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India. India. What I know About India. What I Want to Learn About India. What I Learned About India. India. Geography. TTYN : How does geography help shape civilizations?. Small Group Activity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of India


What I knowAbout India

What I Learned About India

What I Want to Learn About India



TTYN: How does geography help shape civilizations?

Small Group Activity

Work cooperatively, identify key geographical locations on the

map located in your notes packet. Refer to your textbook.








Well-watered northern plains, the dry Deccan plateau, and the coastal plains on either side of the Deccan

The Indian subcontinent is divided into three major zones


India is considered a

“subcontinent” because of its


It is a part of Asia. In the

north are high mountains, the

Himalayas and Hindu Kush. In

the center - the Deccan Plateau.


Northern plain lies south of the


Fertile land

Receives water from the Indus,

Ganges, and the Brahmaputra Rivers


TTYN: Identify different weather events that could have an affect on a people and a nation

The Deccan lacks water resources

Much of the region is arid, unproductive, and sparsely populated

Coastal plains, similar to the northern plain, receive a sufficient

amount of water, plus have the added benefit of the coast for trade and



Small Group Activity

What is the message within this poem?

“The summer sun, who robbed the

pleasant nights.

And plundered all the water of the


And burned the earth, and scorched

the forest-trees

Is now hiding; and the rain-clouds,

Spread thick across the sky to track him


Hunt for the criminal with lightning




Monsoon – a seasonal wind

Winter – blows from the NE, bringing with it hot, dry air that

withers crops

May-June – the wet summer monsoon blows from the SW. Packed

with moisture from the Indian Ocean.

The monsoon has shaped Indian life.

Rain for cops; If later, famine and starvation may occur

GeographyOf India



The First Indian Civilization: Indus Valley Civilization

Emerged in the Indus River Valley (present-day Pakistan)

2500 B.C.E.

After 1,000 years of prosperity, it vanished without a trace

Only in this century have archeologists unearthed the remains

of the Indus River Valley

No names of kings, tax records, literature, or accounts of

famous victories.



The First Indian Civilization: Indus Valley Civilization

The people of the Indus Valley were mostly peaceful farmers.

Built large cities with ordered streets and bricks made all the

same size.

This indicates they had a strong central government.

Had running water and sewer systems.

Built walls around their cities, which indicated that they might

have had to defend themselves

IndiaThe First Indian Civilization: Indus Valley Civilization

Based on some of the many artifacts uncovered, it is believed

that the people of the Indus Valley were polytheistic.

The bull was also apparently worshiped, which scholars believe

influenced later Indian beliefs

Led to the veneration or special regard for cattle.

IndiaThe First Indian Civilization: Indus Valley Civilization


Ecological disasters??

Volcanic eruption which blocked the flow of the Indus??


Many scholars speculate that around 1500 B.C.E., nomads

(The Aryans) from the north arrived.

IndiaThe Vedic Age 1500 B.C.E. – 500 B.C.E.

The Aryans

Built no cities and left no statues

Vedas – collection of prayers, hymn, and other religious


IndiaThe Vedic Age 1500 B.C.E. – 500 B.C.E.

What the Vedas tell us:

Aryans were warriors

Fought with chariots, bows and arrows

Valued cattle

Divided people by occupation; three basic groups – Brahmins (priests),

Kshatriyas (warriors), and the Vaisyas (herders, farmers, artisans, and


Religion – polytheistic – gods or goddesses that embodied the sun, storm,

and fire.

The Vedic Age 1500 B.C.E. – 500 B.C.E.

What I knowAbout India

What I Learned About India

What I Want to Learn About India


IndiaWhat’s up next – Religions and Belief Systems

Bring your Beliefs Systems Notes Packet to class!!!

***This particular section of our discovery of India will allow you to either confirm,

correct, or further your understanding of the Belief Systems that dominate India.

Equally important, our time during this section will help prepare you for the unit






Widely considered the world’s oldest religion. Many people suggest that Hinduism in not a religion, much like Christianity or Judaism, but more of a way of life. Hinduism evolved around 1500 BCE

None. Hinduism derives from the word "India” and refers to traditions and philosophies that have evolved over thousands of years

Sacred Text

Vedas and Upinshads

HinduismBasic Tenants of Hinduism

Universal Spirit or Brahman

Hindu thinkers came to believe that everything in the universe was part of the unchanging, all-powerful spiritual force called brahman.

In other words, brahman is too complex an idea for most people to comprehend, so they worships gods that give a concrete form to brahman.

