use your three topics you have chosen as the labels for your cards.

Be sure to write the author/ editor AND the page number on your note card!

Assignment #1: Note Cards

Body Paragraphs OutlineI.






I. Elizabeth Arnold Poe

A. Elizabeth Poe was considered a “beautiful and popular actress” (Hoffman 324).

B. Elizabeth’s husband abandoned her (

C. “Her death at the tender age of 24 dealt two-year old Edgar a crushing blow” (Author Case Study 194)