Improve Your Vocabulary Course

Post on 11-Nov-2014

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Your vocabulary can be an asset that helps you gain confidence in public speaking, achieve high scores on tests, and take advantage of opportunities for advancement in your career - or it can be the one thing that's holding you back from success. The ten free online lessons we provide on this short course will give you the tools you need to ensure that your improved vocabulary skills help you improve all aspects of your personal and professional life.

Transcript of Improve Your Vocabulary Course

Improve Your Vocabulary

Your free vocabulary tips and lessons in one

Simple Techniques – Proven Results

Would you like to: • be able to speak confidently and intelligently at work meetings and

social gatherings alike?

• be the person who always has the right words for any occasion?

• be the one that others go to with questions, knowing you'll have the


To gain these benefits, all you need to do is improve your vocabulary. This simple first step will lead you to the ability to read more complicated

documents, understand high-level communications in your professional field, and converse with people from all walks of life in any situation.

Start improving your vocabulary - and your chances for success.


Your vocabulary can be an asset that helps you gain confidence in public

speaking, achieve high scores on tests, and take advantage of opportunities for advancement in your career - or it can be the one thing that's holding

you back from success. The ten free online lessons we provide on this short course will give you the tools you need to ensure that your improved

vocabulary skills help you improve all aspects of your personal and professional life.

Vocabulary Building Benefits – What Happens If You're Never Lost

for Words?

Being speechless with joy is probably the only good reason to be at a loss for words and sometimes – such as when you are in a public engagement

and expected to give you a thank-you speech – not even that is considered acceptable. Only with a powerful and ever-growing vocabulary will you be

able to enjoy all of the benefits listed below.

Make a good first impression.

Some say that you need to make thirty good impressions just to erase a

single negative impression. There are many ways for you to ensure that you're projecting the ideal image right off the bat, and one of it is to have a

great vocabulary.

No matter if you are trying to impress your boss, teacher or your future in-law, you will never have a problem saying what you want in the best

possible way if you have a large and expressive vocabulary that contains exactly the words you need.

Improve your comprehension skills.

Having an inadequate vocabulary hinders you from completely understanding and taking advantage of a particular situation. Even if you are

extremely smart, if you do not take the time to constantly build your vocabulary, then you are neglecting and limiting yourself, and preventing

yourself from being completely in control of certain situations.

Understanding is the key to power, and vocabulary is the key to understanding.

Get higher scores.

A good vocabulary is also one of the best ways to improve your test scores - even math tests usually have story problems that you need to read and

understand. It does not matter if you're still in school or if you've moved on to a full-time job, you will find that there are times when you're graded on

the results of tests, formal or informal, that you are required to take.

Get the job you want.

It doesn't matter what industry you're working in. Having an expansive and

flexible vocabulary will always improve your chances of climbing several steps up the career ladder. Having a fantastic vocabulary enables you to

entertain your clients more effectively, defend your ideas or proposals more successfully, and handle interviews with aplomb. People in authority are

always impressed by those who can articulately express themselves, and that influences their choice of who to promote.

Turn your idea from simple into fantastic.

Sometimes, presentation is everything. Even if you have the best PowerPoint

presentations for an idea you want to submit to your superiors, you will still have to talk about it. That's when good vocabulary comes in. Imagine how

terrifyingly humiliating it can be if someone asks you a question – and you don't know what to say because you didn't understand one of the words he


But if you have all the right words in your verbal arsenal, then you can stay on top of everything from the start of your presentation until the end.

Instead of merely saying your idea has meaning, for example, you can say it

is profound. Instead of saying you are looking for style, you can say you are going for something with panache. Don't they sound better that way?

Gain self-confidence.

Last but not the least, having a powerful vocabulary will help you gain self-

confidence. It is one of the most elusive things in the world, but vocabulary is one of the sure ways of "catching" it … and making sure you stay happily

confident for the rest of your life.

The Relationship between Confidence and Vocabulary Building

Confidence and vocabulary building often go hand in hand, although the context of their relationship varies according to the depth and size of your

vocabulary. The following tips below will help ensure that your confidence and vocabulary improve together.