“Brahman or the Supreme Self is beyond time and space, causation. He is limitless. He is tranquil. He shines with equal effulgence in all bodies. He cannot be any particular thing. He is Chaitanya or pure consciousness. He is Vastu, Atman or Brahman or the Supreme Self is the hidden treasure. It is the jewel of jewels. It is gem of gems. It is the imperishable, inexhaustible supreme wealth, which no dacoit can rob. It is Chintamani of Chintamanis that will give man whatever he wishes.”

According to Swami Sivananda, one of the great Yoga masters of the 20th century


To Hindus, every person has an essential self, or atman. Atman is just another name for brahman. For Hindus, the ultimate goal of existence is to achieve moksha (MAHK SHUH), or union with brahman. To accomplish this – you must free yourself from selfish desires. Because Hindus believe that this goal cannot be completed in just one lifetime, they believe in reincarnation. Thus, through reincarnation, you are able to continue working towards moksha.


All actions of a person’s life that affect their next life


Religious and moral duties. These duties vary according to class, occupation, gender, or age. By obeying one’s dharma, a person acquires merit for the next life.

Basic Tenants of Hinduism

Hinduism provides direction to the daily lives of Hindus. It teaches that people should remain in their social group or caste

Caste System


Caste System  - rigid class structure based on Hinduism which is

found in India.

Believed that if one leads a good life, following good karma and 

dharma, they will be rewarded by being reincarnated as a person

belonging to the next highest level in the Caste System.

If one is wicked during their life, they will be demoted, and possibly

even removed from the Caste System altogether.

Caste System


Outcasts, or Untouchables, are members of Hindu society thought

to have been removed from the Caste System, with no hope of

returning to it, due to their misdeeds in previous lives.

Work that is deemed unclean for all other Hindus is reserved for

these Outcasts.

Central to Hinduism is the belief in reincarnation.

Hindus believe that after a person dies, they will be re-born as

some other creature or thing.

What you are re-born as depends on your “Karma” or the deeds

you did in your previous life. If you did good deeds, you will

reborn into a higher, better life. If you had bad Karma, you may

be re-born as an insect or even a tree.


Caste System



Caste SystemThe caste system is an important part of Hinduism. Caste are social groups into which people are born and out of which they cannot move during a lifetime.

In Next LifeIn This Life

A PersonIs born into

a caste

If good and obeys caste rules

If bad and breaks caste rules

Higher Caste

Lower Caste



TTYN – complete the graphic organizer with important facts about Hinduism

Sacred Texts Vedas and





Siaddhartha Gautama or Buddha

Sacred Text

Tripitaka or “Three Baskets of Wisdom”


Buddhism currently has about 376 million followers and is generally listed as the world's fourth largest religion. Buddhism shares many of the core concepts of Hinduism. Buddha or the “Enlightened One” was born a Hindu in 500 B.C.


Teachings ,Beliefs, and Origins

Siddhartha was born into the Brahmin caste,

And by all accounts, led a luxurious lifestyle. However,

he was troubled by the human misery that he saw around him

everyday. While meditating under a sacred tree, he found the answer

to his question, and he was thereafter referred to as Buddha. Upon

reflection, he deduced that desire was the root cause of all suffering.

This idea has been recorded as the Four Noble Truths


Four Noble Truths

Siddhartha's philosophy of the nature of human suffering

and its relation to desire is articulated by these four


Life is full of pain and suffering.

Human desire causes this suffering.

By putting an end to desire, humans can end suffering.

Humans can end desire by following the Eightfold


Eightfold Path

The Wheel of Life is one of the most important symbols of Buddhism,

as it represents the endless cycle of life through reincarnation and

because each of its eight spokes represents one of the teachings of the

Eightfold Path.


1. Know that suffering is caused by desire. 2. Be selfless and love all life. 3. Do not lie, or speak without cause. 4. Do not kill, steal, or commit other unrighteous

acts. 5. Do not do things which promote evil. 6. Take effort to promote righteousness. 7. Be aware of your physical actions, state of mind,

and emotions. 8. Learn to meditate.


Buddhists believe in an endless cycle of reincarnation, or samsara, which is similar to beliefs of Hinduism. However, Buddhists do not believe that deities are responsible for the phenomenon. In addition, the Caste System is rejected by Buddhists who believe instead that one is reincarnated until they can achieve nirvana, best described as spiritual enlightenment.

The concept of reincarnation can best be illustrated using an infinity symbol:



spiritual enlightenment

TTYN: What Does Nirvana mean to you?

1. “It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.”


