
Post on 12-Nov-2014

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Do you want to impress or confuse clients or Vice versa?.........useTechno vocabulary.. It can be called the "Buzzword" writing method. It is simple.

There are three columns of words involved, as follows:

0. Balanced        0. Management          0. contingency1. total              1. Organization           1. Hardware (or software)2. integrated      2. reciprocal               2. projection3. compatible     3. monitored              3. time-frame4. synchronized  4.. digital                    4. concept5. optimal          5. modular                 5. programming6. responsive     6. transitional             6. mobility7. functional       7. Incremental           7. capability8. parallel          8. third-generation      8. flexibility9. systemized     9. policy                    9. options

Just select any three-digit number; then use the correspondingBuzzwords from the above grid, e.g., 257: "integrated modularcapability". Don't  worry if it doesn't make sense to you; it  won'tmean anything to anyone else either, but they'll think you're  justsmarter than they are so they won't say anything!! .. You can propose"systemized reciprocal options" (929) to achieve  "optimaltransitional flexibility" (568), so that we can think  of  an"integrated monitored projection" ..............and your boss willprobably promote you or your customer will be blown away  with yourtechnological superiority .

HEIGHT / WEIGHT CHART Average height and weight of boys at different ages 



Birth 3.3 50.5

3 months6.0 61.1

6 months 7.8 67.8

9 months 9.2 72.3

1 year 10.2 76.1

2 years 12.3 85.6

3 years 14.6 94.9

4 years 16.7 102.9

5 years 18.7 109.9

6 years 20.7 116.1

7 years 22.9 121.7

8 years 25.3 127.0

9 years 28.1 132.2

10 years 31.4 137.5

11 years 32.2 140.0

12 years 37.0 147.0

13 years 40.9 153.0

14 years 47.0 160.0

15 years 52.6 166.0

16 years 58.0 171.0

17 years 62.7 175.0

18 years 65.0 177.0

What is International Court?In Holland, a group of statesmen met to discuss ways of stopping wars and solving disagreements between nations in 1899. To set up the International Court of Justice, this was one of the ways they found. Countries who quarrel should go to the international court where fifteen judges from different countries decide who is in the right. Decisions are based on a majority of judges present. The countries in dispute have to agree to accept the decision before they go to court. Disputes are very often about where exactly frontiers between countries are drawn.

The European Court of Justice is another international court that sits in Luxembourg. This was set up by the countries of the European Community. It makes sure that all the countries of the common market obey the rules and it can fine countries, who disobey, very heavily. Every member country appoints a judge

Who became the first woman to sail around the world?The first woman to sail around the world single-handed was a 28-year old New Zealander, Naomi James. In September 1977, she set sail from Dartmouth on the south coast of England. Her 16-metre yacht, named Express Crusador, was fitted with all modern navigation aids and steering gear. Her 48,000-kilometer journey was full of adventure. At sea, after four weeks, her radio broke and after another five weeks, the self-steering gear was smashed in a storm. By putting into port for sometime, Naomi had to get it repaired. In June 1978 she successfully completed the sail and was made Dame Commander of the British Empire. She set another record becoming the first woman to cross Atlantic single-handed in 1980.

Valued Exposure: Spanish artist Pablo Picasso (1881 - 1973) sits in his studio in his villa 'La Californie' at Cannes, surrounded by his paintings and sculpture, holding up a cutout figure playing a pipe, circa 1955. Photo: Express/Getty Images

About the ArtworkPablo Picasso's tragic and poignant "Old Guitarist" was created during his Blue Period (1901 - 1904), after a close friend's suicide plunged him into a deep depression. Only 20 years of age at the time, his already vast emotional range profoundly spoke through the painting's somber tones and expressive contours.

About the ArtworkDutch painter Vincent Van Gogh (1853 - 1890) was a post-Impressionist whose work powerfully influenced modern Expressionism, Fauvism and early abstraction. Born in the Netherlands, and living primarily in France, Van Gogh was a prolific artist who produced all of his work during a 10-year period-at one point, creating an astounding 150 paintings and drawings within one year.


Pablo Ruiz Picasso (October 25, 1881 – April 8, 1973) was a Spanish painter, draughtsman, and sculptor. As one of the most recognized figures in twentieth-century art, he is best known for co-founding the Cubist movement and for the wide variety of styles embodied in his work. Among his most famous works are the proto-Cubist Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1907) and his depiction of the German bombing of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War, Guernica (1937).

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Curative YogaTypes of Yoga AsanasListed below are some of the more common yoga asanas that prove very effective in the achieving of perfect health by ensuring a maintenance / correction of doshic balance / imbalance. For details, please click on the asana that you would like to know more about.

The Sun Salutation ( Surya Namaskar )

Leg Raises

Basic Breathing ( Pranayama )

The Plough ( Hala Asana )

The Shoulder Stand ( Sarvang Asana )

The Fish ( Matsya Asana )

The Bow ( Dhanur Asana )

The Lotus ( Padma Asana )

The Bridge ( Sethu Bandh Asana )

The Headstand ( Shirsh Asana )

Forwardbend (Paschimothana Asana)

Cobra (Bhujanga Asana)

The Locust (Salabha Asana)

The Half Spinal Twist ( Ardha Matsyendra Asana )

The Crow ( Kakasana )

The Triangle ( Trikona Asana )

The Corpse Pose ( Shava Asana )

The Lion (Singhasana)

The Half Wheel (Ardha Chakrasan)


The Peacock (Mayurasan)

The Knee to Chest (Pawanmuktasan)

Hidden Lotus (Baddha padmasan)

Knee Nose Pose(Supta Pawana Muktasana)

Half Shoulderstand(Ardha Sarvangasana)

Half Locust Pose(Ardha Shalabhasana)



Anti Rheumatic Asana

Vrikshasana(Ardha Chandrasana)

Shoulder Socket Rotation(skandha chakra)

Never take some one for granted,Hold every person Close to your Heart because you might wake up one day and realise that you have lost a diamond while you were too busy collecting stones." Remember this always in life.

If Gayathri as a kid wanted to become somebody in life, it is a chef. And here she is, smart and lively, in charge of the seafood restaurant of Taj Malabar in Kochi. Just 22 years old, she is very vibrant and thrilled of her first career at Taj for the last eight months. Born in a Tamil Brahmin family, Gayathri  had her education at Ahmedabad and Mumbai. She had her catering degree from Indian Institute of Hotel Management, Mumbai. From childhood itself, she was an ardent fan of Master Chef Sanjeev Kapoor, the great cookery presenter of Indian Television and had dreamt of his career ever since. Of all the dishes, she likes continental dishes much as they provide greater scope for vivid garnishing and styling. "Its easy to play with ingredients in continental dishes and I can bring more variety in the dish", the young chef chirps. She looks into internet and foreign books for exotic recipes. Her next source of new dishes is her customers themselves. "Though sometimes they can be very irritating," she adds. But, she takes in criticism and suggestions for her own improvement in the culinary skills. "Many of the customers are interested in the cooking aspect of the dishes they eat. I am also happy to have direct interactions with them", this is her mantra of working.                                                                                                                                                                   nbsp;                                                                                        

Konchu Ularthiyathu Scampi- 3 no., Onion, chopped- 100 g, Garlic, sliced- 30 g, Green chilly, chopped- 30 gGinger , julienne- 25 g, Curry leaves- a few Tomato, chopped- 50 g,Kashmiri chilly powder-20 g,Coriander powder- 10 g, Turmeric powder-5 g,Garam masala powder-     5 gFennel powder- 5 g, Coconut oil- 50 ml

Method 1. Shell, de vein and clean the prawns.2. In a pan, heat the coconut oil, add ginger juliennes, chopped green chillies and curry leaves. Add the chopped onion and saute till golden brown. 3. Add the chopped tomatoes, chilly powder, turmeric powder, coriander powder and the fennel powder. Saute and cook till well done.4. Add the prawn and mix it along with the above mixture and cook. 5. Finish by adding a pinch of garam masala powder. Serve hot.

Masala Grilled Fish Fresh fish fillet- 2 no.

For the marinade:Turmeric powder-     5 g, Kashmiri Chilly paste- 80 g, Curry leaves- a few Coriander powder-20 g, Vinegar- 15 ml, Chopped shallots- 10 g, Egg- 1 no., Crushed black pepper- 5 gGinger garlic paste- 10 g, Salt- to taste, Coconut oil- 40 ml,

Method 1. Mix together all the ingredients together mentioned for the marinade till it forms into a thick paste.2. Apply this marinade on the fish fillet and grill it on a griddle. 3. Cook till the fish gets cooked and becomes little crisp.4. Serve hot with some lemon wedges.

Paneer Shabnam

Cottage cheese- 500 g, Capsicum- 100 g, Onion-80 g, Tomatoes    -100 g. Jeera- 3 gGinger-10 g, Garlic-10 g, Garam masala powder- 3 g, Chopped coriander- 10 g, Salt    to tasteOil-10 ml

Method 1.Heat oil in a pan, add jeera and allow it to crackle. 2.Add the chopped ginger and garlic and saute. 3. Add the onions, capsicum, tomatoes and cottage cheese. Cook well.4. Add the garam masala powder, salt and coriander leaves and cook. 5. Once the tomatoes are fully cooked, serve hot.

Grilled Chicken with Garlic Mash and Balsamic Onions Chicken breast- 2 no.,Garlic, chopped- 5 g, Potatoes, mashed- 50 g, Onions, sliced-15 gBalsemic vinegar- 5 ml, Butter- 10 g, Cream- 10 ml, Salt    to taste, Crushed pepper-5 gParsley a sprig, Sugar- 5 g

Method 1.Marinate the chicken breast with salt and pepper. Apply butter on a griller and grill the chicken breast till it cooks. 2.Melt a little butter in a pan and add the chopped garlic. Add the mashed potatoes and  mix well. 3. Season the potatoes with salt and pepper. Add cream and remove from flame. 4. Melt the remaining butter in a pan and add the sliced onions and saute.5. Add the balsamic vinegar, sugar and a pinch of salt and cook till onions are soft. 6. In a plate put the mashed potatoes in the centre and arrange the chicken breast on top. 7. Put the balsamic onions on top of the chicken and serve garnished with a sprig of parsley.

Karikku Pudding

Egg yolks-4 no., Sugar- 40 g, Milk-125 ml, Gelatin- 15 g, Coconut milk- 125 ml, Whipped cream- 100 g, Scrapings of tender coconut  50 g

Method 1. Cream the egg yolks and sugar together till it becomes fluffy. 2. Add hot milk to the creamed egg yolk and sugar and mix well. 3. Cook this mixture in  a double boiler till it becomes thick. 4. Melt the soaked gelatin in a double boiler. 5. Add the melted gelatin in a stream and fold into the custard and cool the mixture. 6. Add the coconut milk and strain the liquid.7. Fold in the whipped cream and finally add the scrapings and put it in the moulds. 8. Keep it in refrigerator for one hour till the pudding sets. 9. Serve the pudding garnished with pineapple slices and chocolate sauce.

Hello everyone – I don’t believe in the “luck” or “pass it on” bit, I do like the words though!


This is without a doubt one of the nicest good luck forwards I have received. Hope it works for you -- and me! You have 6 minutes

There's some mighty fine advice in these words. This has been sent To you for good luck from the Anthony Robbins organization.. It has been sent around the world ten times so Far.

Do not keep this message.

This must leave your hands in 6 MINUTES. Otherwise you will get a very unpleasant surprise. This is true, even if you are not superstitious, agnostic, or otherwise faith impaired.

ONE. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.

TWO. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational ski lls will be as important as any other.

THREE. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.

FOUR. When you say, "I love you," mean it.

FIVE. When you say, "I'm sorry," look the person in the eye.

SIX. Be engaged at least six months before you get married.

SEVEN. Believe in love at first sight.

EIGHT. Never laugh at anyone's dream. People who don't have dreams don't have much.

NINE. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely.

TEN. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling.

ELEVEN. Don't judge people by their relatives.

TWELVE. Talk slowly but think quickly.

THIRTEEN. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, "Why do you want to know?"

FOURTEEN. Remember that great love a nd great achievements involve gre at risk.

FIFTEEN. Say "God bless you" when you hear someone sneeze.

SIXTEEN. When you lose, don't lose the lesson .

SEVENTEEN. Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; and responsibility for all your actions.

EIGHTEEN. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.

NINETEEN. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.

TWENTY. Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice.

TWENTY-ONE. Spend some time alone.

A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.

Do not keep this message



Lessons in Logic Heaven On Earth

An American decided to write a book about famous churches around the World. So he bought a plane ticket and took a trip to China. On his first day he was inside a church taking photographs when he noticed a golden telephone mounted on the wall with a sign that read "$10,000 per call"

The American, being intrigued, asked a priest who was strolling by what the telephone was used for.

