In vivo generation of highly abundant sequence-specific ...

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2830-2836 Nucleic Acids Research, 1994, Vol. 22, No. 14 © 1994 Oxford University Press

In vivo generation of highly abundant sequence-specificoligonucleotides for antisense and triplex gene regulation

Sarah B.Noonberg12*, Gary K.Scott3, Marvin R.Garovoy4, Christopher C.Benz3 andC.Anthony Hunt15

1 Bioengineering Graduate Group, University of California, Berkeley/University of California,San Francisco, 2School of Medicine, 3Cancer Research Institute, 4Department of Surgery anddepartments of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of California, San Francisco,CA 94143, USA

Received February 25, 1994; Revised and Accepted June 16, 1994


Antisense and triplex oligonucleotides continue todemonstrate potential as mediators of gene-specificrepression of protein synthesis. However, inefficientand heterogeneous cellular uptake, intracellularsequestration, and rapid intracellular and extracellulardegradation represent obstacles to their eventualclinical utility. Efficient cellular delivery of targetedribozymes can present similar problems. In this reportwe describe a system for circumventing theseobstacles and producing large quantities of short,sequence-specific RNA oligonucleotides for use inthese gene regulation strategies. The oligonucleotidesare generated from a vector containing promoter,capping, and termination sequences from the humansmall nuclear U6 gene, surrounding a syntheticsequence incorporating the oligonucleotide of interest.In vivo, these oligonucleotides are producedconstitutively and without cell type specificity in levelsup to 5 x 106 copies per cell, reach steady-state levelsof expression within 9 hours post-transfection, and arestill readily detectable 7 days post-transfection. Inaddition, these oligonucleotides are retained in thenucleus, obtain a 5' 7-monomethyl phosphate cap, andhave an intracellular half-life of approximately one hour.This expression vector provides a novel and efficientmethod of intracellular delivery of antisense or triplexRNA oligonucleotides (and/or ribozymes) for generegulation, as well as a cost-effective means ofcomparing the biological activity arising from a varietyof different potential oligonucleotide sequences.


The potential of triplex and antisense oligonucleotides to inhibitselectively protein synthesis from a specified target gene hasgenerated significant enthusiasm for their development asexperimental therapeutics. Inhibition of expression of virally-

derived proteins (1 - 3 ) or endogenously activated oncogenes thatcontribute to cancer induction and/or progression (4-6) representtwo particularly active areas of applied research, although thetechnology is also a powerful basic science research tool for thefunctional assessment of specific genes in cellular growth anddifferentiation (7).

While sufficient evidence indicates that oligonucleotides cancross the multiple cellular membrane barriers needed to reachtheir intracellular targets (8-10), a growing number of reportssuggest that this uptake process is highly inefficient and mayexhibit cell-type specificity and heterogeneity (9,10). In addition,imaging studies demonstrate that the typical pattern ofoligonucleotide uptake results in oligonucleotide compartmental-ization within punctate vesicles believed to be of endosomal origin(8), sequestered from their DNA or RNA targets, and subjectto eventual lysosomal fusion and nuclease degradation. Rapidextracellular degradation has also been noted (11). Biologicalactivity is thought to arise from the small fraction of full-lengtholigonucleotides that either escape from endosomes and rapidlyaccumulate in the nucleus, or enter the cytoplasm by anotherprocess and similarly accumulate intranuclearly.Oligonucleotide/nucleic acid target interactions can thus occuren route to or within the nucleus.

To circumvent these obstacles of extracellular degradation,cellular uptake, and intracellular sequestration, we sought tocreate a more optimal method for antisense or triplexoligonucleotide delivery, that was sufficiently general forribozyme delivery as well. The strategy was developed with thefollowing criteria in mind: oligonucleotides should be generatedin high yield within the cell nucleus without significant cell typespecificity; they should be sufficiently stable, they should containminimal secondary structure that could mask binding regions,and they should be of a pre-determined and well-defined sequenceand length.

To satisfy these criteria, we constructed a chimeric genecontaining regulatory regions of the human U6 small nuclearRNA (snRNA) gene and a synthetic double-stranded insert

*To whom correspondence should be addressed at: Box 0128, Cancer Research Institute, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94143,USA

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bearing the oligonucleotide to be generated. U6 snRNA, whichfunctions normally in conjunction with several small nuclearriboproteins (snRNPs) in the splicing of premature messengerRNA (12), is transcribed in high yield by RNA polymerase in,requires only upstream promoter sequences for initiation, andterminates cleanly upon reaching a string of 4 - 6 thymidineresidues (13—15). Transcript stability is strongly enhanced by5' y-monomethyl phosphate capping (16) which is directed bya 5' self-complementary hairpin followed by a conservedhexameric AUAUAC sequence (17).

