In2Win! - Rapid-Fire Insights for your Dream Career

Post on 24-Jul-2016

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Written by former Microsoft exec and founder of Microsoft Skills 2000 . In2win! delivers over 50 quick insights for preparing for your next job. Full of humor and simplicity In2Win! is the fastest, easiest and smartest book for getting ahead. Every page connects you to more information on the web.

Transcript of In2Win! - Rapid-Fire Insights for your Dream Career

Rapid-fire insights for landing your next brilliant executive career opportunity

Illustrated by Colin McCleanForeword by Sam Geist, best-selling author of Would You Work For You?

in2WinC u r t S k e n e

Qr Code-friendly and fully integrated with

In 2 Win! Copyright ©2012 by Curt Skene

Illustrations by Colin McClean Design and layout by two01 Studio

All rights reserved. no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Published in 2012 by LLSCArtOOnS (

ISBn 0981379907 eAn-13 9780981379906 458LGMCB


Bradley Joseph skene (July 19, 1954 – October 1, 1994)

My brother taught me that death is not about dying but more about learning to live!

What’s inside

Praise For In 2 Win!.................................................................................... 4

Acknowledgements ................................................................................... 5

Foreword ................................................................................................... 6

About Marvin ............................................................................................ 7

How to Approach this Book ...................................................................... 8

1. Create your Winning differenCe

Are You In It to Win It? ............................................................................ 10

What If this Was Meant to Be Good news? ............................................. 11

What Makes For Your Perfect Day? .......................................................... 12

How Can You Stand Out From the Crowd? ............................................. 13

Are You Doing One Great thing every Day to Move Yourself Forward? ........14

2. oWn your future

When’s Your Back-to-Work Date? ............................................................ 16

Are You Holding Yourself Accountable? ................................................... 17

Are Your Finances In Order? ..................................................................... 18

Are there Other Issues You need to Clean up? ........................................ 19

Are You Making It easy For Others to Promote You? ................................ 20

Are You Moving Fast enough? ................................................................. 21

Are You keeping Your Options Open?...................................................... 22

Are You the right Candidate For Self-employment? ................................ 23

Are You Good At taking Advice From Others? ......................................... 24

Are You Abandoning Your Opportunities too early? ................................. 25

Is It time You Did Something? ................................................................. 26

3. knoW yourself Well

Are You trapped In Your Own Feelings Of Insecurity? ............................... 28

Do You know What You Are Looking For? ............................................... 29

Would You Hire You? ............................................................................... 30

Do You Believe In You? ............................................................................ 31

Is It time to Call Your Own Baby ugly? .................................................... 32

Who Do You need to Forgive? ................................................................. 33

Are You Being too Fussy? ......................................................................... 34

Are You Confident In Your Direction? ....................................................... 35

4. do the BasiCs Brilliantly

Are You Doing the Basics Brilliantly? ........................................................ 38

Are You utilizing the three-Minute rule? ................................................ 39

Are You Prepared to Market Yourself 24/7? ............................................. 40

Are You using Social Media Wisely? ......................................................... 41

Are You using recruiters effectively? ........................................................ 42

Are You Asking Great Questions? ............................................................ 43

Are You Learning From those Who Have Succeeded Before You? ............ 44

Are You Good At telling Your Stories?...................................................... 45

Are You Actively networking? .................................................................. 46

You Are You Monetizing every Moment? ................................................. 47

Are You Generating the right “Hire Me” Feelings? ................................. 48

Are You Learning From Your Past experiences?......................................... 49

5. aCt your Wage

Do You Look And Act the Part? ............................................................... 52

Do You know Your true Market Value? .................................................... 53

Does Your resume Stand up to the Competition? ................................... 54

Do You think Like An employer?.............................................................. 55

Do You effectively Communicate Your Brilliance? ..................................... 56

Are You Aligned With How Others Perceive You? ..................................... 57

Is It time to Get Over You? ...................................................................... 58

Should You Stop trying So Hard? ............................................................. 59

6. shoW your Worth

Are You Speaking to Your results? .......................................................... 62

How Can You Give them An “After Photo”? ........................................... 63

How Can You Present Yourself As the expert? ......................................... 64

Do You know the Power Of Your Smile? ................................................. 65

How Can You Present Yourself With More Passion? ................................. 66

Are You Presenting All Your Strengths? .................................................... 67

Do You Have Answers to the really tough Questions?............................. 68

7. keep your Motor running

How Can You Make Your Search A Little More Fun? ................................ 70

What Small Successes Can You Celebrate?............................................... 71

Are You taking time to Play? ................................................................... 72

Who Is Your Inspiration? .......................................................................... 73

faMous last Words

Are You Prepared For the next time? ...................................................... 75

About the Authors .................................................................................. 76

Do You Want to Write A Book Like this? ................................................. 77

What’s next For You? ............................................................................... 78

4 In 2 WIn!

PRaise FOR IN 2 WIN!

“Curt is a catalyst for people in transition. He makes you face your demons, deal with them, organize your strengths and package yourself in such a way that you can secure the kind of position you truly aspire towards. He guides you to be true to yourself while also providing a solid sounding board to bounce off ideas, job offers or consulting proposals.”

Chris n. CeO, Health Sciences

“As a senior executive I like to be pushed to think differently and I can count on Curt to push my thinking beyond my boundaries. In 2 Win! exemplifies this perfectly as Curt brings a ‘tell-it-like-it-needs-to-be-told’ approach and gets you thinking. ‘Curt’s keepers’ are so impactful they should be required repeat reading for all executives, as they apply to life as a whole and not just those in transition.”

doug f. CIO, Corporate Services

“In 2 Win! is a provocative read that is an absolute must for all professionals in todays market who are considering or transitioning towards an executive move.”

shelley M. Senior Sales and Marketing, Healthcare

“In 2 Win! is a must-read for any executive in career transition. the refreshing blend of humor, insight and wit is absolutely Curt in a nutshell!.”

karinna n. Senior Marketing executive, Corporate Services

“When in transition the best investment you can make is to hire Curt Skene as your career coach. the second best investment is to read and heed his thoughts and ideas in this book. Whether in person or on paper, Curt speaks from the heart and tells you the little known truths about what is needed to shorten your career transition, stay motivated and sail to the finish line. Let Curt guide you, push you and challenge you. You will be thrilled you did!”

Charlene n. General Manager, Manufacturing

“Curt’s brilliance is in sharing ‘tough love’ questions that must be answered by any executive in transition. the gems of advice uncovered in this book apply to anyone serious about their career management.”

Joe C. Senior Project Management Consultant

“In 2 Win! reflects Curt’s unique coaching style, which has helped countless executives, including myself, manage through the emotional rollercoaster ride of career transition.”

domenic p. President and CeO, Chemical Industry

“read this book before you need this book!”

tom M. COO, Corporate

5In 2 WIn!


It’s funny how authors try to put all of the people they want to thank in the front of their books as if they could fit them all on one page. For me, there are so many people—some who actually have no idea how much they have inspired me—that I just can’t begin to name everyone. So let me say this, thank you to everyone who has touched my life because no doubt you had an influence on the ideas that went into writing this book.

thank you to my wife Sharen who loves me faithfully every day, even on days I drive her crazy with my passion and spontaneous desire to be in her space. thank you to Jonathan and natalie, because as kids you are the best—but as inspirational heroes you are even better.

thank you to my partner Colin McClean who encouraged me to write this book. not only did his cartoons inspire me but he guided me professionally and always delivered on the commitments he made. Also, a special thank you to Gillian, his wife for her great editing and to their two kids, Jordan and nicholas, who gave up a big slice of “daddy time” so Colin could dedicate his time to this book.

thank you to my amazing nephew Scott Frank for offering his book layout expertise and being there with great ideas and professional support. If you are looking for a professional to launch your brand or build your image you should talk to Scott because I can guarantee you will be thrilled that you did.

thank you to my good friend Sandra Watson who, aside from being a great mentor, inspires me daily with her ethics and values. I may never know why fate introduced us but I will always be thankful that it did.

thank you to Charlene norman who came out of nowhere to be an amazing friend and true believer in my work. Words in life are so easy to speak but she backed them up with action and that blew me away. She really is a “people person” and that I will never forget.

thank you to the hundreds of HAPPen members who continue to trust me with their careers and especially to Joe Caruso and the “Great” Bruce Bracken who started this tidal wave of career coaching success. It truly has been an honor to help you find your purpose again.

to those who scrunched up their noses, kicking and screaming all the way through the coaching process. I know you listened and I am glad you eventually found your way. It’s because of people like you I am stronger, clearer and more determined to make a difference in the lives of others. I just want you to know I will be forever grateful for the chance encounter I shared with you.

Most of all, thanks to you the reader, who will take the time to allow me to guide you with your career aspirations. I know how important time and money can be and I honor the fact you took a chance when you bought In 2 Win! those who know me well understand that I truly do care and for those who don’t, I hope you will after reading this book.

Please keep in touch and let me know how things are going for you because your success means everything. As you pursue your career always remember you are In 2 Win! because it’s better to fail trying than to go nowhere having not risked anything at all!

6 In 2 WIn!


It’s the perfect storm.

one: today’s marketplace surrounds us with whirling change—altering what we do, how we do it, where, when and why we do it. the concept of the gold watch for 25 years of service with the same organization is almost dead. We flit, change jobs, or are looking to change them all the time. I read a Mercer statistic recently that indicated 40 percent of employees between the ages of 25 and 34 are seriously considering leaving their jobs. this same sentiment also holds true for 44 percent of employees aged 24 or younger. While executives higher up the pecking order also consider moving on, there is the fear of the unknown that holds them—often longer than they wish—contemplating the “where, when and how” to move.

two: Our business environment is fraught with opportunity… new businesses, new products, new partners, new technology, new communication, new global reach, and new networking. What is lost in attrition is more than made up in new opportunity—it only needs to be plucked, grabbed, incorporated and maximized.

three: In 2 Win! is filled with strategies to remove the fear of the unknown in an executive move and is loaded with suggestions to bring opportunities to fruition. What a wonderful resource to connect you with your future!

this “Perfect Storm” is no accident. Curt Skene has been speaking to, consulting with, training and coaching executives for many years. Within the

pages of this book he is sharing his invaluable experience—the best lessons in business are learned through experience, through trial and error, through difficulties. How wonderful that we can learn from Curt’s experience! We get to stand on the shoulders of giants.