The priest replied that it was a direct line to heaven and that for $10,000 you could talk to God.

The American thanked the priest & went along his way.Next stop was in Japan. There, at a very large cathedral, he saw the same golden telephone with the same sign under it.

He wondered if this was the same kind of telephone he saw in China & he asked a nearby nun why its so costly.

She told him that it was a direct line to heaven & for $10,000 he could talk to God.

"O.K., thank you," said the American.He then traveled to Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Russia, Germany and France.

In every church he saw the same golden telephone with the same "$10,000 per call" sign under it.

The American, upon leaving Vermont decided to travel to up to India to see if Indians had the same phone.

He arrived in India, and again, in the first church he entered, there was the same golden telephone, but this time the sign under it read "One Rupee per call."

The American was surprised so he asked the priest about the sign. "Father, I've traveled all over Worldand I've seen this same golden Telephone in many churches. I'm told that it is a direct line to Heaven, but Worldwide the price was $10,000 per call. Why is it so cheap here?"

The priest smiled and answered, "You're in India, Son- it's a  Local Call". This is the only HEAVEN on the Earth

A Select Collection of Quotations about AttitudeMark Fidrych: Quotations about AttitudeWhen you're a winner you're always happy, but if you're happy as a loser you'll always be a loser. Timothy Bentley: Quotations about AttitudeWhenever you're in conflict with someone, there is one factor that can make the difference between damaging your relationship and deepening it. That factor is attitude. Georgia O'Keeffe: Quotations about AttitudeWhere I was born and where and how I have lived is unimportant. It is what I have done with where I have been that should be of interest. Henry Ford: Quotations about AttitudeWhether you think you can or whether you think you can't - you're right. Joseph Addison: Quotations about AttitudeWhether zeal or moderation be the point we aim at, let us keep the fire out of the one, and the frost out of the other.

"The uncertainty principle is the quantum version of being lost: either you know where you are, but not where you are going, or you know where you are going, but nothing about where you are." --- Peter Atkins, in Galileo's Finger

The M V Denden ship belonging to a African country called Eritrea sunk just 300 meters away from the coast of Mangalore killing two sailors and resulted in one person still missing. Out of 24 people in the ship, 21 swam to safety. The ship was carrying Furnace Slag to Dubai from Mangalore.


The ship had sailed off from New Mangalore Port on the eve of 21st June 2007 had stalled due to an engine trouble at 2 nautical miles. It is reported that the captain Abraham N Kwaw initially rejected any kind of help offered by the Police and cost guard people and has said that it was a minor problem and sail with some repairs in the engine room.


Soon after at 11.30 pm on Friday night the captain Kwaw had sent an SOS stating that he wanted immediate help. On this request the Additional Superintendent of Police B.S. Lokesh Kumar and the Coast Guard had responded quickly but at that time the weather had played truant and the police and the Coast Guard found the going tough as the waves in the sea had grown out of size and none of the navy coast guard or the local fishermen could  do anything but to watch and hoping that the weather gave some respite which was not to be.


On Saturday morning the ship was already tilting as so much water had entered its hold and engine room and people witnessing the tragedy unfolding before their very own eyes could feel that the ship was doomed. At this point of time the district administration took decisions to save the crew immediately as the ship was showing signs of capsizing.


The efforts to press a Coast Guard and Navy Helicopters from Kochi and Panaji failed, as the weather was too rough and twice the helicopter tried to take off from Kochi but the weather here had gone from bad to worse making air lifting of the marooned crew impossible. The Coast Guard Ship Annie Besant also tried to approach the ship in distress from the Western side but due to the ship being very close to the shore the Coast Guard thought it's dangerous to attempt any rescue. The weather worsened further and that was also the end of all rescue operations.  At 2 PM 12 crew members of the ship launched themselves into two rubber dinghies from the

ship but due to rough seas the dinghies were torn into pieces and two of the crew members died due to drowning.  Their bodies have been recovered by the local fishermen.

At 2.45 pm the Ship finally started to capsize on its side shocking thousands of people gathered just 300 meters away on the shore. Just before the Ship disappeared into the sea six of its crew members abandoned the ship and swam to safety and were taken to hospital in waiting ambulances. Eight crew members who were still trapped under the ship emerged one by one and all except one swam to safety. The fate of the last sailor is yet to be established.


It’s proved here that Modern technology, manpower and facilities were helpless in front of fury of Nature. Thousands of people stood there on the beach just 300 meters away from the ship without able to do anything but many of them praying. Many of them had not even had their food but were just praying for the safety of those sailors. Men were cursing the government and other departments for not able to rescue these sailors and many Women were crying. But at the same time some other people were too busy in picking up the things to take home which have come sailing from the ship.


Local fishermen got the praise from all people gathered there for rescuing many sailors and it’s said that without their help there would have been more deaths. It was heartening to see the Local fishermen along with the fishermen from Ullal, rescuing the sailors without any protection for their own Life..




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Be Deaf to Negativity


Once upon a time there was a bunch of tiny frogs.... who arranged a running competition.  

The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower.  

A big crowd had gathered around the tower to see the race and cheer on the contestants....  

The race began....  

Honestly:No one in crowd really believed that the tiny frogs would reach the top of the tower.    You heard statements such as:  

"Oh, WAY too difficult!!"  

"They will NEVER make it to the top."  

or:"Not a chance that they will succeed. The tower is too high!"

 The tiny frogs began collapsing. One by one.  

Except for those, who in a fresh tempo, were climbing higher and higher....

The crowd continued to yell, "It is too difficult!!! No one will make it!"

More tiny frogs got tired and gave up....

But ONE continued higher and higher and higher....

This one wouldn't give up!  

  At the end everyone else had given up climbing the tower. Except for the one tiny frog who, after a big effort, was the only one who reached the top!  THEN all of the other tiny frogs naturally wanted to know how this one frog managed to do it?  

  A contestant asked the tiny frog how he had found the strength to succeed and reach the goal?  It turned out....

That the winner was DEAF!!!!  

  The wisdom of this story is:

Never listen to other people's tendencies to be negative or pessimistic.... because they take your most wonderful dreams and wishes away from you -- the ones you have in your heart!    Always think of the power words have.

Because everything you hear and read will affect your actions!  Therefore:ALWAYS be.... POSITIVE!   And above all:Be DEAF when people tell YOU that you cannot fulfill your dreams!  

Always think: God and I can do this!  

Pass this message on to     the "tiny frogs" you care about.  

Give them some motivation!!!  

 Most people walk in and out of your life......but FRIENDS leave footprints in your heart

and I would like to share these thoughts with you.... MANY SMILES BEGIN BECAUSE OF ANOTHER SMILE...  

  To The World You Might Be One Person; But To One Person You Might Be the World.

You have been Tagged by the Froggy, which means you are a great friend!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  Cool Links Running at Mastitrain forum. My idea of an agreeable person is a person who agrees with me. Benjamin Disraeli (1804 - 1881)It is by universal misunderstanding that all agree. For if, by ill luck, people understood each other, they would never agree.

Charles Baudelaire (1821 - 1867)Those who agree with us may not be right, but we admire their astuteness. Cullen HightowerYour very silence shows you agree. Euripides (484 BC - 406 BC)We rarely think people have good sense unless they agree with us. Francois de La Rochefoucauld (1613 - 1680), Maximes (1678)If men would consider not so much wherein they differ, as wherein they agree, there would be far less of uncharitableness and angry feeling. Joseph Addison (1672 - 1719)If two men agree on everything, you may be sure that one of them is doing the thinking. Lyndon B. Johnson (1908 - 1973)I don't necessarily agree with everything I say. Marshall McLuhan (1911 - 1980)If you can find something everyone agrees on, it's wrong. Mo UdallTo disagree with three-fourths of the British public is one of the first requisites of sanity. Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900)Whenever people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong. Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900)The greatest mistake is trying to be more agreeable than you can be. Walter Bagehot (1826 - 1877)When two men in business always agree, one of them is unnecessary. William Wrigley Jr. (1861 - 1932)Sometimes you love something so much that it hurts to leave it, but you must. Sometimes it hurts too much to hold on to that thing you love. And sometimes you let go of what you love because it hurts, but then just sometimes... you get it back and live happily ever after.* * * * * * * * * Why do people have to lose things to find out what they really mean? * * * * * * * * *When you are in love and you get hurt, it's like a cut... it will heal, but there will always be a scar.* * * * * * * * * May God put a spell on you... so you won't forget me. * * * * * * * * *Whenever I cried he would always make me feel like he would change the world if he could so it couldn't hurt me anymore. But now I'm crying and he's not here* * * * * * * * *. You can close your eyes to things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to things you don't want to feel.* * * * * * * * *. When I see you smile and know that it is not for me, that is when I will miss you the most. * * * * * * * * *When you said forever, you meant a few months. When I said forever, I meant every day until I died. When you said always, you meant until you couldn't handle it anymore. When I said always, I meant until time ended. When you said you loved me, you meant I was no different from any other girl. When I said I loved you, I meant I had never felt what I felt for you.* * * * * * * * *was never one to patiently pick up broken fragments and glue them together again and tell myself that the mended whole was as good as new. What is broken is broken -- and I'd rather remember it as it was at its best than mend it and see the broken places as long as I lived. unknown sad love quotes * * * * * * * * *.  

With you my heart will always stay. With you my thoughts will be every day. You remain to be the one that I regret letting get away. Why didn't I say what I needed to say? You are the one I will always use my wishes on. You are the one I will always wish was never gone. I'll constantly wonder what went wrong. I'll forever think of what I could've did that was never done.* * * * * * * * *I don't miss him, I miss who I thought he was * * * * * * * * * I miss you a little, I guess you could say, a little too much, a little too often, and a little more each day  * * * * * * * * *. There's this place in me where your finger prints still rest... your kisses still linger and your whispers softly echo... It's the place where a part of you will forever be a part of me* * * * * * * * *A teardrop is insignificant in a pool of water, but it can touch the soul as it runs down someone's face.I asked God to take away my pride. And God said "No."He said it was not for Him to take away, but for me to give it up.

I asked God to make my handicapped child whole. And God said "No." He said her spirit was whole, her body was only temporary.

I asked God to grant me patience. And God said "No."He said patience is a by-product of tribulations. It isn't granted, it is earned.

I asked God to give me happiness. And God said "No."He said He gives me blessings -- happiness is up to me.

I asked God to spare me pain. And God said "No."He said suffering separates you from world and draws you closer to Me.

I asked God to make my spirit grow. And God said "No."He said I must grow on my own. But He will prune me to make me fruitful.

I asked for all things, that I might enjoy life. And God said "No." He said I will give you life, that you may enjoy all things.

I asked God to help me LOVE others, as much as HE loves me.And God said . . . Ah, finally -- NOW you have the right idea!

I asked God to take away my pride. And God said "No."He said it was not for Him to take away, but for me to give it up.

I asked God to make my handicapped child whole. And God said "No." He said her spirit was whole, her body was only temporary.

I asked God to grant me patience. And God said "No."He said patience is a by-product of tribulations. It isn't granted, it is earned.

I asked God to give me happiness. And God said "No."He said He gives me blessings -- happiness is up to me.

I asked God to spare me pain. And God said "No."He said suffering separates you from world and draws you closer to Me.

I asked God to make my spirit grow. And God said "No."He said I must grow on my own. But He will prune me to make me fruitful.

I asked for all things, that I might enjoy life. And God said "No." He said I will give you life, that you may enjoy all things.

I asked God to help me LOVE others, as much as HE loves me.And God said . . . Ah, finally -- NOW you have the right idea!

 I asked God to take away my pride. And God said "No."He said it was not for Him to take away, but for me to give it up.

I asked God to make my handicapped child whole. And God said "No." He said her spirit was whole, her body was only temporary.

I asked God to grant me patience. And God said "No."He said patience is a by-product of tribulations. It isn't granted, it is earned.

I asked God to give me happiness. And God said "No."He said He gives me blessings -- happiness is up to me.

I asked God to spare me pain. And God said "No."He said suffering separates you from world and draws you closer to Me.

I asked God to make my spirit grow. And God said "No."He said I must grow on my own. But He will prune me to make me fruitful.

I asked for all things, that I might enjoy life. And God said "No." He said I will give you life, that you may enjoy all things.

I asked God to help me LOVE others, as much as HE loves me.And God said . . . Ah, finally -- NOW you have the right idea!

Hospital Window

Two men,

both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room .  

One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs.His bed was next to the room's only window. 

The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back.

 The men talked for hours on end. They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the military service, where they had been on vacation.