Increase in Vocabulary = Increase in Self-Confidence.

This is the ultimate goal to keep in mind. The better your vocabulary is and

the more words you have at your disposal, the greater your self-confidence will be. How can you not be confident when you know you have everything

you need to express yourself effectively?

Neglecting Your Vocabulary = Risking Your Self-Esteem.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained, as they say. If you want a great

vocabulary, you have to work hard for it. In addition, you have to be willing to use your new vocabulary in conversation, and take the chance that other

people might not understand, or appreciate, your use of language. In addition, we're not perfect, and there are times when you might make a

mistake with a new word – but that's okay, too. Consider it as an opportunity cost for learning.

Do not hesitate to test out new words with other people.

How can you be sure that you really understood how a word is properly used if you don't try it out in conversation or when writing or messaging


If you made a mistake, shrug it off – and move on.

Humans make mistakes. It's one of the most basic facts in the world. The

important thing is to learn from your mistakes and not to repeat it again.

Look for a vocabulary practice partner.

You will gain more confidence from your vocabulary building exercises more quickly if you have a practice partner to work with. Both of you can help test

out your new words on each other. Being able to give each other support and encouragement is also a big help. With a practice partner, you can at

least minimize the risk of embarrassing yourself with a faux pas.

Do not forget pronunciation.

Aside from using a word incorrectly, a lot of people also end up feeling

embarrassed by their mispronunciation. If you are determined to build your vocabulary, do it all the way. Do it right by taking note of not just the

definitions of words but of their pronunciation as well. Be especially careful with borrowed terms from other languages.

When in doubt – ask!

There is nothing wrong in asking other people for help. If you do not want to

risk making a mistake with your choice of words, then why not ask someone for help? Even your friendly neighborhood search engine (hello, Mr. Google!)

can help you out.

If someone laughs at your mistake then the joke is on him!

There is nothing wrong about testing out a new word to figure out if you

have truly mastered its usage. If someone can't excuse you for wanting to learn and improve your vocabulary, it's his problem – not yours. You'll be

the one who laughs last, as you increase your self-confidence, build your professional career, and enjoy all of the benefits of an improved vocabulary.

Memory Aids for Vocabulary Building

Building your vocabulary requires several steps. First, you need to familiarize yourself with the definition of a particular word. Next, you also have to make

sure that it enjoys permanent residence in your brain and is ready to roll off your tongue anytime you need it. For that to happen, you need to work on

getting that word firmly into your long-term memory. You may find the

following memory aids quite helpful.

What Are Memory Aids?

The more technical term for a memory aid is mnemonics (which is a word you could probably add to your vocabulary list as well!). Mnemonics refers to

anything that can aid the memory or help you memorize more effectively.

Visuals or Picture Association

If one particular image comes into mind when you hear a specific word, then

keep that image in mind. Focus on that as you repeat the word to yourself and as you think about its meaning. This will help you always remember

what the word means and how best to use it.


If you want to remember the definition of recherché (a borrowed French

term meaning"something rare, sophisticated, and exotic") try to think of something that it rhymes with. This will help you remember its pronunciation

as well. For example, imagine a ray of sunlight illuminating Cher (the ageless singer) as she sashays ('sashay' rhymes with the last syllable of the

word) across her patio towards a pool of colorful tropical fish.

As you can see, this type of rhyming may be a little bit far-fetched for some, but if it works for you, then that's what ultimately matters. Forget about

what works for others. Always consider instead what will help you improve

your vocabulary.


Come up with a unique or exceptionally funny or witty sentence while using the word. The idea behind the sentence must be so incredibly special that

there is no way you will forget why it was said.


If you are building your vocabulary for your second language or something foreign, then try to translate it directly on your mind. Next, find a way to

associate both terms.


Look for famous people who made use of the word you are trying to learn. Research why they uttered such a statement. By giving the word a story you

can relate to, you will never fail to remember how that word is best used.


