Improving Infrastructures for Physical Activity

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  • 7/30/2019 Improving Infrastructures for Physical Activity


    P R O P O S E D E U R O P E A N G U i D E l i N E S

    Ipvi Ifatt f

    LiTi Pial Ativi t

    i t Lal AaTowArds socIAL equITy, InTer-secTorAL coLLAborATIon And PArTIcIPATIon

    daft Vi Jaa, 2011

  • 7/30/2019 Improving Infrastructures for Physical Activity


    These gudenes have been

    deveoped through a coaboraton

    o scentsts and pocmakers

    rom tweve European countres

    partcpatng n the EU-unded

    iMPAlA project.

    The iMPAlA project amed to

    contrbute to more concerted

    eorts across European countres

    to deveop oca nrastructures or

    esure-tme phsca actvt.

    The gudenes present a set o

    crtera or good practce, ustratedb a number o countr case

    studes. The crtera am to mprove

    opportuntes or achevng the

    prncpes o equt, nter-sectora

    coaboraton and partcpaton.

    The gudenes set out was n whch

    nrastructures or esure-tme

    phsca actvt can be assessed

    and mproved across ve ke areas:pocmakng, pannng, budng,

    nancng, and management.

  • 7/30/2019 Improving Infrastructures for Physical Activity


    T cnnt

    The ocus................................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ .................4

    The content ......................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ .....................6

    - inrastructures

    - Deveopment

    How to use these gudenes...........................................................................................................10

    Good Practce crtera: Poces ......................................................................................................11

    - Assessment

    - improvement

    - Best practce exampe

    Good Practce crtera: Pannng ....................................................................................................17

    - Assessment

    - improvement

    - Best practce exampe

    Good Practce crtera: Budng........................................................................................................23

    - Assessment

    - improvement- Best practce exampe

    Good Practce crtera: Fnancng.....................................................................................................29

    - Assessment

    - improvement

    - Best practce exampe

    Good Practce crtera: Management.............................................................................................35

    - Assessment

    - improvement

    - Best practce exampe

    Authors & Contrbutors....................................................................................................................41

    Summar o good practce crtera...............................................................................................43


    - The iMPAlA project

    - The poc context o these gudenes

    - Deveopment o these gudenes

    - Reerences

    - Tempate o good practce exampes

  • 7/30/2019 Improving Infrastructures for Physical Activity


    EU-GUIDELINE | improvng inrastructures or lesure Tme Phsca Actvt and Sports n the loca Arena4

    W e ie?in the EU, two thrds o the adut popuaton do not

    reach recommended eves o actvt and a soca

    gradent exsts.

    Athough poorer peope are more ke to wak or

    cce to shops or work than those wth hgher ncomes,

    the are ess ke to be actve n ther esure tme.

    lack o nearb sports actes, transport or sucent

    mone ma act as a barrer to engagng n esure tme

    phsca actvtes.A range o poc documents pubshed b both the

    European Unon and the Word Heath Organsaton

    hghght the mportance o equasng opportuntes

    to engage n phsca actvt through ncusve and

    partcpator approaches, stakehoder networks and

    mut-sectora acton.

    2005EUGreen Paper Promoting Healthy Diets

    and Physical Activity - a European dimension for

    the prevention of overweight, obesity and chronicdiseases

    2007EU White Paper on Sport

    2008 EU Physical Activity Guidelines that

    recommend policy actions in support of health-

    enhancing physical activity

    2006WHO Europe Promoting Physical Activity

    and Active Living in Urban Environments. The role

    of local governments

    2004WHO Global Strategy on Diet, Physical

    Activity and Health

    A centra theme to a o these strateges s the strong

    emphass paced on poc- and envronmenta

    nterventons whch appear to show most promse or

    ncreasng phsca actvt eves o the popuaton.

    Ke eatures o such nterventons are hghghted

    as: strong government nterventon and eadershp,

    communt based acton and the potenta o a soceta

    roe or organsed sports to mprove PA behavour and

    pubc heath.

    T fou e ie

    Wha d ie ad?Strategc documents aone do not provde the advce

    requred to produce eectve acton. These gudenes

    provde nsghts nto how to do ths. The gudenes

    draw on the coectve experence o partners

    partcpatng n the iMPAlA project. The refect a

    dverst o derent experences and as such are

    reevant to the range o contexts present n derent

    EU member states and the European regons. The

    gudenes provde a set o crtera or good practce,

    and are ustrated b a number o good practce case

    studes. The provde a startng pont or mproved

    standards and shoud be revewed and amended

    over tme as knowedge and experence n the area s


    T fou e ie

    T ili ppt t ai f t epa ui (eu) t pt t lli f it ppl

    (At. 3 Teu). T al ilit t ial fti f pt a pial ativit (At. 165 TFeu).

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    EU-GUIDELINE | improvng inrastructures or lesure Tme Phsca Actvt and Sports n the loca Arena 5

    Fou jece

    (1) Soi eqiy

    The vaue o soca equt n the context o these gudenes

    reers to arness. it ensures that the dstrbuton o

    opportuntes or phsca actvt or we-beng s based

    on need. it gves a hgh prort to actons that am to

    mprove stuatons at the oca eve n neghbourhoods

    (and or certan communtes), where need s greatest.

    Such a targeted approach requres concerted acton that

    osters the deveopment o nrastructures to support

    esure-tme phsca actvt partcuar n deprved


    (2) In-ecr clbrai

    The gudenes assume nter-sectora coaboraton takes paceor mutua benet both between derent poc sectors, e.g.

    sports, heath, urban pannng, and between the pubc, prvate,

    and so-caed thrd sector, e.g. sport assocatons and other

    vountar organsatons.

    (3) Pipai

    These gudenes assume that an actons takng

    pace to mprove opportuntes or phsca actvt

    embrace eectve partcpaton whch nvoves the

    drect nvovement o mutpe groups o targeted

    communtes, pocmakers, and experts n decson-

    makng and concrete acton to create a broad phscaactvt rend envronment.

  • 7/30/2019 Improving Infrastructures for Physical Activity


    EU-GUIDELINE | improvng inrastructures or lesure Tme Phsca Actvt and Sports n the loca Arena6

    lesure-tme phsca actvt (lTPA) s dened broad as coverng d-

    erent orms o sport, pa, and other orms o recreatona actvt. Such

    actvtes can take pace vrtua everwhere - n stadums, gardens, gms,poos, akes, parks or squares. Ths broad denton presents man oppor-

    tuntes or mprovng lTPA nrastructures.

    As a consequence, three tpes o lTPA nrastructures are speced: sport

    actes, specc esure-tme nrastructures, and urban and green spaces.

    These derent tpes, however, are not mutua excusve but rather re-

    present derent stages on a contnuum, rangng rom hgh standardsed

    cassca sports actes to norma pubc space. Moreover, some nra-

    structures ma encompass more than one tpe.