In this report we characterize the abundant production,intranuclear localization, kinetics of expression, capping, andinsert-specific stability of transcripts generated from this chimericgene for potential antisense, triplex, or ribozyme gene regulationstrategies.

MATERIALS AND METHODSConstruction of the chimeric geneThe human U6 gene cloned within the Smal site of pGeml(Promega, Madison, WI), along with a mutant human U6 genewith bases +25 to +55 replaced by an Xhol restriction site (withA/C substitution at base 24) were generously provided by G.Kunkel and T. Pederson (13). The mutant U6 gene was reclonedinto a pBluescript (Stratagene, LaJolla, CA) vector to producesingle-stranded phage and to allow two site-directed mutationsat bases +86 and +88 (T to G and G to A, respectively) to createa unique Nsil restriction site. This plasmid, mU6, was thenrecloned back into pGEMl, cut with Xhol and Nsil, and religatedwith a synthetic 38 mer duplex fragment bearing 5' Xhol and3' Nsil compatible overhanging ends (Keystone Laboratories,Menlo Park, CA). Incorporation of the synthetic oligonucleotidewas verified by Maxam and Gilbert dideoxy DNA sequencing.The resulting transcript arising from this vector, U60N, is 25nucleotides shorter than native U6 RNA (82 vs. 107). Sequencesof the upper strand of U6ON and other various inserts are aslisted:


Cell culture and gene transfectionThe human embryonic kidney cell line, 293, and the human breastcancer cell line, MDA453 (ATCC, Rockville, MD), weretransfected by electroporation (250 V, 960 nF) with 5 ng to 40Hg of the chimeric gene or promoterless plasmid DNA. Cellviability after transfection ranged from 40-60% (with 293 cellsshowing slightly higher tolerance to electroporation thanMDA453 cells) and was unaltered by increasing gene transfectiondosage up to 40 jtg/107 cells. 293 cells were cultured in minimalessential media with Earle's basic salt solution, 10% fetal calfserum supplemented with 100 U/ml penicillin and streptomycinin 5% CO2 incubators. MDA453 cells were cultured inLeibovitz L-15 media with 10% fetal calf serum supplementedwith 100 U/ml penicillin and streptomycin in the absence ofCO2. Where indicated, cell counts were obtained by Coultercounting.

RNA isolation and Northern blottingTotal cellular RNA was isolated 48 h after transfection by theguanidinium isothiocyanate/cesium chloride centrifugation

technique (18). RNA (10-20 ^g, as indicated in figure legends)was electrophoresed in 8% poly aery lamide/7 M urea gels,electroblotted onto nylon filters (Amersham, Arlington Heights,IL) in 8 mM Na2HPO4/17 mM NaH2PO4 buffer for 3 h at 350mA, and then UV cross-linked onto the filters for 2 minutes.Probes to detect native U6 and the generated oligonucleotide wereradiolabeled by random-priming from an 800 base-pairBamHI/EcoRI fragment taken from the original U6 gene or thechimeric gene within pGeml. After membrane hybridization andautoradiography, bands were either quantitated by scanningdensitometry or cut from the filter for scintillation counting.

To prepare nuclear and cytoplasmic RNA fractions, transfectedcells were electroporated with 10 ng of the chimeric gene andafter 48 h, cells were washed twice in phosphate buffered saline(PBS) without calcium or magnesium, and the nuclei extractedby gentle hypotonic lysis (19). After 15 seconds of vortexing and5 minutes at 4°C, nuclei were pelleted and rewashed in PBS.RNA from the nuclear pellets and the aqueous cytoplasmicfraction were separately extracted in 4 M guanidiniumisothiocyanate/cesium chloride as described above.

Transcription arrestIntracellular stabilities of U60N and normal U6 were assessedby halting cellular transcription with 10 /tg/ml of ActinomycinD (Sigma, St Louis, MO) administered to cell cultures 48 h aftertransfection. Cells were harvested and total cellular RNA wasisolated at 0, 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 h time points after ActinomycinD treatment. Northern blotting was performed to quantitate U6and U6ON transcript levels.

