Inequalities Jen Sallans Jamie Sheffer Shevina Wilmore Amy Fitzgerald Content Topic: Mathematics...

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Transcript of Inequalities Jen Sallans Jamie Sheffer Shevina Wilmore Amy Fitzgerald Content Topic: Mathematics...


Jen SallansJamie Sheffer

Shevina WilmoreAmy Fitzgerald

Content Topic: Mathematics

Intended Grade Level: Second Grade

Table of Contents

Teacher Slides Inequality Lesson Inequality Activity


What are inequalities?

Inequalities are mathematical expressions which shows that two quantities are not equal.

Examples of Inequalities

=Greater Than Less Than

Equal To

> <

Examples of Greater Than

6 2

15 10

23 22

4 + 3




25-6 11-5

Examples of Less Than

9 10





20 - 9 21-8



5-2 5-1

Examples of Equals To

12 = 12 15 + 6 = 19 + 2

25 = 25 20 - 6 = 18 - 4

4 = 4 13 + 8 = 11 + 10

Play The Game!

Each student is going to play the Inequalities Game individually.

Make sure to work quietly and raise your hand if you need assistance.

Meet Freddie the Fish. He is a very hungry fish, but he is also greedy. He always wants to eat as much as he can.

Help Freddie decide which number is greater by opening his mouth toward the larger number.

Click the arrow button to move on!

Remember…This symbol means GREATER THAN

This symbol means LESS THAN

This symbol means EQUAL TO

Good Luck!

Let’s start out with small numbers…

4 __ 6

Great Job!

You are correct! Keep up the good work!


Try again! Go back and double-check that answer.

Let’s try some larger numbers…

18 __ 12

Great Job!

You are correct! Keep up the good work!


Try again! Go back and double-check that answer.

Let’s try some addition problems…

7 + 6 __ 12 + 1

Great Job!

You are correct! Keep up the good work!


Try again! Go back and double-check that answer.

Let’s try some harder addition problems…

20 + 5 __ 18 + 1

Great Job!

You are correct! Keep up the good work!


Try again! Go back and double-check that answer.

Let’s try some subtraction problems…

15 - 6 __ 20 - 11

Great Job!

You are correct! Keep up the good work!


Try again! Go back and double-check that answer.

Great Job!

You filled up Freddie’s belly!