
Post on 09-Mar-2016

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This is a preliminary draft of a book I'm making for thesis. It is basically about ways in which we become limited by over definition, regimentation, and so on, through dumb imagery, and related text.

Transcript of in-security


“The fact that the September 11 attacks were the stuff of popular fantasies long before they actually took place provides yet another case of the twisted logic of dreams: it is easy to account for the fact that poor poeple around the world dream about becoming americans - so what do the well-to-do Americans, immobilized in their well-being, dream about? About a global catastrophe that would shatter their lives - why?This is what psychoanalysis is about: to explain why, in the midst of well-being, we are haunted by nightmarish visions of catastrophes.”Zizek con- tinues to explain that rather than attempting to ‘liberate’ us from our idiosyn-cratic (indi- vidual) fantasies in order to become able to ‘confront re- ality how it really is!’ we should instead do the opposite- to embrace our fan-tasies com- pletely- Accepting the ‘reality’ of fantasy, in order to better understand reality. Paradoxi- cally, repressing our fantasies means repressing the reality of our fantasies, and therefore repressing reality.

Woody and the other toys become passive in the presence of their master. He manipulates their bodies according to his will. The toys are forced to endure, and push their emotions aside. In one scene, Andy, their master, gets a new toy- Buzz Lighyear- After he favors Buzz in a play session Andy is thrown to the side, until the boy leaves, he must remain still, with his trademark smile stretched across his face. As soon as the master leaves, he reveals his true emotion.

When the infants were separated into two groups and given no choice between the two types of mothers, their growth patterns were indistinguishable from one another. They ate and drank similar amounts, but the similarities ended there. Infants who had soft, tactile contact with their terry cloth mothers behaved quite differently than those whose mothers were made out of cold, hard wire. Harlow hypothesized that members of the first group were able to emo-tionally identify with the ‘cloth mother’ in a way that was unavailable to members of the second. The cloth mothers provided a reassurance and security (demonstrated in the next paragraph) to infants keeping the infants on a ‘normal’ developmental path. When the experimental subjects were frightened by strange, loud objects, such as teddy bears beating drums, infants raised by terry cloth surrogates made bodily contact with their mothers, rubbed against them, and eventually calmed down. This contact allowed them to remain playful and inquisitive after the initial fright had subsided. In contrast, infants raised by wire mesh surrogates did not retreat to their mothers when scared. Instead, they threw them-selves on the floor, clutched themselves, rocked back and forth, and screamed in terror. These activities closely resembled the behaviors of autistic children, and children frequently observed in institutions, as well as the pathological behavior of adults confined to mental institutions, Harlow noted. The awesome power of attachment and loss over mental health and illness could hardly have been performed more dramatically.

"The “S.A.” system is not at all what you would call protective toward an SA person. It stands for 'suicide alert,' but staff make fun of it and call it 'stupid alert' or 'seeking attention alert,' be-cause they think that when we cut ourselves or when we try to commit suicide that we're seeking attention even though we're going through hard times."

"[In security] you're locked up in cells, and you're by yourself all day, and it's really boring. That's how people hurt them-selves. When you're out of the dorm with a whole bunch of girls, it's better 'cause you're not locked up in a little room all the time by yourself."



“Tibetan monks spent two days feverishly working on a sand painting at Waterbury, Conn., Hospital.

But it was destroyed in a few seconds when two kids used it as a sandbox — wiping out the design.

When hospital officials arrived Wednesday morning, they found that some-one had dragged their fingers and feet through the artwork.

A check of the security video showed two children left unsupervised by their mother playing in the sand. The monks were halfway through completing the colored sand mandala.

The mandala features symbols of medicine and healing, and the monks were hoping it would bring forces of goodness and heal-ing energies to the hospital.

While hospital officials were upset, the monks shrugged off the incident, but admit making a mandala is difficult. “It is very hard job to make a mandala,” Ngawang Gyasto said, “because the monks have to use a funnel and it has such a small opening.”

The monks said it was good for them if the children were happy playing in the sand. They plan to start the project again.”

ABCNEWS affiliate WTNH and the Associated Press contributed to this report.

High Fructose Corn Syrup

Table Sugar

“The Heidelberg Project... shows why adap-tive reuse may be far more important than it seems. What attracts us to adaptive reuse is that even when it is most serious it can still be play, the type of play that demonstrates how resourceful and resilient humans can be, how they can adapt and reframe a situa-tion and how they can even make something great using the impossible raw materials left over from a disaster.”