RNA immunoprecipitation293 cells were transfected with 20 fig of the chimeric gene orpromoterless plasmid DNA, and after 48 h, total cellular RNAwas isolated. 20 ng of this RNA was used for immunoprecipit-ation with 0.5 mg of a 5' y-monomethyl phosphate cap-specificantibody, generously provided by R. Reddy. Incubation andprecipitation conditions were followed as previously describedfor this antibody (20).

RNA secondary structure predictionProposed secondary structures of the RNA oligonucleotides wereobtained using the Martinez algorithm RNAFOLD (21). In allmodels, loop destabilization was allowed and a maximum 'bulge'size of 30 nucleotides was permitted.

RESULTSIntracellular generation of RNA oligonucleotides

Figure 1 illustrates schematically the structure of the native U6snRNA gene, the modifications involved in generating thechimeric gene, and the resulting RNA oligonucleotide transcript,U6ON. As shown, the upstream promoter and enhancerregulatory regions, the initial 25 bp (with A/C substitution at base24), and the terminal 19 bp of the native U6 gene were retainedin the chimeric gene. Mutagenesis and restriction digest removedthe remaining native U6 internal sequence in order to create ahybrid of native and synthetic sequences in a gene designed toexpress any oligonucleotide of interest. As shown in Figure lc,the transcribed RNA oligonucleotide was designed to retain theoriginal 5' hairpin, in order to obtain the 5' 7-monomethylphosphate cap. This initial sequence is followed by the sequence-

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2832 Nucleic Acids Research, 1994, Vol. 22, No. 14

A. The U6 Small Nuclear RNA Gene

Distal sequenceenhancer


U6gene(107 base-pairs)

Termination sequence-TTTTT

Initial haiipin

B .The Chimeric Oligonucleotide Producing Gene

Stan site Xhol Nsilsite


SyntheticInsert Termination sequence

C . The U6ON Oligonucleotide


hairpin triplex or antisenseoligonucleotide

Termination sequence





5o +



B U6ON(/7g): 5 10 20 40

Figure 1. Structure of the U6 snRNA gene, the chimeric U6ON gene and theresulting U6ON transcript. (A) The U6 gene has three critical promoter elementsnecessary for efficient transcription, a 5' self-complementary hairpin sequencesufficient for capping, and a string of 5 thymidine residues necessary fortermination. (B) These elements were retained in the construction of the chimericgene but its internal sequence was mutated to produce two unique restriction sitesfor inserting oligonucleotide sequences (bold line). (C) The resulting oligonucleotidemay retain the 5' hairpin, followed by the oligonucleotide (bold line) and thenative U6 uridine-rich sequence.

specific oligonucleotide and the native U6 uridine-rich 3'terminus. The total length of the resulting transcript is a functionof the synthetic oligonucleotide inserted—for the experimentsdescribed in this report, we inserted a 38 bp duplex yielding aU6ON of 82 nucleotides.

Figure 2a demonstrates the intracellular generation of thissequence-specific RNA oligonucleotide, U6ON, in two differenthuman cell lines, MDA453 and 293, following transfection with10 /tg of the chimeric gene. No cell-type specificity in productionhas been observed in any of 5 different human cell linestransfected with the chimeric gene. However, transcript levelsvary in accordance with the amount of chimeric gene transfectedwithin the range of 5 to 40 ng plasmid DNA per 107 cells.

Figure 2b illustrates that within this 8-fold range of transfectedgene dosage, a near 100-fold linear variation in U6ON transcriptlevels is observed. Using native U6 RNA levels (known to bepresent at roughly 0.5 X106 copies per cell (22)) as a marker,we performed densitometry to compare the U6ON bands at eachtransfection level with the U6 band at the 5 /*g gene transfectionlevel. (Previous results have shown that native U6 transcript levelsdo not vary upon transfection with 0, 5, or 10 mg U6ON genetransfection levels, but do show transient decreases in transcriptlevels after transfection with 20—40 ng of the U6ON gene). Fromthis analysis, we estimate steady-state intracellular U6ONtranscript levels to range from 5 x 104 to 5 x 106 copies/cell (at48 h post-transfection), depending upon quantity of genetransfected. If nuclei are assumed to be spherical and to havean average diameter of 10 mm, these values correspond to anintranuclear (see Fig. 2c) concentration ranging from 160 /tMto 16 /tM. (These calculations assume an even distribution of

