Implementing External DSLs Using Scala Parser Combinators

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Slides from talk I gave at St. Louis Lambda Lounge ( for the Dec. 2009 meeting.

Transcript of Implementing External DSLs Using Scala Parser Combinators

Implementing External DSLs Using Scala Parser Combinators

St. Louis Lambda LoungeSept. 3, 2009

Tim DaltonSenior Software EngineerObject Computing Inc.

External vs Internal DSL Internal DSLs are implemented using syntax of

“host” programming language

Examples Fluent APIs in Java

RSpec and ScalaSpec

Constrained by features of programming language

External DSLs syntax is only limited by capabilities of the parser

What is a Combinator ? Combinators are functions that can be

combined to perform more complex operations

Concept originates in Lambda Calculus

Mostly comes from the Haskell community

Haskell implementations use Monads

Scala implementation “almost Monadic”

Scala’s Parser Implementation Context-free LL grammar

Left to right Leftmost derivation

Recursive descent

Backtracking There are ways to prevent backtracking

Advances planned for Scala 2.8 Support for Packrat parsing Parser Expression Grammar More predictive with less recursion and backtracking

Scala Combinator Parser Hierarchy






A Simple Logo(-Like) Interpreter Only a few commands:

Right Turn <angle-degrees>

Left Turn <angle-degrees>

Forward <number-of-pixels>

Repeat <nested sequence of other commands>

Grammar for Simple Logo

forward = (“FORWARD” | “FD”) positive-integer

right = (“RIGHT” | “RT) positive-integer

left = (“LEFT” | “LT”) positive-integer

repeat = “REPEAT” positive-integer “[“{statement}”]”

statement = right | left | forward | repeat

program = { statement }

Scala Code to Implement Parser

object LogoParser extends RegexParsers { def positiveInteger = """\d+"""r def forward = ("FD"|"FORWARD")~positiveInteger def right = ("RT"|"RIGHT")~positiveInteger def left = ("LT"|"LEFT")~positiveInteger def repeat = "REPEAT" ~ positiveInteger ~ "[" ~

rep(statement) ~ "]" def statement:Parser[Any] = forward | right | left |


def program = rep(statement)}

Scala Code to Implement Parser

An internal DSL is used to implement an External One

Methods on preceding slide are referred to as parser generators

RegexParsers is subclass of Parsers trait that provides a generic parser combinator

A Closer Look

def positiveInteger = """\d+"""r The trailing “r” is a method call the converts

the string to a Regex object More verbose syntax:


String does not have an r() method !!

Class RichString does, so an implicit conversion is done

Implicit Conversions One of the more powerful / dangerous features

of Scala is implicit conversions

RichString.r method signaturedef r : Regex

scala.Predef implicit convertor implicit def stringWrapper(x :

java.lang.String) : RichString

The Scala compiler will look for implicit convertors in scope and insert them implicitly

“With great power, comes great responsibility”

Back to the Parserdef forward =


The “|” and “~” are methods of class Parsers.Parser[T] !!

RegexParser has implicit conversions:implicit def literal(s : String) :


implicit def regex(r : Regex) : Parser[String]

Parser generator methods should return something that can be at least be converted to Parser[T]

Parser[T]’s and ParseResult[T]’s Parsers.Parser[T]

Extends Reader => ParseResult[T] This makes it a function object

ParserResult[T] Hierarchy: Parsers.Success Parsers.NoSuccess

Parsers.Failure Parsers.Error

Invoking Parsers[T] function object return one of the above subclasses

Combining Parser[T]’s Signature for Parser[T].| method:

def |[U >: T](q : => Parser[U]) : Parser[U]

Parser Combinator for alternative composition (OR) Succeeds (returns Parsers.Success) if either “this”

Parser[T] succeeds or “q” Parser[U] succeeds

Type U must be same or super-class of type T.

Combining Parser[T]’s Signature of Parser[T].~ method:

def ~[U](p : => Parser[U]) : Parser[~[T, U]]

Parser Combinator for sequential composition Succeeds only if “this” Parser succeeds and “q” Parser


Return an instance “~” that contain both results Yes, “~” is also a class ! Like a Pair, but easier to pattern match on

Forward March Back to the specification of forward:

def forward = ("FD"|"FORWARD")~positiveInteger

For this combinator to succeed,

Either the Parser for literal “FD” or “FORWARD”

And the Parser for the positiveInt Regex

Both the literal strings and Regex result of positiveInt are implicitly converted to Parser[String]

Repetition Next lines of note:

def repeat ="REPEAT" ~ positiveInteger ~ "[" ~

rep(statement) ~ "]" def statement:Parser[Any] =

forward | right | left | repeat

Type for either repeat or statement need to be explicitly specified due to recursion

The rep method specifies that Parser can be repeated

Repetition Signature for Parsers.rep method:

def rep[T](p : => Parser[T]) : Parser[List[T]]

Parser Combinator for repetitions

Parses input until Parser, p, fails. Returns consecutive successful results as List.