Curt simplifies his experience so we become quick learners. We can easily take advantage of the book’s Rapid-Fire Insights to successfully achieve our next executive career opportunity. Curt begins with how to create your winning point of difference and sections on knowing yourself well (so you find the right opportunities for you). He continues with insights on how to conduct basic self-marketing brilliantly, as well as five other invaluable frames of reference to help you create your own attitude for success and take advantage of your own excellent opportunities.

Curt and I are similar in that we both believe in asking questions. to me a good question is more important than the right answer. Questions broaden the thinking… the possibilities. Curt asks more than 50 excellent, thought-provoking questions within the pages of In 2 Win!, including: “How can you make it easy for others to promote you?”, “Would you hire you?”, “How are you using social media?” and “How are you at taking advice from others?” My favorite question, “Who is your inspiration and what would they do in your situation?” forced me to consider for a while. use his questions as a springboard to acquiring new perspectives and greater opportunities.

7In 2 WIn!

I have always appreciated a number of traits in Curt Skene. Whenever Curt speaks to, consults with or trains executives he generously shares his experiences, encouraging his audiences to benefit from his knowledge and giving them the short-cuts to success. His unbridled passion—he genuinely cares about the people with whom he associates—always comes through in his speaking. that same passion is evident in every page of this book. I could almost hear his voice as he asks questions, offers suggestions and provides Curt’s Keepers.

It has been such a pleasure over the years to see firsthand the humor and fun that Curt incorporates in all his endeavors. that whimsical element is now evident as you turn page after page of In 2 Win! He has offered the reader the opportunity to smile, to learn and to take action on newfound knowledge. He has truly simplified the decision making for your next career opportunity.

enjoy the read! enjoy the ride!

sam geist

Best Selling Author, Execute... or Be Executed, Why Should Someone Do Business With You… Rather Than Someone Else? and Would You Work for You?

abOUt MaRVin

Marvin is the bumbling but affable job seeker first introduced to audiences in A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To… My Career!—a guidebook for novice job seekers written and illustrated by Colin McClean.

As the lead character in Curt Skene’s In 2 Win!, Marvin is now a more seasoned job seeker who wants to make an executive career change. As usual, his heart is in the right place, but his career transitioning skills leave much to be desired.

Marvin makes a lot of mistakes, but he knows that it’s only through trial, error and perseverance that he’ll succeed. Marvin needs to learn and apply rapid-fire insights to land an executive position. He’s determined to help you do the same, by showing you exactly what he did wrong and helping you avoid the pitfalls he faced.

Marvin knows that when you adopt the right attitude, get the right information and then apply what you’ve learned, you’ll land the executive opportunity you want! Guiding you through Curt’s expert advice, Marvin will make sure you’re In 2 Win!

8 In 2 WIn!

hOW tO aPPROaCh this bOOK

When I designed In 2 Win! I wanted it to be a simple book but please don’t be fooled by that simplicity. You should read it two or three times to make sure you get the most out of each page and zero in on what each idea means to you. this book isn’t intended to be the “letter of the law” or a step-by-step plan; it’s a springboard for you to challenge your creativity and transform your career search. In reality, if I told each of you exactly what to do then I wouldn’t be doing you any favors because you would all act and look the same.

On every page is a final thought which I call “Curt’s keeper”. While most are intended to summarize an important concept from the page, there are a few random ones that are there simply because they are great points that need to be shared in this book.

this book is a “living” document that will grow and improve because of its integration with the In 2 Win! online career coaching community ( I encourage you to join this community, which will give you ongoing access to new career transition insights and ideas. Below are just a few of the key elements I have built in to help you maximize your reading experience:

1. to make finding ideas faster, In 2 Win! is organized into seven logical groups so you can “spot read” if you choose.

2. the Qr codes on each page provide additional “up-to-date” information at your fingertips (e.g. new content, up-to-date reference lists, tips and training material). You can either scan the Qr Code with your smart phone

or use the In 2 Win! directory found on Make sure you keep checking these pages as they will evolve over time.

3. throughout In 2 Win! I reference several mind laws because, as a certified Hypnotist and neuro-linguistic Programming Practitioner (nLP), I know the important role your subconscious mind will play in your success.

4. In 2 Win! is about giving back so when you find something works for you in your search it’s my hope that you will post it and share it with others. Wouldn’t it be cool to know you helped others and that others were there to help you too?

5. Have fun with In 2 Win! Laughter is great medicine for most ailments. the intent of the cartoons is to make you laugh, boost your spirits and give you a break from the stress you may be experiencing during your search. Don’t take them too seriously or try to make them into political statements because that is not the intention. Marvin, the bumbling cartoon character, is here to proudly represent all people equally.

6. keep In 2 Win! nearby, even after you’re employed. I encourage you to pick it up from time to time and have another read and chuckle on me.

7. Give the gift of giving. If you know others who should be reading In 2 Win! buy an extra copy or two at Give them out as spontaneous gifts because doing the unexpected feels great! You can always ask me to add the “WOW factor” of personalizing them with a note of inspiration and signature.

Here’s to your career success however it comes to you!


WinninG diFFeRenCe

1Because in the end that’s all that really matters


10 In 2 WIn!

aRe YOU in it tO Win it?Your “In 2 Win!” attitude means you are prepared to do extra and willing to take more risks because you know “smart” risks reap great rewards! It means you are focused on the future and never dwell on the past. It means taking chances and

letting your personality shine so employers get excited by the real you. It’s about going into interviews with confidence and delivering responses with insight, energy and enthusiasm. It means you are prepared to step out of your comfort zone, cold-call diligently, actively network and create marketing material that drives home your unique “got to have you” brand. When you are “In 2 Win!” you go way above the norm so that there is no doubt in anyone’s mind that you are the chosen one. You know lots about the companies you are speaking to and you have an intelligent opinion

about your industry. You speak proudly about your results and explain the thought process behind your actions. You experiment with new ways to present yourself and constantly learn from your successes and your failures. You are comfortable being uncomfortable because you know it’s your commitment to stretch yourself that will help to move you forward. You embrace technology, especially social media and use it to your marketing advantage. You speak strategy with ease and treat every opportunity as if you are working in the position already. In the end you know it’s never about meeting expectations—it’s about blowing them away!

Curt’s Keeper: Second place equals first loser so do what it takes to give that honor to someone else!

111 CreAte YOur WInnInG DIFFerenCe

What iF this Was Meant tO be GOOd neWs?no one knows why bad things happen but everyone knows they do. Being terminated is just part of business—you aren’t really expected to agree with it. Being in transition is just one of the many “bumps” you may experience in your life. However, how you deal with it can make all the difference in the world. no company is worth the energy it takes to prove them wrong or recognize the error in their ways. It’s not what is lost that matters but what you gain from the experience. So ask yourself honestly what you can learn from this? the best approach is to focus on the belief that everything happens for good reason, so start looking for positive reasons why this happened to you. Did you need a wakeup call and this is it? Were you bored and needed a push to refocus yourself? Was it simply time to do something different? Just know that almost everyone who experiences career transition comes out

of it in a better place. take the time to uncover the lessons and turn this into a positive learning experience. By focusing on the positive you keep your energy high, your spirits soaring and you fuel yourself with great insights for your next steps. You can also keep things in perspective by reminding yourself of the positives in your life such as family, friends, loved ones and good health. It’s human nature to give bad news too much attention so strangle it with all the good that surrounds you. Finally, if you need help—get it! You will never project confidence and passion if your inner self isn’t whole.

Curt’s Keeper: Being terminated is seldom personal or logical so stop trying to make it so!

12 In 2 WIn!

What MaKes FOR YOUR PeRFeCt daY?the biggest mistake executives make is to head into career transition with no thought or plan. Much like your working days you need to plan your work and work your plan. While every executive is different and many will tell you what their

perfect day might look like, it is important that you create your own definition and learn to live by it. Whatever your definition is, make sure you know your peak performance periods so you can schedule your most challenging tasks in that timeframe. Start your day early dressed in business attire. After an hour of doing follow-up activities you might schedule a morning coffee meeting to energize yourself to get out the door. Be mindful of becoming a slave to your computer or any other meaningless task. Few have landed their next successful career opportunity while sitting behind

their home-office desk. Make it a habit to schedule your office admin time either before 9:00 am or after 6:00 pm. this way most of your day can consist of networking (face-to-face, telephone or group meetings). You may also want to consider time for regular exercise to release stress as well as time to develop your expertise (technical, professional and soft skills). Don’t hesitate to mix things up from time to time because variety really can be the spice in your life.

Curt’s Keeper: Work, play, educate… make this your “perfect day” plan!

131 CreAte YOur WInnInG DIFFerenCe

hOW Can YOU stand OUt FROM the CROWd?the world today is a blur. there are simply too many people who can do what you do and every one of them is yelling, “Please pick me!” to successfully compete, you have to stand out from the pack. Simply stated, perception is reality and everything else is just an illusion. You need to manage the perception you create brilliantly! Ask yourself, “How can I present my reputation, skills and experience better than all the rest?” too many executives focus on promoting the basics such as being hardworking, responsible and experienced, when what is truly needed is focus on return on Investment (rOI) and emphasis on the unique talents you have to offer. Ask, “What is my WOW factor and why will employers care?” Did you help to increase revenue or reduce expenses? Did you improve the customer experience or uncover solutions to solve their problems? Find ways to

package your experience so you stand out in a particular niche market. Since we are all visual creatures use images and color to attract attention and excite the reader. Be keenly aware that the more you know about their business and the deeper you connect within it, the more attractive you become to them. Always ask, “How can I demonstrate the key strengths of my leadership style, verbally and in writing, so that employers sit up and notice me?” Here’s one last stand out tip… put Braille on your business card; it sends a nice message of empathy and your business card is never forgotten!

Curt’s Keeper: The interview is your moment to stand out so practice being absolutely brilliant at it!

14 In 2 WIn!

aRe YOU dOinG One GReat thinG eVeRY daY tO MOVe YOURseLF FORWaRd?time management is about getting at least one important thing done every day, so commit to making this happen. too often, your day can get cluttered when you lose the discipline of corporate priorities and planning. One can easily get blinded

by household distractions or the easy-to-do work that can generate activity, but seldom results. Like you used to do in the office, qualify your activities and push the envelope to ensure it’s the right stuff for you to be focusing on. Always keep an up-to-date list of pending activities sorted by priority so you can make quick and easy decisions of what to do next. Your commitment to doing at least one great thing every day can really boost your productivity and give you laser focus to ensure you complete your tasks brilliantly. Make sure you highlight your day’s accomplishments

so you celebrate the progress you are making. Continually assess and re-visit activities because certain tasks—like networking at the same event or scanning the same job board—will lose value over time. remember this is your future you’re betting on so you are on the hook to make every day great! If a planned activity doesn’t deliver results or your lack of discipline lets you down, find forgiveness quickly and then reschedule any missed tasks for the very next day.

