Improve your QA skills - Lightning Talk

Post on 10-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Improve your QA skills - Lightning Talk

From me to you11 top tips for QA from a Dev perspective


git - the simple guide

First you want to get the code on your machine

Gradle build system

Then you want to build the code (build your demo or release candidate apps)

Reading Android Logs

WHEN the app crashes you want to read the logs so you can get insight

Un-obfuscating Logs

Reading the logs from a release candidate needs them to be translated first

Battery Historian

Sometimes the app doesn’t crash, but it drains the devices battery a hell of a lot!

Automated Performance Testing Codelab

Scrolling lists for 3 hours to see if the app survives is boooring & hard to reproduce.

Understanding & Finding Memory leaks

I watch this video every time I need to investigate a memory issue

Stetho - A debug bridge for Android applications

Makes manipulating device databases easy

Espresso Android Integration Testing Framework

Acceptance, Functional, BDD tests

KIF iOS Integration Testing Framework

Acceptance, Functional, BDD tests

Vysor - display your phone on your desktop

Being able to record a video or a gif of the bug you’ve managed to find helps a dev 100x more on a Jira story.

We’re hiring Automated QA (developer in test)

Come talk to me 1)To get involved2)To tell me where all

the QA are hiding! :-)