India’s First Civilizations Chapter 4 Section 1. The Land of India.

Post on 17-Jan-2018

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Subcontinent Himalaya Mountains India is a subcontinent because it is separated from Asia by the Himalaya Mountains Highest mountains in the world

Transcript of India’s First Civilizations Chapter 4 Section 1. The Land of India.

Indias First Civilizations Chapter 4 Section 1 The Land of India Subcontinent Himalaya Mountains India is a subcontinent because it is separated from Asia by the Himalaya Mountains Highest mountains in the world Two rivers in the Indian subcontinent that could be used for farming Ganges and Indus River The Land of India Dry and hilly area south of the river valleys Deccan Plateau The Land of India Monsoons The Land of India Strong winds Winter monsoons come from the Himalaya Mountains (cold and dry) Summer monsoons come from the Arabian Sea (wet and warm)monsoons Two major cities or the Harappan or Indus Civilization Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro The Land of India The Aryans New group of people in India Started a new civilization Expert horse riders Aryans They provided milk, meat, and butter Used as money Later, became sacred and could not be killed Cattle The Aryans iron plow-cleared Indias jungle irrigation system-canals Aryans written language Aryan Prince who led their tribe Aryan technology Sanskrit Raja The Aryans Society in Ancient India a social group that someone is born into and cannot leave Introduced by the Aryans caste a teacher for the Indian boys who were at the top of society a teacher for the Indian boys who were at the top of society guru Society in Ancient India