    T m e nrasuce

    (1) Sp faie

    or exampe swmmng poos, gms, or sports grounds.

    T cnn e ie: Inrasuce

    (2) Li- nrasuce

    that provde specc opportuntes or sports and phsca actvt, (e.g. parks,

    pagrounds, and ccng paths).

    (2) Ub nd g paethat are usabe or sports and phsca actvt, (e.g. streets, pubc

    paces, orests, and beaches).

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    Fgure 1: The derent tpes o lTPA nrastructures

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    EU-GUIDELINE | improvng inrastructures or lesure Tme Phsca Actvt and Sports n the loca Arena8

    Pi-mni t uces!

    Havng specc poces n pace provde the

    cornerstone or mprovng lTPA nrastructures

    to support phsca actvt. The roe o these

    gudenes s to hghght the roe that pubc poc

    can pa n shapng envronments towards equt,

    nter-sectora coaboraton, and partcpaton.

    Specca, the support a range o pubc actorsto assess how current poces can be used and

    deveoped to mprove lTPA nrastructures through

    concrete decsons reatng to the pannng,

    nancng, budng and managng o them.

    Poces can aso be ntated b non-governmenta

    organsatons or vountar actors, such as sport

    ederatons, and the prvate sector (e.g. rom an

    empoers perspectve). Such poces can aso

    promote phsca actvt n other settngs, e.g. n

    cub sstems or n the workpace.

    T cnn e ie: Dln

    F nin lnThe mprovement o lTPA nrastructures nvoves an

    assessment and acton requred n our specc areas:

    pannng, nancng, budng, and managng. Each o

    these areas are nternked and bud upon one another.

    (1) PlnnThe gudenes hghght the

    mportance o strategc and

    ong-term pannng. Specca,

    the dent a set o pannng

    prerequstes, e.g. databases

    o nrastructures and Phsca

    Actvt (PA) behavour, and how

    the can be used to meet the

    objectves o soca equt andnter-sectora coaboraton. A

    checkst o good practce crtera

    provdes advce how to compe

    pannng parameters and pan

    concrete actons together

    wth a reevant groups and


    PiThe gudenes hep to dent reevant

    poces, decson-makng eves and poc

    sectors nvoved. in addton, the support

    assessments o how we current poces hep to

    acheve the gudenes centra objectves o

    soca equt, ntersectora coaboraton,

    and partcpaton.

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    EU-GUIDELINE | improvng inrastructures or lesure Tme Phsca Actvt and Sports n the loca Arena 9

    (4) MnanThe gudenes ocus on optmum

    modes o operaton or managng

    the eectve mprovement o

    lTPA nrastructures. The good

    practce crtera on management

    st derent ndcators or

    assessng exstng modes o

    operaton. The aso provde

    gudance to mprove themanagement o nrastructures

    wth regard to equt and

    co-operaton wth derent

    poc sectors and derent


    (2) BlnThe gudenes hep to assess

    the readness o the but

    envronment to mprove

    nrastructures. The descrbe

    approaches or assessng

    tpes, quanttes, quat andocatons o nrastructures

    but. Crtera or mprovement

    ocus on how nrastructures

    mght be ntegrated to enhance

    soca equt, nter-sectora

    coaboraton, and partcpator


    (3) FnnnThe gudenes present was

    o maxmsng opportuntes

    or derent sources o undng

    and undng modes. The

    provde ndcators whch can

    hep to dent exstng undng

    procedures and to measure the

    quat o current undng n

    the oca arena. The checkstso good practce crtera aso

    consder the mpact o derent

    nvestor modes, subsdes and

    undng procedures on equt

    ssues as we as on coaboraton

    between derent poc sectors

    and eves.

  • 7/30/2019 Improving Infrastructures for Physical Activity


    EU-GUIDELINE | improvng inrastructures or lesure Tme Phsca Actvt and Sports n the loca Arena10

    Un ie ncnt

    it s recognsed that derent European countres

    operate wthn derent ega and admnstratve

    contexts and a range o economc and soca

    envronments. The gudenes provde thereore an

    overarchng ramework or countres to make an

    assessment o the actons that can be taken to mprove

    lTPA nrastructures. in makng use o these gudenes,

    thereore, t s expected that context ma be taken

    nto account when deveopng specc approaches

    and some o the ndcators proposed n the checksts

    mabe more useu than others. Rather than provdngan exhaustve score sheet that shows how cose ou

    are towards good practce, the set out a seecton o

    crtera that can be used or and/or adapted to sut

    both an ndvdua countr context and refect ts

    specc stage o deveopment.

    The gudenes use a two-step-process to mprove lTPA

    nrastructures: assessment o the current stuaton;

    and proposa or makng mprovements. in addton,

    ever dmenson s ustrated b good practce


    H t u e ie

    T ie meie t:

    1. Assess the developmental status of leisure-time

    physical activity (LTPA) infrastructures

    2. Improve LTPA infrastructures towards equity, inter-

    sectoral collaboration, and participation

    The gudenes are drected at a those who are

    nterested n mprovng the deveopment o lTPA

    nrastructures. The support pocmakers, experts,

    and proessonas who have responsbt or the

    pannng, budng, nancng, and managemento lTPA nrastructures. in addton, the gudenes

    provde support to representatves o the vountar

    sector such as sports assocatons and cubs, as we as

    other stakehoders n the ed.

    The gudenes or mprovng lTPA nrastructures can

    be used as a quat management too to ensure good

    quat structures, processes, and outcomes attan a

    mnmum standard.

    The gudenes aso provde exampes o nnovatve

    approaches and good practce. The ncude casestudes provded b partcpatng countres n the

    iMPAlA project.

    IST STP: AesnThe purpose o the assessment stage s to hep

    dent the stage o deveopment that a partcuarmuncpat, regon, or countr s at n reaton to

    nrastructures that support lTPA. The gudenes

    use good practce crtera to assst n assessng

    whether current procedures n pannng, budng,

    nancng, and management o nrastructures

    contrbute to the goas o soca equt, nter-

    sectora coaboraton and hep to ensure that

    the partcpaton o reevant perspectves n

    the deveopment processes has been acheved.

    Budng ths knowedge base s essenta to

    dent the prort areas o acton or our specccontext.

    SECD STP: IrnThe second step s to mprove lTPA nrastructures.

    The checksts on good practce crtera provdespecc advce to pan uture nvestments, mprove

    exstng nrastructures, decde upon approprate

    nancng and management modes, and deveop

    nnovatve pannng approaches adapted to the

    needs o our specc context.

