Indicators for the sustainable management of AZA.€¦ · General Fisheries Commission for the...

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Indicators for the sustainable management of AZA.

Committee on Aquaculture (CAQ)Working Group on Black Sea (WGBS) Working Group on Site Selection Carrying Capacity (WGSC)

Training Workshop on site selection, allocated zones for aquaculture and sitemanagement for coastal marine aquaculture(WGSC-SHoCMed)

Central Fisheries Research Institute - Trabzon (Turkey)18-21 February 2013 Pablo Àvila Zaragozá.

General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean

Commission Générale des Pêches pour la Méditerranée

Indicadores para el desarrollo Sostenible de la acuiculturaIndicadores para el desarrollo Sostenible de la acuiculturay directrices para su uso en el Mediterráneo. y directrices para su uso en el Mediterráneo. InDAM 2008-2013

The InDAM Project frameworkThe InDAM Project framework


InDAM Project;“Indicators for Sustainable Development of Aquaculture and Guidelines for their use in the Mediterranean”.


Assist the GFCM countries in the elaboration of a consensus definition and guidance towards aquaculture sustainability in the Mediterranean region.

Working Group on Sustainability (WGS) InDAM Project

The InDAM Project frameworkThe InDAM Project framework

General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean

Commission Générale des Pêches pour la Méditerranée

Working Group on Sustainability (WGS) InDAM Project

Experts & Stakeholders meetings workshops

Data Review

Identification of methodology

Agreement on methodcommon understanding

and terminology

Preliminary list of indicatorsat Regional level


Case Studies Data bank

Prioritisation of indicatorsAt local level

InDAM Conceptual FrameworkInDAM Conceptual Framework

PCI Approach PCI Approach Conceptual Framework.Conceptual Framework.

General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean

Commission Générale des Pêches pour la Méditerranée

Representation of Sustainable Development

ObjectivesObjectives towards Sustainability

Diagnosis of the system



DataData and valuesvaluesobtained or calculated




Criterio Criterio









Criteria Criteria






[EVAD: Evaluation of aquaculture system sustainability.

Principles ;; Definition .

PrinciplesPrinciples: From Latin “principium” = “what serve as a basis” for the action to be taken towards an objective of sustainability.

• Should have general scope and acceptance.• Should be consider as a rule or habit.• Should be formulated as short statements, with actions verbs;

Contribute, ensure, adapts, strength…Examples:Examples:

Economic D. = Strength the Total Economic Value of the ecosystem.Social D. = Contribute to health and safety of workers.Environment D. = Minimize the impact of the activities on the environ.Governance D. = Promote participation in decision making process.

General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean

Commission Générale des Pêches pour la Méditerranée

Criteria; Definition .CriteriaCriteria: Like a second-order principle.Brake down of Principles into several homogeneous elements to link with the characteristic of the system.

• Should have a more specific scope related to the issues.• Should identify variables.• Should be formulated expressing the degree or state of the variable.

Level of…Control of…Existence of …Access to…Capacity of…

Examples:Examples:Economic D. = Enrichment of biodiversity and comercial species.Social D. = Existence of efective health and safety plans.Environment D.= Control of feeding eficiency. Governance D. = Level of participation of stakeholders.

General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean

Commission Générale des Pêches pour la Méditerranée

Indicators; Definitions .

IndicatorsIndicators: A simple way to express the information related to a variable or a process.

� Indicators are communication tools which serve to quantify and

simplify information in order to make it comprehensive to a target


� They are tools to assist monitoring, evaluation, forecasting and

decision making.

� Indicators illustrate the variation observed according to the

available data.

� They serve to judge if an action is effective or not.

General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean

Commission Générale des Pêches pour la Méditerranée

Indicators; Attributes or qualities .

General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean

Commission Générale des Pêches pour la Méditerranée

Attribute Definition

Relevance to criteria and principle it is relevant to goals of endorsed criteria and principle.

Understandability it is clear and perceived by all stakeholders in the same manner and is easily communicated.

Reliability it has a sound scientific base and methodology with successful previous use.

Reproducibility/verifiability it is capable of being reproducible at different time and places with verifiable results.

Data availability it is estimated/produced using available information/data or can be estimated/produced with reasonable cost/effort.

“Permanence on time” It last on the medium long term,

Transparency it is accessible by all stakeholders.

Availability of reference values it can be compared/monitored with some readily available reference points.

Acceptability / appropriateness it is endorsed by different stakeholders.

Robustness it is difficult to manipulate

Indicators; Examples .

Economic D.Economic D. = Enrichment of biodiversity and commercial species.Number of new species of commercial interest.

Social D.Social D. = Existence of efective health and safety plans. Yes/no

Environment D.Environment D.= Control of feeding eficiency. FCR

Governance D.Governance D. = Level of participation of stakeholders.

Number of participants at consultative meetings.

General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean

Commission Générale des Pêches pour la Méditerranée

Indicators for the sustainable management of AZAMethodology associated to the process

General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean

Commission Générale des Pêches pour la Méditerranée

Step I. Step I. Identification of common issues.