Sometimes, learning the etymology or origin of a word can help you remember a particular term. Do you know what an ichthyosaurus is? The

'saurus' part should give away its profile as a dinosaur. The 'ichthyo' part, on the other hand, would also be a clue if you know that ichthyology is the

study of fish. By combining both terms, you now know that an ichthyosaur is a kind of fish-like dinosaur.


Lastly, flashcards are particularly effective in helping you memorize not just

one or two words but a whole batch of them. In a way, this is also an example of picture association because your mind is storing images of these

flashcards. When you try to recall a particular word, how it appears on the flashcard – and what its equivalent definition or use is – will show up on

your mind.

How Reading and Vocabulary Building Can Go Together

To effectively build your vocabulary, you need to learn how a particular word is spelled, what it means, and how to best use it in conversation or in

writing. Reading can build your vocabulary in all the ways cited above, and the best part is that vocabulary-building will even happen unconsciously as

you read. Ultimately, all you need to do is to find books that truly interest you. The rest will fall into place.

Look for contextual clues to understand an unfamiliar term.

It may be tempting to grab your dictionary the first time you encounter an unfamiliar term, but don't do that just yet. To better hone your

comprehension skills, try to analyze what the term means based on its

contextual clues alone. Read the paragraph or the entire page again if necessary.

If the above method does not work, then go ahead and grab the


Sometimes, words can be used in a pretty obscure fashion, leaving you zero

clues to base its definition on. If so, it's time to consult a good print or on-line dictionary.

When you have the definition in front you, try to think of another word that

means the same thing and fits that definition. Replace the original term used with the synonym you've thought of in the sentence you're looking at. If the

word still fits, then you can at least be sure you got its definition right.

Try out new authors.

Be a little adventurous when it comes to your reading and see what new authors have to offer. If you do not want to waste money on untried

authors, then you can check out reviews first, or read an excerpt of their work. You can also join your local public library and get access to books for

free (or at least for the cost of membership).

Excerpts of books are commonly available in the review and author websites

as well as in online stores like Amazon and Barnes & Noble. These excerpts may already contain words that will help enhance your vocabulary. More

importantly, however, is the fact that it gives you a chance to better gauge the writing style of the author. Does it appeal to you or should you skip to

the next one in your list?

Try out new genres.

The vocabulary commonly employed by authors of romance fiction is

significantly different from the ones used by, say, writers of suspense and

writers of contemporary fiction.

Try comparing, for instance, the words used by Jane Austen to H.P.

Lovecraft. The vocabulary is different, isn't it? That's not just because they're two extremely different types of writers. It's also because they write

for different genres. You will notice, however, that there may be similar terms used in the writings of Lovecraft, Ray Bradbury, Edgar Allan Poe, and

the great Stephen King. They may write for different generations of readers, but they all can be considered masters of horror.

As such, there is a limit to what you will learn from one particular genre. If

you want to maximize the vocabulary-building benefits of reading, then you need to try out different genres of fiction.

Don't forget nonfiction!

Last but not the least, try to read nonfiction work from time to time. There

are a lot to choose from, including but not limited to self-improvement guides, autobiographies and memoirs, or even coffee-table books. One of

them is sure to catch your fancy – give it a try, and your vocabulary is sure to benefit.

Interesting Ways to Use the Dictionary for Vocabulary Building

First of all, there are different kinds of dictionaries other than the ones you might be familiar with from your early school years. While traditional

dictionaries will always be a big help to building your vocabulary, they are not the only ones that can give your vocabulary a boost.

Other Types of Dictionaries for Vocabulary Building

Here are a number of tips on ways to use other kinds of dictionaries to

expand your vocabulary.

Subject or Single-Field or Sub-Field Dictionaries

Consider, for instance, a dictionary about poisons and antidotes. Even if you do not plan to kill anybody off with poison, a lot of terms from this type of

dictionary often find their way into daily conversation. Thanks to the Crime Investigation channel, for instance, most people now know that cyanide is

not a type of cocktail drink – well, not unless you want a drink that can literally kill you.

