infant nutration

Post on 14-Jun-2015

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Transcript of infant nutration

Breast milk is always an important nutritional source,even during the second year of life and later.

Solid foods do not replace breast milk,but supplement it.

The Committee on Nutrition of the American Academy of Pediatrics recognized two feedind periods during the first year of life:

The breast-feeding period. The transition phase.

Infants are not physiologically mature yet to progress from exclusive breastfeeding to family foods directly.

Therefore,transitional foods are necessary to carry out this gradual process.

These foods also promote the development of most of the body systems and skills which will enable adequate qualitative and quantitative growth during the first year of life.

Infant needs a wide variety of foods to meet his nutritional needs.

But when he's too busy to eat or picky about fruits, vegetables, and other solid foods, he may be coming up short on some important vitamins and minerals, especially iron.

But most infants don't eat enough iron-rich foods.

In fact, iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency affecting mainly older infants, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

For breastfed babies, the nutrition in the breast milk changes throughout the nursing experience.

 Breastmilk is quite different when the baby is 6 days old, 6 months old, and 18 months old. These changes happen gradually over time.

The iron in breast milk is absorbed three times better than iron in formulas.

Formulas come in a few different stages to try to address children's changing nutritional needs as they grow.

Toddler formula( or transitional formula) is a dairy product suitable for use during the weaning process, as a transitional between breast milk or follow-on formulas and cow`s milk.

Toddler formula is indicated for children between the age of 1and 3 years.

Toddler formulas have many of the same vitamins and minerals found in infant formulas.

Nutritional Value per 100 mL

Cow’s milkTransitional

Energy60 kcal

250 KJ

67 kcal

290 kcal

Carbohydrates5.2 g

Lactose 5.2 g

8.96 g

Mainly lactose

Fat3.25 g2.86 g

Protein3.2 g1.68 g

VitaminVit A: 284 g

Vit B1: 0.048 mg

Vit B2: 0.1 mg

Vit B12: 0.44 g

Vit D: 40 IU

81 g

0.4 mg

0.18 mg

0.96 g

430 IU

MineralsCa: 113 mg

Magnesium: 10 mg

K: 143 mg

Iron: 0.5 mg

450 mg

45 mg

480 mg

12 mg

Why toddler formula?

One benefit of formulas over whole milk is that many of them contain DHA, an important omega-3 fatty acid (that you would find in breastmilk).

One way or another, getting DHA in the diet seems especially important in the first two years

Why toddler formula?

Cow's milk contains two types of proteins: whey and casein.

Milk-based formulas generally contain a blend of these two proteins

During digestion, cow’s milk casein may form large, thick curds in babies’ tummies, looking somewhat like cottage cheese, which means the protein may take longer to digest.

But whey is a gentle, liquid protein that does not form curds.

Clinical evidence has shown that formula made with 100% whey protein empties from the stomach faster than casein-containing formulas, which may help reduce the potential for reflux, or spitting up.

But it’s the diaper that tells the story best. The stools of babies on formulas with higher whey content also tend to be softer, like those of breastfed babies.

For these reasons, milk-based formulas are made with 100% whey protein. No other formulas are!!

Why toddler formula? Lactose is the major carbohydrate in cow`s

milk, although it is present in only a 4% concentration.

Formula prepared from whole or evaporated cow`s milk has added sucrose.

While lactose is the least sweet of the disaccharides,sucrose adds a very sweet of the disaccharides,sucrose adds a very sweet taste to the formula.This may be one of the factors influencing the increased food intake in bottle-feeding

In a starting formula, lactose should constitute all or most of the carbohydrate.

Why toddler formula? The main difference between toddler and

infant formulas is that toddler formulas contain a greater amount of calcium and phosphorus.

They are designed to match the higher calcium and phosphorus levels children need as they grow, similar to the levels found in whole milk.

Why does a baby need iron-fortified formula?

Most healthy babies have iron stores that last for the first few months of life, but they need an additional source to prevent those stores from dwindling.

As the iron content of cow`s milk is 0.75 mg/l at least 10 litres of cow`s milk would have to be consumed daily to meet the recommended daily iron requirement.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has identified lack of iron as the most common nutritional deficiency in the U.S. affecting mainly older infants.

When a baby doesn't get enough of this

essential mineral, growth is slowed and brain function is hampered. That's why some formulas, are fortified with iron.

Time for a New Formula?

Is your baby having trouble tolerating her formula? If your little one is fussy, or suffering from gas, you may

be seeing signs that she's not tolerating her current formula well.

The good news is a switch to a different formula may help.

If you believe a baby has an intolerance to cow’s milk, switch formulas only under a doctor's supervision.

If you and your baby's doctor decide to switch formulas, you may want to ease your baby into the transition to minimize upsetting her developing digestive system.

It is now commonly advocated that cow`s milk should not be given to children younger than two years of age.


Your baby after cow`s milk intakeHe will be more puffyBUTHe will be lessssssssss healthy.

Breast milk is always an important nutritional source,even during the second year of life and later.

Solid foods do not replace breast milk,but supplement it.