2. “All that man experiences springs out of his thoughts. If his thoughts are good, the words and deeds will also be good. The result of good thoughts, words and deeds will be happiness. This happiness never leaves the person whose thoughts are good. Happiness will always follow him like his shadow that never leaves him.”

Do Now and “Pair and Share”

In complete sentences, describe what Buddha might be suggesting with each of the following quite.


3. “Those who attempt to conquer hatred by hatred are like warriors who take weapons to overcome others who bear arms. This does not end hatred, but gives it room to grow. But, ancient wisdom has advocated a different timeless strategy to overcome hatred. This eternal wisdom is to meet hatred with non-hatred. The method of trying to conquer hatred through hatred never succeeds in overcoming hatred. But, the method of overcoming hatred through non-hatred is eternally effective. That is why that method is described as eternal wisdom.”

Do Now and then “Pair and Share”

In complete sentences, describe what Buddha might be suggesting with each of the following quote.



TTYN – complete the graphic organizer with some of the important facts regarding Buddhism

FounderSiddharth Gautama

AKA Buddha

Caste System (writing activity):

Imagine you have been reincarnated into an ancient Indian caste

(Choose one). Write a short essay describing how you feel being born

into this caste. Do you think the caste system is fair? Why or why not?

Explain your opinion. This letter must be at least two well-organized

paragraphs in length and as detailed as possible.


Small Group Activity

What I knowAbout India

What I Learned About India

What I Want to Learn About India


The Golden Ages



Empires of India

The Maurya Empire322 B.C.E – 185 B.C.E

TTYN – What is an empire?


Empires of India

The Maurya Empire

Maurya – MOW uhr yuh

Founder - Chandragupta Maurya ( First empire/emperor)

Gained control of the subcontinent through conquest and alliance

Area – From the Indus plain and Himalayas to the tip of the


Divided empire into provinces

Delegated power to governors

IndiaThe Maurya Empire

Well-organized bureaucracy

Officials supervised the infrastructure (roads, buildings, harbors)

Officials collected taxes

Managed state-owned factories and shipyards

People justice in royal courts

Secret Police reported on corruption, crime, and dissent

Chandragupta’s rule was effective but hard

Women were trained as warriors

IndiaThe Maurya Empire

Asoka, grandson of Chandragupta; the most honored emperor

Mauryan reached its greatest glory

The Two Asoka’s -

Fought a long and bloody war to conquer the Deccan region

Horrified at the slaughter (over 100K) dead – turned his back on

further conquests

Converted to Buddhism- rejected violence; rules by a moral code

IndiaThe Maurya Empire

“All people are my children, and just as I desire for my children that

they should obtain welfare and happiness, both in this world and the

next, so do I desire the same for all people”

Took steps to help his “children”

building roads, rest houses for travelers, and hospitals.

Preached tolerance for other religions



India developed into a center of world trade

Textiles, gems, incense, and spices

Relationship with Rome and Alexander the Great

Most goods produced and shipped to Rome came from cities from

the Deccan Valley



Empires of India

The Gupta Dynasty350 C.E – 550 C.E


The Gupta Dynasty

The 2nd classical Golden Age

Controlled much of northern India

Northern plains

Ruled according to the Hindu-Buddhist doctrine of dharma

follow moral law

Golden Age of Gupta

Great cultural achievements: Advancements in learning


Arabic numerals-1,2,3….

Decimal system-.0123

Surgeons and vaccinations

Pioneered the use of herbs and other remedies to treat illness

Vaccinating people against smallpox – about a

thousands years before this practice

was used in Europe

Architecture – stone temples and stupas

Golden Age of Gupta

Daily Life in India

Majority of Indians are farmers; entire family raises crops


Families are patriarchal—headed by the eldest male

Farmers have to contribute work to government and pay heavy


Some Tamil families are matriarchal—led by mother rather

than father


Decline of Gupta

Weak rulers

Civil war

Foreign invaders

White Huns

Destroyed cities and trade

Split into many kingdoms

Rival princes battled for control of the northern plain

India brakes away into small, individual kingdoms

455 Invasions of Huns (ca. 455-528)

Successive invasions of Huns

Other Central Asian tribes help destroy the Gupta empire.


Decline of Gupta




The Muslim Influence

Arab armies conquer the Indus Valley in 711

Around 1000 A.D., the Turks push forward

Sultan of Ghur conquers the Northern Plains; makes Delhi his


The Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526)

Changes to Indian gov’t and society

Introduced Muslim traditions of gov’t

Trade between India and the Muslim world increases


The Muslim Influence

34 different kings (sultans)

Power in the northern and central Inda

Expansion of Islam


The Muslim Influence

TTYN: What is a Sultanate?