Curt’s Keeper: Don’t just do any task, always do the most important one!


FUtURe Because it’s the only one you will ever have


16 In 2 WIn!

When’s YOUR baCK-tO-WORK date?Have you ever noticed how you can struggle to pay bills that have no due date? For most people it’s because it’s so easy to make other choices when there is no deadline attached. Success in your transition requires the same disciplined mindset as maintaining

great credit. I’m always surprised by the number of executives who say they can’t believe how fast time flies. A back-to-work date ends the surprise, forces you to create a schedule, manage your time, and set priorities so you can make tough career-based decisions. no one likes looking for work because it’s slow, daunting and often humbling. Having a back-to-work date helps to clarify how many people you need to contact, how many meetings you need to arrange and how much time you have for horsing around. Whatever back-to-work date you choose, make sure it is realistic, obtainable and creates the

right level of urgency in your search. As a guideline you should plan on being out one month for every ten thousand dollars you make. If possible, set your back-to-work date no later than three quarters of the way into your severance period. If you get back to work sooner, that’s great news! If need be you can always speed up the back-to-work process by doubling your career search activity. to keep yourself inspired write your back-to-work-date where you will see it often and tell others, including yourself, that this is your date and you will hit it!

Curt’s Keeper: Every great runner knows the secret to winning … focus on the finish line!

172 OWn YOur Future

aRe YOU hOLdinG YOURseLF aCCOUntabLe?While accountability may be considered an important attribute when you are working, just know it is the ultimate survival skill when you are not. For the first time no one else is holding you responsible. Making yourself accountable means you measure results not activity, because an activity doesn’t matter unless it leads you to the results you need. Many executives still need structure in order to perform. One best practice is to make a contract with yourself and/or your partner that spells out your commitment to getting things done. Create a detailed performance scorecard and honestly measure yourself against it every week. Just like you would in business, every one to two weeks hold a performance review that measures your progress and assesses what is working and what is not. Be prepared to take immediate corrective action. You may want to do this with another executive; just make

sure he or she shares the same passion and energy that you do. to avoid “time leaks” use a stop watch to measure every activity you do. A good habit to get into is to plan your day in fifteen minute increments as this will force you to be more precise in allocating and tracking your time. Another great idea is to use the timer on your cell phone to remind you when to bring coffee meetings and idle chit-chat sessions to an end.

Curt’s Keeper: That which is measured improves, so start measuring everything you do! (Hawthorne Effect)

18 In 2 WIn!

aRe YOUR FinanCes in ORdeR?undoubtedly, the loss of an income can place a massive strain on your cash flow, lifestyle and relationships quite quickly. to minimize the stress take steps to lessen the impact of living on no income or a reduced budget. It’s always better to assume

the worst and live within a tightened budget. to protect yourself never assume you will easily land a new position before your severance or savings run out. this way when you land sooner than expected, you’ll be pleasantly surprised how your tight budgeting and diligent expense tracking resulted in more money in the bank. Make sure you include all of your family in the belt tightening process and not just your spouse, as everyone needs to understand what is going on and why. While it may be humbling, ask

for “financial assistance” from businesses you deal with; many companies, including professional associations, will offer discounts, waive fees or lower payments for those in financial hardship. If needed, check out the various credit protection options at your disposal and absolutely consider a “survival” job in order to safeguard your long-term assets. never let your ego stand in the way of making the prudent financial decisions you need to make. If you need help setting a viable plan, a quick search on the Internet will list many suggestions you can implement.

Curt’s Keeper: Cash is your key to survival. Always seek financial assistance and credit protection sooner than later!

192 OWn YOur Future

aRe theRe OtheR issUes YOU need tO CLean UP?If issues are bothering you, clean them up. Otherwise they will resurface and bring additional stress at a time when you just don’t need it. Aside from finances common issues are health, family, relationships, previous work and legal problems. When in transition these will be magnified making them appear insurmountable. Always be proactive and keep your eyes open for any signs of trouble. While it may seem like a lousy time to bring on the extra stress of cleaning your slate there are many benefits. In particular there have been countless executives who have spoken about the weight that was lifted when they hit their issues head on. Most of them never realized how much it weighed on them or affected their judgment. the good news is you will likely find that the issues you avoided weren’t as daunting as you imagined. Consider getting a physical and recognize this is also a perfect

time to improve your health. know your relationships, especially in the household, will be tested as finances dwindle and your self-worth is placed into question. Set aside some time to bring joy and happiness to those who mean the most to you. As career stress increases your tolerance for frustration decreases, which can lead to domestic disputes. talk openly with your partner and where appropriate make joint decisions on “next steps.” remind yourself daily that you are a capable person and that being in transition is a natural progression that happens to almost everyone.

Curt’s Keeper: Proactively manage any skeletons you may have as companies are doing more stringent reference checks!

20 In 2 WIn!

aRe YOU MaKinG it easY FOR OtheRs tO PROMOte YOU?Part of being successful in your search is making yourself “easy-to-market” by others who want to help you. For instance, when you are networking always be distinctive so people remember who you are, what you do and why they should care. Plan

your introduction carefully as you will get more attention and support from others if they find your message interesting and your capabilities are clear. In crowded job markets you need a unique Selling Proposition (uSP)—a concise brand statement (five to ten words) that captures interest, attention and speaks to results. Your career arsenal should also contain a full color one-page resume that acts as an influential marketing career summary. this easy-to-read overview is inviting for career influencers to get to know you without feeling burdened with too much information. You may wish to

consider creating an online video profile as this can be a powerful tool that enhances your executive presence. But be forewarned this can do as much harm as good; so put a great deal of thought into your message and how you present it. A robust social media profile is a brilliant calling card that will draw the attention of employers. Consider key words that best represent you and be sure to use them in all of your documentation and online marketing. try searching for your skills online and in social media sites then analyze the top candidate responses. Ask what is it that put their profile on top and do the same for yours.

Curt’s Keeper: The secret is not what you say to others, but what you inspire others to say about you!

212 OWn YOur Future

aRe YOU MOVinG Fast enOUGh?Many executives wished they had started their search sooner. Most have been shocked at the length of time it took to generate good results and the competition they found along the way. resist the temptation to start projects around the house, enjoy a few months off or simply spend time on the wrong things. It is better to start your search early and be prepared for roadblocks than to saunter out late and be unpleasantly surprised by the complexities you find. Like professional athletes, the pace and energy you start with will dictate your ultimate success. tasks such as employer correspondence and lead follow-ups should never sit on your to-do list more than 24 hours and activities such as a thank you card need to be addressed within 12 hours. One standout idea is to take thank you cards with you and write them immediately after the meeting. take the card back

to reception and ask that it get delivered first thing the next morning. Your competition is unlikely to do that! remember that weekends are an honor bestowed to the employed. So, until you are one, include them in your search schedule. never underestimate the power of a well-timed email that arrives on a Saturday because it often stands alone and it communicates you are taking your career seriously. In today’s world there is no slow-time. In fact, summer and Christmas can be very fruitful as your competition has likely taken that time off!

Curt’s Keeper: Never take opportunities for granted, move swiftly or someone else will redefine the playing field!

22 In 2 WIn!

aRe YOU KeePinG YOUR OPtiOns OPen?As you start your search always keep an open mind to the opportunities that are presented to you. While at first glance some opportunities may not sound that appealing, having options is definitely the key to success. this is your future and

you want to have choices. When you consider your options look at both the positive and negative aspects of the decision. While an opportunity may not pay what you believe you’re worth, it may be far better than not being paid at all. Aside from receiving much needed cash in your pocket being employed will open doors and make you more desirable to employers. When you are looking at opportunities there are two ways you can filter them. the first is by “exclusion”, where as soon as you find something wrong you remove the opportunity from your list and it’s never considered again. the

second is by “inclusion”, where every opportunity remains on the list but those that best match your needs and desires move to the top. What’s the key difference? When you filter by exclusion you can quickly eliminate many options thus limiting your choices. One client was amazed to discover he actually had four good options when he started to use the inclusion method. Also, keep in mind that many companies offer many more options once you get inside the door.

Curt’s Keeper: Having choices, whether good or bad, is always the better option!

232 OWn YOur Future

aRe YOU the RiGht Candidate FOR seLF-eMPLOYMent?Most executives go through a period in their careers where they consider becoming entrepreneurs. For most it appears to be a knee-jerk reaction based on the fear no one will hire them. Self-employment is one option you may consider and it can look pretty darn attractive. the pay can be great, the work exciting and you are always guaranteed to love your boss! But be careful when heading down the entrepreneurial path because it can be lonely and eat you up faster than you realize. to be a true entrepreneur you need an inspiring vision, an unstoppable commitment and enough passion to pull yourself out of the low troughs of business building. Before you make a move towards self-employment consider a personality assessment to determine if you are a good match for the entrepreneurial lifestyle. Plan to meet with many other entrepreneurs to learn about their experiences.

By all means if you are truly heading toward the world of self-employment make sure you are serious. nothing is more damaging than launching into business with half a heart. Franchising is also an excellent self-employment alternative if you have the cash and you are comfortable following an established business process. While you may have to put out more money in the beginning, franchises often generate positive cash flow quicker. Whatever route you choose, do your homework, know the numbers and then by all means jump in with both feet!

Curt’s Keeper: With entrepreneurial freedom comes great risk and responsibility, always look hard before you leap!

24 In 2 WIn!

aRe YOU GOOd at taKinG adViCe FROM OtheRs?It’s a simple rule. those who land first often listen best. By this I mean filter what you hear and act on what makes the best sense for you. taking advice from others can be a double-edged sword because some advice will be right for you, and some not.

even more challenging—sometimes you may not be the best judge of what advice is right for you. If you are unsure, find a sounding board of trusted mentors and friends who have proven they have a desire to help you. If certain advice isn’t sitting right it may make sense to “sleep on it” and give yourself time to massage your thinking and remove any emotions that may be clouding your perception. Solicit advice but at the same time don’t ask too many people or you will surely get confused. Look for consistency in the feedback you receive. If you hear the same message over and over

there is a good chance there is truth in what’s being said. Seek out people who think differently than you. Learn to respect their differences as they can often lead you to a new perspective, challenge your ideas and help ensure you have thought everything through. train yourself to be brilliant at identifying those who are in your life to offer genuine assistance and those who are there just because they like to be heard. Finally, because people get tired of helping the ungrateful, always show your appreciation. Say “thanks” whether or not you plan on using their advice. Having an attitude of gratitude will also help to lift your spirits.

