Individualism vs Collectivism, Deviance, Groupthink

Post on 30-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Individualism vs Collectivism, Deviance, Groupthink

Individualism vs. Collectivism,

Deviance and Groupthink

Amanda, Ashley, Chanel,Jamison and Tristan


A culture values an individual over the group and rewards competitiveness.

Example of Individualism


A culture values the group over the individual and rewards having the group’s goals and best interest in mind.

Example of Collectivism

Examples of Individualism and Collectivism in the World

Individualism: The United States Collectivism: Mexico and North


A Common Example of Individualism and Collectivism

The Film Industry

How These Two Concepts Affect Group Projects

Example #1: Collectivism with a little individualism

Example #2: Individualism with a little collectivism

Deviance Deviance occurs when a group member

disagrees with the with the group’s decision, even though the majority of the group members, who may view this member as rebelling against the group’s norms, agrees.

Proves positive when a member forces to rethink its discussion process.

Proves negative when a member refuses to listen to valid arguments or reason and holds on to his position.

Deviant Behaviors

Violate group norms Example Group members who engage in

these deviant behaviors unwittingly may cause conflict.

Deviant Roles


The Conflict Theory - Views deviance as a by-product of oppression and the personal quest for material gain (Karl Marx)

The Differential Association Theory - Suggests that criminal behavior is learned in interaction with other deviants. (Edwin H. Sutherland)

Theories Continued

Theory of Neutralization: Indicates rationalization is used as a means to justify deviant behavior. By denying injury from the offense, hinting at victim guilt or provocation or appealing to an existing superior relationship for sympathy, an indi`vidual will attempt to neutralize deviance in an effort to make the injustice appear acceptable. (Gresham Sykes, David Matza)

Theories Continued The Labeling Theory - This theory suggests

that the classification of deviance is given by a larger social network and can be subject to interpretation from one group to the next. (Harry Becker)

The Control Theory - directly contradicts the differential association theory by emphasizing control as playing a larger role in whether an individual will choose to commit a deviant act. (Travis Hirshi)

Example of Deviance in Media

Group Think

What is Group Think? Defined: a highly cohesive groups’

ability to make effective decisions may be negatively impacted by implicit pressure to maintain cohesion.

Group Think Example: 12 Angry Men

Group Think

Conditions Decision Characteristics

The importance of the task Time Pressure Procedural requirements Task characteritics

Group Think Group Structure

Insulation of the group A lack of impartial leadership A lack of norms using methodical

procedures surrounding how groups engage in task accomplishment

Low group self esteem Group member homogeneity High amount of stress accompanying the

small group task

Group Think

Conditions Decision making context

Political, social, and cultural norms of the group’s parent organization, prior discussion of the task.

Group Think

Symptoms1. When a group overestimates its

own mortality, creating an illusion of its own invulnerability.

2. Closed mindedness, means a group relies solely on its members to gather and evaluate information.

3. Pressure toward uniformity

Group Think

Prevention1. Allow sufficient time for discussion2. Actively think about how group members

communication influences your group’s decision – making and problem – solving processes

3. Probe each idea or statement offered by group members

4. Discourage promotional leadership

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