Rule by a Sultan, an Islamic Sultan


The Muslim Influence

Early 700’s, Muslims Raiders conquer what is present day Pakistan


1200’s, most of Northern India is control by Muslims

Around the same time, Mongols invade India

New gov’t becomes Delhi of Sultanate

Tolerance - allowed traditions, cultures, and other religions to exist

1398, Delhi sacked by Tamerlane (Mongol Ruler)


The Muslim Effect

Who was Tamerlane?

TTYN: Interpret the following passage by Tamerlane or Timour

“As there is but one God in heaven,” “there ought to be but one ruler

on the earth.”

Goal – make himself master of all of Central Asia

Had an immense army

Raped and Pillaged Delhi

IndiaMughal Dynasty


1526, Turkish and Mongol invaders pour through the mountain

passes in India

Barbur – A Turkish-Mongol Prince; descendent of Genghiz

Khan and Tamerlane

IndiaMughal Dynasty

Akbar the Great (1556-1605) – grandson of Barbur

policy of toleration

opened gov’t to members of all castes

Built a military and economic power

modernized the army

Encouraged international trade

Introduced land reforms

Nur Jahan – wife of Akbar’s son, who ruled India

IndiaMughal Dynasty

Akbar the Great (1556-1605) – grandson of Barbur

Expanded territorial control

Very popular

toleration of other religions

employed many Hindus in his gov’t

IndiaMughal Dynasty

Akbar the Great – A “Renaissance Man”

magnificent palaces and mosques

Heal divisions between Muslim and Hindu

Abolished pilgrim tax on those visiting holy places

Religious backfire

TTYN: Why would his openness on religious issues backfire?

IndiaMughal Dynasty

Decline (Late 1600s)

Harsh rulers

Corrupt admin.; wasteful spending; expensive military


Persecution of Hindus

Economic hardship increased under heavy taxes

Revolts against Mughal rule

Europe set to pounce


Migration of Indian beliefs and ideas

Indian merchants and Hindu priests filtered into SE Asia – spreading what?

Sanskrit writing, Indian Law, Gov’t, Art, Architecture,

Farming, and Religion

Indians settled in port cities

Married into influential families

Indian beliefs and ideas won widespread acceptance; influence

reached its peak between 500 and 1000 A.D.

IndiaCultural What?

D i f f u s i o n


Age of Exploration

Prior to 1700, India had yet to capture Europe’s attention

Mughal Dynasty falling apart

French and English traders scramble for power and influence in


Building Alliances and Destroying the Weak


Age of Exploration

British strength takes hold

1600 - British East India Company established trading rights

with the Mughals

B.E.I.C. - its own private army

The British became the dominant economic and unofficial

political power in India


Age of Exploration

Creation of Sepoys (Indian troops organized by the Brits and French)

Sepoys kept order in areas ruled by the companies

By the late 1700s, the British East India Company was in-charge;

would spread its influence and power into other parts of India


Age of Exploration


Imperialism & Colonization

TTYN: What is imperialism?


Imperialism & Colonization

TTYN: How were the Brits able to conquer such a vast territory?

Keep in mind, India was home to many people and cultures

Cultural Diffusion is to blame. After the Mughal Dynasty collapsed,

India fragmented. Different languages and different traditions, Indians

were unable to unite against a common enemy.

The Brits played one sect against the other

When diplomacy didn’t work, their superior weapons would


Who’s the Boss: Britain

TTYN: What is the primary goal of a company

to make money …. And the East India Company was no different

TTYN: What purpose would India serve Britain? What’s to gain?

- Utilize the following organizer to record your answers


The British Raj (Rule) (1760-1947)

Imperialism grew from economic contact to direct

political control

Plassey, 1757, British victory over French and India


Conversion of the Indian People

By 1800, Britain began a conversion process of the Indian people


Legal procedures

Missionaries sent to convert Indians to Christianity


Conversion of the Indian People

Social Change: End slavery and the Caste system

Improve the position of women within the family

for example, outlawed the practice of Sati, which called

for Hindu women to join their husband in death by

throwing herself on his funeral fire.