Curt’s Keeper: The best advice often comes unexpectedly, so listen carefully!

252 OWn YOur Future

aRe YOU abandOninG YOUR OPPORtUnities tOO eaRLY?While you may find yourself tempted to abandon an opportunity when you don’t perceive an immediate fit, don’t! If you believe an interview went poorly you may think you’re protecting yourself by bowing out before the employer drops you; but ultimately you are there to win the opportunity. Candidates who feel the need to tell an employer they are pulling themselves out of a competition are being guided solely by their egos. there is no upside to cutting short any employment discussion and all you are doing is severing what could be a potential connection or referral. Many times candidates are called back from a past interview and offered a different position that the employer found more suited to their skills. You never know how it will all turn out in the end so let it run its natural course. I’m not suggesting you stick with opportunities that are unethical,

illegal or well below your abilities. I am suggesting you show greater restraint before jumping ship. More often than not your impression of an interview differs from the employer’s perception, so leave your ego at the door. the only time you need to make a decision is when the employer presents the offer. If you must bow out, offer the company a qualified referral to another candidate if possible.

Curt’s Keeper: Keep on interviewing… you never know the outcome and you can always use the practice!

26 In 2 WIn!

is it tiMe YOU did sOMethinG?Have you ever heard the expression “analysis paralysis”? this is where you spend so much time thinking that you actually forego doing anything at all. this can be quite common when you are in transition and embarrassment, self-doubt and over-thinking

set in. Inaction is the killer of most career searches. While taking action can sometimes generate fear rest assured inaction will create terror. As norman Vincent Peale teaches us action is a great restorer and builder of confidence. Inaction is not only the result, but the cause of fear. For many executives there is this false belief that everything must be perfect before the search can commence. they spend weeks, if not months, contemplating what they really want and then more time contemplating how to get it. After that the need for the perfect resume kicks in and there goes even more time tweaking

before they actually start searching. the obsession for perfection can be a major roadblock that gets in the way. remind yourself that throughout the search you are always going to be a work in progress. You are smart enough to know the difference between right and wrong actions and that throughout the years you have made many great decisions. nine times out of ten doing “something” is better than standing still. remember that any action inspires more action.

Curt’s Keeper: Take conscious actions towards your goal every day and it will be achieved! (Law of Action)


WeLL Because few will tell you what you really need to know


28 In 2 WIn!

aRe YOU tRaPPed in YOUR OWn FeeLinGs OF inseCURitY?Being in career transition sucks! there, it’s been said… now move on. Just know that the voices inside your head are louder and uglier than those on the outside. everyone who involuntarily experiences career transition feels a huge loss of

identity and self-worth, anger and shame. remind yourself these are natural feelings because you have just faced one of the most humbling moments of your life. It is important to keep your emotions in check by telling yourself that you are not alone. the best way to flush your insecurities away is to get back up with your head held high and move forward. If you don’t you may find yourself withdrawing and watching your social network implode at the very time you need to get yourself out. Pay close attention to the quality of questions you ask yourself as your subconscious mind will feel

obligated to answer each one. Instead of asking negative questions like, “Why did this happen?” and “What if no one wants me?” focus on more positive ones such as, “How can I land an even better opportunity?” and “What would really WOW my next employer?” remember that your sense of security is a product of what you pay attention to, so keep focused on your accomplishments and surround yourself with the positive influence of good people and good reading material.

Curt’s Keeper: Being in transition may feel lousy but most executives agree they end up in a much better place!

293 knOW YOurSeLF WeLL

dO YOU KnOW What YOU aRe LOOKinG FOR?Have you ever tried to find something when you don’t even know where you last saw it? It’s practically impossible to find it because you have no idea where to start looking. Finding success in your next career is no different. Your success depends on your ability to focus your search and position yourself in the right place at the right time. Most executives don’t take the time to contemplate their future and end up having it decided for them by fate. Allowing outside forces to determine what you become without any direction will often generate lousy if not pathetic results. In order to find your perfect opportunity you have to get specific and clear. Learn to sacrifice the generalities of being everything to everyone and become very focused in your search. take the time to reflect on your career history, look at where you have been the most successful and why. Create a list of the things you love

to do, prioritize them and then ask yourself what type of role allows you the opportunity to do more of them? this exercise will engage a part of your brain called the reticular Activating System (rAS), which guides and filters the information you naturally pay attention to. Once your rAS is engaged you’ll find many more “perfect” opportunities coming your way.

Curt’s Keeper: Whatever you focus on will be attracted into your life so focus on great things! (Law of Attraction)

30 In 2 WIn!

WOULd YOU hiRe YOU? this has to be one of the toughest soul-searching questions there is because ultimately the answer tells you how you feel about your own skills, career history and opportunities. It is the question every executive struggles with. Just remember there is

a fine line between self-promotion and conceit; your duty is to find it and stay on the correct side of it! take a good hard look in the mirror to find your strengths and start building the confidence to promote them to others. When many executives are asked this question they often say no. While that may be true for some, more often many have just lost the confidence to comprehend their value. the bitter truth is that if you don’t know why you would hire you, then no one else will. A career search is like becoming a sales rep for a short period of time. know yourself “the product” well. know

your compelling points of difference. know why your ‘customer’ will want it. then become very comfortable talking about it. Ask those who know you best where they think you excel and why. understand your shortcomings by completing a comprehensive skills gap analysis and develop a plan to fill in the blanks. Be prepared to let go of the old you, as this is your chance to evolve into someone different and more spectacular. Commit to keep evolving, growing and changing until you can answer the “Hire You” question with a resounding and undeniable “YeS”!

Curt’s Keeper: When in transition the first person to sell yourself to is you!

313 knOW YOurSeLF WeLL

dO YOU beLieVe in YOU? It doesn’t matter what level of executive position you held, when you are in transition you are likely to find yourself with a twinge of doubt and you may start to question your abilities. Doubt is that needless energy that leaves you feeling vulnerable and can create invisible obstacles that stand in your way. In order to energize yourself and face your search with gusto and bravado, it’s important to rebuild your quiet self-confidence. remind yourself of your past successes and that they can be replicated and enhanced in your future endeavors. By using facts that relate to your successes instead of feelings of doubt you can quickly chip away at those ineffective and limiting beliefs.

take time to make a list of your highlights and analyze the common thread that has given you success. You should also make a list of all compliments you receive and in the times when your confidence lags pull it out and read all of the great things others have said about you. Make sure you set aside time each day to recite positive affirmations that reinforce and strengthen your own belief system. know yourself well and take action to move closer to the authentic “you”. Being authentic makes it easier to be yourself and enables you to choose opportunities that have you leveraging your values and living your dreams.

Curt’s Keeper: Believe in who you are or change who you are!

32 In 2 WIn!

is it tiMe tO CaLL YOUR OWn babY UGLY?If it’s taking you a long time to sell your skills then maybe the product is broken. Being self-aware and willing to do something about it is critical to removing the obstacles standing in your way. If you are putting a lot of work into your search

and nothing is moving you forward then take a hard look at your skill set, education, track record and marketing tools to ensure you have put yourself in the best possible light. Being able to call yourself out on the “true” problem areas gives you the ability to adjust and change quickly. For example, many executives are quick to blame their age for their employment struggles but that is seldom the “real” reason, so you need to look deeper. Your industry reputation can also make or break your career so manage it carefully especially while in transition. to help you uncover any potential

“ugly” spots seek out a career coach whose opinion you respect so you can clearly understand the unforeseen challenges that may be in your way. It’s often difficult to make a qualified assessment of who you are. A non-biased coach can give you added perspective and push you in directions that you may have resisted in the past. While it may not taste great that dose of reality is often the best medicine for success. remember, tough love from those you respect is the greatest gift they can give you.

Curt’s Keeper: Age is only an obstacle to the ordinary. Be brilliant and timeless!

333 knOW YOurSeLF WeLL

WhO dO YOU need tO FORGiVe?We all know people make mistakes and no doubt you have been the victim of some along your career. However, what can make the biggest mistake worse is your inability to let it go. Whether you did something you now regret or someone did it to you, there is no value in holding on to the negative energy that is haunting you. You may be angry because of your termination or the manner in which you were treated in the past but the best action is to forgive, forget and move on. no one knows why others do things but too much emphasis on this will simply drain you of what you need the most—enthusiasm to move yourself forward. Perhaps the most important person you need to forgive is yourself. What happened has passed, you need to learn and grow from the lesson. take a moment to look back at what happened and find forgiveness, then let it be. When you look

deeply you begin to understand and find compassion, when this happens you can find forgiveness. Consider how forgiveness will lead you down the path of physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Forgiveness doesn’t mean you condone the action or agree; it simply instills confidence within you and removes that feeling of weakness, guilt and pain that can hold you back. From this moment forward always take the high road as it demonstrates class and frees you to be brilliant in what you do.

Curt’s Keeper: Having the courage to extend an olive branch can mend old wounds and restore a vital reference that is dearly needed!

34 In 2 WIn!

aRe YOU beinG tOO FUssY? every executive likes to have choices and the opportunity to work for the “perfect” company but be wary of being too fussy or you might be waiting a long, long time. Sometimes there is a tendency to look at new opportunities with an “I’m better

than that” attitude. news alert: Finding your dream job is like looking for diamonds in the sand. In reality, no job is perfect all the time and most jobs come closer to being perfect when you decide to make them so. In short, perfection is in the eyes of the beholder. At the beginning your ego may be riding high aided by your comfortable severance package, so saying “no” is little sweat off your back. But the number of executives who have said they wished they knew then what they know now is astonishing. take every job offer seriously, look at all the angles and seek opinions from those you trust.

Instead of asking what’s wrong with this opportunity try asking what’s right and see if this nets you a different perspective. Whether you like it or not you are much more marketable when employed. Companies can more easily envision you as a valuable asset when they’re not reminded that another company decided you were expendable. While I rarely recommend accepting an offer if your intention is to keep looking for another position, sometimes it makes sense to do this. We all need to work and now at least you are getting paid for doing your search.

Curt’s Keeper: The perfect opportunity can sometimes be two jobs away!