  • 7/30/2019 Improving Infrastructures for Physical Activity



  • 7/30/2019 Improving Infrastructures for Physical Activity


    EU-GUIDELINE | improvng inrastructures or lesure Tme Phsca Actvt and Sports n the loca Arena12

    ) Ini isn i pie

    InFrAsTrucTure sPorT








    PubLIc secTor









    ident pubc poces, e.g. aws, reguatons,

    gudenes or smar documents n a sectors that dea

    wth derent tpes o lTPA nrastructures. Matrces

    ke the exampe matrx can be used to get an overvew

    about exstng poces.

    ) Ini n-i piePoces can aso be deveoped b non-pubc actors.

    Matrces ke the one above can be hepu to get an

    overvew o whch nsttutons rom the thrd andprvate sector are nvoved n the deveopment o lTPA


    n Am e & T yPe oF or gA nIs AT Io n nA me & T yPe oF PoL Ic y d oc um en T

    VoLunTeer orgAnIsATIons


    commercIAL comPAnIes


    ) Aes qui pie

    Good practce ndcators are:

    1. There are policies for all Types of infrasTrucTures

    Check dented poces cover a tpes o


    2. policies conTribuTe To improving social equiTy

    Do poces consder the nterests o

    Peope wth a ow soco-economc status

    Senor ctens

    Chdren and adoescents


    Ethnc mnortes


    Dsabed and ncapactated peope

    3. Do policies ensure parTicipaTion of DifferenT

    perspecTives in Decision-making:

    Vountar organsatons

    Representatves o popuaton subgroups

    Other reevant poc sectors

    Reevant poc actors rom derent eves, e.g.

    n edera countres

    4. Do policies incluDe a sounD qualiTy managemenT

    sysTem anD Define:

    Concrete objectves

    Aocated resources

    Concrete steps o mpementaton

    Expected outcomes

    How to evauate outcomes


    S 1 | SMNT

    T at f t plii ai t ap t t laap f ipvt

    i lal ifatt t a. T a f plii l v all tp f LTPA

    ifatt a t. It i lpfl t itif plii t l at t lal lvl t

    at a ial a atial lvl, t. T at lp t itif at a t

    ipv t plai, ili, fiai, a aat f a lal ifatt.

  • 7/30/2019 Improving Infrastructures for Physical Activity


    EU-GUIDELINE | improvng inrastructures or lesure Tme Phsca Actvt and Sports n the loca Arena 13

    ) T epniinter-sectora coaboratons shoud dent a ead

    sector to take responsbt or a partcuar ssue.

    There ma be a number o derent eads dependent

    on contexts, derent poc sectors and eves o


    ) Fn pr t fos n-ectr clbrai npipai

    improvng nrastructures rees on eectve nter-

    sectora coaboraton. it s mportant to consder a

    wde range o partners rom the start who mght have

    an nterest and experence n a partcuar ssue and

    nd was o ntegratng them nto the coaboraton

    to mprove ther engagement. Thnkng beond the

    tradtona sectors s mportant and ma ncude:

    NGOs/Vountar organsatons, e. g. sports ederatons

    Representatves rom varous popuaton

    subgroups, (e.g. senor ctens, chdren and

    adoescents, mmgrants, or dsabed peope)

    The prvate sector

    Reevant other poc sectors, e.g. sports, heath,

    recreaton, urban, pannng, economcs, toursm,

    transport, recreaton, educaton, soca aars and


    Actors rom other eves o government, such asoca and regona representatves


    ) Pr soi eqi

    1. Define a mission

    Turn a poc nto an nsprng task that attracts nter-

    sectora nvovement.

    A coectve msson, e.g. a bke-rend ctMatchng o mssons, e.g. nkng sustanabt to

    heath or nk actve ctes to heath ctes

    2. iDenTify appropriaTe objecTives

    Further eaborate our msson wth specc,

    measurabe, achevabe, reevant, and tme


    What are the precse objectves to be acheved?

    What are the popuaton target groups o the poc?

    Whch settngs does the poc dea wth?

    Some o these objectves ma ocus on promotng

    soca equt b expct dentng how or

    exampe the barrers to lTPA amongst peope rom

    ow soco-economc groups can be removed. Postve

    ncentves mght ncude poces whch promote:

    low cost or subsdsed sport actes

    Free-o-charge sport actes

    Varous tpes o nrastructures

    lTPA nrastructures n soca deprved


    ) Ir qui mnan

    1. fosTer implemenTaTion

    Good practce n poc-makng consders ke

    ndcators o eectve mpementaton:

    Pan specc and eas actonabe steps or


    Dene cear responsbtes and obgatons or


    ident and aocate resources

    increase pubc awareness and communcate the


    2. moniTor anD e valuaTe impleme nTaTion

    A sstematc montorng and evauaton o the

    poces mpementaton s essenta or ts contnued

    revew and deveopment. Ths aows ongong

    montorng o needs and emergng trends.


    Ti ti pvi ia plii a iitiat ft vlp t

    ipv ti ailit t aiv t jtiv f ittal llaati, patiipati

    f ifft pli t a vtal aiati a ptativ f

    ifft pplati p a t pti f ial it.

  • 7/30/2019 Improving Infrastructures for Physical Activity


    EU-GUIDELINE | improvng inrastructures or lesure Tme Phsca Actvt and Sports n the loca Arena14

    Wn Toe f Pyic AciT Nei Aci Pl 205-209




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    EU-GUIDELINE | improvng inrastructures or lesure Tme Phsca Actvt and Sports n the loca Arena 15

    OICYInvai p

    nar rnE Al, Emar, Sp












  • 7/30/2019 Improving Infrastructures for Physical Activity


  • 7/30/2019 Improving Infrastructures for Physical Activity



  • 7/30/2019 Improving Infrastructures for Physical Activity


    EU-GUIDELINE | improvng inrastructures or lesure Tme Phsca Actvt and Sports n the loca Arena18

    ) Ini isn lnneqiie n roee1. DaTa bases

    is there a database o lTPA nrastructures?

    is there an nventor o avaabe PA programmes, e.g.

    exercse casses?

    is there a database whch tracks PA behavour

    amongst the genera popuaton?

    is there an nventor o demands b the genera

    popuaton, resdents o a specc area on sports

    cubs, or other provders o PA programmes?

    2. planning proceDures

    is pannng carred out b one sector? That mght be

    a sport act pan b a oca sports department

    is pannng carred out coaboratve wth a range

    o sectors? For exampe, oca sports and transport

    departments ma work together to promote PA


    is pannng supported b externa experts?

    Does the pannng process ncorporate the prncpe

    o partcpaton? Such a process woud ensure the

    approprate nvovement o derent partners,

    ncudng representatves o derent popuaton

    groups, sports cubs, pocmakers, and practtoners

    3. proceDures of parTicipaTion

    Are pubc hearngs mandator?

    Are ctens advsor boards used?

    Are cten panes set up to contrbute to the pannng

    o specc actons?Are open space methods used to deveop specc


    Are partcpator processes ncuded n a phases o

    pannng, e.g. co-operatve pannng?