Step IIStep II.. Match with objectives of sustainability.

Step IIStep III.I. P C I definition and description.

Step IV.Step IV. Data collection and reference values.

Step V.Step V. PCI Validation/ Consensus.

Step VStep VIIII.. Revision / adjusment.

Step VStep VII.. Implementation andMonitoring.

Identification of Identification of environmental environmental interactionsinteractions

General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean

Commission Générale des Pêches pour la Méditerranée

Identification of allIdentification of all


Legal Legal FrameworkFramework

Sectoral Sectoral organizationorganization

Food security Food security and sanitary and sanitary conditions conditions frameworkframework

Corporate Corporate Social Social


Security at seaSecurity at sea

Sectoral Sectoral performanceperformanceand planningand planning

Technical Technical managementmanagement

And And good good praacticespraactices

Scientific support Scientific support i+d+r+ii+d+r+i

Contingency Contingency plansplans

Step I. Step I. Identification of common issues.

Methodology associated to the process.

General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean

Commission Générale des Pêches pour la Méditerranée

Step IIStep II.. Match with objectives of sustainability.

Methodology associated to the process.

� Identification of PrinciplesPrinciples as objectivesobjectives of sustainability.

� Identification of CriteriaCriteria as variablesvariables to describe the principles.

� Identification of IndicatorsIndicators to measuremeasure the variables.

General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean

Commission Générale des Pêches pour la Méditerranée

Step IIStep III.I. P C I definition and description.

Participatory approach Participatory approach coco--construction process.

Methodology associated to the process.

Organizational framework

General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean

Commission Générale des Pêches pour la Méditerranée

Working GroupEnvironment

Working GroupSocial

Working GroupEconomic

Working GroupGovernance


Panel ofexperts

Methodology associated to the process.

General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean

Commission Générale des Pêches pour la Méditerranée

� Identification of PrinciplesPrinciples as objectivesobjectives of sustainability.

From data base: Rio Conference and existing sustainable management reference frameworks, previous experiences InDAM…

� Identification of CriteriaCriteria as variablesvariables to describe the principles.

From existing data base or collected by experts.

� Identification of IndicatorsIndicators to measuremeasure the variables.

Validate from attributesExisting standards and reference points.

Step IV.Step IV. Data collection and reference values.

Methodology associated to the process.

General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean

Commission Générale des Pêches pour la Méditerranée

Methodology associated to the process.

Step V.Step V. PCI Validation/ Consensus.

Consensus on objectives, methodology and expected resultsConsensus on objectives, methodology and expected results..

PRINCIPIO 1. Reforzar una acuicultura orientada al mercado y quese acomoda a las necesidades del consumidor.

Capacidad de procesamientoCriterio P1C4

Capacidad técnica y económica. Existencia de infraestructuras y maquinaria.Definición

Existe diferencia ? sí/no. Tamaño, calibre, aspecto.Definición

Disponibilidad de capacidad de procesamiento para el sectorIndicador

Respecto al total manufacturado.Definición

Diferencia de precios por calidad. Indicador

% de productos con valor añadidoIndicador

Generación y diferenciación de productos con valor añadido.Definición


Criterio P1C3

Existencia de plantas de procesado al servicio del sector.

Nivel de valorización del producto

Capacidad de procesamientoCriterio P1C4

Capacidad técnica y económica. Existencia de infraestructuras y maquinaria.Definición

Existe diferencia ? sí/no. Tamaño, calibre, aspecto.Definición

Disponibilidad de capacidad de procesamiento para el sectorIndicador

Respecto al total manufacturado.Definición

Diferencia de precios por calidad. Indicador

% de productos con valor añadidoIndicador

Generación y diferenciación de productos con valor añadido.Definición


Criterio P1C3

Existencia de plantas de procesado al servicio del sector.

Nivel de valorización del producto

Dimensión Económica

AZAAZAAZAAZAGeneral Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean

Commission Générale des Pêches pour la Méditerranée


General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean

Commission Générale des Pêches pour la Méditerranée

General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean

Commission Générale des Pêches pour la Méditerranée

Methodology associated to the process.

Step VStep VII.. Implementation and Monitoring.

General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean

Commission Générale des Pêches pour la Méditerranée

Caddy, 2006; Ceriolaet al., 2008h April, 2004. Studies and Reviews, General Fisheries for the Mediterranean 83, 1–24.

Baja sostenibilidad Sostenibilidad Media Alta Sostenibilidad


DIMENSIÓN AMBIENTAL Sostenibilidad Media

INDICADOR FCR 2,2 2,0 1,8 1,6

Step VStep VII.. Implementation and Monitoring.

Methodology associated to the process.

Step VStep VIIII.. Revision / adjusment.

Methodology associated to the process.

General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean

Commission Générale des Pêches pour la Méditerranée

Conclusiones Sostenibilidad



Thanks very much!