Implementing an Effective NDMP Backup Solution on IBM Storwize V7000 Unified System Using CommVault...

Post on 04-Feb-2018

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Transcript of Implementing an Effective NDMP Backup Solution on IBM Storwize V7000 Unified System Using CommVault...

  • 7/21/2019 Implementing an Effective NDMP Backup Solution on IBM Storwize V7000 Unified System Using CommVault Simpana 10_final


    Implementing an effective NDMPbackup solution on IBM Storwize V7000

    nifie! s"stem using #ommVaultSimpana $0

    A technical report

    Udayasuryan Kodoly

    Manoj R. Kateja

    IBM Systems and Technology Group ISV na!lementAugust "#$%

    Copyright IBM Corporation, 2014
  • 7/21/2019 Implementing an Effective NDMP Backup Solution on IBM Storwize V7000 Unified System Using CommVault Simpana 10_final


    Table of contents


    '(ecutive summar"&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& $

    Intended audience.................................................................................................................................. 1

    Scope..................................................................................................................................................... 1


    IBM Storwize V7000 nifie! s"stem&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& *

    Storwize V7000 ni!ied "y"te# $%M& o'er'iew............................................................................ .......4

    Storwize V7000 ni!ied "upported $%M& phy"ica( con!iguration...........................................................)

    *wo+way or re#ote- Storwize V7000 ni!ied $%M& con!iguration................................................)

    *hree+way Storwize V7000 ni!ied $%M& con!iguration................................................................

    /unda#enta(" o! Storwize V7000 ni!ied $%M& !eature....................................................... ........7

    Storwize V7000 ni!ied $%M& co##and+(ine con!iguration..........................................................

    a Storwize V7000 ni!ied "y"te# con!iguration..........................................................................3

    Storwize $%M& networ group con!iguration................................................................................. 3

    Storwize V7000 ni!ied $%M& node group con!iguration u"ing 5I..............................................3

    Storwize V7000 ni!ied $%M& node group con!iguration u"ing CI.............................................1)

    Con!iguring Storwize V7000 ni!ied $%M& acup pre!etch..................................................... ..1

    Concurrent Storwize V7000 ni!ied $%M& acup and re"tore u"age with other Storwize V7000ni!ied !unction"........................................................................................................................... 17

    Con"ideration" !or Co##Vau(t Si#pana data #anage#ent app(ication !or Storwize V7000ni!ied "y"te# $%M& acup......................................................................................................13

    Monitoring $%M& "e""ion on Storwize V7000 ni!ied "y"te#.....................................................20

    Monitoring $%M& (og in!or#ation on Storwize V7000 ni!ied "y"te#..........................................21

    #ommVault Simpana $0 NDMP configuration&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&**

    Co##Vau(t Si#pana 10 $%M&+"peci!ic "o!tware dep(oy#ent............................................................22

    aunching Co##Vau(t Si#pana 10 Co##Ce(( con"o(e on a Micro"o!t 6indow" co#puter................22

    Storwize V7000 ni!ied $%M& con!iguration on Co##Vau(t Si#pana 10...........................................24

    *ape (irary and dri'e con!iguration.............................................................................................. 24

    *wo+way or re#ote- Storwize V7000 ni!ied $%M& (irary and dri'e con!iguration....................24

    *hree+way Storwize V7000 ni!ied $%M& (irary and dri'e con!iguration...................................0

    Creating Co##Vau(t Si#pana 10 "torage po(icy..........................................................................7

    8dding the Co##Vau(t Si#pana 10 c(ient !or Storwize V7000 ni!ied $%M&.............................42

    Creating a new "uc(ient !or the new(y+created Co##Vau(t Si#pana 10 Storwize V7000 ni!ied$%M& c(ient.................................................................................................................................. 44

    Storwize V7000 ni!ied $%M& acup u"ing Co##Vau(t Si#pana 10 $%M& e""entia("...................4

    *ype" o! Co##Vau(t Si#pana 10 acup....................................................................................4Initiating Co##Vau(t Si#pana 10 !u(( Storwize V7000 $%M& acup................................. ........43

    *he Co##Vau(t Si#pana 10 incre#enta( 9 di!!erentia( Storwize V7000 ni!ied $%M& acupcon"ideration"...............................................................................................................................)1

    Initiating Co##Vau(t Si#pana 10 incre#enta( 9 di!!erentia( Storwize V7000 ni!ied $%M&acup.......................................................................................................................................... )2

    Schedu(ing Co##Vau(t Si#pana 10 Storwize V7000 ni!ied $%M& acup...............................)4

    Implementing an effective NDMP backup solution on IBM Storwize V7000 nifie! s"stem using #ommVault Simpana $0

  • 7/21/2019 Implementing an Effective NDMP Backup Solution on IBM Storwize V7000 Unified System Using CommVault Simpana 10_final


    Viewing Co##Vau(t Si#pana 10 $%M& acup hi"tory............................................................. .)

