Infographic - The Evolution of the Social Media Manager

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Infographic - The Evolution of the Social Media Manager


of marketers believe that by 2020. they will own the entire

customer experience.


of marketers say that customer experience is important or very

important to their marketing strategy.


The Evolution of the Social Media Manager.

PRODUCT-CENTRICThe modern SMM evolved from the boom of social media networks in 2007.

It started as a curiosity and companies would create profiles as an easy way to talk about themselves and get the attention of the customers.

SMMs distributed content that invited audiences to buy the products, or like their pages.

The role of the Social Media Manager is ever-changing - technologies advance, social networks grow and customer expectations are higher than ever. We’ve broken down this evolution in 5 key stages. Where do you stand in this journey?

Customers start asking more and more questions on social

…and expect answers on the same channels. Some SMMs picked up on that and used it as a way to establish a good reputation.

STRATEGICData dominates all decisions on social and is the basis of solid social media strategies.

The need for an omnichannel experience appears. Social media channels supplement the products, and help with differentiation.

PROACTIVEThe brand-customer power shift. Customers begin to realize they have the upper hand.

Social media channels are starting to be overcrowded, and attention is reserved only for the best content, and for brands that put the extra effort in engagement.

Listen tools help SMMs to keep track of important mentions cross channel & react accordingly. SMMs also start relying more on data to make informed decisions.

CUSTOMER-CENTRICThere is a need for more data, from all the brand-customer interactions, that tells a story and helps build a cohesive customer experience. At the same time, SMMs start realizing the potential in investing in 1:1 engagement and brand advocates. Customer lifetime value and building brand loyalty are key for all brands.

Source: Marketo & The Economist Intelligence UnitSource: Customer Experience Trends Report 2016,

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