Every afternoon when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window.

The man in the other bed began to live for those one hour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and color of the world outside.

The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every color and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance.

As the man by the window described all this in exquisite detail, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine the picturesque scene .

One warm afternoon the man by the window described a parade passing by.

Although the other man couldn't hear the band - he could see it. In his mind's eye as the gentleman by the window portrayed it with descriptive words.

Days and weeks passed.

One morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the lifeless body of   the man by the window, who had died peacefully in his sleep. She was saddened and called the hospital attendants to take the body away.

As soon as it seemed appropriate, the other man asked if he could be moved next to the window . The nurse was happy to make the switch, and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone.

Slowly, painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look at the real world outside. He strained to slowly turn to look out the window beside the bed.

It faced a blank wall .

The man asked the nurse what could have compelled his deceased roommate who had described such wonderful things outside this window.

The nurse responded that the man was blind and could not even see the wall.

She said, " Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you ."


  There is tremendous happiness in making others happy, despite our own situations.

Shared grief is half the sorrow, but happiness when shared, is doubled.

If you want to feel rich, just count all the things you have that money can't buy.

black rose  show details

 26-Jun (5 days ago) 




   Hospital Window   

There were once 2 brothers who lived on the 80th floor of a tall building. On coming home one day, they realized to their dismay that the lifts were not working and that they have to climb the stairs home. After struggling to the 20th level, panting and tired, they decided to abandon their bags and come back for them the next day. They left their bags then and climbed on.

When they have struggled to the 40th level by this time they had gone sufficiently mad and irritated. The younger brother started to grumble and both of them began to quarrel. They continued to climb the flights of steps, quarreling all the way to the 60th floor.

They then realized that they have only 20 levels more to climb and decided to stop quarreling and continue climbing in peace. They silently climbed on and reached their home at long last. Each stood calmly before the door and waited for the! other to open the door. And they realized that the key was in their bags which were left on the 20th floor.


All of us climb the tall building called LiFE. Some climb till all the 80 floors and some less. Many of us climb under the expectations of our companion.

Time to time these are our friends and parents till the 20th floor, then our spouse and our dear ones till the next level of the building. We seldom get to do the things that we really like and love and are under so much pressure and stress so that by the age of 20, we get tired and decided to dump this load. Being free of the stress and pressure, we work enthusiastically and dream ambitious wishes.

By the time we reach 40 years old, we start to lose our vision and dreams. We began to feel unsatisfied and start to complain and criticize. We live life as a misery as we are never satisfied.

Reaching 60, we realize that we have little left for complaining anymore, and we began to walk the final episode in peace a! nd calmness. We think that there is nothing left to disappoint us, only to realize that we could not rest in peace because we have an unfulfilled dream.

A dream we abandon 60 years ago. So what's your dream? Know your dreams and follow it so that you will not live with regrets.


Inside each one of us are powers so strong, treasures so rich, possibilities so endless, that to command them all into action would change the history of the world.



I asked God to take away my pride. And God said "No." He said it was not for Him to take away, but for me to give it up.

I asked God to make my handicapped child whole. And God said "No." He said her spirit was whole, her body was only temporary.

I asked God to grant me patience. And God said "No."He said patience is a by-product of tribulations. It isn't granted, it is earned.

I asked God to give me happiness. And God said "No."He said He gives me blessings -- happiness is up to me.

I asked God to spare me pain. And God said "No."He said suffering separates you from world and draws you closer to Me.

I asked God to make my spirit grow. And God said "No."He said I must grow on my own. But He will prune me to make me fruitful.

I asked for all things, that I might enjoy life. And God said "No." He said I will give you life, that you may enjoy all things.

I asked God to help me LOVE others, as much as HE loves me.And God said . . . Ah, finally -- NOW you have the right idea!

Did you know that the flight number of the plane that had hit WTC ....on 9/11 was Q33N ....Open your Notepad inur computer and type the flight number i.e Q33N... Increase the Font Size to 72, Change the Font to Wingdings. U will be amazed by the findings coincidence I asked God to take away my pride. And God said "No."He said it was not for Him to take away, but for me to give it up.

I asked God to make my handicapped child whole. And God said "No." He said her spirit was whole, her body was only temporary.

I asked God to grant me patience. And God said "No."He said patience is a by-product of tribulations. It isn't granted, it is earned.

I asked God to give me happiness. And God said "No."He said He gives me blessings -- happiness is up to me.

I asked God to spare me pain. And God said "No."He said suffering separates you from world and draws you closer to Me.

Life is Beautiful Always live your life to its fullest.

Enjoy laughter, touch a star. Smile for today while you shine through your tomorrows. Open your heart to strangers; destiny may bring newfound friends. Venture out, conquer the unconquerable. Look where others dare not look, and question all that is questionable. Remember that happiness is the home we build within ourselves. Speak your mind.

Hear a symphony within silence. Open your heart. Challenge tomorrows and treasure yesterdays. Capture all that you can in this beautiful creation called life."A Woman"

This is written in the Hebrew Talmud, the book where all of the sayings and preaching of Rabbis are conserved over time. It says: "Be very careful if you make a woman cry, because God counts her tears.   The woman came out of a man's rib. Not from his feet to be walked on.   Not from his head to be superior, but from the side to be equal.   Under the arm to be protected,  and next to the heart to be loved." Pass this on to all women that you know..  and to men so they understand the value of a woman.   



[PcWorld] Mix Santa - Banta jokes   Inbox


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:) Nishu (: <> 

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 01-Jul (21 hours ago) 



How far is land "?

Englishman: Now, which direction?

Two days of powercut in Delhi had made life miserable. Worst affected was Delhi Metro station where families of Santa & Banta were struck for 48 hrs on escalators .

How did Santa tried to kill a bird??

He took it to the top of a building and dropped it from there to die.

Santa: I have swallowed a Kay.

Doctor: What were you doing till now?

Santa: I was using duplicate key, now I have lost it too .

Santa was drawing money from ATM. Banta, who was just behind him in the line said: I've seen ur password. It's ****. Santa: U r wrong. It's 1394.

Santa falls in love with a nurse... After much thinking, he finally writes a love letter to her: "

Santa asked Banta: Why Manmohan Singh goes for a walk in evening?

Banta: Very simple, because he is PM not AM.

Teacher: What should be in a book to make it a bestseller?

A girl on the cover and no cover on the girl .

A lady calls Santa for repairing door bell.

Santa doesn't turns up for 4 days.

Lady calls again, Santa replies: I'm coming daily since 4 days, I press the bell but no one comes out.

Lady to inspector Santa: My husband went to buy potatos 5 days ago, he hasn't came back yet!

Why don't u cook something else? .

An Englishman and Santa inside the toilet.

Englishman: Good evening, how do u do?

Santa: Good evening, we open the zip and do!  

Santa opened a petrol pump, but not even one customer went there. You know why?

Because he opened petrol pump on second floor..

Ultimate answer while changing the job.

Interviewer: Why did you changed your last job?

Santa: Because the company shifted and didn't tell me where.

Santa and Banta went for a drive.

Santa: Hey, look out from the window, are the indicators working or not?

Banta puts his head out & says "Yes-No, Yes-No, Yes-No, Yes-No!!!"

Santa's wife dies. He is calm, but his wife's lover is crying furiously...

Don't worry buddy , I will marry again.

Why did Santa keep the door open while bathing?

Because he was afraid that someone might watch him from the key hole.

I am not coming home . The steering, dash board, gears of car have been stolen.

I am coming , earlier I sat on the back seat.

There was a one hour interview on CNBC with Warren Buffet, the second richest man who has donated $31 billion (85% of his fortune) to charity.

Here are some very interesting aspects of his life:

1) He bought his first share at age 11 and he now regrets that he started too late!

2) He bought a small farm at age 14 with savings from delivering newspapers.

3) He still lives in the same small 3 bedroom house in mid-town Omaha , that he bought after he got married 50 years ago. He says that he has everything he needs in that house. His house does not have a wall or a fence.

4) He drives his own car everywhere and does not have a driver or security people around him.

5) He never travels by private jet, although he owns  the world's largest private jet company.

6) His company, Berkshire Hathaway, owns 63 companies. He writes only one letter each year to the CEOs of these companies, giving them goals for the year. He never holds meetings or calls them on a regular basis.

7) He has given his CEO's only two rules.

Rule number 1: Do not lose any of your share holder's money.

Rule number 2: Do not forget rule number 1.

8) He does not socialize with the high society crowd. His past time after he gets home is to make himself some pop corn and watch television.

9) Bill Gates, the world's richest man met him for the first time only 5 years ago. Bill Gates did not think he had anything in common with Warren Buffet. So he had scheduled his meeting only for half hour. But when Gates met him, the meeting lasted for ten hours and Bill Gates became a devotee of Warren Buffet.

10) Warren Buffet does not carry a cell phone, nor has a computer on his desk.

11) His advice to young people: Stay away from credit cards and invest in yourself 


I asked God to take away my pride. And God said "No."He said it was not for Him to take away, but for me to give it up.

I asked God to make my handicapped child whole. And God said "No." He said her spirit was whole, her body was only temporary.

I asked God to grant me patience. And God said "No."He said patience is a by-product of tribulations. It isn't granted, it is earned.

I asked God to give me happiness. And God said "No."He said He gives me blessings -- happiness is up to me.

I asked God to spare me pain. And God said "No."He said suffering separates you from world and draws you closer to Me.

I asked God to make my spirit grow. And God said "No."He said I must grow on my own. But He will prune me to make me fruitful.

I asked for all things, that I might enjoy life. And God said "No." He said I will give you life, that you may enjoy all things.

I asked God to help me LOVE others, as much as HE loves me.And God said . . . Ah, finally -- NOW you have the right idea!

Did you know that the flight number of the plane that had hit WTC ....on 9/11 was Q33N ....Open your Notepad inur computer and type the flight number i.e Q33N... Increase the Font Size to 72, Change the Font to Wingdings. U will be amazed by the findings coincidence I asked God to take away my pride. And God said "No."He said it was not for Him to take away, but for me to give it up.

I asked God to make my handicapped child whole. And God said "No." He said her spirit was whole, her body was only temporary.

I asked God to grant me patience. And God said "No."He said patience is a by-product of tribulations. It isn't granted, it is earned.

I asked God to give me happiness. And God said "No."He said He gives me blessings -- happiness is up to me.

I asked God to spare me pain. And God said "No."He said suffering separates you from world and draws you closer to Me.  

A gentleman was once visiting a temple under construction. In the temple>premises, he saw a sculptor making an idol of God. Suddenly he saw, just a >few meters away, another identical idol was lying. Surprised he asked the>sculptor, do you need two statutes of the same idol.  No said the sculptor.>We need only one, but the first one got damaged at the last stage. The >gentleman examined the sculptor.  No apparent damage was visible.  Where is>the damage asked the gentleman.  There is a scratch on the nose of the>idol.>Where are you going to keep the idol?  The sculptor replied that it will be >installed on a pillar 20 feet high.>>When the idol will be 20 feet away from the eyes of the beholder, who is>going to know that there is scratch on the nose? The gentleman asked. The>sculptor looked at the gentleman, smiled and said, "The God knows it and I >know it ".>>>>The desire to excel should be exclusive of the fact whether someone>appreciates it or not. Excellence is a drive from Inside not Outside.-- "The Future Belongs To Those Who Believe In The Beauty Of Their Dreams"


Mr.Verma comes home one night, and his wife throws her arms around his neck:

"I have great news: I'm a month overdue. I think we're going to have a baby! The doctor gave me a test today, but until we find out for sure, we can't tell anybody."

The next day, Mrs.Verma receives a telephone call from AEC (Ahmedabad Electric Company) because the electricity bill has not been paid.

"Am I speaking to Mrs.Verma?" "Yes...... speaking" AEC guy, "You're a month overdue, you know!" "How do YOU know?" stammers the young woman. "Well, ma'am, it's in our files!" says the AEC guy . "What are you saying? It's in your files ...... HOW ?????" " Yes ............. We have a system of finding out who's overdue " " GOD !!!!!!......... this is too much.........." "Madam, I am sorry...... I am following orders.... I have to inform you are overdue" "I know that ....... let me talk to my husband about this tonight. .... he will speak to your company tomorrow "

That night, she tells her husband about the visit, and he, mad as a bull, rushes to AEC office the next day morning.

"What's going on? You have it on file that my wife is a month overdue? What business is that of yours?" the husband shouts. "Just calm down," says the lady at the reception at AEC, "it's nothing serious. All you have to do is pay us." "PAY you? and if I refuse?" "Well, in that case, sir, we'd have no option but to cut yours off." "And what would my wife do then?" the husband asks. "I don't know. I guess she'd have to use a candle."