    Storwize V7000 ni!ied $%M& re"tore u"ing Co##Vau(t Si#pana 10...............................................)

    %irect 8cce"" :e"tore...................................................................................................................)

    Brow"e and re"tore Storwize V7000 ni!ied $%M& acup with Co##Vau(t Si#pana 10...... ....)


    %ppen!i( %, -lossar"&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& +.

    %ppen!i( B, Materials use! in t/e lab setup&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&+

    %ppen!i( #, 1esources&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& +2

    %bout t/e aut/ors&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&+2

    3ra!emarks an! special notices&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&++

    Implementing an effective NDMP backup solution on IBM Storwize V7000 nifie! s"stem using #ommVault Simpana $0

  • 7/21/2019 Implementing an Effective NDMP Backup Solution on IBM Storwize V7000 Unified System Using CommVault Simpana 10_final



    %&is tec&nical paper provi!es t&e best practices gui!e for implementing IBM StorwizeV7000 nifie! Network Data Management Protocol 'NDMP( backup solution using#ommVault Simpana) %&e IBM Storwize V7000 nifie! s"stem inclu!es t&e IBM

    Storwize V7000 file mo!ule an! t&e Storwize V7000 storage s"stem) %&e IBM StorwizeV7000 nifie! s"stem supports bot& block protocols an! file protocols)

    NDMP is an open protocol for managing !ata store! on networke! file servers) %&eNDMP future !evelopment is un!er t&e !irection of t&e Storage Networking In!ustr"

    *ssociation 'SNI*(+ w&ic& &as a work group for NDMP)

    Executive summary

    *hi" technica( report pro'ide" detai(" on con!iguring and ena(ing the $%M& with IBM;

    Storwize; V7000 ni!ied "y"te# and ena(ing Co##Vau(t Si#pana $%M&+"peci!ic "etting" and


    Co##Vau(t Si#pana acup and reco'ery "o!tware !or $%M& "y"te#" pro'ide" ea"y+to+u"e

    data and "torage #anage#ent capai(itie" that protect data re"iding on IBM Storwize V7000

    ni!ied "y"te#. Co##Vau(t Si#pana "o!tware (e'erage" $%M& to de(i'er a pro'en data

    protection "o(ution with e!!icient acup and re(ia(e re"tore.

    *he IBM Storwize V7000 ni!ied "y"te# "upport" $%M& 'er"ion 4. *he $%M& !unction i"

    con!igured and #anaged on the Storwize V7000 ni!ied "y"te# u"ing the Storwize V7000

    ni!ied co##and+(ine inter!ace CI- !ro# the acti'e #anage#ent node. $%M& a(ert" are written

    to the a(ert (og on the Storwize V7000 ni!ied acti'e #anage#ent node.

    Intended audience

    *hi" technica( report i" intended !or *hin+pro'i"ioned (ogica( 'o(u#e"

    *hi" o!!er" great !(e@ii(ity to cu"to#er" in #eeting their "torage need" that can either e !i(e+a"ed or (oc+a"ed.

    Storwize V7000 ni!ied system "#MP overview

    IBM Storwize V7000 ni!ied "y"te# "upport" $%M& 'er"ion 4. $%M& i" a networ+a"ed

    protoco( u"ed y data #anage#ent app(ication" pri#ari(y !or acing up and re"toring the !i(e"

    contained within a networ+attached "torage $8S- "y"te#, "uch a" IBM Storwize V7000 ni!ied


    *he Storwize V7000 ni!ied "y"te# $%M& !eature pro'ide" the capai(ity to acup and re"tore

    the !i(e" and directorie" within !i(e "y"te#" o! Storwize V7000 ni!ied "y"te#. *he granu(arity o!

    acup i" at the directory (e'e(. $%M& "upport" the concept o! a full backupand an incremental

    backup. 8 !u(( acup ac" up a(( !i(e" and directorie" "peci!ied y Storwize V7000 ni!ied

    $%M& !eature. 8n incre#enta( acup ac" up tho"e !i(e" and directorie" that ha'e changed

    "ince the (a"t !u(( acup. Incre#enta( acup" are cu#u(ati'e.