When A regulatory system is suspended the subject becomes able to understand their potential for move-ment within that system, and therefore, becomes closer to knowing themselves truly. Knowing one’s self under regulation accounts only for the self under that set of confines, which are, separate from the confines set by ‘nature’. For example, if a person’s livlihood is threatened if they do not participate in contemporary culture (i.e.: they become unable to find a job, unable to buy food, pay rent, pay for utilities etc) the subject is being confined, against their nature to participate in a system of control & mediation.

In social climates reflecting that found in detroit, cul-ture defined by the state, the factory, building codes, etc have been suspended due to the city’s inability to fund them- thus a new culture emerges, reflective of that absence, as defined by the inhabitants. The regime of control is lifted.

Even now, I could spend a good week completely emersed in Harvest Moon. I try to stay away from giving in to that urge as much as possible, but sometimes when I feel hopeless, I let myself play it. Sometimes I need to emote through gameplay- even now, at 22 years of age. The majority of gameplay is spent walking around, foraging for food, selling found items, buying seeds, planting, watering, petting and milking animals, weeding, and so on. The entire map is comprised of a small town, of which it is possible to navigate in less than 20 minutes. You aren’t going anywhere far away, you’re just taking care of a farm. You can eventually become close with a girl in the town, and marry, and even have children, though I’ve never gotten so far as having kids dur- ing my time playing.

As a child I was given nearly anything I wanted. It is paradoxical, because it is nice to be given things, and any kid could easily imagine that this would make things easy for them, but it’s not so simple. I felt guilty for wanting to do something for myself. My mom would often ask me why I was so sad, and tell me that I had everything I could possibly want- and she was right- I had pretty much everything late capitalism had to offer.

The game for me was a way to feel capable. I could keep track of a farm. I could watch the animals, and meet people, and establish a home for myself. I could make the town proud. In reality I wasn’t doing much for myself at all. I felt too guilty- to have everything sitting on a platter for me, and refusing it. I was an only child too, so I was spoiled by default in society’s eyes. I watched movies like Annie, and The Little Princess, and fantasized about having their lives.

Nobody took this fantasy seriously. It was a fantasy- something separate from reality. I still yearn for the same thing- and even reach for it- being able to live in a malleable environment- where I can see, this and that, and do my share to contribute to it.

The Sims had a lot of the same basic elements as Harvest Moon- a tiny game map, a simple set of tasks to fufill, and a similar sense of passing time.

I mostly used the sims to escape cultural presets. I could build an inter-racial family, adopt a child, fill a house with 6 women wearing the same outfit, have my sims pair off with same sexed sims, basically anything taboo I could explore intra-The Sims- bar child molestation, rape, etc- There were some basic ethical parameters set. That being said sims could die- and die tragically- due to fire, drowning, sick-ness- a host of things- so there was this element of struggle.

I have always felt more fluid in my construction of social boundaries than the culture surrounding me.

I was adopted, so I was sort of embedded with this strange sense of origin. My parents told me they didn’t know what nationality I was- that technically I could be anything at all. My first best friend was black. I really liked her, and I thought that since I liked her, and she felt like me, I was probably black too. I asked for all black dolls, which was difficult even for my mother to swallow, as she carried her own set of prejudices/racist tendencies. I didn’t ex-perience that feeling.

I also thought of familial relations very loosely. I knew the difference between the role of a mother, and a biological mother very early on, and applied this mentality to everything. I based my concept of family on how I felt, rather than what they were ‘supposed’ to be. Playing the Sims was a way to exist in a less culturally charged space. I could be as open as I pleased, and make my own decisions about how I felt about it.

I still feel this way. I still want a culture that is open, and willing to feel rather than be told. I understand that my attachment to the video game is my attach-ment to the idea of fluidity.


On Hostile Ground (2000 TV)Cave In (2003 TV)The Core (2003)Descent (2005)Doomsday Prophecy (2011 TV)


Avalanche (1978)Avalanche Express (1979)High Ice (1980 TV)Vertical Limit (2000)Avalanche Alley (2001)


Earthquake (1974)The Land Before Time (1988)The Great Los Angeles Earth-quake (1990 TV miniseries)Aftershock (1998)Aftershock: Earthquake in New York (1999 TV minise-ries)Epicenter (2000 TV)10.5 (2004 TV miniseries)Nature Unleashed: Earthquake (2004)10.5: Apocalypse (2005 TV miniseries)Descent (2005)Magma: Volcanic Disaster (2006 TV)Descent 2 (2007)2012 (2009)2012: Supernova (2009 TV)Megafault (2009 TV)Stonehenge Apocalypse (2010 TV)Doomsday Prophecy (2011