    ) Aes qui isnlnneqiie n roeeGood practce ndcators are:

    1. DaTabase of lTpa infrasTruc Tures

    inormaton on derent tpes o nrastructures

    inormaton on geographca and soco-spata


    inormaton on mantenance status o nrastructures

    inormaton on utsaton o nrastructures

    Access consderatons, e.g. n terms o ocaton and

    costs, persona abtes and derent popuaton


    in addton, the database shoud:

    Be adequate resourced, wth proper data

    management and updated reguar

    Be accessbe and user-rend, or vountar

    organsatons and the genera pubc

    2. invenTory of pa programmes which

    Hghghts the actes and actvtes oered

    b derent provders, e.g. sport cubs, weare

    organsatons, commerca provders and others

    incudes normaton about organsatona structures,

    e.g. se, membershps, ees etc.

    3. DaTabase of pa behaviour which

    is based on a broad understandng o phsca actvt

    incudes normaton about tpe, requenc, duraton,

    organsaton, and ocaton o the popuatons

    phsca actvtes

    Coects data or derent popuaton subgroups

    representatve or the oca popuaton

    4. invenTory of DemanDs which

    Detas the current perceptons o derent

    stakehoders on exstng lTPA nrastructures

    Summarses mssng tpes or quanttes o


    5. planning proceDures shoulD

    Be documented

    Consder reevant perspectves, e.g. end-users,

    pubc admnstraton, pocmakers, researchers,

    representatves o vountar organsatons, prvate

    budng sector, nvestors

    integrate normaton rom data bases and

    stakehoder-based needs assessment

    integrate externa experts, e.g. or coectng data or

    actatng co-operatve pannng

    Be evauated


    S 1 | SMNTTi ti pvi ia t a t t tat f plai a it ailit

    t ppt ipvt i lal LTPA ifatt. spifiall, it lp t i a t

    f pati itia i a lpfl t itif t xit f a f t i

    plai piit a p a t a ti alit.

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    ) C vn lnn -eqiie

    1. DaTabases of lTpa infrasTruc Tures

    inventor o lTPA nrastructures, e.g. tpes,

    quantt, se, egbt, utsaton, mantenance


    2. invenTory of available pa programmes

    inventor o sport cubs programmes, (e.g.assessment o number and se o sports cubs and

    ther members, branches, oers)

    inventor o avaabe PA programmes b soca,

    commerca and other provders

    3. DaTabase of pa behaviour

    Data assessment on PA behavour o the genera

    popuaton shoud provde normaton on:

    Proporton o actve ctens

    Tpes o PA

    Frequenc and duraton o PA, n summer and wnter

    Organsatona context

    locaton o PA

    Soco-demograpc characterstcs

    4. invenTory of DemanDs

    Needs assessment s aso based on the perceptons

    o derent stakehoders, e.g. the genera popuaton,

    sports cubs, and other provders o PA oers. The

    database shoud thereore ncude:

    Assessment o demands b derent tpes o provdersMssng nrastructures as perceved b the genera


    Perceptons o and satsacton wth exstng lTPA


    Needs accordng to soco-demographc status

    ) Pp pipat n n-ectr lnnroe

    1. choose an appropriaTe planning proceDure

    Choose a sstematc pannng procedure and method

    o pannng that are approprate to the gven context.

    2. selecT parTicipanTs To be incluDeD in The process

    Reevant perspectves ncude:

    Ctens or representatves o target communtes or

    popuaton groups

    Experenced practtoners n reevant eds, e.g. sport


    Government agences or pubc admnstraton, e.g.

    sports department, urban pannng

    Decson-makers/poc-makers, e.g. maor, ct


    loca councs, e.g. neghbourhood board

    loca busnesses

    3. synThesise informaTion from across The DifferenT

    DaTabases anD invenTories To:

    Hghght exstng lTPA nrastructures

    Summarse current patterns o PA behavour

    Fnase outcome o sstematc needs assessment,

    e.g. va baancng supp and demand

    4. Develop a caTalogue of acTion

    Deveopng a cataogue o acton or lTPA

    nrastructures whch nvoves the oowng steps:

    Outne the overa vson and concepts or sport


    Denton and spec goas

    Make decsons about prort areas

    Deveop measures whch montor progress as goas

    The na cataogue o acton shoud cover: measures,

    mpementaton steps, tme rame, roes and

    responsbtes, resources requred and ndcators o

    successu mpementaton.

    ) Fos ntaia caTalogue of acTions

    promotes mpementaton through:

    A document whch makes expct the roes and

    responsbtes o partners and whch s approved b

    a reevant decson-makng bod, e.g. ct counc

    A steerng group whch oversees the mpementaton

    phase and whch ensures requred deveopments are

    oowed upMontorng the progress and success o


    Revew and revson o the cataogue o acton

    AGS 2 | POVMNT

    Ti ti pvi ia t ipv t plai p t f

    pifi itia i lp t pil lvat ata LTPA ifatt, availal PA

    pa, a PA avi. T itia ppt tati at a t

    ppaati f pifi ati.

  • 7/30/2019 Improving Infrastructures for Physical Activity


    EU-GUIDELINE | improvng inrastructures or lesure Tme Phsca Actvt and Sports n the loca Arena20

    Inerae Plnn Sp DlnFrk/M , Gm 209-2010






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    EU-GUIDELINE | improvng inrastructures or lesure Tme Phsca Actvt and Sports n the loca Arena 21

    AGCn n un

    -eqiie f lnnNain nt p faie,

    p ea n ie - RS, Frn




    2. inter-sectoralpartnershp







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    EU-GUIDELINE | improvng inrastructures or lesure Tme Phsca Actvt and Sports n the loca Arena24

    ) Ini e, qunien locain isn LAnrasuce

    lisT quanTiTy anD locaTion

    o each o the oowng tpe o nrastructures:

    indoor sport actes, e.g. gms, swmmng poos

    Outdoor sport actes, e.g. sports grounds

    inrastructures desgned or phsca actvt, e.g.

    pagrounds, skate parks, cmbng was, tras,

    recreatona cce paths, basketba courts .