    8 cu#u(ati'e incre#enta( acup ac" up the !i(e" that are "peci!ied in the acup "e(ection" (i"t

    that ha'e changed "ince the (a"t !u(( acup. 8(( !i(e" are aced up, in the e'ent no pre'iou"

    acup ha" een !ini"hed. Cu#u(ati'e incre#enta( acup" occur auto#atica((y according to the

    "chedu(ed criteria. 8 co#p(ete re"tore re=uire" the (a"t !u(( acup and the (a"t cu#u(ati'e

    incre#enta( acup.

    8 di!!erentia( incre#enta( acup ac" up the !i(e" that ha'e changed "ince the (a"t "ucce""!u(

    incre#enta( di!!erentia( or cu#u(ati'e- or !u(( acup. 8(( !i(e" are aced up i! no pre'iou" acup

    ha" een done. %i!!erentia( incre#enta( acup" occur auto#atica((y according to the "chedu(ed

    criteria. 8 co#p(ete re"tore re=uire" the (a"t !u(( acup, the (a"t cu#u(ati'e incre#enta( acup,

    and a(( di!!erentia( incre#enta( acup" that ha'e occurred "ince the (a"t !u(( acup.

    Storwize V7000 ni!ied supported "#MP p$ysica%


    Implementing an effective NDMP backup solution on IBM Storwize V7000 nifie! s"stem using #ommVault Simpana $0


  • 7/21/2019 Implementing an Effective NDMP Backup Solution on IBM Storwize V7000 Unified System Using CommVault Simpana 10_final


    *here are two pri#ary $%M& con!iguration" that can e u"ed with the Storwize V7000 ni!ied"y"te#.

    *wo+way or re#ote- $%M&

    *hree+way $%M&

    *he !o((owing "ection" de"crie the two+way or re#ote- and three+way $%M& con!iguration" indetai(.

    Two-way (or remote) Storwize V7000 Unifed NDMP confguration

    *he two+way $%M& con"i"t" o! an e@terna( data #anage#ent app(ication, "uch a"

    Co##Vau(t Si#pana, running on a "er'er e@terna( to the Storwize V7000 ni!ied "y"te#.

    *he data #anage#ent app(ication "y"te# ha" "o#e !or# o! "torage hierarchy, "uch a" a

    tape (irary or tier 2 di" "torage that it #anage" !or the "torage o! acup data.

    In addition to the e@terna( data #anage#ent app(ication Co##Vau(t Si#pana- "y"te#, an

    ?thernet networ e@i"t" that connect" the data #anage#ent app(ication "y"te# to the

    Storwize V7000 !i(e #odu(e" on which the $%M& "er'er i" running. $%M& contro( and data

    tra!!ic !(ow acro"" thi" networ, etween the e@terna( data #anage#ent app(ication "y"te#and the Storwize V7000 ni!ied !i(e #odu(e", on which the $%M& "er'er i" running.

    1ecommen!ation< *he reco##endation i" that thi" networ e a high "peed 10 5 ?thernet

    networ to hand(e the 'o(u#e o! data eing aced up or re"tored. Aowe'er, nothing

    pre'ent" thi" networ !ro# eing a 1 5 ?thernet networ.

    /igure "how" an e@a#p(e o! a two+way Storwize V7000 ni!ied $%M& con!iguration. It

    inc(ude" an e@terna( data #anage#ent app(ication Co##Vau(t Si#pana- running on a

    "er'er e@terna( to the Storwize V7000 ni!ied "y"te#. *he data #anage#ent app(ication

    "er'er ha" an IBM Sy"te# Storage *S7)05 &rotec*I?:; %edup(ication 5ateway attached

    to it through an 5p" /ire Channe( /C- S8$. *he Sy"te# Storage *S7)05 &rotec*I?:

    %edup(ication 5ateway ha" an IBM Sy"te# Storage %S)000 "torage contro((er attached to itthrough 5p" /C (in", which in turn ha" "o#e nu#er o! IBM Sy"te# Storage %S)000

    di" "torage e@pan"ion unit" attached to it through 5p" /C (in". *he data #anage#ent

    app(ication i" connected to a 10 5p" ?thernet networ to which the Storwize V7000 ni!ied

    !i(e #odu(e" are attached. In /igure , the (ine" are intended to "how the type and "peed o!

    the connection" etween the 'ariou" phy"ica( co#ponent" and do not nece""ari(y repre"ent

    the actua( nu#er o! phy"ica( (in".