Electrical disturbances and lightning

Lightening: Bolts of Destruc-tion (2005 TV)

Index of Disaster Films(as described by Wikipedia ( at10:53 on March 5, 2012)

Lightening: Fire from the Sky (2009 TV)NYC: Tornado Terror (2008 TV)Stonehenge Apocalypse (2010 TV)2012: Supernova (2009 TV)

Meteors, asteroids and comets

Meteor (film) (1979)Night of the Comet (1984 TV)Asteroid (1997 TV)Armageddon (1998)Deep Impact (1998)Dinosaur (2000)Post Impact (2004 TV)Anna’s Storm (2007)Impact (2008 TV miniseries)Meltdown: Days of Destruc-tion (2006 TV)2012: Supernova (2009 TV)Melancholia (2011 film) (2011)

Poseidon (2006)Flood (2007 TV)Dasavathaaram (2008)2012 (2009)Tidal Wave (2009)Titanic II (2010 TV)


The Island at the Top of the World (1974)When Time Ran Out (1980)St. Helens (1981)Volcano (1997)Dante’s Peak (1997)Fantasia 2000 (1999)Scorcher (2002)Dragon Head (2003)End Day (2005 docudrama)Supervolcano (2005 docu-drama)Disaster Zone: Volcano in New York (2006 TV)Krakatoa: The Last Days (2006 docudrama)

Supervolcano (2005 docu-drama)Disaster Zone: Volcano in New York (2006 TV)Krakatoa: The Last Days (2006 docudrama)Magma: Volcanic Disaster (2006)Journey to the Center of the Earth (2008)Lava Storm (2008)2012 (2009)Stonehenge Apocalypse (2010 TV)Miami Magma (2011 TV)Swamp Volcano (2012 TV)



Flood (film) (2007)Hard Rain (film) (1998)[edit]TsunamiThe Poseidon Adventure (1972)Meteor (1979)The Abyss (1989)Deep Impact (1998)The Perfect Storm (2000)Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001)10.5 (2004 TV miniseries)The Day After Tomorrow (2004)Category 7: The End of the World (2005 TV miniseries)10.5 Apocalypse (2006 TV miniseries)Magma: Volcanic Disaster (2006)

Climate2012: Ice Age (2011)Absolute Zero (2005 TV)Arctic Blast (2010)Atomic Twister (2002 TV)Category 6: Day of Destruction (2004 TV miniseries)

Category 7: The End of the World (2005 TV miniseries)Doomsday Prophecy (2011 TV)Flood (2007 TV)End Day (2005 TV docudra-ma)Heatstroke (2008 TV)Hurricane (1979)Ice Twisters (2009 TV)Lost City Raiders (2008 TV)Meltdown: Days of Destruc-tion (2006)NYC: Tornado Terror (2008 TV)Night of the Twisters (1996 TV)The Day After Tomorrow (2004)The Perfect Storm (2000)Titanic II (2010 TV)Tornado! (1996)Tornado Warning (2002)Twister (1996)2012 (film) (2009)


City on Fire (1979)Fire Down Below (1997 dra-ma)Firestorm (1998)Knowing (2009)Ladder 49 (2004)On Deadly Ground (1994 Drama)The Towering Inferno (1974)Volcano (1997)Firestorm (1998)Super 8 (2011)


Absolon (2001)The Andromeda Strain (1971)The Andromeda Strain (2008 TV miniseries)Blindness (2008)Cabin Fever (2003)

The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008)The Day the Earth Stopped (2008)Decoys (2004)Doom (2005)Enemy Mine (1985)Epoch (2001)Explorers (1985)The Faculty (1998)Gamera: Super Monster (1980)Gamera 2: Attack of Legion (1998)Gamera 3: Revenge of Iris (1999)Godzilla 2000 (1999)Godzilla: Final Wars (2004)Godzilla vs. Gigan (1972)Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla (1974)Godzilla vs. Spacegodzilla (1994)Good Boy! (2003)The Great Heep (1986)Hangar 18 (1980)Heatstroke (2008 TV)Heavy Metal (1981)Heavy Metal 2000 (2000)Impostor (2002)I am Number Four (2011)I Come in Peace (1990)Independence Day (1996)Into the Wild Green Yonder (2009)Invaders from Mars (1986)The Invasion (2007)Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)Invasion of the Pod People (2007)The Invasion (2007)Killer Mountain (2011 TV)Knowing (2009)Koi... Mil Gaya (2003)Krull (1983)The Last Starfighter (1984)Lifted (2007)Liquid Sky (1982)The Man Who Wasn't There (2001)

Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever (2009)Carriers (2009)The Cassandra Crossing (1976)Children of Men (2006)Contagion (2011)Covert One: The Hades Factor (2006)Darwin's Nightmare (2004)Daybreakers (2010)Doomsday (2008)Ebola Syndrome (1996)Epidemic (1987)Fatal Contact: Bird Flu in America (2006)Flying Virus (2001)The Happening (2008)I Am Omega (2007)The Invasion (2007)The Last Man on Earth (1964)Outbreak (1995)Pandora's Clock (1996)Perfect Sense (2011)Plague (1978)Quarantine (2008)Smallpox 2002 (2002)SST: Death Flight (1977)Undead (2003)Virus (1980)Virus (1999)Warning Sign (1985)


Anna's Storm (2007)Armageddon (1998)Asteroid (1997)Apollo 13 (1995)Battle: Los Angeles (2011)Deep Impact (1998)Disaster Movie (2008)Doomsday Prophecy (2011 TV)End Day (docudrama) (2005)End of the World (1977)Epoch (2001)Independence Day (1996)Judgment Day (1999)Knowing (2009)Lifeforce (1985)

Lifeforce (1985)Meteor (1979)Night of the Comet (1984)Pandorum (2009)Signs (2002)Solar Attack (2005) AKA Solar StrikeSolar Crisis (1990)2012: Supernova (2009 TV)Tycus (1998)When Worlds Collide (1951)Where Have All The People Gone? (1974)Without Warning (1994)


Abraxas, Guardian of the Uni-verse (1990)Alien Abduction (2005)Alien Hunter (2003)Alien Intruder (1993)Aliens in the Attic (2009)Allegro Non Troppo (1977)Alone in the Dark (2005)The Andromeda Strain (1971)The Arrival (1996)Attack the Block (2011)AVH: Alien vs Hunter (2007)Battle: Los Angeles (2011)Bedtime Stories (2008)Beware! The Blob (1972)The Blob (1988 remake)Breeders (1986)Body Snatchers (1993)The Cat from Outer Space (1978)The Chronicles of Riddick (2004)Cloverfield (2008)Communion (1989)Contact (1997)Creature (1985)The Creature Wasn't Nice (1983)Creepozoids (1987)Dark City (1998)The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)

Megamind (2010)Metamorphosis: The Alien Factor (1990)Monsters ||2010My Stepmother is an Alien ||1988My Favorite Martian (film) ||1999Night Skies (2007)Night of the Creeps (1986)Outlander (2008)Pitch Black (2000)Planet 51 (2009)Predators (2010)Progeny (1999)The Puppet Masters (1994)Rebirth of Mothra (1996)Rebirth of Mothra II (1997)Rebirth of Mothra III (1998)Repo Man (1984)Returner (2002)Signs (2002)Skyline ||2010Slither (2006)Solaris (1972)Solaris (2002)Spaced Invaders (1990)Species (1995)Species II (1998)Species III (2004)Species IV (2007)Starchaser: The Legend of Orin (1985)Stargate (1994)Starman (1984)Strange Invaders (1983)Suburban Commando (1991)Super 8 (2011)Terrorvision (1987)Terror of Mechagodzilla (1975)The Forgotten (2004)The Fourth Kind (2009)The Monster X Strikes Back/Attack the G8 Summit (2008)The Shadow Men (1998)They Live (1988)Things Are Tough All Over (1982)Track of the Moon Beast (1976)

Transmorphers (2007)Transmorphers: Fall of Man (2009)Under the Mountain (2009)Underdog (2007)U.F.O. (1993)Vague (2009)Virus (1999)The Visitor (1979)Within the Rock (1996)Xtro (1983)

Man-made disasters:

Hazardous materials

Daylight (1996)End Day (docudrama) (2005)Fire Down Below (1994)[edit]ChemicalsChain Reaction (1996)Daylight (1996)The Children (1980)Danger Zone (1997)Eight Legged Freaks (2002)Fire Down Below (1997)The Happening (2008)Once Upon a Forest (1993)Right at Your Door (2006)The Patriot (1998)[edit]Nuclear energyThe China Syndrome (1979)Knowing (2009)Atomic Train (1999)Atomic Twister (2002 TV)By Dawn’s Early Light (1990)The Chain Reaction (1980)Class of Nuke ‘Em High (1986)Countdown to Looking Glass (1984)The Day After (1983)The Doomsday Machine (1972)The Final Combat (1983)The Manhattan Project (1986)Miracle Mile (1988)Next (2007)On the Beach (2000)Panic in Year Zero! (1962)The Peacemaker (1997)