Professional Dictionaries

This is the type of dictionary that's targeted on improving your vocabulary

with regard to your line of work or profession. Even though you are not studying to be a doctor, browsing through a medical or nursing dictionary

can still give you a number of useful terms from time to time.

Your mother-in-law may, for instance, be what physicians refer to as a hypochondriac. Go ahead and look it up to see if it fits.

Bilingual Dictionaries

Even if you are not fluent in any foreign language, choose another language

that interests you the most, just for fun. When you have some free time, try to look up a word that you would like to say in another language. Consider,

for instance, the word smart. How do you say this in Japanese? What are the definitions the Japanese-English dictionary provides? Use those definitions,

and the insight and perspective of another culture, to think of other ways you can describe someone as smart.

Etymological Dictionaries

This type of dictionary is designed to give readers a better idea on how

words are formed throughout history. If there's a particular term that you have a hard time remembering, learning about its etymology may make it

easier to memorize.

Other Interesting Ways to Use the Dictionary for Vocabulary Building

If you have a traditional type of dictionary on hand, you can find other ways of using it aside from looking up terms and reading it from cover to cover to

improve your vocabulary.

Impress everyone with your status update on Facebook

If you tend to let people know what your mood for the moment is on Facebook, try doing so while impressing them at the same time with your

vocabulary. If today you feel a little bit moody, how about using the word mercurial instead?

Write a Word-for-the-Day post on your blog

Stuck for a topic for your blog? You can always come up with a word for the

day. You can simply open your dictionary to a random page then point your finger to any part of the page. The closest unfamiliar term to it should serve

as your daily vocabulary fix.

Contribute to vocabulary or dictionary trends in Twitter

Participating in discussions for the hottest trending topics in languages on

Twitter will not only get you to meet new friends online, but it can also be another way of improving your vocabulary. View the latest tweets on such

trends and see if you can come up with a new term to add.

Top Techniques for Vocabulary Improvement

When building your vocabulary, try using these techniques, which have proven to be simple but effective.

Other Types of Dictionaries for Vocabulary Building

Think of a keyword or a term that closely relates the meaning of the term you are trying to learn. Focus on that keyword and come up with a sentence

that can use the keyword and the new term interchangeably without having the meaning of the sentence altered in any way.

Word Lists

Come up with a list of related words. For those who are just starting out

building their vocabulary, a list with anywhere from three to seven words would be more than sufficient to learn and master in a week. Make sure they

are related in some way or you will have a hard time remembering them.


Repeat a new word several times in your mind. Say it over and over out loud. This will help familiarize your brain with the word. If there comes a

time that you can't remember the word itself, your brain may remember how you said the word over and over again. In time, the term's sure to

come back to you.


Flashcards are used for helping people review for various subjects from math

to physics to social science, so why not for the purpose of building your

vocabulary as well? Just make sure that you practice the words in a sentence before moving on to the next card.

The best way to enhance your vocabulary is to ensure that the new terms

are as embedded in your mind just as the rest of your daily vocabulary is - that they have moved from your conscious mind to your unconscious.


Think of a similar-sounding word or phrase – a homonym for instance – to

best remind you of the term you're attempting to understand. Fornicate may remind you of intimate, which is a good thing since to fornicate means to be

intimate with someone you are not married to.


There are numerous games that are designed for solo or team play and

which can help improve your vocabulary. Mobile or software-based games

can even be played for free on sites like Yahoo Games and those of developers or retailers like Big Fish.


Do not limit yourself to reading fiction and nonfiction works alone. Read newspapers, magazines, professional and scientific journals and even

pamphlets. Different types of reading materials usually mean encountering a new kind of vocabulary one way or another as well.

Picture association

If associating a term with a particular keyword doesn't work for you, then try

associating it with an image instead. Try to be as vivid as you can when mentally illustrating what image would best fit your new word for the day.


Try to relate the term to an event in your life – or a dream of yours. What matters is that you've found a way to personalize the term, thus making it

easier to remember – even if you do not want to.