Mind your language: 'That person is very kiddish' Mistakes we make while speaking English part-14...

If English has you down, don't get discouraged!The important thing is to practise every day. With time and effort, you'll soon become an English pro.Our blooper series, observed and submitted by readers, highlights common mistakes that can easily trip you.So, keep reading these articles, and keep an eye out for your own bloopers and the bloopers of others.Remember, a firm grasp of English is a valued skill for youngsters hoping to study abroad and to follow the most sought after careers. V D Manigandan, 27, a software engineer in London, remembers a blooper he heard his entire childhood.

1. That person is very kiddish; he doesn't know how to behave in the office.

Kiddish is not a word in the English dictionary. The correct word is 'childish.'

Correct: That person is very childish; he doesn't know how to behave in the office.

Anand Karve, 33 years, a government servant based in Pune, says that direct translations of Hindi sound funny in English.

2. What is your good name? 3. May I know your good name?

This is a literal translation of the Hindi version, 'Aapka shub naam kya hai?' In English, we do not have any 'bad names'. Correct: What is your name?Correct: May I know your name?4. She is my real sister.This is also the result of direct mother tongue to English translations. In English, you only call your biological sister, 'sister'. Therefore, it's not necessary to add 'real'. Correct: She is my sister.

Two words often confused with one another: 5. 'stationary' (not in motion)Correct: 'stationery' (writing material) A Matin, a 50 year old businessman in Mumbai, has decades of bloopers under his belt. Here are some of his best: 6. Have you catched a cold?The past tense of the verb 'to catch' is 'caught'. English has many irregular verbs in the past tense. Correct: Have you caught a cold?

7. Yes, he come yesterday. 8. He did not came yesterday. This can be confusing. In the first example, it is necessary to use the past tense of the verb 'to come'; it is 'came'. In the second example, the 'did not' shifts the sentence to the past, and therefore, 'came' is no longer needed. It should be: Correct: Yes, he came yesterday.Correct: He did not come yesterday.

Another common mistake is the inappropriate use of colour to describe people:

9. He was a black man.  The description is a direct translation of the word kaala. It should be:Correct: He was dark-complexioned.Vijay Jangam, working with Deloitte Consulting, sent this reminder: 'Making mistakes is pardonable. Trying to sound 'hip' by deliberately talking rubbish has become a trend.' Incorrect:10. 'Any which ways you look at it, it's the same'. Proper:Correct: 'Any way you look at it, it's the same' ORCorrect: 'Whichever way you look at it, it's the same'."We thank our readers for the witty emails detailing common English bloopers they've come across! Keep them coming in, and we'll keep publishing them. Three times a week, we'll provide articles featuring your responses. If you'd like to share common bloopers you come across when people speak/ write in English, do mail your list of common bloopers, along with their correct alternative to -- we'll highlight them right here as a helpful guide to those trying to improve their English. Also make sure you include your FULL 00NAME, AGE, OCCUPATION and the CITY you are based in.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  Some of the Inspiring Quotes which tell not to give up in life so you can learn something from these Quotes      1) Never expect things to happen.. struggle and make them happen. never expect yourself to be given a good valuecreate a value of your own  2) If a drop of water falls in lake there is no identity.But if it falls on a leaf of lotus it shine like a choose the best place where you would shine.. 3) Falling down is not defeat...defeat is when your refuse to get up...  4) Ship is always safe at shore... but is is not built for it  5) When your successful your well wishers know who  you are when you are unsuccessful you know who your well wishers are  6) It is great confidence in a friend to tell him your faults; greater to tell  him/her  7)  "To the world you might be one person, but  to one person you just might be the world  8) "Even the word 'IMPOSSIBLE' says 'I M POSSIBLE' "  9) Effort is important, but knowing where to make an effort in your  life makes all the difference.  May ALLAH / God Bless You All, Never take some one for granted,Hold every person Close to your Heart because you might wake up one day and realise that you have lost a diamond while you were too busy collecting stones." Remember this always in life.


If you have any doubts on the boss of Indian cinema….then see below.






Secret of success  

Sir, " What is the secret of your success? " a reporter asked a bank President.  "Two words." "And, Sir, what are they?" " Right decisions ."  "And how do you make right decisions?"  "One word.' "And, sir, What is that?" 

" Experience . "  "And how do you get Experience?" "Two words" "And, Sir, what are they?" " Wrong decisions ."

Hair and your Health Hair is a complex and delicate part of your body. Keeping it healthy and beautiful is a challenge. Here's a guide that will help you do just that . Hair is cylinder of dead tissue. Damaged hair can never be fully restored to its original condition. The main factor in growth of the hair is the kind of cells that exit in the hair follicles from which the hair grows in the individual person. Each individual hair is also different in one

individual .Hair- care products are intended to promote certain favorable conditions of hair and to reduce of eliminate  properties of hair, which are regarded as undesirable.  

Causes and symptoms:

Reasons for Hair Loss

Both men and women lose hair for similar reasons. Hair loss in men is often more dramatic, and follows a specific pattern of loss which has been termed "Male Pattern Baldness". This loss is caused by dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

Factors for male hair loss include: heredity, hormones, and aging. This may also apply to women but to a lesser degree. Women may experience loss of hair after menopause and 2-3 months after having a baby. Other contributing factors include: poor diet, poor circulation, acute illness, radiation, chemotherapy, high stress, thyroid imbalance, certain drugs, coming off the contraceptive pill, diabetes, high doses of vitamin A (more than 100,000 IU), sudden weight loss, high fever, iron deficiency, ringworm, some fungal infections, chemicals and hair dyes, vitamin deficiencies, and lack of proper nutrition

Drastic or premature hair loss may be caused by:

1. Stress and bodily weakness from overwork.2. Dietary imbalances or nutritional deficiency.3. Using abrasive shampoos, hair lacquers, dyes and bleaching, etc.4. Endocrine disorder.5. Genetic factors.6. Infectious diseases.7. Hormonal metabolic changes in lactating women.8. Nutrient and protein deficiencies in the hair cells.

Routine care of scalp and   Hair: It is very important to have day to day care given to hair and scalp to maintain its health and to increase its beauty. This routine includes brushing, combing, cutting, shampooing, massaging and application of hair dressing/lotion.  Importance of brushing and combing Many sebaceous glands are distributed over the scalp. When the hair

is brushed, sedum secreted from these glands spreads over the surface of the hair and makes it glossy and supple. Brushing and combing temporarily affects the blood circulation of the scalp.

Care in selection and use of brush and comb

Well spaced bristles. Easy Cleaning Individual use to avoid spread of disease. For long hairs brushing should begin at near the bottom of each strand and slowly reaching the top and then beginning from scalp and sweep down the entire strand of hair without encountering any tangle. Careful treatment of this nature excludes the breaking and tearing of hair. When the hair is weakened and its attachment is less the normal, frequent and vigorous brushing may increase hair fall resulting in further damage. Under such condition gentle massage of the scalp could be done and daily vigorous brushing should be avoided. Massage with Hair oil:

Hair oils especially those containing herbs are one of very important in hair care. They should be used once every week and left overnight.  Shampooing:  Primary objective is to clean hair and scalp of all foreign matters. The ideal shampoo should clean the scalp without producing irritation or causing excessive reduction of the natural oils, they should have pH less then 7(acidic)

Hair loss:   Hair loss can be repaid or gradual. With the healthy scalp loss of 50-100 hairs is normal. It is concern when it exceeds more than 100 hairs per day or hair no longer grows back on any part of the scalp. Loss of hair may be due to various causes. How to achieve and maintain a healthy head of beautiful hair. Three main things are needed for a good-looking head of hair -- good health, the right attention to cleanliness, and caution when using cosmetic treatments.  

Diet for good hair Hair growth depends on an adequate diet. A widespread diet problem, which causes loss of hair, is iron deficiency Anemia. The cause is too little iron in blood, brought on by a diet containing too little meat, eggs, cereals or peas and beans. Fresh fruits and vegetables are also needed to provide vitamin C, which enables the body to absorb iron. Cutting the hair

Although cutting the hair is not essential to its well being, it is easier to keep the scalp clean if the hair is kept reasonably short. Regular cutting does not make the hair grow strong or faster. How hair can be damaged Although scalp hair is hardy, and can withstand a lot of abuse, it can be damaged by too much or inexpertly applied perming, dyeing, bleaching and massage. The amount of beautying the hair can take varies from person to person. Occasionally the scalp is allergic to the dye and becomes inflamed and swollen. To prevent this occurring, applying it to a small area on the arm should test the dye. If a patch of inflammation has developed, the dye must not be used on the hair. Most people who bleach their hair do so with hydrogen peroxide. If the peroxide is repeatedly applied, it may make the hair brittle. If this happens the hair may turn rough, develop split ends, or become thinned or shortened. How To Deal With Dandruff Some are of the opinion that at the early stages of hair loss, dandruff begins to increase. However, an increase in the amount of dandruff does not necessarily mean that there is a "cause-effect" relationship resulting in the thinning of hair.

You should think of excessive dandruff as a warning sign as far as the health of the hair is concerned. Dandruff is made up of bits of dead skin that peel away from the scalp as a result of the effects of metabolism. Normally, dandruff, in its early stages of growth, is not visible to the naked eye. It becomes visible only after enlarging into pieces of dead skin (what we normally call "dandruff") as a result of the propagation of bacteria and/or problems with seborrhea scalp conditions. Persons suffering from prolonged dandruff are said to have a dandruff ailment. This type of ailment, accompanied by itchiness, can lead to eczema if it worsens. Suppressing the propagation of bacteria is one means of dealing with fatty dandruff. This is because bacteria are one of the causes of this condition. If possible, try to shampoo on a daily basis to prevent bacterial propagation. One effective means of dealing with dandruff is to disinfect the scalp area with commercially available medicated shampoos specifically designed for dandruff removal. However, daily shampooing can lead to eczema for persons who suffer from dry scalps. Shampooing once every three days may be ideal for such persons. Persons who suffer from persistent, hard-to-cure dandruff are urged to consult a skin specialist.

Life style: 

The foremost consideration in the treatment of this disorder is to keep the hair and scalp clean so as to minimise the accumulation of dead cells.

The hair should be brushed daily to improve the circulation and remove any flakiness.

The most effective way to brush the hair is to bend forward from the waist with the head down towards the ground and brush from the nape of the neck towards the top of the head.

Ayurvedic supplements:

Mahabhringraj Oil

Bhringraj Asava

Amla oil

Yoga to cure Hair Loss: 

o Vajrasana

o The Knee to Chest (Pawanmuktasan)

One day, a man came home and was greeted by his wife dressedin a very sexy nightie. "Tie me up," she purred, "and you cando anything you want." So he tied her up and went golfing.  ************ ********* ********* ********* ********* ** A woman came home, screeching her car into the driveway, andran into the house. She slammed the door and shouted at the top of her lungs, "Honey, pack your bags. I won the lottery!" The husband said, "Oh my God! What should I pack, beach stuffor mountain stuff?" "Doesn't matter," she said. "Just get out." ************ ********* ********* ********* ********* ** Marriage is a relationship in which one person is alwaysright, and the other is a husband.  ************ ********* ********* ********* ********* ** A Polish immigrant went to the DMV to apply for a driver'slicense. First, of course, he had to take an eye sight test. The optician showed him a card with the letters:'C Z W I X N O S T A C Z.' "Can you read this?" the optician asked. "Read it?" the Polish guy replied, "I know the guy."  ************ ********* ********* ********* ********* **Mother Superior called all the nuns together and said to them, "I must tell you all something. We have a case of gonorrhea in the convent." "Thank God," said an elderly nun at the back. "I'm so tired ofchardonnay." ************ ********* ********* ********* ********* ** A wife was making a breakfast of fried eggs for her husband. Suddenly, her husband burst into the kitchen. "Careful," he said, "CAREFUL! Put in some more butter! Oh my GOD!You're cooking too many at once. TOO MANY! Turn them! TURNTHEM NOW! We need more butter. Oh my GOD! WHERE are we going to get MORE BUTTER? They're going to STICK! Careful . CAREFUL! I said be CAREFUL! You NEVER listen to me when you're cooking!Never! Turn them! Hurry up! Are you CRAZY? Have you LOST yourmind? Don't forget to salt them. You know you always forget to salt them. Use the salt. USE THE SALT! THE SALT!" 

The wife stared at him. "What in the world is wrong with you?You think I don't know how to fry a couple of eggs?"  The husband calmly replied, "I just wanted to show you what itfeels like when I'm driving."