5. O5


Figure 2. Production and nuclear localization of U6ON. (A) MDA453 and 293cells were transfected with either 10 ^g of the chimeric U6ON gene or 10 /̂ gof promoterless plasmid DNA. Total cellular RNA was isolated 48 h later followedby Northern blotting with both U6 and U6ON radiolabeled probes. (B) MDA453cells were transfected with increasing quantities of the chimeric gene followedby RNA isolation at 48 h and Northern blotting as described above. Alltransfections contained 40 nj> total DNA, with promoterless plasmid DNAsupplementing the chimeric gene as necessary. (C) MDA453 cells were transfectedwith 10 iig of the chimeric gene and after 48 h, RNA was separated into nuclearand cytoplasmic fractions. The nuclear fraction shown above contained the U6ONtranscript along with the native U6 snRNA. All Northern blots were generatedfrom 10 ng of RNA loaded/well.

the U6ON gene throughout the electroporated cell population,as is found for the U6 gene. Errors resulting from this assumptionmay lead to higher actual intracellular transcript concentrations.)

As shown in Figure 2c, when RNA from gene transfected ormock transfected MDA453 cells is separated into nuclear andcytoplasmic fractions, U6ON is found predominantly in thenuclear fraction, along with native U6. U6ON could not bedetected to any significant extent in the cytoplasmic fraction.Moreover, the relative ratio of U6 to U6ON found in the nuclearfraction mirrors the ratio found in total cellular RNA samples.

Kinetic analysis of U6ON expressionFigure 3 illustrates the rapid production, steady-state levels, anddecaying expression of U6ON in 293 cells and MDA453 cells.In Figure 3a, analysis over the first 48 h post-transfection shows

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100 -


.1 -



^ • ^ — - ¥ r-

• U( ON c

3m p= E

10 20 30

Time (hours)

40 50



Figure 3. Kinetics of U6ON expression. (A) 293 cells were transfected with 20/xg of the chimeric gene and total cellular RNA was isolated at 0, 3, 6, 9, and12 h time points. After Northern blotting (10 /ig RNA added/well) andautoradiography with a U60N radiolabeled probe, the U60N bands were cutfrom the filter and scintillation counted. (B) MDA453 cells were transfected with20 iig of the chimeric gene and total cellular RNA was isolated at 48, 72, 96,120, 144, and 168 h time points. Northern blotting followed with 20 /ig of RNAadded/well.









• s \ •


\ •




\• \


5 0 100

Time (hours)

1 5 0 2 0 0

Figure 4. Intracellular stabilities of the chimeric gene and the U60N transcript.(A) Cell counting in parallel with the RNA isolations of Figure 3b allowed theU60N band densities to be normalized to account for the dilutional effects ofcell division. Normalized band densities were plotted as a function of time todetermine the rate of chimeric gene degradation (or inactivation). (B) 293 cellswere transfected with 5 fig of the chimeric gene and after 48 h, cellular transcriptionwas halted by a 10 /jg/ml treatment of Actinomycin D. At 0, 0.5, 1, 2, and 4h time points, RNA was isolated. Northern blotting (20 jig RNA/well) with U6and U6ON radiolabeled probes, followed by densitometry of the U60N bands,allowed for the determination of U60N half-life.

that U60N expression from the chimeric gene begins within 3h post-transfection, and reaches steady-state levels in less than10 h. Between 12 h and 48 h post-transfection, steady-state U60Nlevels are constant. The Northern blot shown in Figure 3bdemonstrates the decline in U60N transcript levels out to 168h post-transfection where production is diminished but still readilydetectable.

Intracellular stabilities of the chimeric gene and the U6ONtranscriptIntracellular stability of the transfected gene was estimated underthe assumption that the observed decline in U60N transcriptlevels between 48 h and 168 h (Figure 3b) arises predominantlyfrom two major causes: plasmid degradation (or functionalinactivation) and the dilutional effect of cell division (given equalRNA loading per lane). The dilutional effect of cell division wasaccounted for by cell counting in parallel with RNA isolationfrom 48 h to 168 h, and normalizing the Northern blot densityvalues by these cell counts. (Normalized band density = [absolutecell count/cell count at 48 h] * raw band density.) The rate ofplasmid degradation (or inactivation) was then estimated as theamount of time required for transcript levels to diminish by 50%

