Infinite Play Project

Post on 11-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Infinite Play Project

ByDavid Saenz

Imagine if you may, a world where food either becomes so scarce or so expensive most people are no longer able to obtain it.Imagine the chaos that would ensue from widespread hunger.Imagine the actions people would be willing to take in order to feed their families.Imagine a world without bees and your imaginations may just become realities.

• For years honeybee populations have been taking substantial casualties.

•Without the bees unrivaled pollinating traits food crops around the world would be cut in half.

• Bees are responsible for the pollination of many food crops such as:

• Almonds, melons, onions, broccoli, apples, corn, and oranges.

• A phenomenon known as colony collapse disorder is single handedly drawing us closer to this hopefully fictional foodless world

• There are many speculations as to the cause of CCD, although none have been proven.

• No cure has been found

• Pesticides such as neonicotinoids have been a potential link to CCD as well as genetically modified crops

• The commercialized lifestyle that honeybees are being subjected to from synthetic feedings, to trucking bees across thousands of miles which force bees to remain flightless for days has been another factor