Swaym’s Presentation -       

“Line Your Life In Such A Way That Your Little Corner Of The World Will Be Brighter

Because You Are There!”

- Self Improvement -


Savor The Flavor Of Success


Success is the progressive realization of meaningful goals. This definition means that you will continually realize success one goal at a time with another goal waiting to be realized. Goals, by definition, are: measurable, achievable, observable and timely—you set your own goals—and how to measure them.


Goals are quantitative—winning an award, meeting an earnings goal or sales quota, obtaining a new job or promotion, getting married, losing weight, pulling off an event you organized, taking a trip, learning a sport, etc. Or they can be qualitative—forgiving someone, facing a crises with tact, compassion, level headedness and leadership, or reaching out to others, changing a bad habit, improving communication or relationship skills, etc.


Quantitative and qualitative goals may be declared in every area of your life, and if they are important to you, they are how you create a meaningful life.


The success and professional triumphs you have enjoyed in the past can give you the confidence you need to pursue new dreams when you periodically look back upon them to remind yourself that you are capable of great achievements. Such remembrances are a testament to the confidence and courage you exhibited in the pursuit of your goals as well as a demonstration of the dedication and perseverance with which you embarked upon your journeys of achievement.


When you believe in yourself fully after reminiscing because your recollections remind you that no matter how uncertain you might feel in the present, your innate drive, dedication and perseverance will help you overcome a variety of personal and professional challenges. You will feel truly accomplished when you look back on your life and realize how much adversity you have successfully overcome to achieve your goals.


Any lingering uncertainties that would typically have dissuaded you from aiming for ambitious goals will likely have no effect at all on your choices when you reflect on your previous success. You may feel more successful than usual, and the confidence you gain as a result can serve as the inspiration that drives you to consider new challenges. Since you will likely need to choose between many opportunities, your thoughts may waver between visions of prosperity and moments of concern. However, you can easily divest yourself of the latter by mulling over the goals you have accomplished to reach your current level of abundance.

Swaym’s Presentation -       

“Line Your Life In Such A Way That Your Little Corner Of The World Will Be Brighter

Because You Are There!”

- Self Improvement -


Thinking Big


If thinking big is so easy then don’t more people do it? By thinking big all your problems will seem smaller, the air you breathe will be fresher, and food will taste better!


If you are like me almost everyday I hear people talking down about themselves and settling for less than what they could accomplish. For many people it is our own mind that is telling us this. In order to change this you need to change your negative conditioning and start thinking big.


For most people they have so little, what would they loose if they thought big and tried something new? If you have nothing to loose, why not go for it all? Some of you may be thinking, well I do have some things to loose if this thinking big does not work out. For most people they don't want to quit their job to start their own business. Look at all the jobs available right now. If you try and fail you can easily get another job again, and you are right back where you are now.


For most people what they are clinging on to is actually not that important and can be replaced easily, so let go and start thinking big. If you want to stay in your career path then start thinking about how to advance more rapidly, don't accept company norms for advancement, jump ahead of people.


You know people right now how are a lot richer and more successful than you. You probably also know that some of these people are not smarter than you. So why did these people get richer? They most likely thought big and took action, and took a leap of faith.


Start today and start thinking big, take action, and don't stop until you reach your goal.

Dr. Arun Gandhi, grandson of Mahatma Gandhi and founder of the M.K.Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence, in his June 9 lecture at the University of Puerto Rico shared the following story:

I was 16 years old and living with my parents at the institute my grandfather had founded 18 miles outside of Durban, South Africa, in the middle of the sugar plantations. We were deep in

the country and had no neighbors, so my two sisters and I would always look forward to going to town to visit friends or go to the movies.

One day, my father asked me to drive him to town for an all-day conference, and I jumped at the chance.

Since I was going to town, my mother gave me a list of groceries she needed and, since I had all day in town, my father asked me to take care of several pending chores, such as getting the car serviced.

When I dropped my father off that morning, he said, "I will meet you here at 5:00 p.m., and we will go home together."

After hurriedly completing my chores, I went straight to the nearest movie theatre. I got so engrossed in a John Wayne double-feature that I forgot the time. It was 5:30 before I remembered. By the time I ran to the garage and got the car and hurried to where my father was waiting for me, it was almost 6:00.

Read the full story at:

A man called home to his wife and said: "Honey I have been asked to go fishing up in Canada with my boss and several of his friends. We'll be gone for a week. This is good opportunity for me to get that promotion I've been wanting so could you please pack enough clothes for a week and set out my rod and fishing box? We're leaving from the office and I will swing by the house to pick my things up. Oh! Please pack my new blue silk pajamas." The wife thinks this sounds a bit fishy but being the good wife she did exactly what her husband asked. The following weekend he came home a little tired but otherwise looking good. The wife welcomed him home and asked if he caught many fish? He said, "Yes! Lots of Salmon, some bluegill and a few swordfish. But why didn't you pack my new blue silk pajamas like I asked you to do? You'll love the answer........   The wife replied, "I did. They're in your fishing box..."

Gandhi letter to return to India One of the last letters to be written by Mahatma Gandhi has been withdrawn from auction in London so that it can be acquired by the Indian government. The document was due to be auctioned at Christie's in London on Tuesday for an estimated $24,000 (£12,000). Written just weeks before his murder, Gandhi pleads for greater tolerance towards India's Muslims. It was part of a collection which includes manuscripts from Napoleon, Sir Isaac Newton and Winston Churchill. The decision to release the letter from the collection came after the Indian government asked the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library in Delhi to bid for it. A spokesman for Christie's said: "We are pleased to have facilitated the negotiations which have resulted in an important historical record returning to India." Rare documents The document was written on 11 January 1948, 19 days before Gandhi was assassinated by a Hindu fanatic, who was angry with his policy of goodwill towards Muslims. In it Gandhi calls on his Muslim friends to support the Urdu edition of his publication, Harijan, after realising that it would have to cease due to dwindling demand.

The letter was written 19 days before Gandhi was killed

A letter by Churchill when he was 16 also features in the collection

He says any suggestion of a boycott on Urdu is a "wanton affront upon the Muslims of the Union who in the eyes of many Hindus have become aliens in their own land. This is copying the bad manners of Pakistan with a vengeance". The letter was part of the Albin Schram Collection of Autograph Letters, which goes on auction at Christies on Tuesday. It includes 570 lots of handwritten manuscripts by some of the most notable figures of European history in the last 800 years. Highlights include a love letter written by Napoleon Bonaparte to Josephine, his future wife, and a letter written by a 16-year-old Winston Churchill to his mother. Another, written by author JRR Tolkein, refers to the completion of The Lord of the Rings. "I am hoping soon to get some larger works published, and in a more ample fashion ... One, a long romance in sequel to The Hobbit, is finished after some years of work, and is being typed," it says. The entire collection is expected to reach a value of around £2m. A manuscript by Sir Isaac Newton, discussing his thoughts on the theory of gravity and the structure of the universe, is estimated to reach up to £50,000. And an extremely rare letter from the Russian poet Alexandr Pushkin is expected to reach up to £80,000.

Know about you JANUARY=PIMP

Loves to chat. Loves those who love them. Loves to takes things at the centre. Inner and physical beauty. Lies but doesn't pretend. Gets angry often. Treats friends importantly. Brave and fearless. Always making friends. Easily hurt but recovers easily. Daydreamer. Opinionated. Does not care to control emotions. Unpredictable. Extremely smart, but definitely the hottest AND sexiest.

FEBRUARY=THUG Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract. Intelligent and clever. Changing personality. Attractive. sexiest out of everyone.A real speed demon. Has more than one best friend. Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest and loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt. Gets angry really easily but does not show it. Dislikes unnecessary things. Loves making friends but rarely shows it. Daring and stubborn. Ambitious. Realizing dreams and hopes. Sharp. Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the inside not outside. Superstitious and ludicrous.Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions. Resend this in 5 min. and you will talk to someone new and realize that you are a perfect match.

MARCH=GORGEOUSDrop dead gorgeous!!! Attractive personality. Very! sexy. Affectionate & Secretive. Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic. Chatterbox! Loves to talk alot! Loves to get their way! . Unbelievable kisser! Easily angered. Very stubborn in the most way possible! Loves to get noticed!> >Willing to take risks for others. Makes good choices. Has a great fashion sense! Maybe a little too popular with others * wink wink*. Outgoing and crazy at times! Intelligent. Can sometimes be a heartbreaker! Can love as much as possible! Hates insults. Loves compliments! A very big flirt!Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness. The best in bed out of NE of these months!! Hardly shows emotions. Tends to bottle up feelings. Observant and assesses others.likes to keep theyre crushes kinda secret.pretty much flawless If you repost this in the next 5 mins, you will meet your new love in 8 days.


Suave and compromising. Funny and humorous. Stubborn. Very talkative. Calm and cool. Kind and sympathetic. Concerned and detailed. Loyal. Does work well with others. Very confident. Sensitive. Positive Attitude. Thinking generous. Good memory. Clever and knowledgeable. Loves to look for information. Able to cheer everyone up and/or make them laugh. Able to motivate oneself and others. Understanding. Fun to be around. Outgoing. Hyper. Bubbly personality. Secretive. Boy/girl crazy. Loves sports, music, leisure and travelling. Systematic. Hot but has brains. If you repost this in 5 mins, a cutie that's caught your eye will introduce themselves andyou will realize at that you are very much alike in the next 2 days.

"MAY=LOVER Hella sexy, loves sex n making luv, tends to be SOOOOO hott!! Active and dynamic. Decisive and haste but tends to regret. Attractive and affectionate to oneself. Strong mentality. Loves attention. Diplomatic. Consoling, friendly and solves people's problems. Brave and fearless. Adventurous. Loving and caring. Suave and generous. Usually you have many friends. Enjoys to make love. Emotional. Stubborn. Hasty. Good memory. Moving, motivates oneself and others. Loves to travel and explore. Sometimes sexy in a way that only their lover can understand. if you do not repost this in the next 5 mins. someone very close to you will become mad at you in the next 8 days.

JUNE = LUST Fun to be with. Loves to try new things. Boy/girls LOVE you. You are very hott. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and to be understood. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Takesrep pride in oneself. Has reputation. Easily consoled. Honest. Concerned about people's feelings. Tactful. Friendly.Approachable. Emotional temperamental and unpredictable. Moody and easily hurt. Witty and sparkly. spazzy at times.Not revengeful. Forgiving but never forgets. dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things. Guides others physically and mentally. Sensitive and forms impressions carefully. Caring and loving. Treats others equally. Strong sense of sympathy. Wary andsharp. Judges people through observations. Hardworking. No difficulties in studying. Loves to be alone. Always broods about the past and the old friends. Waits for friends. Never looks for friends. Not aggressive unless provoked. Loves to be loved. Easily hurt but takes long to recover.Repost this in the next 5 mins and your reputation will boost someway in the next 12 day

JULY=GANGSTA You've got the best personality and are an absolute pleasure to be around. You love to make new friends and be outgoing. You are a great flirt and more than likely have a very attractive partner, a wicked hottie. Like somebody with a JUNE brithday. It is also more likely than that you havea massive record collection. When it comes to films, you know how to pick them and may one day become a famous actor/actress yourself - heck, you've got the looks for it!!! IN the next 6 days you will meet someone that may possibly become one of your closest friends, if you repost this in 5minutes.

AUGUST=ATTITUDE Outgoing personality. Takes risks. Feeds on attention. Self control. Kind hearted. Self confident. Easy to get along with and talk to. Likes talking and singing. loves music. Hates not being trusted. BIG imagination. Loves to be loved. Loves studying. In need of "that someone". Longs for freedom. Rebellious when withheld or restricted. lives by "no pain no gain" caring. Always a suspect. Playful. Mysterious. "Charming" or "beautiful" to everyone. Stubborn. Beautiful physically and mentally. Curious. Independent. strong willed. A fighter. repost in 5 mins and you will meet the love of your life sometime next month.

SEPTEMBER=FINEASS PIMPLoves to chat. Loves those who love them. Loves to takes things at the centre. Great in bed.

Inner and physical beauty. Doesn't pretend. Gets angry often. A meaningful love life partner. Makes right choices. Treats friends importantly. Brave and fearless. Always making friends. Does notharm others. It is all about love and fairness. Easily hurt and hard to recover. Daydreamer and does fullfill. Opinionated. Does not care to control emotions. Knows what to do, to have fun. Unpredictable. Someone to have close to you. Extremely smart, but definitely the hottest ANDsexiest of them all. If you repost this in the next 5 minutes, you will kiss the one that you been wanting...