from steady-state (48 h) levels. Cell counting revealed a 38 haverage doubling time from 48 h to 120 h, after which time,cell confluence was reached. From 120 h to 168 h, absolute cellcounts declined slightly. Figure 4a demonstrates the fairlyconstant plasmid degradation (or inactivation) rate after thisnormalization procedure, suggesting a zero-order decay processwith plasmid half-life determinations dependent on the initial (48h) plasmid levels. Thus, given the above assumptions andconstraints, after a 20 fig transfection of the chimeric gene into107 cells, approximately 50% of the chimeric gene remainsfunctional after 96 h (4 days). Variations of this estimate indifferent cell types would be expected.

In contrast, the intracellular half-life of the U6ON transcriptwas directly measured by halting cellular transcription withActinomycin D treatment 48 h after transfection with 5 ng ofthe chimeric gene, and monitoring the decay of intensity fromthe U6ON band in Northern blots. The native U6 band was alsomonitored as a control since its intracellular half-life is knownto be 16-24 h (22, 23) Figure 4b demonstrates the decline inU60N band intensity between 0 h and 4 h following transcriptionarrest, indicating an intracellular half-life of approximately 1 hafter quantitation by densitometry. This analysis also confirms

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2834 Nucleic Acids Research, 1994, Vol. 22, No. 14

Ab: + + -U6ON:


Figure 5. Immunoprecipitation of U6ON. Total cellular RNA samples isolatedafter a transfection with 20 \t% of U6ON in 293 cells were immunoprecipitatedwith 0.5 mg of a U6 cap-specific antibody as previously described (20). Eachimmunoprecipitation required 20 ng of initial total cellular RNA.Immunoprecipitated RNA was used for Northern blotting with U6 and U60Nradiolabeled probes as described in Materials and Methods.

the prolonged stability of native U6. Similar U6ON half-lifevalues were obtained when the experiment was repeated with 10/tg and 20 /xg gene transfections. Such results indicate thatincreases in absolute U60N steady-state transcript levels do notaffect U6ON half-life determinations, consistant with a first-orderprocess of transcript degradation.

U6ON obtains a 5' 7-monomethyl phosphate capTo determine whether the retention of the capping signal of nativeU6 in the U6ON gene allowed for the production of cappedU60N transcripts, we performed RNA immunoprecipitationswith a 5' 7-monomethyl phosphate cap-specific antibody (20).This antibody has previously been shown to be specific for U6,7sk, and several other unidentified transcripts which contain thisunique 5' cap. Figure 5 illustrates that the U6ON transcript isspecifically recognized and immunoprecipitated by this antibodyafter a 20 /ig gene transfection in 293 cells, despite an A/Csubstitution at base 24. (The relative decline in native U6transcripts immunoprecipitated in the presence of U6ON maybe attributed to limiting levels of the antibody, a transient decreasein U6 transcript levels at this higher transfection dose, orcompetition with U6 RNA for capping enzyme/s and/orsubstrates).

Transcript stability may depend upon the oligonucleotideinsert sequenceAs seen in Figure 5, immunoprecipitating total cellular RNA witha U6 cap-specific antibody confirmed that the U60N obtains the5' 7-monomethyl phosphate cap structure found on native U6RNA. As capping has been previously shown to augment greatlytranscript stability and to be dependent on a stable 5' self-complementary hairpin (16, 17), we sought to determine if insertsequences which favor disruption of the initial 5' hairpin for alonger and more stable stem-loop secondary structure reduceoverall transcript stability, and thus steady-state transcript levels.

Figure 6a demonstrates the conformational output of the RNAsecondary structure prediction algorithm RNAFOLD (21), giventwo different oligonucleotide insert sequences, U6CTcon andU6AS. Despite the same initial nucleotide sequence derived fromnative U6 in both transcripts, the expected ability to retain the5' initial hairpin within this sequence differs as a result of thedownstream insert sequence. (The overall structure and energyvalues obtained for U6ON and mU6, mirror U6CTcon andU6AS, respectively.) Using this structure prediction program,we then designed and constructed a variety of chimeric genes

u cu g


DACGGCUA20 4 0 u

'GCAUAUccu iCGaccucccuucccuucccuucccCUUC: : :C c

U A U A c c u u G C : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : GAAGuacG aU u

U80 6 0

U U6CTcon energy = -12.72 kca lV (U60N energy = -12.46 Jccal)

