Important Personalities of Mahabharata

Post on 20-Mar-2017

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Transcript of Important Personalities of Mahabharata


By Slide_maker4u

(Abhishek Sharma)

ABHIMANYU Son of Arjuna, who

died in the war

King Shantanu's sarathi, who found child Karna in a box flowed by Karna's mother Kunti. He named the boy Radhey and brought him up.


AMBA Daughter of Kashiraj

(King of Kashi); sister of Ambika & Ambalika; wife of Shalva

AMBIKA & AMBALIKA Daughter of Kashiraj

(King of Kashi); sisters of Amba; wives of Vichitravirya

ANIRUDDHA  Grandson of Krishna

and Rukmani; Son of Pradyuman and Rukmavati

ARJUNA  Fourth son of Kunti,

sired by Indra; Inimitable archer

ASHWATTHAMA Son of Dronacharya

and Krupi; defeated by Arjuna in the great battle of Mahabharata

BHAGIRATHA King of solar

dynasty who brought sacred river Ganga on earth

BHIMA Third son of Kunti,

sired by wind God; Known for his food and strength; Father of Ghatotkatcha

BHISHMA  Eighth son of

Shantanu and Ganga; Counselor of Dhritarastra; celibate by vow; had a boon to choose the time of his death; aka Debvrata

BRIHASPATI Spiritual head of

Deities; Father of Kach

DRAUPADI Wife of five

pandavas; daughter of Kind Drupad; She was won in swayamvar (groom chosing) by Arjuna

GANGA Married to

Shantanu; Mother of Bhishma; Goddess of the sacred river, Ganga who was brought to earth by Bhagirath

JAYADRATHA Son-in-law of

Dritarastra and King of Sindhu kingdom; Married to Dushala, sister of Kauravas

YUYUTSU Son of Dhritarastra

from vaishya maid, who fought for Pandavas in Mahabharat war; He was installed as a king of Indraprastha by Yudhisthir

EKLAVYA Inimitable archer

and student of Drona who learned archery without direct teaching; he gave his thumb as Guru-dakshina

GANDHARI Wife of Dhritarastra,

who blindfold herself after the marriage; Mother of hundred Kauravas; Sister of Shakuni; Daughter of the King of Gandhar

DUSHALA Daughter of

Gandhari and Dhritarastra; Lone sister of hundred Kauravas