    Urban space usabe or lTPA, e.g. accessbe and sae

    pubc squares, parks

    Natura space usabe or lTPA, e.g. usabe coasta

    areas, orests, meadows

    ) Fos n-ectr clbrain pipai

    Dependng on the context o the derent tpes o

    nrastructures, good practce ndcators ncude:

    1. access

    Adequate provson s made or derent user groups

    inrastructures shoud take account o phsca, soca,

    and cutura ssues when maxmsng opportuntes

    or access

    2. locaTion

    The soco-spata aspects o ocaton shoud be

    consdered. For exampe, approprate, coverage

    n soca deprved neghbourhoods and/or

    consderaton o renewa o dsadvantaged areas to

    mprove access to PA

    Consder whether uture demographc trends, e.g.agng popuaton o a neghbourhood, w have an

    eect on the choce o ocaton

    lnk to oca deveopment pans so that an optmum

    scenaro or ocaton can be acheved

    3. Design

    inrastructures shoud be mutunctona

    inrastructures shoud be desgned to be attractve

    or a generatons

    inrastructures shoud be desgned to encourage PA,e.g. b provdng starcases or cce paths and bke


    4. ecological sTanDarDs


    Use o ecoogca, renewabe budng materas

    5. safeTy

    inrastructures shoud be consdered sae

    envronments b a potenta user groups

    inrastructures shoud be durabe and deveoped to


    S 1 | SMNT GodPraciCii

    Ti ti pvi ia t a t t ilt vit a it

    pt LTPA. T at lp t itif t atit (ili tp a lati)

    a alit f xiti ifatt.

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    EU-GUIDELINE | improvng inrastructures or lesure Tme Phsca Actvt and Sports n the loca Arena 25

    ) Pr soi equnrasuce

    1. DisTribuTion of infrasTrucTures

    Ensure a basc supp o a tpes o nrastructures

    that consders soco-spata aspects.

    2. make infrasTrucTures accessible

    Make sure that nrastructures can be reached b

    actve transportaton

    Ensure a good connecton to the pubc transport


    Open ndoor and outdoor actes to broader user


    Open schoo nrastructures to other user groups,

    e.g. schooards, gms

    3. promoTe re-orienTaTion of urban anD naTural spaceTowarDs lTpa

    Data assessment on PA behavour o the genera

    popuaton shoud provde normaton on:

    Create ow & sow trac areas

    increase the number o sae pedestran crossngs

    Create and cear mark road bcce anes aong

    streets wth hgher trac voumes

    Mantan pubc urban space to a hgh standard

    Deveopng sae urban envronments or lTPA

    Consder possbtes or chdren and adoescent

    pa n urban pannng actvtes

    Provde ncentves or deveopng vacant ots

    and run-down areas nto green spaces wth

    opportuntes or PA

    Protect the natura envronment aso under the

    consderaton o provdng attractve natura space

    or lTPA

    ) Pp pipat n n-ectr lnnroe

    1. usabiliTy for DifferenT groups

    Ensure that nrastructures are usabe or:

    Organsed and non-organsed phsca actvt, (e.g.

    sectors such as sports, heath, toursm, transport,

    soca aars etc.)Derent user groups

    Compettve and non-compettve phsca actvt

    2. consiDer re-use of exisTing infrasTrucTures

    Coaboraton wth derent sectors, e.g. parks and

    garden, budng or transport, and wth potenta

    user groups contrbutes to creatve soutons to the

    but envronment:

    Renovaton o exstng lTPA nrastructures

    Adaptaton o exstng lTPA nrastructures to newtrends n PA, e.g. parcours

    Re-use, e.g. turnng a ormer ra-staton nto an

    ndoor skate act

    Addng PA-promotng eatures to an nrastructure

    S 2 | POVMNT

    Ti ti pvi ia t ipv t ilt vit t pt LTPA

    f t t ala xiti ifatt a t ili . Ipvt ai

    at i a pvii f pt failiti, liti ifatt a ll a a a

    atal pa tat a al f LTPA. It ai at pti ial it.


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    N p faie eibhodOra, Pug

















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    DGInrasuce f n

    i paeOn, Dm




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    ) Ini isn nnn moln nn sre

    1. financing moDels

    What nancng modes are n use?

    Fu pubc: nancng s covered b the muncpat

    Shared nancng: muncpat and thrd sector, e.g.

    sport cubs, share nancng

    Thrd sector u nancng: vountar organsatons/

    NGOs, e.g. sport cubs, nance an nrastructure

    Pubc-prvate-partnershps: pubc and prvate sector

    coaborate n nancng

    Fu prvate: Commerca companes nance an


    Other mxed modes

    2. funDing sources

    What undng sources are avaabe?

    EU-eve: Check whch EU programmes provde

    undng or derent lTPA nrastructures

    Natona eve: Check whether there are natona

    programmes that support lTPA nrastructure

    nancng, e.g. natona acton pans on phsca

    actvt promoton or actve transportaton

    Regona eve: Check whether there are regona

    programmes that support lTPA nrastructure wthgrants or subsdes

    loca eve: Anase whch oca undng sources

    mght be an opton to nance a specc nrastructure

    Thrd sector: Check whether there are an undng

    sources avaabe, e.g. through sports assocatons

    Prvate sector: Check whether there are an undng

    sources avaabe

    ) Aes qui isn moln sre

    gooD pracTice inDicaTors are:

    The ssue o sovenc s comprehensve consdered

    Pubc acceptance s vered

    Partners are saeguarded b ega contracts

    The quat o budng, pannng and mantanng thenrastructure s reguated n a tender/competton/

    ca or entres

    Fnancng ocuses on the ecce costs o an


    Fnanca consutaton s obgator n a nancng


    Fnancng buds on wn-wn-modes or a partners

    Fexbt o nancng modes

    S 1 | SMNT

    Ti ti pvi itia i ppt t at f

    t fiai l a a fit tp t ti ipvt.


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    EU-GUIDELINE | improvng inrastructures or lesure Tme Phsca Actvt and Sports n the loca Arena 31

    ) Pr soi eqi npipai

    1. re-allocaTe resources

    Good practce crtera n nancng hep to ensure

    pubc agences adhere to ther responsbt or

    equtabe aocaton o resources. Mechansms whch

    support ths ncude:

    inrastructures that partcuar consder groups n

    need o PA promotng nrastructures

    Vountar organsatons that contrbute to

    nrastructures wth ow-entr barrers

    inrastructures that ower barrers or non-organsed

    PA n pubc spaces

    2. re-DisTribuTe scope of resources

    Fnancng s oten consdered through the ens o one

    sector on. A broader undng scope contrbutes to

    soca equt and can resut n mproved resources -

    Area-ocused approaches, e.g. aocaton o resources

    consdered across soco-spata dened regons,

    rather than to one nrastructure tpe

    ) Fos n-ectr clbrai

    Fnancng s oten consdered through the ens o one

    sector responsbe or one tpe o nrastructure.

    1.encourage engagemenT of ThirD anD privaTe secTor

    Engagement o the vountar and the prvate sector

    n nancng can be beneca partcuar n tmes o

    mted pubc resources. Promote ther engagement,e.g. through

    Subsdes or nancng lTPA nrastructures

    Tax rees on spendngs reated to lTPA nrastructure


    2. safeguarD ThirD secTor/ngo financing moDels anD


    The pubc sector can ensure that thrd sector/NGO

    modes and pubc-prvate-partnershps n nancng do

    not ncrease soca gaps but work towards soca equt.Such partnershps

    Are soca ncusve and do not on meet the

    demands o certan groups represented n the

    nancng mode

    Meet quat standards

    Enabe pubc supervson n nancng, e.g.

    through permanent representaton n modes,

    ke oundatons and socetes, that nance


    S 2 | POVMNT

    Ti ti ai t ilit t ipv fiai l a fi i .