353 knOW YOurSeLF WeLL

aRe YOU COnFident in YOUR diReCtiOn?Should you continue the type of work you’ve been doing or is this a good time to switch careers? If you’re looking to make a switch are there obstacles that might slow your re-employment? these are just some of the questions you need to ask yourself as you begin your search. Determining your future direction can be daunting and requires a high degree of self-analysis and awareness. It is important to recognize that one of the most common mistakes is to try to do this work alone. It can take months to recover from mistakes you make, so you are better off seeking professional help early and getting re-employed sooner. While you may find yourself tempted to focus on the cost of investing with a professional, you need to be more concerned with the cost of being unemployed. the reality is that an employed executive who was earning over $100,000 annually is losing

$8,333 every month when he or she is unemployed. Aside from the obvious financial gain one might expect from coaching, there are often many secondary benefits such as improved relationships, increased confidence and having a safe place to share your fears and worries. Find a coach you are comfortable with, commit to share openly and be prepared to give it a few weeks for the relationship to really gel. Coaches offer many different styles and approaches so there is definitely a perfect one out there for you!

Curt’s Keeper: Short-term financial pain can yield long-term employment gain!

4dO the basiCs

bRiLLiantLY Because they comprise 80 percent of your results


38 In 2 WIn!

aRe YOU dOinG the basiCs bRiLLiantLY?One of the simplest laws of business success is this: if you stick to the basics and do them consistently, repetitively and flawlessly, success is guaranteed. So too is your job search. the challenge for most executives is they make looking for work too darn

complicated. they spend days, if not weeks, tweaking and re-tweaking their resumes. they spend countless hours blindly submitting into nameless and faceless job boards. they surround themselves with a network of unemployed friends and strangely forget about talking to employed people. If you want to be working know who you are and the value you will bring to the table and find great ways to communicate it to the right people. take time to review all of your online postings (resumes, letters, group postings and other social media activity) and ask yourself if these messages are representative of the

salary and position you are seeking. use social media to take your brand viral so you get introduced to opportunities you never knew existed. reach out to everyone in your network and genuinely let them know you need their help and that you are also there to help them. Make it a habit to read a career-focused book every week and, most importantly, apply what you learn. Finally, be brilliant at doing your interviews as this is the “make or break moment” in your search.

Curt’s Keeper: Read about your profession or industry daily to become the “sought out” expert in your field!


aRe YOU UtiLiZinG the thRee-MinUte RULe?the first three minutes is where lasting impressions are made. these are the moments where your future is defined. I am even going to make the bold statement that I believe 50 percent of your success in a meeting or interview will be determined during this time. Sadly, while most agree with this statement, few practice or give these first few minutes any thought. In the first minute you’re judged on whether you look professional, trustworthy and capable. During the second minute you’re judged on whether you sound intelligent and speak in an easy-to-listen-to manner. the third minute focuses on how you make the other person feel and whether you appear genuine. In three minutes your future is judged, decided and acted on…so make them count! Always consider how you dress, what you say and how you demonstrate that you care about the opportunity. eye contact,

body language and tonality are critical as is the quality of the questions you ask. Create a powerful “tell-me-about-yourself” script and be prepared to deliver it often and with passion. One little secret I have is, wherever possible ask for a tour of their facilities as this allows others to brag about their business and for you to show genuine interest in what they have to say. Finally, while the first three minutes are no doubt the toughest, rest assured if you successfully push your way through them the conversation will become more natural and comfortable.

Curt’s Keeper: Your first three minutes define your success, so never leave them to chance!

40 In 2 WIn!

aRe YOU PRePaRed tO MaRKet YOURseLF 24/7?In a career search you are always on stage. You need to be ready to promote yourself at all times and in all sorts of environments. I fully understand there is a strong likelihood you do not have a sales and marketing background. Don’t

worry. Contrary to what you may believe, marketing is not complicated. It is all about finding ways to make the product or service stand out. You are the product and you will deliver the service. And you are the only one who can showcase how brilliant you are. Successfully marketing yourself requires a 24/7 mindset. Whenever you meet someone think how you can add value, how they can help you, then be proactive and initiate a conversation. never assume that because someone doesn’t do what you do they are not a viable lead. You never know who is connected to whom

anymore. Always dress professionally, carry business cards, your one-page resume and something to record notes and contact information. It’s a great idea to create a “dedicated career search” portfolio and always have it at your fingertips when you leave home. One final thought—keep your negative energy to yourself. no one really cares why your world is lousy and you can rest assured they won’t be rushing out to help you if you keep reminding them.

Curt’s Keeper: Good impressions travel fast, bad ones travel even faster!


aRe YOU UsinG sOCiaL Media WiseLY?When it comes to using social media think both proactively and protectively. Social media can contribute greatly to building your professional brand if you leverage it correctly. use it to promote your skills and build your reputation. even if you’re not a social media enthusiast many employers are! Social media is a powerful way to document your intellect, but carefully consider what you choose to write about. While having an opinion is good, writing something too controversial may offend those who you want to hire you. You should always be keenly aware that what you do online can be used against you. Whenever you participate in social media you need to contemplate what a potential employer may think. even postings in discussion groups can come back to haunt you. A simple guideline is to never put in writing anything you wouldn’t say to a person (or company) in a face-to-face discussion.

Also, remember that you can’t count on employers finding you; you need to reach out to them. Many executives get lazy once they adopt social media in their career search. they think mass mailings and placing the odd status update or web post is enough. Being good at social media takes a lot of work as you must be active, current, relevant, and most importantly, personal in your approach. In the end, social media can open many doors but it will be you, the person, who will ultimately win the opportunity. never lose sight that the human touch always seals the deal!

Curt’s Keeper: Keep your personal life separate from your career by creating separate online identities!

42 In 2 WIn!

aRe YOU UsinG ReCRUiteRs eFFeCtiVeLY?Whether you love or hate them, recruiters play an important role in the career search process. In order to have the best possible relationship with them you need to understand that they work for the employer, not you. this means if they don’t

have a job that fits your skill set, experience or personality, then they will not contact you. Make sure you know the most relevant recruiters in your profession and get them on your radar screen early. After you connect with them it’s your responsibility to keep them in the loop during your search. never expect a recruiter to pull your resume every time there is a similar opportunity because they are busy and have many good candidates to sift through. In some cases, another recruiter performs the initial candidate matching process. When meeting recruiters, always be prepared, be

memorable, show respect, send ‘thank you’ or ‘touching base’ cards and offer help even when you are employed. the easier you make their job the more helpful they may be to you in the future. When an opportunity is not for you think of others in your network who may be a better fit. not only are you helping a recruiter you just may find someone else a great new job! Finally, in an employers’ market recruiters have little inclination to work with executives who want to make a career switch. there are already many “perfect” candidates… and ultimately they are the people recruiters are getting paid to find.

Curt’s Keeper: Monitor recruiters’ LinkedIn profiles as they will often connect with your competition!


aRe YOU asKinG GReat QUestiOns?One of the best ways to demonstrate your expertise is through the quality of your questions. Asking questions that create interest, promote possibilities and invoke conversation is a powerful way to build rapport and demonstrate that you not only understand their business but can offer them potential solutions. Great questions force others, including yourself, to think differently about a situation. they also have the power to change the mood and energy in a room instantly so use them wisely. When used properly, questions can lead a discussion exactly where you want it to go or highlight a need or benefit an employer may not have considered. Before you start networking or attending interviews prepare a wide range of brilliant questions that will display your functional, technical and strategic awareness of the business and opportunity. to get the most

interaction use questions that start with “In your opinion…”, “How do you feel…”, “Where do you see…” Questions like these solicit opinions, insights and treat the listener as an expert. Avoid questions that are trivial, self-serving or closed as these questions can quickly “dead end” the conversation leaving little room for digging deeper. Finally, remember that a good conversation, even in interviews is a two-way affair. use questions to engage, probe and demonstrate to the listener that you really care.

Curt’s Keeper: Ask, “What has surprised you most about. . . ?” It’s unique and generates interesting results!

44 In 2 WIn!

aRe YOU LeaRninG FROM thOse WhO haVe sUCCeeded beFORe YOU?Let’s face it. there are no silver bullets in life and certainly not in your job search. One of the best ways to learn the secrets of any opportunity is to emulate those who have mastered them before you. Before you get too active in your search get

into the habit of asking those you admire what lessons worked brilliantly for them. Listen intently, mix and match advice and build a process that makes the most sense to you. remember, you don’t have to take all the advice but it’s better to have it and dismiss it than to never have had the insight at all. As you get started into your search make a commitment to host regular “information interviews.” Aside from generating good leads these sessions can be great confidence builders, perfect for gathering much-needed industry insight and an excellent source of executive support.

Most executives like to talk about their experience, so ask and show sincere interest in what they have to share. After you’ve left the meeting take five to ten minutes to document the lessons learned and note specifically how these lessons will help you. It’s always a great idea to send a thank-you card that highlights the top two or three things you took away. While the concept of informational interviews may seem intimidating the rewards are plentiful. Many executives have been in your shoes so they are happy to pay it forward.

Curt’s Keeper: Always follow up with those who give advice and let them know the difference they made!


aRe YOU GOOd at teLLinG YOUR stORies?During any interview your success will come from being able to tell relevant, exciting stories that draw in the listeners and encourage them to become active participants in how your stories play out. Practice being brilliant at telling “your stories” by using drama (e.g. add challenges you faced and other striking elements), use tonality and excitement to inspire the listener to want to hear more. remember, it’s important to tell why you took certain actions because this communicates how you strategically thought through your process. In your career-marketing arsenal you need stories that punctuate your successes and your ability to work through challenges (people and processes). You need stories that demonstrate how you think, react on your feet, lead and inspire others. Always keep in mind that you get as much time to tell your stories as your delivery style earns you. keep your

topic interesting, the details relevant and your voice enthusiastic and always watch your pace (slow and fast). While everyone intends on listening to the stories you share there is often a lot of “chatter” going on in their mind, so work hard to keep their attention on you. try recording your stories and listening to them to make sure your delivery is exactly what you intend or find a trusted friend to test out your story-telling skills.

Curt’s Keeper: Every story needs a happy ending and enough “drama” to highlight your significant contributions!

46 In 2 WIn!

aRe YOU aCtiVeLY netWORKinG?Many executives I meet enter career transition with a limited network. they never needed one in the past and they desperately need one now. So from the very beginning (even if you’re presently employed) make a commitment to grow your network

and to grow it fast. Often, executives believe networking is simply about showing up; but going through the motions nets you little. When you are active in networking your eyes are wide open, you are driven to meeting new people and rekindling old connections… all to gain new opportunities. Brilliant networkers look to give value first because they understand the power of reciprocity and they see every interaction as a place of possibility. Active networking means meeting new people, keeping your relationships fresh, planning who you want to meet, where they might be and what to say

once you meet them. Look for ways to create a powerful and positive first impression so everyone is drawn in to see the value of getting to know you better. Be keenly aware that a phone call is more powerful than an email and a face-to-face conversation is always the best. When you attend group meetings make it a habit to book a one-on-one session prior to and/or just after, to get to know a few of the attendees that much better. Finally, be wary of joining “victim” groups because all of your energy will be sucked out through their negative way of seeing the world.

