In My Father's arms

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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How lovely it is to know something of His rest.

Transcript of In My Father's arms

In my Father’s arms

In my Father's arms I find peace,

From striving and work I do cease,

For it is there I find a beautiful rest,

And I can experience life at best.

He takes me into the secret place,

Now I know the wonder of His grace,

How I love His sweet presence,

This moment of joy in His embrace.

Into His family He has adopted me,

Now so many wonders He wants me to see,

For he is drawing me closer and closer,

He says "My child come up a little higher."

Joy floods through my being at this moment in time,

As I rest in the arms of Abba the Divine,

He has caught me up in those heavenly places,

I am refreshed , I rise up ready to live life's race.

Irene McGough

Disciples of Jesus Ministry ©2011