Finally, one of the best free techniques for improving your vocabulary is to look up a term in the dictionary and to not hesitate asking other people if

you heard or read something you don't particularly understand.

Top Games for Vocabulary Building

If you are feeling a little bit sleepy or lazy and reluctant to begin your daily vocabulary building exercise, maybe it's time for a little bit of change. Rather

than testing yourself with a vocabulary quiz, how about playing a word game instead?


This is the classic of all word board games and the one started it all. Although many consider Scrabble as requiring intermediate vocabulary, you

can still emerge victorious by strategizing on tile placement (always aim for

the colored boxes!). This game will also specifically help improve your vocabulary with words containing the letters J, Q, Z and X (letters with the

highest equivalent number of points).

Text Twist

What Scrabble is to board games, Text Twist is to word games for PC and

mobile gadgets. Although your vocabulary building exercise will be limited to six-letter words – the maximum word length for words used in this game –

those words can sometimes be pretty tricky and make a great addition to

your personal word bank.


Of all the games listed here, this is probably the most fun to play since it requires a multiple number of players making up two or more teams. The

objective of the game is simple: do your best to describe a term within the time allotted but without using any words or phrases that are listed as

"taboo". This is an excellent way to practice your knowledge of synonyms.


This multi-player game is similar to Text Twist in the sense that you will be mostly mastering three to five-letter words. Nevertheless, if you put your

mind to it, you can form words with double-digit numbers of letters. This game will also improve your mastery of prefixes and suffixes.


If you are looking for something as fun as Boggle to play on your own, then

Bookworm is probably the answer to your prayers. The original version is already fun as it is, with players required to come up with words made up of

three letters or more as quickly as possible and to prevent the tile bank from being completely destroyed by various types of "infected" tiles.

Its sequel, Bookworm Deluxe, is ten times better! This time, you – as the

ever-popular bookworm with its distinct blend of squeaky-and-hoarse voice – will have to spell your way into defeating mythological creatures from

ancient legends.


If you want something that will pose the greatest challenge to your vocabulary, then a crossword should do the trick. Keep in mind that

crosswords vary according to their difficulty level. Diving head on into crosswords designed for advanced players may simply end up as an exercise

of frustration. It's best to start with something simple, fun, and appropriate for your vocabulary and puzzle-solving level.


Finally, if you want something a little bit more difficult than usual but not the kind that brings you headaches the way crossword puzzles sometimes do,

you should try playing a game or two of the classic version of Hangman. It will not only help improve your vocabulary but hone your skills for puzzle

solving based on contextual clues as well.

How to Help Your Child Develop a Good Vocabulary

If you want your child to grow up with an expansive vocabulary to rely on, then you need to help your child develop the proper habits instead of simply

making him or her memorize one new word after another.

Don't focus on pronunciation alone.

When children are just starting to learn how to read, they tend to place

greater importance on spelling and pronouncing a word correctly, because that's the easiest task for a teacher to identify and correct. Unfortunately,

the meaning of words is often neglected. There are many spelling tests given in a classroom, and exercises in reading aloud, but children are rarely asked

to explain the meaning of the words they use.

To ensure that your children grow up with a fully functional vocabulary, help

them develop the right habits for reading and vocabulary building. Whenever your children read or recite a particular message, check from time to time if

they're indeed familiar with the meaning of a specific word or phrase.

Let your children know that you don't mind such interruptions as well as spending as much time as needed helping them understand new and

unfamiliar terms.

Buy as many books as you buy toys for your children.

It's important to make the right impression about books early on. There's always a book for every child – it just takes more time than usual to find one

for some kids. Ask for your children's opinion when shopping for books so that you can be sure you're buying something they are most likely to read.

Do not limit choices to the selection designed for a particular age


If you feel that your child is uninterested with the choices available for that

age group, then try the next age group. If necessary, you can read the book together to ensure that your child understands the parts that require a

greater level of knowledge and understanding.

Don't talk down to your children.