    Implementing an effective NDMP backup solution on IBM Storwize V7000 nifie! s"stem using #ommVault Simpana $0


  • 7/21/2019 Implementing an Effective NDMP Backup Solution on IBM Storwize V7000 Unified System Using CommVault Simpana 10_final


    ,igure /- %wowa" 'remote( Storwize V7000 NDMP configuration

    Three-way Storwize V7000 Unifed NDMP confguration

    In a three+way Storwize V7000 ni!ied $%M& con!iguration, an $%M& tape "er'er i" in"ta((ed

    on a "er'er e@terna( to the Storwize V7000 ni!ied "y"te# and "eparate !ro# the "er'er onwhich the Co##Vau(t Si#pana data #anage#ent app(ication i" running. So#e !or# o!

    "torage de'ice", "uch a" a 'irtua( tape (irary or rea( tape (irary and tape dri'e" are attached

    to the "er'er running the $%M& tape "er'er.

    *he $%M& contro(" the tra!!ic !(ow etween the Co##Vau(t Si#pana data #anage#ent

    app(ication "y"te# and the Storwize V7000 ni!ied !i(e #odu(e". $%M& data tra!!ic !(ow"

    etween the Storwize V7000 ni!ied !i(e #odu(e" and the $%M& tape "er'er. In thi" "cenario,

    on(y $%M& contro( tra!!ic i" !(owing etween the Co##Vau(t Si#pana data #anage#ent

    app(ication "y"te# and the Storwize V7000 ni!ied !i(e #odu(e". *here!ore, the Co##Vau(t

    Si#pana data #anage#ent app(ication "y"te# doe" not need to e on a high+"peed networ.

    *he Co##Vau(t Si#pana data #anage#ent app(ication- "y"te# can u"e a (ower "peed, 1

    5p" ?thernet, networ to connect the Storwize V7000 ni!ied !i(e #odu(e" and the e@terna(

    "er'er on which the $%M& tape "er'er i" running.

    Aowe'er, $%M& data tra!!ic the actua( data eing aced up or re"tored- i" !(owing etween

    the Storwize V7000 ni!ied !i(e #odu(e" and the e@terna( "er'er on which the $%M& tape

    "er'er i" running.

    Implementing an effective NDMP backup solution on IBM Storwize V7000 nifie! s"stem using #ommVault Simpana $0

  • 7/21/2019 Implementing an Effective NDMP Backup Solution on IBM Storwize V7000 Unified System Using CommVault Simpana 10_final


    1ecommen!ation< It i" reco##ended that the ?thernet networ etween the $%M& tape

    "er'er and the Storwize V7000 ni!ied !i(e #odu(e" running the $%M& "er'er e a high+

    "peed 10 5p" ?thernet networ.

    /igure 4"how" an e@a#p(e o! an $%M& three+way con!iguration. In thi" e@a#p(e, the

    Storwize V7000 ni!ied !i(e #odu(e" u"ed !or !i(e "er'ing- and the data #anage#ent

    app(ication" are connected on a 1 5p" ?thernet networ. Storwize V7000 ni!ied !i(e

    #odu(e" u"ed !or $%M& acup and re"tore, are a("o connected to a 10 5p" ?thernet

    networ a(ong with the $%M& tape "er'er. *he "er'er on which the $%M& tape "er'er i"

    running i" connected to an 5p" /C S8$ a(ong with an IBM Sy"te# Storage *S)00 tape

    (irary with "o#e /C+attached tape dri'e", "uch a" IBM inear *ape+pen data cartridge",

    5eneration , 5eneration 4, or 5eneration ) tape dri'e".

    ,igure 1- %&reewa" Storwize V7000 NDMP configuration

    undamenta!" o# Storwize V7000 Unifed NDMP #eature

    *he !o((owing point" e@p(ain the !unda#enta(" o! Storwize V7000 ni!ied $%M& !eature"ptions !ialog bo=

    $otice that the irary and %ri'e Con!iguration too( di"p(ay" the con!igured tape (irary

    and dri'e", a" "hown in /igure 27.