    It pvi lp t pt ial it, ittal llaati a patiipati

    i t fi p f a ifatt.


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    Soi sa nrasuce f l& adesntT Nelnd











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    FANGA i wr a nn frn LA nrasuce

    Beui Road n Set Ceii , Fln


    2. intersectoracoaboraton,byroadadmnstraton,toursm,andcuture3. invovementoregona,oca, andprvatesector

    4. Consderatonopeopesdemands5. Cearydefnedevauatoncrtera6. Pubc-prvate-partnershps

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    EU-GUIDELINE | improvng inrastructures or lesure Tme Phsca Actvt and Sports n the loca Arena36

    ) Ini isn mnan mol

    1. owner moDels

    Derent conguratons o ownershp can be used to

    manage the lTPA nrastructure. These ncude:

    Pubc: pubc admnstraton, muncpat, owns the


    Pubc act management: the nrastructure s

    owned b pubc admnstraton but some servces

    are outsourced to other companes aso owned b

    pubc admnstratons

    Parta prvatsaton: parts o pubc ownershp are

    transerred to commerca companes

    Thrd sector/NGO: a vountar organsaton, e.g. a

    sports cub owns the nrastructure


    Prvate: A commerca compan owns the

    nrastructureOther orms, e.g. ncorporated socet or assocaton

    2. operaTion moDels

    Derent organsatona structures can be used to

    manage a lTPA nrastructure. These ncude:

    Pubc: pubc admnstraton, muncpat, owns and

    manages the nrastructure

    Pubc act management: the management

    s outsourced to companes, owned b pubc


    Parta prvatsaton: parts o the management are

    transerred to commerca companes

    Thrd sector/NGO management: a vountar

    organsaton, e.g. a sports cub manages the



    Prvate management: A commerca compan owns

    and manages the nrastructure

    Other orms, e.g. ncorporated socet or assocaton,

    mght be orented towards common good

    ) Aes qui mnan

    Good practce ndcators are:

    1. inTer-secToral collaboraTion in public managemenT

    Assess whether management

    Exchanges wth other poc sectors, actve n the

    area or n the ed o PA promotonCoaborates wth prvate and thrd sector

    2. social equiTy anD parTicipaTion

    Assess whether management

    Consders the mpact o derent tpes o

    management modes on a potenta user groups

    Consders pubc acceptance o specc management


    Ensures accessbt o an nrastructure

    Fosters soca baanced utsaton

    Consders mutunctona use o nrastructure

    Responds to trends n phsca actvtes

    S 1 | SMNT GodPraciCii

    A a f l a lpfl i i t fftiv i aat f

    ifatt aii t ia LTPA. Ti ti t t t itia tat ppt t

    at f t t a alit f aat at t lal lvl. Ti at

    i a iptat fit tp t ipv aat i a pifi txt f a t


  • 7/30/2019 Improving Infrastructures for Physical Activity


    EU-GUIDELINE | improvng inrastructures or lesure Tme Phsca Actvt and Sports n the loca Arena 37

    ) Pr soi eqi

    The pubc sector s mportant or workng towards

    common good n pubc-prvate-partnershp modes

    as we as n co-operaton wth the thrd sector/NGOs.

    1. enable public supervision in managemenT

    or exampe through:

    Ongong representaton n pubc act

    management, oundatons or socetes

    lega provsons n pubc-prvate-partnershps

    2. work TowarDs social equiTy wiTh regarD To:

    Hours o operaton


    Access provsons


    Marketng o oers and lTPA opportuntes

    ) Fos n-ectr clbrain pipai

    1. consiDeraTion of DifferenT inTeresTs

    Good practce n management consders the nterests

    o derent stakehoders:

    investor/owner (e.g. sports department)

    Operator (e.g. sports cub)

    User groups (e.g. sport cubs, schoos, non-organsed


    2. encourage ThirD anD privaTe secTor To parTicipaTe in


    Stakehoders und communt nvovement n

    management can hep to ensure nrastructures

    maxmsed opportuntes or derent uses and to

    create wn-wn-stuatons:

    Set ncentves or sports cubs and other NGOs to

    take responsbt or management, e.g. through

    the transer o da operatons to sports cubs

    Encourage engagement o the prvate sector to

    partcpate n management, e.g. through provde

    prvate actors opportuntes or prot combned

    wth unburdenng pubc budgets and mantanng

    or mprovng the supp o nrastructures

    3. open The infrasTrucTure To broaD usergroups

    Open the nrastructure to organsatons n the area,

    e.g. schoos, kndergartens, soca, and esure-tme

    oers n the area

    Organse and partcpate n actvtes around the


    4. flexibiliTy anD mulTifuncTionaliTy

    An nter-sectora perspectve consders the ecce

    o an nrastructure and s open to

    Mutdmensona useRe-use

    S 2 | POVMNTAAGmNt

    Ti ti pvi pp t f ii t tp t tak t ipv t aat

    f LTPA ifatt aait t ali f at a.

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    Oeg Sp n Hel CnCze Ri




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    Sp & F - A b sraef l-ehl p faie

    Vn, Ausi

  • 7/30/2019 Improving Infrastructures for Physical Activity


  • 7/30/2019 Improving Infrastructures for Physical Activity


    Auhr & Cnutr

  • 7/30/2019 Improving Infrastructures for Physical Activity


    EU-GUIDELINE | improvng inrastructures or lesure Tme Phsca Actvt and Sports n the loca Arena42

    ImPALA PArTners

    co-ordInATIng InsTITuTIon senIor reseArchers reseArchers


    Unverst o Erangen-Nuremberg

    Ared Ruetten

    Karm Abu-Omar

    Annka Frahsa

    Nora Hartwg

    PArTner InsTITuTIon senIor reseArchers reseArchers


    Unverst o Venna

    Mchae Kob

    Rosa Dketmueer

    irene Bttner


    Paack Unverst, Oomouc

    Kare Froeme Jana Vakov

    Mcha Kudek

    Fp Neus


    Unverst o Southern Denmark

    Jens Troesen

    lars Bo Andersen

    Thomas Skovgaard

    Mette Totager


    Unverst o Jvsk

    Kmmo Suom Ba Paveka


    Unverst o Nanc

    Anne Vuemn Stphane Regat


    Unverst o Rome Foro itaco

    Fabo Pgo Ema Angeo

    luca Cott


    Academ o Phsca Educaton, Kaunas

    Rmantas Pacenka Dava Kmavcene


    TNO Quat o le, leden

    luuk Engbers


    Oso Unverst Coege

    Astrd Bergand

    Nna Waaer loand

    Kre Rnn Rchardsen


    Unverst o Porto

    Jorge Mota Joana Carvaho

    Margarda Perera


    Unverst o Extremadura

    Narcs Gus Fuertes Mgue Madruga Vcente

    Auhr & Cnutr





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    Sm go raci ii

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    EU-GUIDELINE | improvng inrastructures or lesure Tme Phsca Actvt and Sports n the loca Arena46