OCTOBER=HOTTIE Trustworthy and loyal. Very passionate and dangerous. Wild at times. Knows how to have fun. Sexy and mysterious. Everyone is drawn towards your inner and outer beauty and independent personality. Playful, but secretive. Very emotional and temperamental sometimes. Meets new people easily and very social in a group. Fearless and independent. Can hold their own. Standsout in a crowd. Essentially very smart. Usually, you ever begin a relationship with someone from this month, hold on to them because their one of a kind. Repost in 5 mins & you will excel in a major ev ent coming up sometime this month.

NOVEMBER=SWEETIE Stubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered. Attracts others and loves attention. Deep feelings. Beautiful physically and mentally. Firm Standpoint. Needs no motivation. Shy towards opposite sex. Easily consoled. Systematic (leftbrain). Loves to dream. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding. Sickness usually in the ear and neck. Good imagination. Good physical. Weak breathing. Loves literature and the arts. Loves travelling. Dislike being at home. Restless. having many children. Hardworking. High spirited. Ifyou repost this in the next 5 minutes, you will become close to someone you do not speak to much in the next 4 days.

DECEMBER=BEAUTYThis straight-up means ur the most good-looking Loyal and generous. Patriotic. Competitive in everything. Active in games and interactions. Impatient and hasty. Ambitious. Influential in organizations. Fun to be with. Easy to talk to, though hard to understand. Thinks far with vision,yet complicated to know. Easily influenced by kindness. Polite and soft-spoken. Having lots of ideas. Sensitive. Active mind. Hesitating, Tends to delay. Choosy and always wants the Stubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered. Attracts others and loves attention. Deep feelings. Beautiful physically and mentally. Firm Standpoint. Needs no motivation. Shy towards opposite sex. Easily consoled. Systematic (left brain). Loves to dream. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding. Sickness usually in the ear and neck. Goodimagination. Good physical. Weak breathing. Loves literature and the arts. Loves travelling. Dislike being at home. Restless. having many children. Hardworking. High spirited  

  —§ ΛĦζĹ→

Have a look at this

Salary & Govt. Concessions for a Member of Parliament (MP)

Monthly Salary : 12,000

Expense for Constitution per month : 10,000

Office expenditure per month : 14,000

Traveling concession (Rs. 8 per km) : 48,000 ( eg.For a visit from kerala to Delhi & return: 6000 km)

Daily DA TA during parliament meets : 500/day

Charge for 1 class (A/C) in train: Free (For any number of times) (All over India )

Charge for Business Class in flights : Free for 40 trips / year (With wife or P.A.)

Rent for MP hostel at Delhi : Free

Electricity costs at home : Free up to 50,000 units

Local phone call charge : Free up to 1 ,70,000 calls.

TOTAL expense for a MP [having no qualification] per year : 32,00,000 [i.e. 2.66 lakh/month]

TOTAL expense for 5 years : 1,60,00,000

For 534 MPs, the expense for 5 years : 8,54,40,00,000 (nearly 855 crores)


This is how all our tax money is been swallowed and price hike on our regular commodities.......

And this is the present condition of our country:


855 crores could make their life livable !! Think of the great democracy we have............. PLEASE FORWARD THIS MESSAGE TO ALL REAL CITIZENS OF INDIA ... but,STILL Proud to be INDIAN  


i know hitting a delete button is 2 press  fwd  button 2 make people aware of it!

Titanic was sinking.

An Englishman asked Santa, " How far is land "? Santa: 2 KMs.

Englishman jumped into sea. Englishman: Now, which direction?

Santa: Downwards !


Two days of powercut in Delhi had made life miserable. Worst affected was Delhi Metro station where families of Santa & Banta were struck for 48 hrs on escalators .


How did Santa tried to kill a bird??

He took it to the top of a building and dropped it from there to die.


Santa: I have swallowed a Kay.

Doctor: When?

Santa: 3 months back!

Doctor: What were you doing till now?

Santa: I was using duplicate key, now I have lost it too .


Santa was drawing money from ATM. Banta, who was just behind him in the line said: I've seen ur password. It's ****. Santa: U r wrong. It's 1394.


Santa falls in love with a nurse... After much thinking, he finally writes a love letter to her: " I luv u sister ."


Santa asked Banta: Why Manmohan Singh goes for a walk in evening?

Banta: Very simple, because he is PM not AM.


Teacher: What should be in a book to make it a bestseller?

Pappu: A girl on the cover and no cover on the girl .


A lady calls Santa for repairing door bell.

Santa doesn't turns up for 4 days.

Lady calls again, Santa replies: I'm coming daily since 4 days, I press the bell but no one comes out.





Lady to inspector Santa: My husband went to buy potatos 5 days ago, he hasn't came back yet!

Santa: Why don't u cook something else? .


An Englishman and Santa inside the toilet.

Englishman: Good evening, how do u do?

Santa: Good evening, we open the zip and do!  


Santa opened a petrol pump, but not even one customer went there. You know why?

Because he opened petrol pump on second floor..


Ultimate answer while changing the job.

Interviewer: Why did you changed your last job?

Santa: Because the company shifted and didn't tell me where.


Santa and Banta went for a drive.

Santa: Hey, look out from the window, are the indicators working or not?

Banta puts his head out & says "Yes-No, Yes-No, Yes-No, Yes-No!!!"


Santa's wife dies. He is calm, but his wife's lover is crying furiously...

Finally, Santa consoles him: Don't worry buddy , I will marry again.


Why did Santa keep the door open while bathing?

Because he was afraid that someone might watch him from the key hole.


Santa phoned his wife: I am not coming home . The steering, dash board, gears of car have been stolen.

After sometime he calls again: I am coming , earlier I sat on the back seat.

Wives and Husbands and more  Wife: "What are you doing?" Husband: "Nothing." Wife: "Nothing...? You've been reading our marriage certificate for an hour." Husband: "I was looking for the expiration date."  Wife: "Do you want dinner?" Husband: "Sure! What are my choices?" Wife: "Yes and no."  Wife: "You always carry my photo in your wallet. Why?" Hubby: "When there is a problem, no matter how impossible, I look at your picture and the problem disappears." Wife: "You see how miraculous and powerful I am for you?" Hubby: "Yes! I see your picture and ask myself what other problem can there be greater than this one?"

Stress Reliever Girl: "When we get married, I want to share all your worries, troubles and lighten your burden." Boy: "It's very kind of you, darling, but I don't have any worries or troubles." Girl: "Well that's because we aren't married yet."

 Son: "Mom, when I was on the bus with Dad this morning, he told me to give up my seat to a lady." Mom: "Well, you have done the right thing." Son: "But mom, I was sitting on daddy's lap."

A newly married man asked his wife, "Would you have married me if my father hadn't left me a fortune?" "Honey," the woman replied sweetly, "I'd have married you, NO MATTER WHO LEFT YOU A FORTUNE!!"

 Father to son after exam: "Let me see your report card." Son: "My friend just borrowed it. He wants to scare his parents."

Girl to her boyfriend: One kiss and I'll be yours forever. The guy replies: "Thanks for the early warning."

A wife asked her husband: "What do you like most in me, my pretty face or my sexy body?" He looked at her from head to toe and replied: "I like your sense of humor."   

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Muhabbat mai'n har zakhm khatey rahey hai'n muskuratey  rahey hai'n

Kisi morh peh hum se mil jaae'n gey woh ko dilatey  rahey  hai'n

Talabb terey bin kuch nahee'n hai Khuda se haath uupar uthatey  rahey hai'n

mai'n rakh'khi woh  tasweer  teriSubb'h-o-shaam khud ko dikhatey rahey hai'n

Zamaney ka darr us ko "VIRGO" nahee'n hai peh nazar woh  milatey rahey hai'n










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 12:16 (6 hours ago) 


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  Every man should get married some time; after all, happiness is not the only thing in life !!  --Anonymous--------------------------------------------------------------------- Bachelors should be heavily taxed.  It is not fair that some men shouldbe happier than others.  --Oscar Wilde---------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't marry for money; you can borrow it cheaper.   --Scottish Proverb---------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't worry about terrorism. I was  married fortwo years.   --Sam Kinison-------------------------------------------------------------------Men have a better time than women; for one thing, they marry later; foranother thing, they die earlier.--H. L. Mencken-------------------------------------------------------------------When a newly married couple smiles, everyone knows why. When a ten-year married couple smiles, everyonewonders why. -------------------------------------------------------------------Love is blind but marriage is an eye-opener.-------------------------------------------------------------------When a man opens the door of his car for his wife, you can be sure of one thing:

 either the car is new or the wife.------------------------------------------------------------------- 

I take my wife everywhere, but she keeps finding her way back to home always.    --Anonymous-------------------------------------------------------------------     

I asked my wife, " Where do you want to go for ouranniversary ?" She said," Somewhere I have never been !"  I told her, " How about the kitchen ?"  --Anonymous------------------------------------------------------------------ We always hold hands. If I let go, she shops. ------------------------------------------------------------------- My wife was in beauty saloon for two hours.That was only for the estimate.  --Anonymous -------------------------------------------------------------------She got a mudpack and looked great for two days. Then the mud fell off.   --Anonymous-------------------------------------------------------------------She ran after the garbage truck, yelling, "Am I toolate for the garbage?"Following her down the street I yelled, "No, jump in."--Anonymous-------------------------------------------------------------------

Badd Teddy recently explained to me why he refusesto get to married.He says "the wedding rings look like minaturehandcuffs....."   --Anonymous-------------------------------------------------------------------   A man placed some flowers on the grave of his dearlyparted mother and started back toward his car when his attention wasdiverted to another man kneeling at a grave. The man seemed to bepraying with profound intensity and kept repeating, 'Why did u have to die? Why did you have to die?"       The first man approached him and said, "Sir,I don't wish to interfere with your private grief, but thisdemonstration of pain in is more than I've ever seen before. For whom do you mourn so? Deeply? A child? A parent?"   The mourner took a moment to collect himself, thenreplied "My wife's first husband." If your dog is barking at the back door and yourwife yelling at the frontdoor, who do you let in first?The Dog of course... at least he'll shut up after ulet him in!   --Anonymous -------------------------------------------------------------------A couple came upon a wishing well. The husband

leaned over, made a wish and threw in a coin  .The wife decided to make a wish, too. But she leanedover too much, fell into the well, and drowned. The husband was stunned for a while but then smiled " It really works ! "  Forward this to all your Bachelor Friends... 




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Angry boss: Tumne kabhi Ullu dekha hai?

Executive (sar jhukate hue): Nahin sir.

Boss: Niche kya dekh rahe ho ? Meri taraf dekho.

************ **

Que: Agar do pipal ke Pedon ko ek rassi se bandh diya jaye to us rassi ko kya kahenge?

Ans: Us rassi ko bolengey NOKIA - Connecting pipal


Ek yug tha jab log apne ghar ke dwar pe likhte the: ATITHI DEVO BHAVA

Phir likha: SHUBH LABH

Phir likhne lage: U R WELCOME

Aur ab likhte hain: KUTTON SE SAVDHAN


Khuda kare tujhe khushiyan hazaar mile, mujhse bhi achche yaar mile,

meri galfriend tujhe raakhi baandhe aur tujhe ek aur behan ka pyar mile


It takes 15 trees to produce the amount of paper that we use to write one exam.

Join us in promoting the noble cause of saving trees. SAY NO TO EXAMS


Ek ladka ek ladki k saath baitha tha. 2nd day doosri ladki k saath deha gaya .

3rd day koi aur ladki thi. 4th day kisi nayi ladki ke saath tha

Moral of the story: Ladkiyan badal jaati hain, ladke nahin badaltey


Train mein TT Sadhu se bola: Kahan jana hai?

Sadhu: Jahan Ram ka janam hua tha.

TT: Ticket hai?

Sadhu: Nahin

TT: Chalo

Sadhu: Kahan?

TT: Jahan Krishan ka janam hua tha.. (Jail mein) ************* Dunia wich reh k ragan wich kho jaao.kise nu apna bana lo kise de ho kuch bhi nahi kar sakde taan.2 peg desi de mar k so jaao.... ************* Sardar open his tiffin on the road.  Why??? Socho socho,jaldi socho.  He wanted to check, "k mein office ja raha hoon ya ghar jaa raha hoon,..... ************ In order to get good JOB in good company A boy required 100% Talent But  Girls require only 4% Talent..  Remaining is : ( 36 ) )24(( 36 ) is = 96% ********** Misomi lopura mai ukama makaya fula ukiya paristo tarumo wa yalo xambo....