Sepoy Rebellion (1857)


Threats to their institutions and beliefs

New ideas of education

Economic discrimination

IndiaSepoy Rebellion


Military deployment – for some, this was against their religion

(travel overseas)

Sepoys were to use greased cartridges for their weapons, which

were rumored to be greased with cow or hog fat – prohibited by

Hindu and Muslim religions


From unequal partner to colonial rule

1858 - Colonial Rule

Brits held top positions; Indians cooperated and filled the other jobs

India becomes the “brightest jewel” in the crown of their empire

India viewed as a market and as a source of raw materials

Westernize and Modernize

Railroad system

Communication System (telegraph)


G.B. floods India with inexpensive machine-made goods, ruining

India's once prosperous hand-weaving industry = economic hardship

Demand for Cash Crops such as cotton, which led to


New farming methods + increased food production = population


Which leads to?

Famine – strain on food supply - couldn’t keep up with


From unequal partner to colonial rule


Sepoy Rebellion

What happened in Meerut?

The Sepoys broke and and killed

every European and Indian Christian they

could find, including all women and children. Violence would

spread to other cities.


Sepoy Rebellion

What happened in Meerut?

For 14 months, revolts would continue until overwhelming power

and force would put the rebellion down

Lacked leadership and unity

IndiaA Watershed Moment

Sepoy Mutiny began among native soldiers

Spread like fire within the others disaffected by the British rule

Came to known as the Great War of Independence.

The rebellion was the great watershed moment in the history of

British and India relations.

IndiaA Watershed Moment

The mutiny’s most immediate consequence was a military

reorganization: the mutiny also made the English realize the extent of

the Indians' dissatisfaction. in 1858, the government of India is

transferred from the East Indian Company to the British crown.

IndiaA Watershed Moment

In 1858, the Queen issued a proclamation saying that all were her


No more discrimination

Political appointments would be made on the basis of merit

No more interference regarding religious matters.

IndiaA Watershed Moment

The British government did not honor the Queen's promises in the

succeeding years.

After the Sepoy Rebellion of 1857, the nationalist movement

started to expand in the hearts and minds of more and more Indians. 


On the bright side

British rule brings peace and order to the countryside

Revised legal system - promote justice for Indians regardless of


Upper Class Indians bought into Westernization

Educate sons in Britain.

Indian landlords who worked with Britain benefited financially by

exporting their cash crops.

Sepoy Rebellion



Nationalist Movement

Western-educated Indians emerge; lead the nationalist movement

schooled in western ideals such as democracy and equality

1855, Indian National Congress organized …The Congress Party

Professionals and Business leaders – believed in peaceful protest

Believed in western-style modernization


Nationalist Movement

1906, Muslim League created

feared that the Congress Party was becoming too strongly

dominated by Hindus

The Radical Side to Nationalism

Restore Indian languages and Hindu and Muslim cultures

By the early 1900s protests and resistance increased

Demanded not only self-rule but complete independence


Nationalist Movement

WWI – Indians participate in war along side G.B.

TTYN - Whose interests were they fighting for????

Began to realize that the terrible tragedies of war cast doubt on

British claim of superiority

1919, Amritsar Massacre

1935, Government of India Act

limited self-gov’t


Nationalist Movement

Mohandas Gandhi

Mahatma – “the great soul’

Organized boycotts

Nonviolent actions

Goal – Self Rule

Hunger Strikes

Civil Disobedience


Nationalist Movement

End of WWII

G.B. seeks a peaceful transition for Indian Independence

U.N. – Self-Determination

Hindu vs. Muslim

Nehru vs. Ali Jannah

Congress Party vs. Muslim League

Civil War????


Nationalist Movement

The Partition of India

Aug. 15, 1947 – Partition Plan

Creation of two independent nations

India and Pakistan



Indian Architecture

The Taj Mahal was built by an Indian emperor to honor his wife

Inside the Taj Mahal is the tomb of Memtaz Mehal for whom the

building was constructed

Most of the Taj Mahal is built out of a type of stone called marble

The Taj Mahal is considered one of the seven wonders of the world

The city of Mohenjo-Daro was built by the early Aryans


Indian Architecture

Mohenjo-Daro means ‘mound of the dead’

The city is approximately one mile square and is made almost

entirely of mud brick and wood bricks

The city contains large ritual baths that were used to bathe in before

religious ceremonies

Mohenjo-Daro is one of the earliest cities with an elaborate system

of roads and sewers




Concept Ladder





Thematic Essay Question

The Industrial Revolution in Western Europe during the 19th century

led to shortages of much needed resources and raw materials. This

resulted in these nation imperializing nonindustrialiezed regions of the



Define “imperialism”

Using India as your “imperialized” region, give one specific

example showing how imperialism affected India

Assess whether imperialism was either positive or negative for India