    The project improvng nrastructures

    or esure-tme phsca actvt n the

    oca arena - iMPAlA (unded b DG

    SANCO 2009-2010) amed to dent,mpement, and dssemnate good

    practce or the pannng, nancng,

    budng, and managng o oca

    nrastructures to support esure-tme

    phsca actvt. it nvoved the anass

    o natona poces and a revew o

    exstng mechansms and nstruments

    reated to nrastructure deveopment.

    iMPAlA contrbutes to a more

    consstent EU approach to oca

    nrastructure deveopment or esure-

    tme phsca actvt, hepng to reduceunequa access to nrastructures or

    esure-tme phsca actvt wthn

    and between natons.

    Quatatve ntervews wth experts

    and poc-makers were used to

    coect normaton about exstng

    poc documents such as reguator

    egsaton, gudenes and acton pans.

    in addton, quatatve ntervews were

    aso used aong wth documentar

    anass to assess the capabt o

    exstng mechansms (.e. proceduresand nstruments). Ths anass

    was carred out or three tpes o

    actes aganst the crtera: pannng/

    desgnng; undng; constructon; and


    Athough gudenes and acton

    pans exst n a 12 partcpatng

    countres, resuts rom iMPAlA show

    that the extent and scope o theseder. Man o the poces tend to

    dea wth one tpe o nrastructure

    and/or one specc tpe o phsca

    actvt. Few were comprehensve

    and oten acked an understandng

    o the need or nrastructures and

    phsca actvt to be nternked. The

    man gaps n the poces dented

    ncude: ack o consderaton o how

    exstng nrastructures coud be

    used more ecent and or broader

    use to mprove access; detas o the

    benets o ntersectora workng

    and opportuntes to reach derent

    subgroups o the popuaton.

    in most countres oca governments

    are responsbe or the mpementaton

    o natona gudenes/acton pans and

    n some cases t s the prvate sector

    not the pubc sector whch takes

    responsbt or the deveopment

    o nrastructures or lTPA. A o

    the countres partcpatng n the

    iMPAlA project showed that a range

    o poc sectors are nvoved n

    actvtes assocated wth nrastructure

    mprovement comprsng ndependent

    operatng sectors such as sports

    sectors, urban and spata pannng,

    envronment, heath, toursm, and


    Four genera pannng approaches -

    nventores, per-capta approaches,needs assessment and partcpator

    pannng were dented as beng

    n use. Most o the countres had an

    nventor o nrastructures and about

    ha o the countres make use o per-

    capta approaches or deveopng

    nrastructures. However, ew countres

    adopt comprehensve approaches,

    whch woud ncude sstematc needs

    assessment and eectve partcpator

    approaches to u engage reevant

    stakehoders and sectors. issuesreated to the budng, nancng, and

    management o nrastructures were

    sedom consdered n poces. Overa

    there was a ack o expct attenton

    to promote the prncpes o soca

    equat, nter-sectora coaboraton

    and partcpaton.

    inormaton acqured through

    the iMPAlA project normed the

    deveopment o a set o quat crtera

    or poces as we as checksts to assst

    n ther eectve mpementaton.These were used to evauate exstng

    poces and mechansms put orward

    b iMPAlA partcpatng countres.

    2009 2010

    01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12




    Work Package:identng natona poces

    Work Package:identng natona


    Work Package:identng good practce

    Work Package: Coordnaton o the project

    Work Package: Dssemnaton o the project

    Work Package: Evauaton o the project

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    EU-GUIDELINE | improvng inrastructures or lesure Tme Phsca Actvt and Sports n the loca Arena 47

    the are unabe to aord membershp ees and thereore

    have ewer opportuntes to engage n esure-tme phsca

    actvt. The pannng and budng o nrastructures oten

    negects demands o those most n need...

    On partcpaton: the White Paperstates that sports promote a

    shared sense o beongng and partcpaton, over and above

    the benets o the phsca actvt tse. The Physical Activity

    Guidelines ca or ncreased pubc support. The WHO Global

    Strategy stresses the mportance o changng soca norms

    so that phsca actvt can be ntegrated nto everda e,

    through communt nvovement.

    Ineran rnt f yicaci pieThe WHO Global Strategy emphasses the centra roe o

    governments n creatng an empowerng and encouragng

    envronment or PA. it cas or mut-sectora poces that

    rame and target change. improvng nrastructures or

    phsca actvt s not on about sports. A broad varet

    o sectors and actors at a eves o admnstraton have a

    responsbt to mprove nrastructures through ongong

    revew so that opportuntes or esure-tme phsca actvt

    can be enhanced. it aso cas or nvovng other partners such

    as vountar/thrd sector organsatons, academa, the medaas we as the prvate sector. The EU Physical Activity Guidelines

    demand cross-sectora approaches nvovng sectors ke

    sport, heath, educaton, transport, envronment, urban

    pannng and pubc saet to mprove phsca actvt. The

    ca or ntermnstera, nter-agenc and nter-proessona

    coaboraton, ncudng a eves o government, and

    coaboraton wth the thrd and prvate sector. The gudenes

    reer to quat crtera used n the deveopment and

    mpementaton o poces. These crtera can be adapted to

    the specc eatures o poces or mprovng nrastructures

    or esure-tme phsca actvt.

    The White Paper on Sport nks sport to sustanabe

    deveopment as we as to enhancng pubc heath. The

    Green Paper aso argues that deveopng snerges among

    a reevant poc sectors s cruca or creatng supportve

    envronments and makng heath choces avaabe.

    Sstematc approaches to partcpaton or mprovng

    nrastructures or esure-tme phsca actvt nvove

    dentng and nvovng reevant proessons, representatves

    o governmenta and non-governmenta organsatons as

    we as specc target groups. To be eectve the aso needto take account o soca equat objectves and to be present

    n a poces or mprovng esure-tme phsca actvt


    SETG THE CNTxT:Pi i- yic aci nrasuce

    Severa poc documents provde gudance or mprovng

    nrastructures or esure-tme phsca actvt n the oca


    2005 EUGreen Paper Promoting Healthy Diets and

    Physical Activity - a European dimension for the

    prevention of overweight, obesity and chronic diseases

    2007 EU White Paper on Sport

    2008 EU Physical Activity Guidelines that recommend

    poc actons n support o heath-enhancng phsca


    2006 WHO Europe Promoting Physical Activity and

    Active Living in Urban Environments. The role of local


    2004 WHO Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity andHealth

    These documents reer to derent aspects o sport and

    phsca actvt but a ncude mportant consderatons or

    mprovng nrastructures or esure-tme phsca actvt.