It's okay to use not-so-simple words now and then. In fact, your children will improve their comprehension skills better that way as they strive to figure

out what you mean by using the context of the sentence to solve their question about the word.

Use vocabulary building software programs.

Although modern technology can be blamed for a lot of things, one thing it

can certainly be credited for is its prized ability to make the learning process both fun and interactive.

The nice thing about these applications is that you can install them not just

in your PC but also in tablets or smartphones. This way, your children can benefit from learning on the go.

Play word games.

Games like Text Twist may have been designed for fun but no one can deny how helpful they can be as well, especially when it comes to building a

child's vocabulary.

Improve your child's vocabulary by traveling or trying new activities.

New words are sure to come up in a discussion between you and your child when you visit a new planetarium, aquarium, zoo, museum, science center,

or park. Encourage your child to ask questions as well since those, too, may lead to more words being added to your child's vocabulary.

Just a little word of advice, though: children can sometimes be deliberately

stubborn and refuse to participate in activities that you describe as being "good" for them. Instead of highlighting the educational benefits of the

activities above, just concentrate on having fun with your child. Everything else will fall into place.

How to Choose the Best Vocabulary Building Software

Vocabulary building software programs vary in different ways. It's important

to know exactly what you want from it to avoid wasting your money on a program that may be effective for certain types of users but not for you.

Vocabulary software reviews like this one should be considered beforehand and the things mentioned below will show the reliability of the review if most

of these things, if not all are looked into.

Trial Period

If there is no free trial period, then are there free online demonstrations that

you can either try or watch? If not, check out what the reviews have to say.

Look for opinions by teachers and (if this is a program for children) other parents in particular.

Age Suitability

This is extremely important if you are purchasing a vocabulary building software program for your child. The interactive elements, game types, and

vocabulary lists used in a program designed for toddlers are completely different from what you would see in a program designed for pre-teens.


Some programs are designed to help you pass your GRE (Graduate Record

Examinations), which is one of the common admission requirements to graduate schools in the U.S. Others are designed to help you pass the exam

for ESL (English as a Second Language) certification. Individuals who are intending to study or work in an English-speaking country but do not have

English as their native language usually take this second test.

Systematic Approach

Although the methods and lesson plans used for vocabulary building software tools vary, they are generally systematic in nature. A step-by-step

approach is critical as it maximizes the results from the time and effort needed to enhance your vocabulary.

Level of Interactivity

Even if you're not a child who has to be entertained every second, it would

still be ideal to purchase a highly interactive vocabulary building software program. This will ensure that you never get bored since your involvement is

paramount to your progress.

Quiz Selection and Options

There must be various ways available for you to test your vocabulary. Aside

from multiple choices and fill-in-the-blank types of quizzes, the best software programs for vocabulary building also provide other testing

materials, such as pairing tests in which you find the matching definition, antonym or synonym for a particular term.

Quizzes should also be customizable to your own learning progress, giving

you the option to choose which items will show up and how many of them are there in total. It would be a good thing if you can opt to get yourself

timed or not while taking the test. Hopefully, this will prepare you effectively for passing any vocabulary or language test you will be taking in real life.

Game Selection

All work and no play make vocabulary building a dull routine, which is why

your vocabulary building software program should also have games included. Naturally, the games available should be varied and suitable for

the intended age range of the users.


How easy is it to navigate your way around the program? Is there always a

button available to bring you back to the main or home page? If there is no

free trial version available for you to test this out, then you should again look into reviews for relevant information.


Last but not the least, consider the software program's price. It's okay to spend more than you might have planned to, but only if you believe the

program is truly worth every penny.

The Basics on ESL Courses and Vocabulary Building

Although people argue nowadays that the term "English as a Second Language"(ESL) is politically incorrect, it is arguably the most commonly known term to refer to the acquisition of English by a non-native speaker,

compared to its recent alternatives like ESOL (English for Speakers of Other

Languages) and EAL (English as an Additional Language).

Why Do You Need to Take a Test for ESL?