Curt’s Keeper: Commit to connect deeper in your network because every opportunity you seek is already there!


aRe YOU MOnetiZinG eVeRY MOMent?this question is about creating a mindset that inspires you to get more value out of everything you do. It’s about constantly asking how you can leverage the people you meet, the activities you do and the investments you make. It’s about becoming obsessed with the notion that every activity needs to payback twofold. Start planning your day so that you give yourself plenty of “face time” with people and use off hours for administration. If you are writing a blog, ask who needs to be reading it and reach out to that target audience. Also, if you have a message to share, who needs to be hearing it? then ask yourself how you can ensure that they do? When you attend meetings or networking sessions are you getting the type of connections and introductions that you need? If not, what can you do differently the next time? While monetizing your time may sound selfish,

it’s not. It’s simply about being smart and efficient in your job search. Learn to standardize as much as you can and consider outsourcing tasks to others who can do it better and faster than you. Finally, remember monetizing is all about balance. Find that perfect mix of activity so that you can achieve maximum return without over saturation. every activity has a payback point after which you will see diminishing returns. You absolutely can overdo things (e.g. networking, social media, job board searches) especially if you start sacrificing other important activities to do so.

Curt’s Keeper: In life you can only lose time so spend each moment wisely!

48 In 2 WIn!

aRe YOU GeneRatinG the RiGht “hiRe Me” FeeLinGs?never underestimate the power of creating good feelings when it comes to getting hired! “People buy with emotion and justify with logic.” employers are no different. When they decide to hire it’s usually because during the interview process the executive

conveyed the right feeling that makes the hiring manager comfortable with their decision. Most employers today are either looking for an executive who makes them feel “safe” (i.e. fits in, proven in the job, traditional approach or offers low risk) or they are attracted by a marquee player who offers a feeling of significance (i.e. well known, celebrity status, industry expert, superstar, unproven yet provides high return potential). Some may even look for a mix of both. As you go through the interview process your job is to assess what predominant feeling the employer is seeking and then align your attributes

to that feeling. If you listen closely to the questions the answers will become clear. Pay close attention because the better you can match the feeling, the greater chance you have to land the opportunity. When preparing for the interview, make sure you fully understand the culture of the organization as identifying the “fit” can be everything. Go in knowing their mission, vision and values; then work to demonstrate how you can align yourself to them and their corporate culture.

Curt’s Keeper: It’s not what others know about you that makes the difference, it’s how they feel about what they know! (Law of Feeling)


aRe YOU LeaRninG FROM YOUR eXPeRienCes?the definition of insanity is doing the same old things over and over and expecting a different result! the secret behind long-term career success is learning from your past and using that knowledge to your advantage in the future. Many executives who find themselves in transition can become tentative because of what has happened to them in the past. they often shoot for lesser positions or downplay their successes for fear they will find themselves back in this same vulnerable position. Worse yet, they learn nothing from their past and find themselves struggling over and over. the key to success is to know that you can learn and grow from every career experience whether it was good or bad. Make detailed notes of what you will do differently next time and apply that learning immediately. experience is a gift. It’s only bad if you ignore it or give it too much attention. When you are interviewing let the

interviewer know what you have learned from your experiences, especially mistakes and how you have changed because of them. Self-awareness is very important and your candor will increase the credibility of your responses. Most executives never even consider drawing on lessons from their youth. the truth is, there are many good lessons discovered in early years so take time for reflection and give your past the attention it deserves.

Curt’s Keeper: To err once is a mistake, twice a misfortune, but three times is plain stupid!

5aCt YOUR WaGe Because only you can

show you’re worth it


52 In 2 WIn!

dO YOU LOOK and aCt the PaRt?Let’s face it, if you’re going to be a successful executive again you better continue to act and perform like one, especially in transition! Marketing professionals better market themselves like they would their next great product. Sales professionals

better demonstrate their features and benefits quicker and clearer than the next candidate. Project leaders better show they are managing their time, resources and back-to-work plan effectively. Human resource professionals better master the interview process to prove that not only can they pick winners… but they are winners themselves! Finally, senior executives better be brilliant at opening more doors, making tough introduction calls and hosting high performance information meetings. How you manage your career search is indicative of how you will approach their business. Double

check all of your correspondence, especially your grammar, to ensure it fits the role you are seeking. Make sure your dress code is always indicative of a senior professional and that the manner in which you speak reflects executive-level discourse. Sift through everything you do and satisfy yourself that everything is an accurate representation of who you are. this includes business cards, your resume and any other executive documents you may leave behind. Finally, don’t forget to look at your education, affiliations and hobbies; lose anything that doesn’t present you as a professional and proven executive.

Curt’s Keeper: As you mature so should the “Return on Investment” (ROI) you present on your resume!

535 ACt YOur WAGe

dO YOU KnOW YOUR tRUe MaRKet VaLUe?What you earned in your previous position has no bearing on what you will make in your next one, especially in an employers’ market! In fact what you earned in the past only really matters to you! take time to research your industry and salary trends so you have an understanding of the range you might expect. no one does a better job representing your value than you, so be prepared to earn your next pay increase. remember that compensation today is more than dollars; figure out what else is important (e.g. equity, subsidies, education, vacation, corporate perks, life-work balance). Go in prepared to discuss openly all aspects of compensation as you never know when this subject will come up. When asked the compensation question, always give them an answer. Avoidance will only lead to concern and doubt. Provide a fair range and let them know that like all humans you

desire to be higher on the scale than lower. never be afraid to stand up and ask for fair compensation but always be prepared to justify your request. Be wary of how hard you push because you have yet to earn that right. Most times it is easier to negotiate things like vacation and tele-commuting when you are in the job and have proven your worth. While many companies have policies in place to manage these things most “good” managers have ways to work around them when needed.

Curt’s Keeper: Trying to negotiate vacation when you have been off for a year is just wrong!

54 In 2 WIn!

dOes YOUR ResUMe stand UP tO the COMPetitiOn?Imagine that for every opportunity there is a minimum of one hundred candidates vying for that position. now ask if your resume will be near the top. When reviewing your resume the hiring manager typically makes a decision on the first page.

After that they are reading the rest to justify the opinion they have already formed. take a hard look and make sure your highlights and capabilities are all listed on top. Much like a celebrity magazine, your goal is to entice the employer early into wanting to learn more about you. Go through every line and assure yourself if it has earned the right to be there. Are you speaking of results? Have you provided good context? Is the information clear and captivating? Will the employer care? employers often look for alarming date patterns. If there are short stays or gaps, then explain them. never use date

trickery (e.g. just providing the year employed) to try to fool an employer. Doing this will penalize you and get your resume eliminated quickly. think about it; if you can’t be upfront at this stage what are you saying about the type of employee you will be? Other experts will tell you to present your achievements in StAr format (Situation-task-Action-result); I suggest you reverse it and give them rAtS (result-Action-task-Situation). the reason is simple… no one cares what you did until they know what results were achieved. today, executive resumes include graphs and testimonials to draw the reader in and offer proof of capability.

Curt’s Keeper: While a great resume is key, the more an employer perceives you as valuable the less they will care what’s on it!

555 ACt YOur WAGe

dO YOU thinK LiKe an eMPLOYeR?Anticipation is one of the best tools for creating powerful connections with prospective employers. the more you know about their business and demonstrate you can think like them, the stronger that connection will be. Constantly ask yourself, what potential challenges might this company face and what would you do if you were already in the role? Bring in supporting documentation (e.g. mind maps, best practices, articles, etc.) that will demonstrate that you are already thinking about their business and what you may do. Always introduce these items early in the meeting so that the employer knows you did something special to prepare for this meeting. You can say something like “While I don’t pretend to know your business fully I thought it may be helpful to you if I demonstrated how I approach certain challenges and what I might do.” Anticipate concerns that the employer may have with hiring

you so you can address and quickly move them out of the way. One of the most powerful things you can say when an employer has an objection is “I thought about that as well and here is what I came up with…” this immediately neutralizes their concern and puts you on the same page with them. there are many times when just demonstrating awareness and empathy to a potential issue (e.g. not enough industry experience, poor work record, etc.) will appease the employer enough to keep them talking to you.

Curt’s Keeper: Always speak to the future as if you were already there making an impact!

56 In 2 WIn!

dO YOU eFFeCtiVeLY COMMUniCate YOUR bRiLLianCe?today a resume is never enough. employers want and need a richer three-dimensional view that shows how strategically you think, how you perform and how well you can lead others. In every interview and information session you need to be able to

clearly articulate how you combine experience, knowledge, and soft skills to solve complex business problems. A few excellent communication tools are blogging, mind mapping and presentations. Make sure that whatever you choose to present it communicates a clear message in a style that you can call your own. You always want the employer to know that this was your original thought process and not something you “cut and paste” from the Internet. Make sure your insights are smart, relevant and timely. While this may seem like a daunting challenge rest assured that like most

executives you truly do know your business; so treat this like a regular client or business meeting. I suggest using the phrase “When I stepped back and thought about your business this is what I came up with…” this communicates your ability to take a longer term, bird’s eye view of a situation. One powerful idea is to stand up and use a whiteboard, if available. As soon as you do watch the energy shift to you and how you now own the room. this takes tremendous confidence but it demonstrates instantly your great leadership potential.

Curt’s Keeper: Many websites, groups and associations need expert insight (e.g. articles and speeches) so take this opportunity to showcase your brilliance!

575 ACt YOur WAGe

aRe YOU aLiGned With hOW OtheRs PeRCeiVe YOU?every executive creates a distinctive first impression that is usually communicated before words are spoken. Whether it’s the way you are dressed, an industry reputation, the manner in which you speak or pure gut instinct, an employer will often make their initial judgment of you quite quickly. to create instantaneous rapport it is important to understand how employers may perceive you, so that you can acknowledge their view and align yourself with it. For example, if you know you come across as friendly or driven acknowledge that in your conversation. Once you have then you can describe any other traits you have. You could say, “I’m sure that during this meeting you’ll notice that …. (describe your most obvious character trait), however most people are surprised to find out I am also … (describe a secondary trait).” For instance, if you are “driven” then you might say

“I’m sure that during this meeting you will get a good sense of my drive and desire to take action quickly. However, most people are very surprised at the level of empathy and patience I can also demonstrate when appropriate.” If you start out by implying that you are something they don’t see, you run the risk of creating a disconnection and your ability to be self-aware and truthful may be called into question.