 Soch kya rahe ho ????  Mail hamne ke hai. jo dil karega wo bhejenge!!!!! ************ Santa was touching a lady in a crowed bus !!! Lady: Excuse me!! aap acha nahi kar rahe hain...Santa: itni bheed mein is se achha nahi ho sakta,... ************ Plz call me, its urgent....Ek accident ho gaya hai tumahara hi blood group chaiye !!!! Please mana mat karna varna tommy mar jaayega. &*********** Colgate se daan saaf rakhne ka,Pepsodent se majboot karne ka,babool se fresh karne ka,Agr phir bhi safaid nahi hue to ................. to Bindas "Harpic" use karne ka.... &************ Wife: Kya kar rahe ho?Husband: "Mkkhiya" maar raha hoon.Wife: Kitni maari?Hubby: 3 male or 4 female ...Wife: Kaise malum?Hubby: kyunki 3 daaru ki botal se chipki thi or 4 phone se chipki hue thi... ************ ,:*""*:,  ye ek*;'%,':*  ped   )(     hai   )(     Khoobsurat hai na????? Agar mujhe mail nahi karoge to isi par taang doonga..... ********** Aadmi ki car se takrakar ek tota behosh

ho gaya.aadmi ne use pinjre me rakha or khana + pani diya... Tota hosh me aate hi bola AAILA!!!! JAIL!! WO CAR DRIVER MAR GAYA KYA????? ************ NASHEDI RHYME: Twinkle twinkle little star,he just went to the beer bar,Scotch rates r up so high,So drink PAUVA wid chicken fry.. ********** Arz kiya hai ----- Jis bus mein baithi ho haseenaye, Us bus k sishe chatak jaate hain,Driver chaye jitni tez chalaye, Chichore phir bhi latak jaate hain.... %********* SANTA FOUND ANSWER TO THE MOST DIFFICULTQUESTION EVER --- WHAT COMES FIRST THE CHICKEN OR THE EGG??? OYE YAAR!!!!! JISKA ORDER PEHLE DOGE, VO HI AAYEGA....

Colour Therapy   Colourful moods "I'm green with envy," "I saw red", "I'm feeling blue," "He turned purple with rage," "She was pink with embarrassment"?You may not have noticed, but we often use colours to describe our moods and emotions. But according to practitioners of colour therapy, the link between colours and our moods and emotions goes deeper than that. They believe that not only do colours affect our emotions, but they have healing properties. According to them, every colour in the light spectrum vibrates at a different frequency. The faster the vibration, the warmer the colour and the slower the vibration, the cooler the colour. For instance, red is a warm colour, while blue is cool.  This is not a new-fangled theory, but one that has been practiced as far back in time as the Egyptian civilization. In ancient Egypt, people often immersed themselves in vats of coloured pigment as a curative measure. In ancient times, there were great halls with coloured glass panels or windows where people would stand and be bathed in the light that filtered in.    The practice of colour therapy

Followers of this alternative method of healing emphasize that colour therapy should only be performed by experts who know what colour or mixture of colours is required for the cure of an illness. There are no standard rules. Colours that work for one person need not necessarily be as effective for another person. In addition, it is believed that overexposure to certain colours can lead to side effects.  Colour therapy can be practiced in the following ways:

Coloured light bulbs and coloured glass windows can be used as part of the therapy.

Some therapists ask their clients to visualize colours under the effect of hypnosis.

Other experts make suggestions about the colour of the food a person should eat, the colour of his clothes and even the colour of his surroundings. 

Solarized water can be used as a healing tonic. In this method, purified water is filled in a clear container of the presribed colour and left out in the sun for a couple of hours. The sun's rays filter through the coloured glass container and energize the water with the vibration of the prescribed colour.

Colour properties Red: The colour red represents vitality, creativity, energy and power. People who favour the colour red are usually those that like to be in the forefront where they can attract a lot of attention. They are often quick to react and overemotional.  This colour helps to loosen stiffness and restraints. It stimulates the release of adrenalin in the bloodstream and causes haemoglobin to multiply. Hence, it results in greater strength and energy and is good for treating anaemia and other blood-related conditions. Red can also make you feel warmer, reducing pain that comes from the cold. It also helps for people who are feeling lethargic or depressed.  However, an excess of red can make a person agitated and aggressive. While it may excite sexual passion, it can also lead to anger and destructive behaviour. It is not recommended to be used for people who have heart trouble or who have a nervous disposition.  Orange: Like red, orange is also an energising colour. Used in moderation, it has a gentle warming effect. It is useful in treating gallstones, digestive ailments, chest and kidnet diseases and arthritis. It helps to lift the spirits of people who are depressed, lonely, who feel hemmed in or who feel that their lives lack direction.  However, too much orange can lead to agitation and restlessness like the colour red.  Yellow: People attracted to the colour yellow usually have sunny dispositions and are good communicators who love to talk. Those who prefer the stronger shades of yellow often tend to be arrogant or conceited, while those who are drawn to the more pastel shades of yellow may be timid.  Yellow stimulates the intellect and has a generally cheering effect. It has been found to be useful in facilitating the digestive process and in curing skin problems. However, like red and orange, it is not recommended for people experiencing great stress. Overstimulation could result in exhaustion and depression.  Green: The colour green represents balance, harmony and hope. People who favour the yellower tones of green are usually adventurous in nature, while those who prefer the bluer tones of green tend to be optimists. If green is your colour, remember to add a little red or orange to your surroundings to liven things up a little. Green helps to calm frazzled nerves and is good for people with heart conditions. It stimulates growth and therefore helps to heal broken bones and facilitates the regrowth of tissue. It is recommended for pregnant women to create a serene atmosphere.  However, too much green can bring on a sense of lethargy as the person settles into a state of tranquility almost approaching stagnation. A person tends to become complacent as he does not feel a sense of challenge or a need to strive towards any goal.  Blue: Blue is the colour of truth, nobility and serenity. It has a cooling, soothing and calming effect. Blue-coloured clothes should be worn to combat the heat in the summer. It helps for people

who are feeling frightened or flustered. Meditating on the clour blue before one sleeps helps to ward off mightmares.  In the physical sense, blue is useful in bringing down a fever. It helps to stop bleeding, is good for burns and can cure a sore throat. It is recommended for people suffering from shock, inflammation and nervous breakdowns. It is not advisable for people with bad circulation.  However, blue can be calming to the point of having a sedative effect. It can make a person passive and easily led or taken advantage of. An overdose of blue can make you feel cold, sad and depressed.  Indigo: The colour indigo is associated with the mysterious and the profound. People attracted to this colour usually look beyond the surface of things. They are drawn to higher things, sometimes even the occult.  Indigo stimulates the intellect. It gives a person a sense of courage, authority and inner calmness.  At the physical level, indigo purifies the blood. It is useful in treating diseases of the ear, nose and eyes and for sinus problems. It is also used for curing varicose veins, diseases of the nervous system, boils and ulcers, and skin disorders.  An excess of indigo can give you a headache and make you feel sleepy.  Violet: Violet is a very powerful colour and has strong links with creativity. It is said that Leonardo da Vinci meditated upon it and that Beethoven had violet curtains. Those drawn to this colour are often shy.  It is useful in treating people who are excessively emotionally agitated. It also helps compulsive eaters to calm down and control their compulsion to eat.  The creative energy unleashed by this colour is often too much to handle and if not channelized properly can make a person feel quite ill. It is not advisable for clinically depressed individuals. 


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 00:18 (12 minutes ago) 

A stranger was seated next to a little girl on the airplane when the stranger turned to her and said, "Let's talk.I've heard that flights go quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger."

The little girl, who had just opened her book, closed it slowly and said to the stranger, "What would you like to talk about?"

"Oh, I don't know", said the stranger. "How about nuclear power?"

"OK". she said. "That could be an interesting topic. But let me ask you a question first. A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat grass, the same stuff. Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns out a flat patty, and a horse produces clumps of dried grass. Why do you suppose that is?"

The stranger thinks about it and says, "Hmmm, I have no idea."

"Do you feel qualified to discuss nuclear power when you don't know Shit?"

Image file formats

Image files are made up of picture elements, called PIXELS The pixels that comprise an image are in the form of a grid of columns and rows. Each of the pixels in an image stores digital numbers  representing brightness and color. Major graphic file formats

There are many graphic file formats, if we include the proprietary types. The PNG, JPEG, and GIF formats are most often used to display images on the Internet. These graphic formats are

listed and brieflydescribed below, separated into the two main families of graphics: raster and vector.

Raster formats

JPEGThe JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) image files are a lossy  format. The DOS filename extension is JPG, although other operating systems may use JPEG. Nearly all digital cameras have the option tosave images in JPEG format. The JPEG format supports 16-bit color and produces relatively small file sizes. Fortunately, the compression in most cases does not detract noticeably from the image. But JPEG files do suffer generational degradation when repeatedly edited and saved. Photographic images are best stored in a lossless non-JPEG format if they will be re-edited in future, or  if the presence of small "artifacts" (blemishes), due to the nature of the JPEG compression algorithm, is unacceptable. JPEG is also used as the image compression algorithm in many Adobe PDF files.

TIFFThe TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) is a flexible image format that normally uses a filename extension of TIFF or TIF. TIFF's flexibility is both a feature and a curse, with no single reader capable of handling all the different varieties of TIFF files. TIFF  can be lossy or lossless. Some types of TIFF offer relatively good lossless compression for bi-level (black and white, no grey) images. Some high-end digital cameras have the option to save images in the TIFF format, using the LZW compression algorithm for lossless  storage. The TIFF image format is not widely supported by web browsers, and should not be used on the World Wide Web. TIFF is still widely accepted as a photograph file standard in the printing industry. TIFF is capable of handling device-specific color spaces,  such as the CMYK defined by a particular set of printing press inks.

RAWThe RAW image format is a file option available on some digital cameras. It usually uses a lossless compression and produces file  sizes much smaller than the TIFF format. Unfortunately, the RAW format is not standard among all camera manufacturers and some graphic programs and image editors may not accept the RAW format. The better graphic editors can read some manufacturer's RAW formats,  and some (mostly higher-end) digital cameras also support saving images in the TIFF format directly. There are also separate tools available for converting digital camera raw image format files into other formats, one such tool being Dave Coffin's dcraw, which is  made available under a combination of GNU General Public License and public domain licenses.

Adobe's Digital Negative Specification is a recent (September 2004) attempt at standardizing the various "raw" file formats used by  digital cameras.

PNGThe PNG (Portable Network Graphics) file format is regarded and was made as the free and open successor to the GIF file format. The PNG file format supports true color (16 million colors) whereas the GIF  file format only allows 256 colors. PNG excels when the image has large areas of uniform color. The lossless PNG format is best suited for editing pictures, and the lossy formats like JPG are best for final distribution of photographic-type images because of smaller  file size. Many older browsers do not yet support the PNG file format. The Adam7-interlacing allows an early preview even when only a small percentage of the data of the image has been transmitted.

GIF GIF (Graphic Interchange Format) is limited to an 8-bit palette, or 256 colors. This makes the GIF format suitable for storing graphics with relatively few colors such as simple diagrams, shapes and cartoon style images. The GIF format supports animation and is still  widely used

to provide image animation effects.

BMPThe BMP (bit mapped) format is used internally in the Microsoft Windows operating system to handle graphics images. These files are typically not compressed resulting in large files. The main  advantage of BMP files is their wide acceptance and use in Windows programs. Their large size makes them unsuitable for file transfer. Desktop backgrounds and images from scanners are usually stored in BMP files.

XPMThe XPM format is the default X Window System picture format (very popular in the Linux world). Its structure is based on the string format of the C programming language. Because XPM was designed to be  human-readable, and is stored as uncompressed plain-text, the file size of these pictures can be more than twice as large as uncompressed binary bitmap files (such as BMP, uncompressed TIFF, MacOS-PICT, or Irix-RGB formats). This format is unsupported by most  non-Unix software and operating systems (though many web-browsers retain display support for the XBM subset, which was the minimal image format in the early days of the WWW).

MrSIDThe MrSID (Multiresolution Seamless Image Database) format is a  wavelet compression format used mostly by Geographic Information Systems to store massive satellite imagery for map software.

Vector formatsAs opposed to the raster image formats above (where the data  describes the characteristics of each individual pixel), vector image formats contain a geometric description which can be rendered smoothly at any desired display size.

SVGSVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is an open standard created and  developed by the World Wide Web Consortium to address the need (and  attempts of several corporations) for a versatile, scriptable and all-purpose vector format for the web and otherwise. The SVG format does not have a compression scheme of its own, but due to the  textual nature of XML, an SVG graphic can be compressed using a program such as gzip. Because of its scripting potential, SVG is a key component in web applications: interactive web pages that look and act like applications  

GIF and JPEG are currently the primary file types for graphics on the Internet. This article provides an overview of each of them, as well as when each format should be used.

