Importance of hvac maintenance and duct cleaning

Post on 15-Aug-2015

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Importance of HVAC maintenance and duct cleaning

The quality of air in your house is assured by the air ducts that are found in your HVAC system. While most people believe that they are the real source of ventilation, the truth is that these air ducts are also responsible for air conditioning using the method of thermal insulation and as a bonus to your house, they also abound in improving how efficiently the system consumes energy. This means therefore that cleaning the air ducts is an integral part of HVAC maintenance.

With the important roles that the air ducts in your system perform, it is to your advantage to make sure that they remain in top form. Most people don’t bother to have the air ducts cleaned. Most people actually believe that you only need to clean them only when you have a person in the household suffering from some allergies or some illnesses or when there is a clear indication that those ducts have actually been contaminated; nothing could be further from the truth.

The truth is that a good part of HVAC maintenance requires that you have the air ducts cleaned all the time whether there is a health hazard present or not. We are not just talking about getting perfect thermal comfort at home; this will ensure that everyone in the household is safe and protected. You need to remember that your entire family depends on the quality of air that comes from the HVAC system installed.

The trouble that most homeowners face is that they don’t really know when it is time to have the air ducts cleaned; they actually miss the tell-tale signs out of ignorance. If for instance you realize that you always sweep the house but you are somehow not able to get rid of dust because there seems to be more than your fair share; sometimes there are dust particles floating in the air. Another sign that it’s time is when people in your house begin suffering from problems such as nasal congestion, sinuses and headaches during and after sleep.

If you feel suffocated in the house because there seems to be very little or no air coming from the vents it’s time to look for that HVAC contractor to come and check on the air ducts. Take not also when people in your household start experiencing signs related to sickness such as stuffy, runny noses, sneezing, nausea, fatigue or dry and burning sensations in the nose, throat or eyes. If you turn on the HVAC system and it emits a musty or stale odor, it is time to have the air ducts checked and cleaned before disaster comes calling.