Imperialism and the Spanish-American War

Post on 23-Feb-2016

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Imperialism and the Spanish-American War. Imperialism. Imperialism: extending a country’s power through diplomacy or military force so that the country can gain immediate wealth and resources or some long-term advantage - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Imperialism and the Spanish-American War

Imperialism and the Spanish-American War

Imperialism– Imperialism: extending a country’s power through diplomacy

or military force so that the country can gain immediate wealth and resources or some long-term advantage

– In the 1800’s, European powers scrambled for colonies in Africa, Asia, and the Pacific

– By 1910 (4 years before WWI started) the most desirable colonies had been taken.

– What makes a colony desirable?• _________________________________________

– Britain and France had started colonizing earlier than Germany. They had more and better lands.

– Other countries would have to take lands away from Britain and France if they wanted new colonies

Imperialism in AmericaMany ideas influenced supporters of American

imperialism:– The importance of sea power: • A country cannot be strong without a strong navy• A strong navy needs ports throughout the world where it can

safely dock and reload so that it can remain strong– White Man’s Burden: • Caucasian people were the most capable people in the world

and must do their God-given duty to protect others and lead them towards democracy• America must spread throughout the world, especially to

countries without healthy governments, to do this

More Ideas that influenced supporters of American Imperialism

– The Monroe Doctrine: • Remember, this said that the Western Hemisphere was now under

the control, influence, and protection of America, not Europe• Teddy Roosevelt added his own part, called the Roosevelt Corollary,

which said the US would intervene to maintain stability in the Western Hemisphere (and would defend the WH against the EH)

• Used as an excuse to mess with the governments of Cuba, Nicaragua, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic

– Money money money money money!: • The more places the US could trade with, the more opportunities to

make money!• After the Industrial Revolution, the US had many goods to trade and

wanted as many customers as possible!

The Spanish-American War• Cuba and Puerto Rico were Spain’s only Latin American colonies by about 1825• 1890s: Cubans started to fight the Spanish for independence• Some in the US wanted to buy Cuba (or just use its resources; the US imported

a lot of sugar and tobacco from Cuba) while others just wanted to help• Tensions were high, an American ship blew up (which was blamed on the

Spanish), and in 1898 the US declared war• New York newspapers competed to have the most sensational stories about

the war– “You furnish the pictures and I’ll furnish the war” said William Randolph Hearst, a

newspaper publisher… for him, war was good for business– Yellow journalism: They didn’t care if the stories were necessarily true as long as they

were entertaining and sold newspapers• No one expected it to last long; it was even referred to as a “splendid little war”• By the end of 1898, the war was over (Treaty of Paris)

– Cuba gained independence (but the US passed laws to control its government)– the US got the territories of Puerto Rico and Guam as well as the Philippines

Panama Canal• The US had wanted to build a canal through Panama (the

easiest, skinniest part of Latin America that would provide a good route for ships) for a long time

• Colombia owned Panama and didn’t want to sell the land to Teddy Roosevelt

• When Colombia rejected his offer of $10 million for a 100 year lease on Panama, TR got sneaky: – he hired mercenaries and arranged for rebels in Panama to fight

back against the Colombian government so that Panama would become independent

– It worked; only one person died in the fighting and TR got his canal– Around 25,000 natives and Americans died working on the canal

from accidents and diseases

American Imperialism in Asia• Pacific Islands

– To fulfill the “sea power” goals and gain naval bases, the US began acquiring islands in the Pacific Ocean in 1867.

– This is when Hawaii became a part of the US, though it became a state much later

• Japan– 1854: US opened trade with Japan (thanks, Matthew Perry)– Japan was also an Imperialist power, but focused on taking over nearby

Asian countries• China

– It had been defeated in many wars and had been colonized by Europe and Japan.

– The US wanted to trade with China as well and tried to insist on an “Open Door policy” of trade

– This was accomplished after the US helped stop a rebellion in China against the colonial powers (the Boxer Rebellion)