The GIF FormatThe GIF format is one of the most popular formats on the Internet. Not only is the format excellent at compressing areas of images with large areas of the same color, but it is also the only option for putting animation online (unless you want to use Flash or other vector-based animation formats, which typically cost more). The  GIF89a format also supports transparency, and interlacing.

GIF files support a maximum of 256 colors, which makes them practical for almost all graphics except photographs. The most common method of reducing the size of GIF files is to reduce the  number of colors on the palette. It is important to note that GIF already uses the LZW compression scheme internally to make images as small as possible without losing any data

When to use them

Generally, GIF files should be used for logos, line drawings and  icons. Avoid using it for photographic images, and graphics which have long stretches of continuous-tone in them. When you're designing GIF files, avoid using gradients and turn off anti- aliasing where possible to minimize the file size.

The JPEG FormatThe JPEG format, with its support for 16.7 million colors, is primarily intended for photographic images. The internal compression algorithm of the JPEG format, unlike the GIF format, actually throws  out information. Depending on what settings you use, the thrown out data may or may not be visible to the eye. Once you lower the quality of an image, and save it, the extra data cannot be regained so be sure to save the orginal

When to useAs a rule, the JPEG format should be used on photographic images, and images which do not look as good with only 256 colors





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 On the stage of life, be both actor and audience. Detaching yourself from the roles you play will help you get in touch with the part of you that is not an act.                            Have a Nice Day !!! &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& It doesn't matter for how long the room has been dark; For a day, or a week, or a year, or for ten thousand years. The moment you bring in a candle; darkness vanishes like it was never there.

Similarly, it doesn't matter for how long we are stuck in a sense of our limitations. The moment you decide to break free, nothing will stop you.

Create the light of your life.[desi_pardesi] GOOD MORNING MY FRIENDS   Inbox





to desi_pardesi

show details

 05-Jul (22 hours ago) 

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Two men HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" met while both where looking for their lost wives.

1st: How yours look like?

2nd: She is 5"7, 36-24-36, Fair, Black eyes. What about yours?

1st: Forget mine. Lets find yours!!


Man comes home, finds his wife with his friend in bed.

He shoots his friend to death.

Wife says, "If you behave like this, you will lose ALL your friends ".


What is the definition of Mistress?

Someone between the Mister and Mattress


Husband asks , "Do u know the meaning of WIFE??

"Without Information Fighting Everytime"

Wife replies," No, It means ,

"With Idiot For Ever !!!"


Three Feelings:

What's the difference between stress, tension and panic?

Stress is when wife is pregnant,

Tension is when girlfriend is pregnant, and

Panic is when both are pregnant.


Teacher: u know the importance of period?

Kid: Ya, once my sister said she has missed one, my mom fainted, dad got heart attack & our driver ran away.


Women asked man who is traveling with six children, all these kids are urs ???

No, I work in a condom factory & these are customer complaints .


Sons asks difference between confidence and confidential

Dad says, you are my son, I'm confident. Your friend is also my son, that's confidential!


Mother to her teenage daughter: I think this is the right time we should talk about sex.

Daughter (Excitingly ): Sure mom, tell me what do you want to know.

Mother Faints... –

By Engineer Abdel-Daym Al-Kahil

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) gave a special attention for Dates as part of the believer's diet especially during the Holy month Ramadan. Allah Almighty mentioned Palm trees many times in the Quraan, and made it the food of the dwellers of Paradise , So what are the secrets of this great nutriment? Is it possible to think of using dates as remedy for some diseases? What do scientists of today say about

Dates are one of the most nourishing fruits and It's called sometimes "Bread of Desert", More than two third of dates' weight is natural sugar. This fruit was highly esteemed by the ancient civilizations more than 5000 years ago; ancient Egyptians considered dates as a symbol of fertility, while the Romans and the Greeks used it to ornament their stately triumph pageants [1]. Today, dates are widely-grown in the Arabian Peninsula, Iran, Egypt, Iraq, Spain, Italy and the United States. There are


Next, we are going to explore the usefulness of dates to humans throughout the

Dates stimulate the uterus by regulating And brisking it's contractions which facilitate delivery. The uterus is a relatively large muscular organ and it urgently requires an adequate supply of natural sugar during labor and delivery. Being laxative, dates are essential for pregnant women before delivery in order to purge the colon and intestine and to facilitate delivery. The miraculousness of the Quranic verse shows evidently as Allah tells Mary: (And shake the trunk of the palm tree towards thee – thou wilt cause ripe dates to fall upon

Nutriment and medicine for children

Dates contain natural sugar which is easily absorbed and digested, thus, it is safe and comforting for children's stomach and intestine. And the dates juice is useful especially if we mix it with Milk to become very nourishing and restorative drink for children and adults. Dates and honey paste is used for the treatment of diarrhea and dysentery in children but it should be taken three times a day.

This paste also comforts and hardening the gums during teething and facilitates the process.

It is advisable to purchase the good varieties of dates and to wash them thoroughly before use especially when used as food or remedy for children. Here, we should mention the prophetic tradition of (Al Tahneek); rubbing the newborn's mouth with a well-chewed date and feeding him with it. Science has proved that giving the newborn some sugar dissolved in water provides the child with the necessary nutrition and improves their immunity against diseases.

And when we know that sugar in dates is the most easily absorbed and digested type of sugar so it will be suitable nutriment for newborns but the dates should be well-chewed or soaked in water to be easy for the newborn to take. This proves that the great prophet (PBUH) preceded today's doctors to this type of nutrition. It's no wonder that he preceded them as he is the messenger of their God.



Figure (1) Dates are the best nutriment for newborns since pregnancy and during breast feeding

An effective treatment for constipation 

Dates can be used in the treatment of intestinal disturbances and it also helps the intestine perform their function effectively, and helps establishing a colony of friendly bacteria in the intestines. Dates are also highly beneficial in the treatment of constipation as the roughage provided by it stimulates sluggish bowels. They should be immersed in water at night and taken after making them into fine syrup the next morning to secure laxative effect [3].

Date syrup can be used as a treatment for weak heart. It can also be use for the treatment of sexual weakness. When it's mixed with milk and honey, dates can be used as a tonic for the treatment of sexual disturbances for both sexes, And such syrup strengthens the body and raises its energy levels. The elderly would benefit from this syrup too. It improves their stamina and purges their bodies from the toxins that have accumulated in their cells along the years.

It was very weird that western physicians who treat their patients by fasting advise them by taking the natural sugar in fruits and water when breaking the fast know that dates contain a high ratio of such easily-absorbed sugar then dates and water are the best nutriments for fasters.

Here we remember the Hadith of our prophet (PBUH) : (When any of you breaks his fasting he should eat dates cause dates are blessing, if he didn't find dates then drink water cause water is purifying) [Narrated by Abo Dawood]. Here we see that the prophet (PBUH) showed us the principles of effective fasting, by eating dates and drinking water at breakfast centuries before Westerns.

The prophetic wisdom out of having Dates for breakfast might be reduce the hunger and consequently, reduce the amounts of food consumed; therefore the fasting will be effective and useful. And if we remember that fasting consider the best weapon to excise toxics out of the body, then having dates  ( toxin-resistive )represent a real integrated treatment against weakness and fatigue resulted from the accumulation of toxic chemicals and heavy metals in the cells of the body.


Figures (2) Date lose 1/3 of their water content when dried in the sun. Dried dates contain a high ratio of natural sugar hence; they are the best food for fasters

The wide variety of nutritious elements in dates makes it hunger-resistive! And when we know that the cause behind Obesity is a persisting feeling of hunger and an appetite for food which drives a person to consume larger amounts of fats and sugar when he eat his meal. So treatment by eating few dates when feeling hungry helps reduce hunger and be filled. These dates will provide the body with the necessary sugar and stimulate the intestine which reduce hunger greatly, and eventually, reduce food consumption. The miraculousness of the prophet's saying shows as he said: (A household that has dates doesn't feel hunger) [narrated by Muslim]. We can conclude that dates can be used to treat

A Remedy for Lever and Inflammations

Dates remedy Lever and purge it from toxins, Breaking the fast with dates, is one of the most magnificent of natural remedies for the maintenance and purging the Lever from

accumulated toxins. And also drinking dates juice could be used in the treatment of sore throat, various types of fever, rhinorrhia and common cold

Dates are an excellent remedy for alcoholic intoxication. In such a case, drinking water in which fresh dates have been rubbed or soaked will bring quick relief mention one of the prophet's (PBUH) Hadith in which he referred to dates as a remedy for intoxication. Prophet (PBUH) said : (Who eats 7 pressed dates in the morning, will not be inflected with witchcraft or poisoning that day) [Narrated by Abu Dawood]

If we deeply study the medical implications of the Hadith, we realize its miraculousness:

1- The prophet (PBUH) used the number 7. This number has significance in the universe, the Quran and the prophetic tradition. It's enough to know that the first number Number 7.

2- 7 dates weigh approximately 70 grams which provides a sufficient intake of a wide variety of minerals, salts and vitamins for the body.

3- This amount is sufficient to purge the body from the accumulated toxins in the cells; like heavy metals, lead as an example. The accumulation of toxins has increased nowadays due to widespread water, air and food pollution.

4- The Hadith implicitly referred to the toxins entering the body as (Poison ). He also indicated that eating dates reduces the dangers such toxins impose the body to.

); only God knows what was meant with it.

6- The Hadith doesn't imply that taking poison after eating seven dates would be completely harmless, In fact, doing this deliberately is considered as harming one's self on purpose and this is forbidden in Islam. But we have to undersand that Hadith means that eating seven dates each morning reduces the harmful effects of toxicants. In order to make the process more effective, regularity with eating seven dates in the morning should be maintained. As our Prophet (PBUH) asked us to do.

And we should understand from the Hadith that eating dates everyday regularly And in order will effect our psychological state and make it more stable, God only know the truth.


Figure (3) All the parts of the palm tree are beneficial! The leaves are for building house roofs; the wood is for heating; dates are highly nutritious, even date seeds can be immersed in water and given to horses, camels and hens as perfect food.

Having high medical and nutritious value, dates are expected to be the best food for the future. Dates contain as high a percentage as 88% of carbohydrate (starch), ( 2.5-5%) of fat, (2.3-5.6%) of Protein and (6.4-11.5%) of Vitamins and dietary fibre. The flesh contains (0.2 – 5%) of oil, whereas the seed's weight is (7.7 -9.7%) oil. The weight of the seed is

Dates contain Vitamins A, B1 and B2, And contain Fluorine who defeats teeth decay. Other minerals that are found in various proportions in dates include boron, calcium, cobalt, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorous, sodium and zinc. Additionally, the seeds contain aluminum, cadmium, chloride, lead and sulphur in various proportions. Selenium, element believed to help prevent cancer and important in immune function, is also found in dates.

For all of the previously mentioned benefits, date is the ideal food for the future. The fruit's production has increased 3 times over 40 years, whereas the world population has only doubled, an indication to the rapid growth of the production of this ideal fruit [1].

Dear Believer if you are feeling weak, don't hesitate to take 7 dates in the morning as the prophet (PBUH) recommended. those Seven dates weigh around 70 gm, so if you take them, then you actually took 70 milligrams of calcium- which is very useful for the bones, joints and nerves, 35 milligrams of phosphorus which is nutritious to the brain and 7 milligrams of iron which is strengthens the body in general and the heart in particular.

It's also suitable for reducing weight as it only contains 0.25 gm of fat. So if you suffer from Obesity, then this meal is the right thing for you. This prophetic meal regulates and stimulates the bowels with the10 gm of dietary fiber it contains.

So won't you say yes to the prophetic advice?!

A Researcher in the field of Miraculousness of the Quran and Sunnah

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Trnslated by: Amato Allah ( Nada )

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Last time there was asimilar question and my answer was "ANJALI" From this name so many beautiful names can be extracted. Examples: Hridhanjali, Kusumanjali, Swarnanjali, Geethanjali, Kalnjali, Sumanoharanjali, Vedanjali, Divyanjali, Vijayanjali, Sunainjali and so many. And this is also a very rare name among the few.

Last time there was asimilar question and my answer was "ANJALI" From this name so many beautiful names can be extracted. Examples: Hridhanjali, Kusumanjali, Swarnanjali, Geethanjali, Kalnjali, Sumanoharanjali, Vedanjali, Divyanjali, Vijayanjali, Sunainjali and so many. And this is also a very rare name among the few.

Both are a combination, that is why each time the medals are won every time the national anthem of those countries are also played. And another common feature in both is the word "PLAY" Ex.. He palys the Flute nice, He plays Tabala excellent and similarly He plays Golf excellent, He plays Billiards very nice. So you see both are made for each other. And so please don't separate them