1 '» gGuGcuCGCUUCg: GCAgCACAUau: : : CCuCGaC: : : AUG a c

C: CuuGCGAAGuaCGUaGUGUAagaacGG: GC: GgacUAC u „ a

A 60 toUA 80




energy = -30.83 kcal

energy = -26.48 kcal)

— U6ON/

Figure 6. Insert sequence-specific effects on transcript secondary structure andintracellular transcript levels. (A) RNA Secondary structures and associatedenergies were predicted for two different constructs, U6CTcon and U6AS, usingthe program RNAFOLD (21). Upper case letters refer to base-pairings, lowercase letters refer to mismatches and colons refer to bulged regions. The energiesof U6ON and mU6, which were found to have similar structural profiles to U6C-Tcon and U6AS, respectively, are given in parentheses. (B) RNA secondarystructure was predicted for 4 different oligonucleotide transcripts and thecorresponding chimeric genes were constructed. 20 /tg of the chimeric genes weretransfected into MDA453 cells, followed by Northern blotting (20 fig RNAadded/well) 48 h later with a U6 probe and a probe for each of the possible RNAtranscripts.

which generate transcripts that are predicted to prefer oneconformation over the other.

Figure 6b demonstrates that when the algoridim predicts thatthe 5' hairpin is disrupted by downstream secondary structure(as in U6AS and mU6), steady-state transcript levels aredrastically reduced. Only at very long film exposures (6 days)can the bands corresponding to mU6 and U6AS be observed.

Ten chimeric gene constructs have been created to test thehypothesis that the insert sequence can affect intracellulartranscript stability and thus steady-state transcript levels byinterfering with the formation of the initial 5' hairpin (6 whichthe algorithm predicts to retain the initial 5' hairpin, and 4 whichthe algorithm predicts to disrupt the initial 5' hairpin). Of these10 constructs, 8 conform to the pattern of expression and stabilityshown in Figure 6b in both MDA453 cells and 293 cells. Thetwo constructs which did not conform were designed to generatestable RNA transcripts, but upon transfection and Northernblotting were found to generate unstable transcripts. All constructs

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Nucleic Acids Research, 1994, Vol. 22, No. 14 2835

designed to generate unstable transcripts gave rise to unstabletranscripts. These disparities may arise from limitations inpredicting a preferred RNA state from two competing states invivo. Alternatively, capping and/or stability of these differenttranscripts may be governed by a more complex set of principles.


In this report we describe the design and construction of a vectorcapable of generating a large intracellular pool of short triplexor antisense RNA oligonucleotides in order to circumvent themany obstacles of cellular uptake, sequestration, and degradationof extracellularly-added oligonucleotides. Levels of productionof this U60N oligonucleotide can rival and even exceed thoseof the native U6 snRNA (5 X 104-5 X106 copies/cell) and, likenative U6 RNA, U6ON is capped and remains intranuclear inconcentrations which may range from 160 nM to 16 mM. U60Nproduction occurs rapidly upon transfection and can still bedetected up to one week after transfection, as 50% inactivationof the parent plasmid from steady-state requires approximatelyfour days. This long-lived production suggests that in slowlygrowing cell populations, longer time points (i.e. longer than thetypical 48-72 h) may be used for measuring a biological responsefrom a transient transfection of the chimeric gene. In addition,this long-lived production may allow for the detection ofbiological effects of antisense or triplex oligonucleotides aftertransient transfection, even when the target mRNA and/or proteinis fairly stable.

The half-life of the individual U6ON transcript is estimatedto be 1 hour; however, transcript stability may be dependent uponthe sequence of the oligonucleotide insert. We put forth thehypothesis that the sequence of the insert may affect the abilityof the transcript to retain the initial 5' hairpin structure, and thusthe ability to obtain a 5' cap. In support of this hypothesis,correlations have been observed between RNA secondarystructure predictions and experimental determinations of transcriptlevels containing different oligonucleotide insert sequences. Whenthe algorithm predicted the loss of the 5' hairpin, dramaticdecreases in transcript levels were seen experimentally afterelectroporation and Northern blotting.