    ,igure .7- %&e 2ibrar" an! Drive #onfiguration tool !ispla"ing t&e configure! tape librar" an!!rives

    Implementing an effective NDMP backup solution on IBM Storwize V7000 nifie! s"stem using #ommVault Simpana $0


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    ,igure .;- %&e 2ibrar" an! Drive #onfiguration tool

    . In the %etect irary dia(og o@, "e(ect NDMP Devices, "e(ect the appropriate

    Media8gent, and then c(ic

  • 7/21/2019 Implementing an Effective NDMP Backup Solution on IBM Storwize V7000 Unified System Using CommVault Simpana 10_final


    ,igure /$- p!ating t&e NDMP &ost list

    ). In the $%M& Ser'er i"t dia(og o@, c(ic %!!to pro'ide the Storwize V7000 ni!ied

    $%M& tape "er'er I& addre"" in!or#ation, a" "hown in /igure 2.

    ,igure /.- %&e NDMP Server 2ist !ialog bo=

    . In the 8dd $%M& Ser'er dia(og o@, pro'ide the Storwize V7000 ni!ied $%M& tape

    "er'er I& addre"" and Storwize V7000 ni!ied $%M& credentia(" and c(ic

  • 7/21/2019 Implementing an Effective NDMP Backup Solution on IBM Storwize V7000 Unified System Using CommVault Simpana 10_final


    ,igure //- Provi!ing t&e Storwize V7000 nifie! NDMP tape server IP a!!ress information

    Implementing an effective NDMP backup solution on IBM Storwize V7000 nifie! s"stem using #ommVault Simpana $0

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    7. In the $%M& Ser'er i"t dia(og o@, c(ic #loseto continue, a" "hown in/igure 4.

    ,igure /1- NDMP Server 2ist !ialog bo= !ispla"ing t&e recentl" a!!e! IP a!!ress

    . Se(ect the Storwize V7000 ni!ied $%M& tape "er'er !ro# the %vailable NDMP Servers

    (i"t o@ and c(ic %!!. *hen c(ic

  • 7/21/2019 Implementing an Effective NDMP Backup Solution on IBM Storwize V7000 Unified System Using CommVault Simpana 10_final


    3. In the $%M& tape "er'er (irary con!iguration con!ir#ation #e""age o@, c(icGesto

    continue a!ter $%M& tape "er'er i" con!igured, c(ic View 5og!or detai(" a" "how in

    /igure .

    ,igure /9- %&e 2ibrar" an! Disk #onfiguration tool in process

    10. *he irary and %i" Con!iguration too( pro'ide" the (og in!or#ation !or the detected tape

    (irary o! the $%M& tape "er'er, a" "hown in /igure 7.

    ,igure /7- 2og information of t&e !etecte! tape librar" of t&e NDMP tape server

    Implementing an effective NDMP backup solution on IBM Storwize V7000 nifie! s"stem using #ommVault Simpana $0


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    11. :ight+c(ic the detected tape (irary o! the $%M& tape "er'er and c(ic #onfigurea"

    "hown in /igure - to con!igure the tape (irary o! the $%M& tape "er'er.

    ,igure /- #onfiguring t&e tape librar" of t&e NDMP tape server

    12. Se(ect 5ibrar" an! all !rivesand c(ic

  • 7/21/2019 Implementing an Effective NDMP Backup Solution on IBM Storwize V7000 Unified System Using CommVault Simpana 10_final


    1. In the %i"co'er Media ption" dia(og o@, "e(ect an appropriate #edia type and c(icGes

    to continue, a" "hown in /igure 40.

    ,igure 10- Specif"ing t&e me!ia t"pe

    *he irary and %ri'e Con!iguration too( di"p(ay" the con!igured tape (irary and dri'e" o! the

    $%M& tape "er'er, a" "hown in /igure 41.

    ,igure 1$- %&e 2ibrar" an! Drive #onfiguration tool !ispla"ing t&e configure! tape librar" an!!rives

    Implementing an effective NDMP backup solution on IBM Storwize V7000 nifie! s"stem using #ommVault Simpana $0


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    *reating *ommVau!t Sim'ana ,0 "torage 'o!icy

    *o create a Co##Vau(t Si#pana 10 "torage po(icy Note .,*he #a@i#u# (ength o! the acup group na#e i" 2 character"

    inc(u"i'e o! a po""i(e $%M&?EIS*I$5-.

    B%#=P6-1 Note *,*he !o((owing 'a(ue" are accepta(e !or thi" en'iron#ent 'aria(e