Improved script of horror trailer

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Improved script of horror trailer

Horror Trailer Script

Scene 1: Library in University

Description: Nicola walks on the street, smiling and being friendly to piers from University. She's

heading to the library.

(Voice-over - We will figure it out)

Editing: Slow motion and close up on her Nicole's face to show her facial expression which is

happiness as she greets people as she walks to the library.

Description: As she enters the library,

Camera: she will look up to the camera for 3 seconds.

Description: Carries on walking to book shelf looking at some art books. She pulls a book out and the

'curse' book falls.

(Voice-over of the demonologist and Nicola)

Sofia: So I see you have found the book.

Nicola: What book?

Sofia: The book of chaos.

Description: She blows off the dust from the book.

Camera: High angle to show Nicola reading and flicking the pages through.

Description: She seems very interested, she then stops at the chaos symbol in the book.

Editing: Make the chaos symbol light up blue or red, to show power.

Description: She puts her hand on it and slightly freaks out that she feels the power coming out of

that symbol and that it is lighting red.


Sofia: (tells a description of this chaos conspiracy)

Scene 2: Demonologist's office

Description: Sofia and Nicola talking about the chaos theory this time face to face rather than

carrying on the conversation with a voice-over.

Editing: Quick Transition from the library to the demonologist's office.

Camera: turns 360 on the two characters as they talk. Speeds up turning for suspense.

Editing: Shots combined together as it turns.

Description: As they talk, camera will stop on Sofia, music stops to focus on the next thing Sofia will

tell Nicola because it is important.

Sofia: But you mustn't show anybody else the book. Or you will all be cursed.

Scene 3: Nicola's room

Description: Nicola on her bed, reading the book and at the same time she is listening to her ipod and

her laptop on.

Horror Trailer Script


Nicola: Okay.

(Few seconds)

Nicola's Mother: NICOLA!


Description: She throws the book on the side of her bed. Music then starts to be creepy to build up

tension. Book then falls over onto a page, that page has a description of a certain chaos that will

happen to the next person who will open the book on that page. (When Nicole leaves, the music that

was played on her ipod can become a non-digetic sound, probably a metal song that has something

to do with chaos).

Scene 4: Outside of University

Description: Outside group of friends, they see Nicola being fidgety and nervous. She power walks to

avoid them so they don't get a chance to see the 'curse' book.

Camera: Close up on Maria's face as she is worried about Nicola's behaviour.

Maria: NICOLA (she runs towards her)

Description: Nicola turns around, with a slight regret on her face as she sees her best friend run up to

her. Quick transition to a different scene.

Scene 5: Maria's bedroom

Description: They both sit on the floor, Maria wants to know why Nicola has been acting so strange

for the past few days. Nicola had no choice but to open the book.

Maria: So this is why you've been acting so strange.

Nicola: Looks at her with worry.

Maria: (laughing) please tell me you do not believe in this crap.

Nicola: (about to speak, but she got interrupted by her mobile ringing)

Description: Nicola answers, she then leaves Nicola and packs her bag. Maria goes downstairs to

escort her. She runs back up and sees the book on the floor. She then throws it on her desk. She gets

ready to go to sleep, she gets her roserybeads to pray but her window opens up and she screams. She

then quickly runs to open the window. She backs up, then the killer strikes his chaotic schemes.

Editing: Fades out and into the next scene.

Scene 6: Classroom

Description: Nicola cries her eyes out in the class room, rages and leaves university. She walks to get

home, she has to go through the woods. Before she reaches there she becomes suspicious and keeps

looking backwards. Camera shows footsteps of the killer, but she doesn't see.

Horror Trailer Script

Scene 7: The Woods

Description: Nicola walks in the woods and cries as she has lost her best friend. Sounds of footsteps

on dried out leaves and branches. Nicola looks back, she sees a black figure. They stay still.

Editing: Smokey effect as they look at each other.

Description: She then runs away, the killer walks behind her but he manages to catch up. Nicola then

trips over Sofia's dead body and covered in blood. She looks back and he caught up with her, she pulls

the knife out of Maria's body and runs away. She then hides behind a tree.


Nicola: I promise, no one will see this.

Description: Breathing heavily, then a blackout and Nicola screams. Dark figure (killer) walks off into

the woods.

Editing: Smokey effect and slow motion till the figure disappears.