Low transcript levels must reflect either a decrease inproduction or an increase in degradation. As the U6 gene hasconsistantly been shown to require only upstream promotersequences for transcription (13), we believe that the low transcriptlevels seen with some oligonucleotide insert sequences cannotbe due to a decrease in production, and therefore are due to anincrease in degradation. U6 stability has been attributed primarilyto its 5' cap and its extensive hybridization with U4 (23). Asall of the chimeric genes have the U6/U4 hybridization regionsdeleted, we are led to believe that differences in stability are dueto the presence or absence of a 5' cap. Finally, correlationsbetween our modelling studies and our experimental data pointtoward the retention of a 5' hairpin structure as a means of Unkingoligonucleotide sequence, retention of the 5' cap, transcriptstability, and thus, absolute transcript levels. Consequently, inthe design of an oligonucleotide insert, the overall secondarystructure of the RNA transcript may have importance indetermining transcript stability and steady-state transcript levels.

There are a variety of potential applications for a system whichgenerates sequence-specific short RNA's in high yield within thecell nucleus. For example, antisense oligonucleotides can be

generated intracellularly in levels several orders of magnitudegreater than typical sense mRNA molecules and far greater thanantisense mRNA generated by more traditional vectors that relyon RNA polymerase II for transcription. In addition, the abilityto produce short transcripts minimizes the chances that the bindingregion for a targeted biological effect is masked by secondarystructure which can occur with much larger antisense mRNAtranscripts that do not have pre-determined length or sequence.

While the number of reports citing successful antisense RNA-mediated inhibition of protein synthesis are numerous andcontinue to accumulate, adequate delineation of the exactmechanism of its effect is lacking. The formation of duplexregions of RNA does not serve as a substrate for RNase H, anenzyme which cleaves RNA in DNA/RNA hybrids and thoughtto play a major role in the effectiveness of antisense DNA.However, an RNA oligonucleotide may have increased bindingaffinity for its target over its DNA counterpart which maytranslate into an increased ability to block ribosomal assemblyor progression. Or alternatively, the effect may be due to therecently described unwinding/modifying activity of RNAduplexes found ubiquitously in mammalian cells (24). Thisactivity has been shown to lead to the deamination of adenosineresidues to inosine residues which are subsequently miscoded bythe translation^ machinery as guanosine residues. Thus, regionsof duplex RNA might alter RNA degradation rate by itsunwinding activity, or produce nonfunctional proteins by itsmodifying activity. The determination of the true mechanism ofantisense RNA effect will ultimately guide the use of this deliverysystem for antisense purposes.

However, this system may also provide a means for thegeneration of intranuclear triplex RNA oligonucleotides.Pyrimidine-rich triplex RNA oligonucleotides which bind in aparallel fashion with respect to the corresponding purine strandof a homopurine/homopyrimidine duplex (25), while stillmaintaining a problematic pH-dependence, have a greatlyincreased binding affinity over their triplex DNA oligonucleotidecounterparts (26). The high concentration of a triplex RNAoligonucleotide which is both generated and retained in thenucleus in vast excess over its DNA duplex target may drivetriplex binding to a critical element on a gene promoter, and blocksubsequent gene expression.

In addition to antisense and triplex oligonucleotides, thischimeric gene may also prove useful in generating longer lengthribozyme transcripts for use in binding and cleaving targetmRNA. Combinations of triplex and antisense oligonucleotidesas well as ribozymes targeted to a single gene may also yieldsynergistic approaches to the selective repression of geneexpression.

Other potential uses include the quenching of specific single-stranded nucleic acid binding proteins by short RNA sequences,or generating self-complementary RNA hairpins that can mimicknown DNA binding consensus sequences, thus quenchingspecific DNA binding transcription factors. While still largelytheoretical, these potential applications rely on the nuclearlocalization of abundant and sufficiently stable oligonucleotideswith short and fully defined sequences to allow for reasonableapproximation of secondary structure. With ever-increasingpotential applications of oligonucleotides, this novel techniquefor generating sequence-specific RNA oligonucleotidesintracellularly offers a powerful new tool for research on nucleicacid-based strategies of selective gene repression.

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We gratefully acknowledge Drs. Thoru Pederson and GaryKunkel for supplying the parent U6 gene and the U6/Xholmutant, and Dr. Ram Reddy for supplying the U6 cap-specificantibody. We also recognize the helpful comments of ReneeWilliard and the technical assistance of Dr. Xiaohui Xiong andHaleh Asgari. This work was supported by NIH training grant5T32, NCI 36773, SenMed Medical Ventures, Inc., and theU.C.S.F. School of Pharmacy.


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