    Adesn soi equieThe White Paper on Sportundernes the soceta roe o sport.

    Sport has an mportant potenta roe to pa to support soca

    ncuson, ntegraton, and equa opportuntes. The White

    Paper aso nks sport to enhancng pubc heath and amsto ensure that a EU resdents have access to sport through

    approprate use o nrastructures. The but envronment

    represents an mportant determnant o peopes heath.

    Rgd reguatons on access and utsaton o nrastructures,

    that have the potenta to mprove eves o phsca actvt,

    can contrbute to soca nequates and subsequent to

    nequates n heath. The Green Paper highlights that certan

    neghbourhoods ma dscourage phsca actvt and

    that a ack o recreatona actes can dsproportonate

    aect dsadvantaged groups through such thngs as ack

    o aordabt and transportatona ssues assocated wth

    access to approprate nrastructures. Accordng to WHO

    Goba Strateg, prort shoud be gven to those most

    n need. The WHO Global Strategy and WHO Promoting

    Physical Activityca or communt based acton wth strong

    government eadershp and support.

    On soca equt: the Commsson ams to ensure that

    a reevant poces consder the determnants o heath

    nequates and that a actons shoud contrbute to an equa

    dstrbuton o heath as part o a countres overa goas or

    soca and economc deveopment. The shoud am to budcommtment across socet and pa partcuar attenton to

    the needs o vunerabe groups. Dsadvantaged subgroups

    are oten under-represented n sports cubs, part because

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    EU-GUIDELINE | improvng inrastructures or lesure Tme Phsca Actvt and Sports n the loca Arena48


    S 1:Assessment o exstng poces n 12 European countres i/2009

    S 2:Assessment o mechansms n use n 12 European countres ii/2009

    S 3:Frst dscusson on set o quat crtera out o the assessment n December 2009 at a meetng

    wth a partners

    S 4:Revew o nternatona gudenes n use

    S 5:Feedback b a iMPAlA partners n Ma 2010 to a premnar drat

    S 6:Workshops wth natona experts n iMPAlA countres and eedback reports on a revewed drat,

    Summer 2010

    S 7:Presentaton o the drat gudenes atPOiN2010 Conerence, Nov 8-9 2010, Frankurt/German

    Dscusson wth and revew b nternatona experts

    S 8:Presentaton o the gudenes to DG SANCO, ear n 2011

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    EU-GUIDELINE | improvng inrastructures or lesure Tme Phsca Actvt and Sports n the loca Arena 49


    Adams, N. & Harrs, N. (2005). Best Practce Gudenes or Regona Deveopment Strateges. Card:

    Card Unverst.

    Center or Dsease Contro and Preventon (2009). Recommended Communt Strateges and

    Measurements to Prevent Obest n the Unted States. MMWR Recommendatons and Reports 58

    (RR07): 1-26.

    Commsson o the European Unon (2007a). Whte Paper Whte Paper on Sport. COM (2007) 391 na.

    Brusses: European Commsson.

    Commsson o the European Unon (2007b). Whte Paper A Strateg or Europe on Nutrton, Overweght

    and Obest reated heath ssues. COM (2007) 279 na. Brusses: European Commsson.

    Commsson o the European Unon (2005). Green Paper Promotng heath dets and phsca actvt:

    a European dmenson or the preventon o overweght, obest and chronc dseases. COM (2005) 637

    na. Brusses: European Commsson.

    Department o the Envronment, Transport, and the Regons (2000). B Desgn: Urban desgn n thepannng sstem: towards better practce. london: Department o the Envronment, Transport, and the


    Edwards, P. & Tsouros, A. (2008). A heath ct s an actve ct: a phsca actvt pannng gude.

    Copenhagen: WHO Regona Oce or Europe.

    Edwards, P. & Tsouros, A. (2006). Promotng phsca actvt and actve vng n urban envronments. The

    roe o oca governments. Copenhagen: WHO Regona Oce or Europe.

    EU Workng Group Sport & Heath(2008). EU Phsca Actvt Gudenes. Recommended Poc Actons

    n Support o Heath-Enhancng Phsca Actvt. Brusses: EU Workng Group Sport & Heath.

    Kaeher, R. & Rave, K. (2008). Sportstaetten neu denken und gestaten. Panen-naneren-bauen-

    betreben. Ke: Keer Schrten ur Sportwssenschat.

    landessportbund Hessen (Ed.) 2003. Handbuch der kommunaen Sportentwckungspanung.

    zukuntsorenterte Sportstttenentwckung Bd. 14. Frankurt am Man: landessportbund Hessen.

    landessportbund Hessen (Ed.) 2004. Sportstaetten-Management - Neue Wege uer verensegene und

    kommunae Sportstaetten. zukuntsorenterte Sportstaettenentwckung Bd. 6. Frankurt am Man:

    landessportbund Hessen.

    Natona insttute or Heath and Cnca Exceence (2008). Promotng and creatng but or natura

    envronments that encourage and support phsca actvt. NiCE pubc heath gudance 8. london:


    Natona Heart Foundaton o Austraa (Vctoran Dvson) 2004. Heath b desgn: a panners gude toenvronments or actve vng. Natona Heart Foundaton o Austraa (Vctoran Dvson).

    Ontaro Mnstr o Heath Promoton (wthout ear). Actve 2010. Communt Phsca Actvt Pannng.

    A Resource Manua or communtes preparng pans. Ontaro: Mnstr o Heath Promoton.

    Projektberat Grundagen ur Weterentwckung von Sportanagen (2009). 10 Thesen ur

    Weterentwckung von Sportanagen. Bonn: Bundesnsttut uer Sportwssenschat.

    WHO (2008). A heath ct s an actve ct: a phsca actvt pannng gude. Copenhagen: WHO Europe.

    Word Heath Organsaton (2006). The roe o oca governments

    Word Heath Organsaton (2004). Goba Strateg on det, phsca actvt, and heath. Geneva: WHO.

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    EU-GUIDELINE | improvng inrastructures or lesure Tme Phsca Actvt and Sports n the loca Arena50













    IAN OM:Go Praci E A

  • 7/30/2019 Improving Infrastructures for Physical Activity


    resulT of The eu-projecT impala

    funDeD by:

    European Commsson - Executve Agenc or Heath and Consumers

    Grant Agreement No. 20081208

    coorDinaTeD by:

    Fredrch-Aexander-Unverst o Erangen-Nuremberg

    insttute o Sport Scence and Sport

    Dvson o Pubc Heath and Phsca Actvt

  • 7/30/2019 Improving Infrastructures for Physical Activity