Other Forms of Repetition def repsep[T](p: => Parser[T], q: =>

Parser[Any]) : Parser[List[T]] Specifies a Parser to be interleaved in the repetition Example: repsep(term, ",")

def rep1[T](p: => Parser[T]): Parser[List[T]] Parses non-empty repetitions

def repN[T](n : Int, p : => Parser[T]) : Parser[List[T]] Parses a specified number of repetitions

Execution Root Parser Generator:

def program = rep(statement)

To Execute the ParserparseAll(program, "REPEAT 4 [FD 100 RT 90]")

Returns Parsers.Success[List[Parsers.~[…]]] Remember ,Parsers.Success[T] is subclass of

ParseResult[T] toString:

[1.24] parsed: List(((((REPEAT~4)~[)~List((FD~100), (RT~90)))~]))

The “…” indicates many levels nested Parsers

Not-so-Happy Path Example of failed Parsing:parseAll(program, "REPEAT 4 [FD 100 RT


Returns Parsers.Failure Subclass of ParseResult[Nothing]

toString:[1.23] failure: `]' expected but `)' found

REPEAT 4 [FD 100 RT 90) ^

Failure message not always so “precise”

Making Something Useful Successful parse results need to transformed

into something that can be evaluated

Enter the “eye brows” method of Parser[T]: def ^^[U](f : (T) => U) : Parser[U]

Parser combinator for function application

Eye Brows Example

Example of “^^” method:

def positiveInteger = """\d+""".r ^^ { x:String =>

x.toInt }

Now positiveInteger generates Parser[Int] instead of Parser[String]

Transformer can be shortened to “{ _.toInt }”

Implementing Commands For the statements we need a hierarchy of

command classes:

sealed abstract class LogoCommand

case class Forward(x: Int) extends LogoCommand

case class Turn(x: Int) extends LogoCommand

case class Repeat(i: Int, e: List[LogoCommand]) extends LogoCommand

Transforming into Commands The Forward command:

def forward = ("FD"|"FORWARD")~positiveInteger ^^ { case _~value => Forward(value) }

A ~[String, Int] is being passed in the transformer

Pattern matching is to extract the Int, value and construct a Forward instance Forward is a case class, so “new” not needed

Case constructs can be partial functions themselves. Longer form:

…^^ { tilde => tilde match { case _~value =>

Forward(value) }}

Derivates of “~” Two methods related to “~”:

def <~ [U](p: => Parser[U]): Parser[T] Parser combinator for sequential composition which keeps

only the left result

def ~> [U](p: => Parser[U]): Parser[U] Parser combinator for sequential composition which keeps

only the right result

Note, neither returns a “~” instance

The forward method can be simplified:def forward = ("FD"|"FORWARD")~>positiveInteger ^^

{ Forward(_) }

Updated Parser def positiveInteger = """\d+""".r ^^ { _.toInt } def forward = ("FD"|"FORWARD")~>positiveInteger ^^

{ Forward(_) } def right = ("RT"|"RIGHT")~>positiveInteger ^^

{ x => Turn(-x) }

def left = ("LT"|"LEFT")~>positiveInteger ^^

{ Turn(_) } def repeat = "REPEAT" ~> positiveInteger ~ "[" ~

rep(statement) <~ "]" ^^ { case number~_~statements => Repeat(number,


Updated Parser Results Executing the Parser now:

parseAll(program, "REPEAT 4 [FD 100 RT 90]")

Results:[1.24] parsed: List(Repeat(4,List(Forward(100), Turn(-


Returns Parsers.Success[List[Repeat]]

This can be evaluated !!

Evaluationclass LogoEvaluationState { var x = 0 var y = 0 var heading = 0}implicit def dblToInt(d: Double):Int = if (d > 0) (d+0.5).toInt

else (d-0.5).toInt

def parse(s: String) : List[LogoCommand] = LogoParser.parse(s).get

def evaluate(parseResult: LogoParser.ParseResult[List[LogoCommand]], g:Graphics2D) {

var state = new LogoEvaluationState if (parseResult.successful) { evaluate(parseResult.get, g, state) } // draw turtle evaluate(parse("RT 90 FD 3 LT 110 FD 10 LT 140 FD 10 LT 110 FD

3"), g, state)

} // Continued...

Evaluation (More Functional)private def evaluate(list: List[LogoCommand], g:Graphics2D,

state:LogoEvaluationState) { if (!list.isEmpty) {

val head :: tail = listhead match {

case Forward(distance) => { val (nextX, nextY) =

(state.x + distance * sin(toRadians(state.heading)), state.y + distance * cos(toRadians(state.heading)))

g.drawLine(state.x, state.y, nextX, nextY)state.x = nextXstate.y = nextYevaluate(tail, g, state)

} case Turn(degrees) => { state.heading += degrees evaluate(tail, g, state) } case Repeat(0, _) => evaluate(tail, g, state) case Repeat(count, statements) =>

evaluate(statements ::: Repeat(count-1, statements)::tail, g, state)



Evaluation (More Imperative)def evaluate(list: List[LogoCommand], g:Graphics2D,

state:LogoEvaluationState) { list.foreach(evaluate(_, g, state))} def evaluate(command:LogoCommand, g:Graphics2D, state:LogoEvaluationState) { command match { case Forward(distance) => { val (nextX, nextY) = (state.x + distance *

Math.sin(Math.toRadians(state.heading)), state.y + distance *

Math.cos(Math.toRadians(state.heading))) g.drawLine(state.x, state.y, nextX, nextY) state.x = nextX state.y = nextY } case Turn(degrees) => state.heading += degrees case Repeat(count, statements) => (0 to count).foreach { _ => evaluate(statements, g, state) } }}