Special Bulletin (1983)The Sum of All Fears (2002)Terminator 3: Rise of the Ma-chines (2003)Testament (1983)Threads (1984)The War Game (1965)When the Wind Blows (1986)



Air Force One (1997)Airport (1970)Airport 1975 (1974)Airport '77 (1977)The Concorde ... Airport '79 (1979)Airspeed (1998)Alive (1993)Cast Away (2000)Crash: The Mystery of Flight 1501 (1990 TV) aka. After-mathThe Day Britain Stopped (2003)Die Hard 2 (1990)Executive Decision (1996)Falling from the Sky: Flight 174 (1995 TV)Fearless (1993)Final Descent (1997 TV)Final Destination (2000)Fire and Rain (1989)Flight 93 (2006)Flight of The Living Dead (2007)Ground Control (1998)Happy Flight (2008)The Hindenburg (1975)Knowing (2009)Mayday (2005 TV)Millennium (1989)Miracle Landing (1990)Pandora's Clock (1996)Panic in the Skies! (1996 TV)Passenger 57 (1992)Passengers (2008)Skyjacked (1972)

Animals and plants

Main article: List of natural horror filmsFurther information: List of giant monster filmsThe Happening (2008)Bug (1975)The Navy vs. the Night Mon-sters (-)The Swarm (1978)Squirm (1976)Tarantula (1955)Tremors (1990)Bats (1999)Arachnophobia (film) (1990)The Hive (film) (2008)Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)

Human disappearance

Life After People (2008)I Am Legend (2007)The Quiet Earth (1985)Aftermath: Population Zero (2008), documentary starting with an imaginary disaster


Cloverfield (2008)The Godzilla franchise (1954–Present)D-War (2007)The Mist (2007)Monsters (2010)Mega Shark Versus Giant Oc-topus (2009)Sasquatch Mountain (2006)Yeti (film) (2008)Mega Shark Versus Crocosau-rus (2010)Mega Python vs. Gatoroid (2011)Mega Piranha (2010)Super 8 (2011)


Stairwell: Trapped in the World Trade Center (2002)Starflight One (1983 TV)Stealth (2005)Storm Tracker (2000)Terror in the Sky (1971 TV)Turbulence (1997)United 93 (2006)World Trade Center (2006)[edit]Cars and trucksBreaker! Breaker! (1977)Daylight (1996)Eagle Eye (2008)Final Destination 2 (2003)The Final Destination (2009)Knowing (2009)Maximum Overdrive (1986)The Night the Bridge Fell Down (1983)Smash-Up on Interstate 5 (1976 TV)Trucks (1997)Super 8 (2011)

Ships and submarines

Britannic (2000)Crimson Tide (1995)Deja Vu (2006)Gray Lady Down (1978)Hostile Waters (1997)In Search of the Castaways (1962)Juggernaut (1970)K-19: The Widowmaker (2002)The Last Voyage (1960)Lord of the Flies (1963)Noah (1998)Poseidon (2006)The Poseidon Adventure (1972)Beyond the Poseidon Adven-ture (1979)The Poseidon Adventure (2005)Speed 2: Cruise Control (1997)Tarzan (1999)TitanicS.O.S. Titanic (1979 TV)Titanic (1996 TV miniseries)

Titanic (1997)The Legend of the Titanic (1999)Titanic II (2010)U-571 (2000)Ghost Ship (2002 film)Ghosts of the Abyss (2003)The Little Polar Bear (2001)


Apollo 13 (1995)The Black Hole (1979)Independence Day (1996)Lost in Space (1998)Marooned (1969)Pandorum (2009)Space Cowboys (2000)Sunshine (2007)Apollo 18 (2011)[edit]Theme parksFinal Destination 3 (2006)Rollercoaster (1977)


Anastasia (1997)Atomic Train (1999)Knowing (2009)The Cassandra Crossing (1976)The Day of the Roses (1996)The Fugitive (1993)Money Train (1995)The Peacemaker (1997)Runaway! (1973 TV) AKA The Runaway Train and Frozen PassageRunaway Train (1985)Silver Streak (1976)Source Code (2011)Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (2002)Super 8 (2011)The Swarm (1978)Unstoppable (2010)Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (1995)Unbreakable (2000)