Curt’s Keeper: Speak first of what they see before you tell them what you can be!

58 In 2 WIn!

is it tiMe tO Get OVeR YOU?Confidence is great but too much can lead to trouble. Many executives are shocked to find out that the phone simply doesn’t ring off the hook once the word on the street says they are available. they are also surprised to learn that not every

organization places the same value on their experience as they do. Because of ego and expectation there is often a temptation to wait for offers to come to you. this seldom happens! As you embark on this journey start with an open mind, tuck in your ego and show your desire to work hard in every meeting you attend. When you are overconfident you allow yourself to become too casual and many times you’ll shortcut answers assuming they simply trust your abilities. this is especially true when you are interviewing with a friend or previous business relationship. employers appreciate

confidence. they appreciate executives who are self-assured but when you cross that line into arrogance then you will close many doors. take into consideration that your personality style can have a lot to do with how confident you appear. A driver, expressive personality and to some extent analytical type, can convey the illusion of arrogance. So make sure you know to pull your personality back when you need to. Always look to “earn” credibility and recognize you are the one who is there to win their respect and the opportunity to work for them.

Curt’s Keeper: It’s a sobering fact but most executives aren’t as important as they once thought they were!

595 ACt YOur WAGe

shOULd YOU stOP tRYinG sO haRd?Have you ever heard of someone finding the perfect job right after they accepted another offer? You’ve probably seen athletes struggle when they get in a rut and try to force themselves to be better again. It’s a simple law of nature but you can never force something that you want or you run the risk of pushing it further away. As funny as it sounds it’s often better to step back from the situation and let the natural laws of the universe take over. Peak performance comes from natural responses, not forced ones. As job search pressures mount, allow yourself to step back and rise above the situation so you can get a better view. Learn to visualize your success and let your unconscious mind start leading the way. this may mean having the patience to slow down your actions or in times of difficulty taking a survival job in order

to allow the right opportunity to naturally come your way. this law also applies when you try too hard to get an employer to hire you or push too hard to make them like you. to be successful shift your focus to another opportunity and have the confidence to let events come to their own natural conclusion. this doesn’t mean you should stop working, it just means stop trying to do those things that are unnatural to you. When you do this you will be surprised how often the tables turn in your favor when you let nature have its way!

Curt’s Keeper: The harder you try to force something the more difficult it becomes! (Law of Reversed Effect)


WORth Because employers need to view hiring you as a smart investment


62 In 2 WIn!

aRe YOU sPeaKinG tO YOUR ResULts? those executives who land quickly know it’s not what you did that matters but the results of your efforts so always focus on return on investment (rOI). Whether you are selling, leading a team, re-purposing a brand or re-inventing a business

process it means nothing if the work doesn’t lead to a tangible positive result (i.e. faster, cheaper, more efficient or more profitable). If you don’t have “real” numbers that you can share, then use something that offers a fair representation of your success. It’s also wise to give context, as in a before and after scenario that underlines the challenges you faced and the unique success strategy you applied. remember you are dealing with the employer’s perspective of the market which may be much different than yours. Offering an industry comparison such as, “In a declining market or

an industry that typically grows X% we grew XX%,” will often tell them more about your success than simply stating, “We grew XX%.” If you make your actions sound too simple your examples won’t be exciting, respected or appreciated. the more dramatic you can make it, the more perceived value you appear to have added. ensure your results are clear and deliver them early in your discussions because results are the hooks that help you stand out. You should never assume others will know how difficult your achievements were so find a way to underscore your efforts without sounding too egotistical.

Curt’s Keeper: You were there in your career; they were not—supply enough details and results to inspire them to hire you!

636 SHOW YOur WOrtH

hOW Can YOU GiVe theM an “aFteR PhOtO”?executives who do a great job of painting a brilliant picture of the company’s future with them in it will receive more job offers. employers are looking to solve their business problems and they want to do it fast, efficiently and with limited hassles. Make sure you take the time to really understand the employer’s business and talk as though you are the consultant who is there to solve their problems. When answering questions always demonstrate the application of your skills and how they will apply in this opportunity. Create diagrams either in advance or in the meeting that makes it easy to understand your thoughts. never underestimate the power of drafting a concept before their eyes because no one else will do that and it shows undeniable depth of expertise. Simply stated, “employers need to clearly see how their lives will be different with you in it!” use the word ‘we’

when describing a solution that puts you in the middle of their much-needed resolution. As often as you can draw a parallel to your experience so that they know you have “been there and done that” before. use phrases such as “this situation is much like the challenge I faced at …” this will allow them to make the bridge between their world and yours. In the end it’s all about understanding their business and demonstrating how you can step in and immediately help them to succeed.

Curt’s Keeper: The better the picture you paint, the more the employer understands how much they need you in their business!

64 In 2 WIn!

hOW Can YOU PResent YOURseLF as the eXPeRt?the ability to take a high level of industry, technical or leadership expertise and achieve dramatic results is an important characteristic to demonstrate. It is this knowledge that will win you the opportunity. While in transition, focus on

deepening your expertise and broadening your current skill set. By all means make sure you include any “in transition” education you are taking on your resume as employers will be impressed with your commitment to grow. However, knowing your stuff is only half the battle, having the ability to present yourself as the expert is the other. experts have opinions, insight and a deep understanding of how things will be in the future. Presenting yourself as an expert takes real confidence in your skills, abilities and beliefs. Always pay attention to the words you choose and how you say them. You

can create emphasis by varying your tonality up and down or spacing key words apart. All you need to do is ensure the words you want to emphasize stand out from the rest. keep an eye on the business sector’s “Best Seller” list and read the most appropriate book(s) for you. When you are finished take the time to comment on them, blog about them and share lessons learned with others. Finally, develop a vocabulary that includes a number of new action-oriented power words that are different than what other executives may use.

Curt’s Keeper: Presenting as the expert has lots to do with how you say it, so practice sounding smarter every day!

656 SHOW YOur WOrtH

dO YOU KnOW the POWeR OF YOUR sMiLe? Have you ever tried to have a negative thought when you’re smiling? It’s nearly impossible. not only that, but did you know that those around you will find themselves becoming more positive because of your smile? Smiling is the most common and natural communication tool we have. Smiling boosts the level of the neurotransmitter serotonin and releases endorphins, two vital mood regulators. When you smile it communicates a genuine happiness and sense of optimism that others will appreciate. try asking a friend to look at you with a straight face and then have them smile. Did you notice a difference? Did you see how warm and inviting the smile made them. A smile adds brightness, color and cheer, and gives out that little extra element of trust. While a smile doesn’t force someone to feel good about you it sure goes a long way to doing so! As Dale Carnegie said, “A smile costs

nothing, but creates so much. It enriches those who receive, without impoverishing those who give. It happens in a flash and the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.” Studies have shown that those who smile often live longer and are more successful because smiling reduces stress and can win you more friends and seal business deals. Actors, politicians and successful executives practice their ability to smile daily.

Curt’s Keeper: Smile all the time because it feels great, makes you more approachable… and it will confuse the heck out of everyone!

66 In 2 WIn!

hOW Can YOU PResent YOURseLF With MORe PassiOn?to present with passion you must believe strongly in what you are saying. Passion is not about blending in or being middle of the road. Passion is that edge that is noticed and often desired by employers. to communicate passion it’s not what you say but how

you say it that makes all the difference in the world. Passion is often described as a feeling of excitement, enthusiasm or compelling emotion towards a subject, idea, company, person, or object. When you speak, learn to use your voice to communicate the energy and unstoppable commitment you have. Words themselves mean little; most statistics indicate up to 80 percent of the message is how you say it! Learn to vary your speed and tonality to match the feelings you want to convey. If you want to communicate energy and excitement then project your voice and speak a little faster. If you want to communicate intellect

and empathy then speak softer and slower. Always be aware that your level of passion will be noticed and you will be judged on it. One of the biggest mistakes an executive can make is to go into an interview lacking passion. When they do they come out flat and appear to lack interest in the opportunity. Conversely, too much passion can be just as damaging because of the risk of appearing overbearing and tiring! Always match your level of passion to your audience. As rapport is gained and that important connection is made only then can you raise the passion in the room!

Curt’s Keeper: Practice using the power of your passionate voice all the time to ensure it’s there when you need it most!

676 SHOW YOur WOrtH

aRe YOU PResentinG aLL YOUR stRenGths? the key to presenting your strengths is knowing what they are and finding ways to demonstrate them! One great way is through case studies and testimonials that speak directly to them. While your core strengths are often the bread and butter of your employment success you never want to present them without demonstrating a wider range of other abilities. If you do those same strengths can quickly become your weakness. Strengths tell the employer what you can be but they can also communicate what you can’t. In today’s fast-paced world it’s risky to present yourself solely as a one dimensional executive. For example, a leader needs to be just as comfortable being a great follower while a motivator needs to be recognized as a powerful listener. So while you present your strengths make sure you underline a range of other skills that will provide the organization with the

depth and flexibility needed to survive in this ever-changing world. While in transition work hard to continually develop your core strengths, but work even harder on being brilliant in the areas where you are not as strong. the multi-dimensional executive is the dynamic force companies are looking for and dearly need today. each day practice perfecting the skills of a successful executive (e.g. writing, speaking, analyzing, predicting, creating, envisioning, motivating and organizing).

Curt’s Keeper: There is no such thing as the one-size-fits-all executive anymore. Be flexible and multi-dimensional!

68 In 2 WIn!

dO YOU haVe ansWeRs tO the ReaLLY tOUGh QUestiOns?You likely know (or should know) which tough questions will be coming your way so prepare great responses to them now. Depending on your situation these may be questions that explore a perceived lack of experience (especially if making a career shift),

questionable work history, length of time in transition or concerns about being overqualified. When responding, acknowledge their question, state you have thought about these same issues and provide your great response. Just know that an experienced interviewer has already heard all of the best canned responses and read all of the interview books so if you feed them a line they will read right through you. Always take the high road, be sincere, soulful and reflective with your answers. Give enough detail to answer the question but never give too much to bore them. Most companies will respect

the discretion you show so be very wary of when and where you use names and dollars. never ever put any of this in writing. When answering tough questions, self-awareness is an important skill to possess so demonstrate your mastery of it. employers may forgive mistakes but only when you have created a desire for them to do so. Demonstrate remorse and show how you have learned from your experience(s).

