Industrialized Cakes - ABIMAPI · Within such context, industrialized cakes or its mixtures provide...

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Transcript of Industrialized Cakes - ABIMAPI · Within such context, industrialized cakes or its mixtures provide...

Industrialized Cakes

Nutriti on, practi cality and fl avor in the right perfect serving.

What is in the recipe?

Wheat has been consumed by mankind since Prehistoric times, and it was used to prepare dishes such as bread and cakes. “Wheat cake” was a daily food for peoples in the Antiquity and was part of the menu of royal banquets held to celebrate great events4. Whether in celebrations or as part of the daily food intake, cake is a part of History!

More recently, in 1943, cake mixtures were invented. Large-scale sales began after the end of Second World War, motivated by matters such as low prices, time saving and longer shelf life3.

It is a baked food, prepared based on flour, sugar and baking powder. It may contain other ingredients, such as milk, eggs, butter and vegetable oil1.

Industrialized cake

It is a product obtained from a mixture of ingredients, intended to be prepared by the consumer with the addition of other ingredients2. When it contains all ingredients, it is a complete mixture, and all you have to do is add water to have a ready made batter. But it may also be necessary to add milk and eggs and put it through the mixer3.

Mixture for cake preparation

A bit of history

Due to the modern life rush, consumers tend to look for practical and convenient products that make their daily routines easier5. Data from a global poll taken in 22 countries revealed that Brazilians’ cooking habits and the weekly time allotted to it are below the world average6.

Within such context, industrialized cakes or its mixtures provide practicality and flavor to consumers, whose skills or time are not always enough to bake a cake at home.

Practicality and the current times

Only 25% of Brazilian consumers claim to have some knowledge of, and experience with, food and cooking6.

On average,

5,2 hours a week are dedicated to cooking6.

Recipe with taste and nutritional valueCakes made with ready made mixtures can be even more nutritious if we add grains, such as oats, linseed or chia seeds; oleaginous grains such as Brazil nuts, cashew nuts, walnuts, almonds; dried fruits such as raisins, or fresh fruits like apples or bananas. There are also options of industrialized cakes in the market to which such ingredients are added.

• SEEDS: they have fibers, omega 3 and antioxidants that help treat type 2 diabetes and to decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases7,8.• OLEAGINOUS SEEDS: they are a source of polyunsaturated fat and antioxidants, which have beneficial effects on the cardiovascular health9.• OAT FLAKES: it is rich in beta-glucan, a soluble fiber effective in controlling cholesterol and glycemia10. • FRUIT: whether dried or fresh, fruits are sources of fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants11. Ill





of Brazilians do not consume enough fiber13.74%

Industrialized cakes

Whole grain cakesWhole grains contain fibers, vitamins and minerals. A greater consumption of fibers is associated with a smaller risk of developing chronic diseases – including cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer – and it has also been associated with lower body weight12. Due to that, the consumption of foods that are sources of fibers, such as fruits, vegetables and whole cereals must be encouraged.

Zero sugarProducts with “zero” in their names indicate the restriction of a certain ingredient (sugar, fat or sodium, for instance) in comparison with the traditional version14. In the case of industrialized cakes, the most common is the replacement of sugar with a combination of sweeteners, in order to achieve the specific purposes of the product. These types of food can collaborate with the control of the diet for diabetics, making their daily lives more practical without forgoing taste.

Diabetes is a chronic disease of high prevalence and important morbidity resulting from complications. In Brazil, this illness is more common in women and people over the age of 6515.

Individual portionsResearches show that people are not aware of the amount of food put in front of them, so they tend to eat everything in the plate or in a package. Large portions can contribute to greater energy ingestion and collaborate with weight gain18,19.

Products in smaller portions and packaged for individual consumption can contribute to a balanced consumption5.

Especially during the teenage years, intermediary meals are important to meet the energy needs, and may contribute to 25 to 30% of the TEV20. As a school snack or before physical activity, cupcakes/muffins in individual packages are practical, tasty and nutritious options to provide energy.

The treatment consists of adopting a healthy lifestyle, such as balanced diets, regular practice of physical activities, along with medication or not17.

Even though it was originally aimed at a people with special needs, there is a growing demand for sugar-free products by people who wish to adopt a healthier lifestyle5.

1 muffin or 1 cupcake unit.



Balanced diet planning5 to 15% of the

total energetic value (TEV)100 to 300 calories*20. =

11,9 million

Prevalence of cases of diabetes in 201316

19,2 million

Forecast of cases of diabetes for 203516

*based on a daily individual 2,000-calorie diet






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Where do they come from?Panettones and Colombas

Both the panett one and the colomba are related to the culture and traditi on of celebrati ng Christmas and Easter, respecti vely. Considering that over 86.8% of the Brazilian citi zens are Christi an, it is natural that these items are popular on those holidays23. However, with their popularity, it is currently possible to fi nd them in other periods of the year.

Since the recipes are somewhat diffi cult to prepare at home, industrialized panett one and colomba provide taste and traditi on with all convenience, leaving more ti me for a family meal or gathering, typical of these ti mes of the year.

The history of panett one starts with the Middle Ages habit of celebrati ng Christmas with a tasti er bread than the one usually eaten. The “wheat bread” eaten on that holiday, enriched with fruit, butt er, fl our and eggs became the panett one21.

Shaped like a dove, the colomba pasquale is one of the symbols of Easter.

Created by an Italian baker, it symbolized the Peace of Christ

in search of eternal life22.

Preserving traditi on

Did you know that the World Bread Day is celebrated in October 16?