Independent Advocacy Chris Mackie. About AdvoCard About Independent Advocacy Non-Instructed Advocacy...

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Independent Advocacy Chris Mackie. About AdvoCard About Independent Advocacy Non-Instructed Advocacy...

Independent Advocacy

Chris Mackie

• About AdvoCard• About Independent Advocacy• Non-Instructed Advocacy• The Mental Health Act• Advocacy in the RFU• Conclusion and questions

Community:• Based at 332 Leith Walk• Provided by paid and

unpaid Advocacy Workers• Covers people who use

mental health services across Edinburgh

Royal Edinburgh Hospital: • Based in Andrew Duncan

Clinic• Provided by paid Advocacy

Workers • Covers Hospital in-patients • Acute, forensic,

rehabilitation, young people, older people...

• ...Advocacy is available across all settings

AdvoCard is a service user-led, independent advocacy organisation. Our services are primarily for people with experience of mental ill-health in Edinburgh. We aim to provide opportunities for people to participate more effectively in decisions that affect all aspects of their lives.

Independent Advocacy

Independent advocacy offers support and representation to people to have as much control and influence in their care and welfare as they feel is appropriate

(paraphrasing the MHCT Act 2003)

SIAA Independent Advocacy Principles:

• Puts the people who use it first

• Is accountable • Is as free as it can be from conflicts of interest • Is accessible

Independent Advocacy Themes:

Safeguardingpeople who are vulnerable and discriminated against or whom

services find difficult to serve Empoweringpeople who need a stronger voice by enabling them to express

their own needs and make their own decisions Enablingpeople to gain access to information, explore and understand

their options, and to make their views and wishes known Speakingon behalf of people who are unable to do so for themselves

Independent Advocacy is not:

• mediation • advice • befriending • counselling • care and support

Using Independent Advocacy

Anyone can refer themselves (or someone they know) to us

Phone, text, email us... EARLY!

You decide what it's about and how it goes

We work on your expressed wish

Non-Instructed Advocacy

“ taking affirmative action with or on behalf of a person who is unable to give a clear indication of their views or wishes in a specific situation.

The non-instructed advocate seeks to uphold the persons rights; ensure fair and equal treatment and access to services; and make certain that decisions are taken with due consideration for their unique preferences and perspectives”.

Non-Instructed Advocacy (cont)

“ where a person has a degree of incapacity or they cannot for any reason clearly say whether or not they would like an independent advocate, an MHO/Hospital Manager/Appropriate Person should consider how an advocate may be involved….

The right of access to independent advocacy is for each person and is not limited only to those who are best able to articulate their needs.”

Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003• Principles

• Powers• Emergency Detention• Short-term Detention• Compulsory Treatment Order

• Safeguards• Independent Advocacy• Tribunals• Advance Statements• Named Persons

Advocacy in the Robert Fergusson Unit

Clarifying our roleFinding out the individual's goalsRegular review of goalsAssisting with an advance statementRecognition of issues around

Insight Capacity Risk

Safeguarding any former expressed wishEnsuring accessibility of processes

Any comments or questions?

332 Leith WalkEdinburghEH6 5BR

0131 554 5307 Txt msgs: 07920 207564

c/o Andrew Duncan ClinicRoyal Edinburgh HospitalTipperlinn RoadMorningsideEdinburgh EH12 5HF

0131 537 6004

Txt msgs: 07920 207568