Curt’s Keeper: If you share some of your “ugly” then everything else you say becomes truth! (Law of Candor)


MOtOR RUnninG Because slowing down

now would just be wrong


70 In 2 WIn!

hOW Can YOU MaKe YOUR seaRCh a LittLe MORe FUn?A positive mindset is directly connected to your ability to succeed, so start enjoying your job search today! no one ever said all aspects of your search had to be painful but many executives make it appear that way and it shows. Like other

fun activities, if you make your job search enjoyable you’ll spend more time doing it thereby increasing your chances of success. the first place to start is with making your job search work area more fun! Add color, motivational quotes, cartoons and music to your environment so every day you get a shot of cheeriness. Consider a work area that has windows and is bright and vibrant. As you plan your search strategies ask yourself how you can make this a little more fun? everyday clip out a job search comic and share it with others. Perhaps you can create a job search competition

against another executive or design a personal scavenger hunt for your next networking event. One great idea is to score each day like a baseball game with different activities worthy of a single, double, triple or homerun. Play against another executive and create a weekly “World Series”! You may consider fun questions to ask others just to keep things light, playful and interesting. Humor, when used at appropriate times, can break down barriers and build rapport. use it wisely. Since “fit” is the number one criterion of most employers they are often attracted to candidates they perceive as fun and enjoyable to be around.

Curt’s Keeper: Being viewed as fun can have a powerful “got-to-hire-you” viral effect!

717 keeP YOur MOtOr runnInG

What sMaLL sUCCesses Can YOU CeLebRate? the secret to success is to find ways to break things up into a series of small “easy wins”. First and foremost when you do this you create a winning mindset for yourself at a time when you need it most! You train yourself to look for the things that are going right versus always focusing on what is going wrong. this shift in focus results in increased confidence, a more enjoyable career search process and you move swiftly towards your ultimate goal of working! take a look at the key elements involved in your search and identify milestones worthy of celebration. You could even tie your success tracking into your weekly career search performance scorecard. (See “Are you holding yourself Accountable?”) rewards don’t have to cost money; they can be as simple as giving yourself time off or cutting a deal with your spouse to have them do something special when you achieve a certain milestone.

Meeting your weekly target for interviews and networking, completing blog articles, passing a course are all excellent reasons to celebrate your journey. there is enough stress associated with a career search so find some creative ways to keep your spirits soaring. Make sure you celebrate your successes with others as their joy will inspire even more effort from you for the next week. You may even notice that your “small success” mindset is inspiring to others as they join in with their own small success efforts.

Curt’s Keeper: Confidence is not a requirement for success; it is the product of success!

72 In 2 WIn!

aRe YOU taKinG tiMe tO PLaY? Finding time to play is important when it comes to managing your stress during your search. Furthermore, studies show that those who have active play or social schedules have 38 percent less chance of getting dementia. Playtime is not a spectator

sport; whatever you choose be active in the enjoyment. Finding an activity that you are passionate about gives you a much-needed escape and gives you something to look forward to. this will inspire your creativity, sharpen your mental agility and recharge your batteries. Some recommended stress relieving activities include sports, building, puzzles, hiking, gardening, drawing, writing, photography, music and scrapbooking. Any activity that allows you to get deeply immersed and take a mini vacation in your mind is perfect. think back to when you were a child and recall what you loved to

do. then go out and do it! Bear in mind that stress can also creep into the household during these times so it’s a great idea to include your family in the fun. they’ll also get a break and a chance to see that the fun and happy side of you still exists. Female executives in particular struggle to take time for themselves but this is a very important part of the rejuvenation process so let yourself go. Make your playtime guilt free by committing to work very hard and effectively 80 percent of the week. this way your efforts will still far exceed others and you get to play along the way! Do it, you need it and deserve it.

Curt’s Keeper: Doing “nothing” is often the most important “something” you can do!

737 keeP YOur MOtOr runnInG

WhO is YOUR insPiRatiOn? When you face these challenging times it’s important to have a source of personal inspiration to keep you motivated and get you through the tough days. When executives allow themselves to drown in despair they get stuck in a hellish dream and lose much of their job search potential. Finding inspiration is like a flip of a switch and it allows you to see things very differently. Inspiration turns a struggle into a challenge and a setback into an opportunity. Inspiration gives you energy, purpose, direction and it reminds you that you can do almost anything you put your mind to. Writing is a great source of inspiration so commit to doing it daily. even the words you say to yourself and others can have an amazing influence. Look within your circle of influence and draw strength from those who have inspired you the most. It doesn’t matter who you choose as long as you respect

them, then draw out the positive, learn from it and emulate the great things they did to succeed. Always remember you can find inspiration in a spouse, partner, family member, celebrity, hero or another executive who has been in transition and handled it with the same dignity and class you wish to demonstrate. take time to ask others what has worked for them, how they overcame their challenges and pick out the advice that makes the most sense to you. the most important lesson you can learn is how a small change in attitude can strengthen your resolve during this time.

Curt’s Keeper: We all need heroes in our lives so find yours today and get inspired!

FaMOUs Last WORdsBecause no one cares more about your future than you

75In 2 WIn!

aRe YOU PRePaRed FOR the neXt tiMe? In today’s world of high activity and rapid change no one, including you, should ever assume a current job will last forever. As you may now realize the best time to prepare for transition is while you are still gainfully employed. As of today commit to being proactive and setting yourself up for future success. Document all of the lessons you have learned during this time and make sure you continue to apply them in your life. As the world evolves so must you. Invest in continuing education and make timely decisions as to where you need to reposition your skill set and experience. Spend time each week strengthening your professional network as well as finding new ways to enhance and communicate your professional brand. Your network, reputation and skills are the lifeline elements you must never ever ignore. never forget the path you’ve taken and remember to thank all

who helped you along your journey. Prepare to welcome those who now need you because you know better than most what being in transition feels like and how much you could have used a friend. From this day forward document every success you achieve and be prepared to market it in the future. If you don’t have many, take a good hard look as to why not and commit to creating your brilliance. Finally, never forget you are In 2 Win! Life sure gets better when you learn to live spectacularly.

Curt’s Keeper: Remember: It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark! – Howard Ruff

76 In 2 WIn!

abOUt the aUthORs

Curt skene, Author

Curt is a two-time award-winning business executive and the founder of Microsoft’s global career initiative “Skills 2000”. He knows about life and careers in the corporate fast lane. Add another 15 years of hypnosis and neuro-linguistic training and you start to understand why he has had so much success getting executives back on their “working” feet again. Curt truly knows business, marketing and the psychology behind finding success. He is known as a shoot-from-the-hip, tell-it-like-it-is career coach who can pinpoint problems and find solutions quickly. He is caring, disarming and makes no judgment as to the pitfalls in his clients’ pasts. While his ideas may be emulated, his passion, ingenuity and creativity can never be duplicated. Curt is a man with a singular vision for doing what it takes to help his clients find success again.

Colin McClean, Illustrator

Colin is a long-time cartoonist whose talents have appeared in local, national and international publications. His most recent career move was into the field of employment services. Prior to and during the most recent global economic downturn, Colin led classes on job search options and other career change opportunities. He has heard and seen the many challenges that face job seekers today. “I’ve witnessed the desperation of people who have been without work for a long time. I have also seen the elation of people—armed with the right information—who find work. these are people who’ve not only found employment, but the ideal career opportunity they’ve been seeking—even in today’s market.” Colin has applied his knowledge of job search practices with his gift for sharing laughter in his book for novice job hunters, A Funny Thing Happened On the Way To… My Career! or

77In 2 WIn!

dO YOU Want tO WRite a bOOK?

If you have the knowledge then take my word for it when I say Colin McClean can help you communicate it in a clear, concise and entertaining way that gets you noticed. Colin is a professional cartoonist/illustrator and an expert at helping smart people put their knowledge on paper.

Working with his team of professional writers, editors, and marketers, he will help you share your knowledge and experience with your target audience(s)—with or without illustrations—in an engaging and memorable way. If you believe you have a book in your mind (and in your heart) then contact Colin for a free, no obligation consultation and discover how he can help you make your book a reality. You may find that being an author is easier than you imagined! Here’s to your brilliance and how you share it with the world!

Contact Colin via email at:

Curt’s Keeper: We all have a story to tell, so let Colin and his team help you tell it well!

78 In 2 WIn!

What’s neXt FOR YOU?

Congratulations! You did it, you read the book. So, now what? In simple words you need to apply it! I wish I could stand over you, write your resume, make your cold calls and attend your interviews but I can’t; that’s your job! I am here however to guide you, inspire you and

give you the added push you need. If you haven’t already done so make sure you join my online Career Coaching Community at so you can keep up-to-date on new tools and resources I’ll make available to you. You also should plan on participating in one of my Interview Boot Camps or Career Marketing programs. CDs and online tools (e.g. Skype, chat sessions and tele-conferences) are available for those who can’t meet with me in person. Many also find my career hypnosis sessions beneficial especially those who are struggling

with motivation or confidence levels. If you ask me, my career hypnosis has been the “secret sauce” that has led many clients to success. Finally, if I am speaking in your area please make sure you attend my presentation. I’d be thrilled to meet you and share a few new golden nuggets.

As daunting and intimidating as it may seem, your search is really no different than the important work you have been doing your entire career, so get In 2 Win! and have some fun while you’re at it!

Curt’s Keeper: A bend in the road is not the end of the road unless you fail to make the turn! – Author Unknown

“Curt Skene has created a succinct, matter-of-fact guideline for executives in transition that is an ideal resource for setting objectives and managing daily activity. Its digestible format and key point summaries make it easy to read and comprehend, supported by the links to updated content on the web. the direct approach is tempered by humour, and the self-management advice laid out in the pages can be put to use well beyond the transition period!”

Jeff freeborough Partner, Caldwell Partners

“In 2 Win! is an impressive ‘little’ book packed full of highly relevant content every executive needs to know.”

gordon orlikow Senior Partner, korn Ferry

“In 2 Win! is a great mix of encouragement and prodding that will galganize you to action and propel you to your next executive opportunity.”

lynn Marie Caissie Human resources Manager, thyssenkrupp

“Curt has succinctly nailed the 7 core fundamentals every executive should keep in mind wherever they are in their career. I wish more executives realized how important these simple strategies can be.”

Bruce powell Managing Partner, IQ Partners Inc.

“In 2 Win! is the best career book on the market! everyone, not just executives, should be reading it. the cartoons put this book over the top!”

Marc Belaiche President,

“Curt brings a refreshingly honest approach to career management. In an era of rapidly changing recruitment technology, he has created a candidate guide that will remain relevant for years to come.”

karen tulk President, Panthera Search Partners

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