If you are emigrating to an English-speaking country like Canada, the US, or

the UK, having ESL certification will help you adjust and settle into your new life more easily. Your children will have an easier time gaining admission to

school with ESL certification while you yourself will enjoy better and more career opportunities with the same certification.

If, on the other hand, you are a native English speaker who is planning to teach foreigners how to speak English, you will need to combine your ESL

certification with that of TOEFL (Teaching of English as a Foreign Language). In some cases, TOEFL is also referred to as TESOL and TESL.

ESL and Vocabulary Building

Certainly, building your vocabulary is one of the best ways to prepare for ESL certification. A good vocabulary will ensure that you understand all

instructions for different parts of the test, answer as many possible

questions correctly, and last but not the least, express yourself articulately – if not eloquently – in the test's essay section.

When building your vocabulary in preparation for an ESL test, it is important

that you not only consider the mere definition and spelling of the words but also how to use the words in a grammatically correct way in sentences.

How to Prepare for Taking the ESL Test

You have various options for preparing for your upcoming ESL exam.

ESL Courses

These are commonly offered by universities and colleges as well as review and language centers. Make sure that you choose a course that comes well

recommended by either government or professional agencies. Consider the location as well – is it near enough and suitable as a learning environment?

Consider the content or curriculum for the course. Does it cover all the

basics? What kind of methods will it employ for testing your proficiency and vocabulary? Does it include an offer for free refresher courses? What about

the teacher-student ratio? Lastly, consider the price and schedule. Is the price affordable or, at the very least, reasonable? Does your free time

coincide with their available class schedules?

Online ESL Courses

ESL courses offered online basically have the same lesson plans used in real-world ESL courses. Online programs are, however, more convenient since

they are typically available 24/7. They're also more affordable, allowing you to work one-on-one with a professor if necessary. If you are choosing this

option, just make sure that you are enrolling in a legitimate and recommended school.

DIY Review

You have, of course, the option to review on your own. Do this only if you

are confident you have the self-discipline to keep to a strict review schedule. Take advantage as well of all available resources, which include free

vocabulary quizzes online, ESL study books you can borrow from the library or purchase, and last but not the least, vocabulary building software

programs specifically designed for ESL exam takers.


Lesson 1 An informative blog maintained by an independent video producer with

over fifteen years of industry experience A vocabulary building & communication training center that offers

educational resources for students, parents and professionals Lesson 2 An online community portal that offers free tips and advice for those

who want to write better English such as professional writers, wordsmiths, and foreigners currently learning how to speak English A site that provides helpful tips and strategies for playing word games

Lesson 3

A site that provides practical information on a wide variety of subjects

Aside from offering vocabulary-building tips, it also has several

vocabulary building tools of its own Lesson 4 Offers online English courses as well as a database of resources that

English students and professionals may find helpful

This site offers one of the most comprehensive lists of vocabulary games online and has been managed by family-owned business VKidz

since 2006

Provides free guides on vocabulary improvement but also promotes the use of its own vocabulary-building software, Ultimate Vocabulary


Lesson 5 A free encyclopedia site featuring user-provided entries An online community portal that offers free tips and advice for those

who want to write better English such as professional writers, wordsmiths, and foreigners currently learning how to speak English

Lesson 6

Provides free guides on vocabulary improvement but also promotes the use of its own vocabulary-building software, Ultimate Vocabulary


A free online guide offering information for vocabulary building Lesson 7

A site that provides helpful tips and strategies for playing word games Lesson 8 A vocabulary building and communication training center that offers

educational resources for students, parents and professionals

Powered by Encourage Software, this site utilizes its own EasyChild System for providing helpful information regarding parenting An online community portal that provides tips and other resources for

caring for babies starting from the preconception stage Lesson 9 A site that provides helpful tips and strategies for playing word games

This site offers one of the most comprehensive lists of vocabulary games online and has been managed by family-owned business VKidz

since 2006 Lesson 10 A free encyclopedia site featuring user-provided entries Provides educational resources for international students and

especially those taking ESL courses