Imperialism and Global Political Econony Chapter 1 Introduction Alex Callinicos

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translated in Urdu by Amir Hussaini

Transcript of Imperialism and Global Political Econony Chapter 1 Introduction Alex Callinicos



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Imperialism and Global Political Economy


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NOTES AND REFERENCES1 This introduction is based on my inaugural lecture at King'sCollege London, 15 October20072 R. Suskind, 'Without a Doubt', New York Times Magazine,17 October 20043 Z. Brzezinski, The Grand Chessboard (New York, 1998),p. 104 N. Ferguson, Empire: How Britain Made the Modern World(London, 2003), p. xxi5 N. Ferguson, Colossus: The Rise and Fall of the AmericanEmpire (London, 2004), pp. 183, 1936 F. Cooper, Colonialism in Question (Berkeley and Los Angeles,2005), p. 5; see also ibid.,eh. 2, 'The Rise, Fall, and Rise ofColonial Studies, 1951-2001'. I am grateful to Sharad Charifor thisreference7 M.W. Doyle, Empires (Ithaca, 1986), p. 30. Unless there issome specific reason for doingotherwise, I shall use the terms'imperialism' and 'empire' interchangeably8 Cooper, Colonialism in Question, pp. 26-7. Cooper offersan extended discussion of empireas a political form in ibid.,eh. 6, 'States, Empires, and Political Imagination'. C. Calhounet al., Lessons ofEmpire (New York, 2006) seek to bring thehistoriography of past empires to bear on the current situationSee also H. Münkler, Empires (Cambridge, 2007), criticized inB. Teschke, 'Imperial Doxa fromthe Berlin Republic', NewLeft Review, 1/40 (2006). For Marxist discussions of precapitalistempires, seeE.M. Wood, Empire of Capital (London,228NOTES TO PAGES 3-102003), chs 2 and 3, and K. Van DerPijl, Nomads, Empires,States (London, 2008), ch. 39 V.I. Lenin, Imperialism, The Highest Stage of Capitalism, inid., Collected Works, XXII(Moscow, 1964), p. 26710 F. Halliday, 'The Persistence of Imperialism', in A. Rupert andH. Smith, eds, HistoricalMaterialism and Globalization(London, 2002), p. 76. This judgement is all the more remarkablein the lightof Halliday's political hostility to contemporaryanti-imperialism, which he dismisses as 'a coalition oftheromantic and the authoritarian', ibid., p. 8511 P. Patnaik, 'Whatever Has Happened to Imperialism?', SocialScientist, 18/6-7 (1990): 73,reprinted as 'Whatever Happenedto Imperialism?', in Monthly Review, November 199012 N. Geras, 'Reductions of the Left', Dissent, winter 2005 ( See Nigel Harris's brilliant, if overstated, The End of the ThirdWord (London, 1986)14 P. Clarke, The Last Thousand Days of the British Empire(London, 2007), p. 280. On theGreat Bengal Famine, see A.KSen, Poverty and Famines (Oxford, 1981), ch. 6


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15 For a survey, see R.J.C. Young, Postcolonialism: An HistoricalIntroduction (Oxford, 2001),and, for a more critical responsefrom a historian, Cooper, Colonialism in Question16 J. Darwin, After Tamerlane (London, 2007), p. 49117 Ibid., p. 50518 M. Hardt and A. Negri, Empire (Cambridge, MA, 2000) andMultitude (New York, 2004)19 P. Anderson, 'European Hypocrisies', London Review ofBooks, 20 September 200720 N. Chomsky, Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest forGlobal Dominance (London,2003), pp. 182, 23221 B. Porter, Empire and Superempire (New Haven, 2006). LindaColley makes someperceptive and partly parallel observations,in 'The Difficulties of Empire: Past, Present and Future',HistoricalResearch, 79 (2006)22 J. Gallagher and R. Robinson, 'The Imperialism of Free Trade',Economic History Review,2/VI (1953): 623 W.A. Williams, The Tragedy of American Diplomacy (NewYork, 1991)24 Quoted in R. Wiggershaus, The Frankfurt School (Cambridge,1994), p. 256. Halliday offersa related paraphrase of Horkheimer:'those who do not want to talk about capitalism,229NOTES TOPAGES 11-17230should not talk about international relations, or globalization','The Persistence ofImperialism', in A. Rupert and H. Smith,eds, Historical Materialism and Globalization, p. 7725 M. Kidron, 'Imperialism - Highest Stage but One', InternationalSocialism, 9 (1962) and'International Capitalism', ibid.:20 (1965), both reprinted in Capitalism and Theory (London,1974) andavailable at: ( A. Callinicos, Althusser's Marxism (London, 1976)27 R.J.C. Young, White Mythologies (London, 1990)28 D. Harvey, Spaces of Hope (Edinburgh, 2000), ch. 129 L. Althusser and E. Balibar, Reading Capital (London, 1970),p. 18030 See A. Callinicos, The Resources of Critique (Cambridge,2006), esp. chs 3 and 431 D. Harvey, The New Imperialism (Oxford, 2003), and A. Callinicos,The New Mandarins ofAmerican Power (Cambridge,2003). For some reservations about Harvey's treatment of accumulationbydispossession, see S. Ashman and A. Callinicos,'Capital Accumulation and the State System', and B.Fine, 'Debatingthe "New Imperialism"', Historical Materialism, 14:4 (2006)32 See the symposia on The New Imperialism in Historical Materialism,14:4 (2006) andaround my article 'Does CapitalismNeed the State System?', in the Cambridge Review ofInternationalAffairs, 20/4 (2007), and subsequent issues33 Hardt and Negri, Empire and Multitude, and W. Robinson, ATheory of Global Capitalism(Baltimore, 2004)34 E. Wood, 'Global Capital, National States', in Rupert andSmith, eds, Historical Materialismand Globalization35 L. Panitch and S. Gindin, 'Global Capitalism and AmericanEmpire', in Panitch and ColinLeys, eds, The New ImperialChallenge: Socialist Register 2004 (London, 2003), 'Financeand AmericanEmpire', in Panitch and Leys, eds, The EmpireReloaded: Socialist Register 2005 (London, 2004), and'SuperintendingGlobal Capital', New Left Review, 11/35 (2005)36 Perry Anderson offers a very similar view of contemporaryimperialism as an American-ledConcert of Powers in 'Jottingsin the Conjuncture', New Left Review, 11/48 (2007). See, for acritique ofHardt and Negri in line with this perspective, ABoron, Empire and Imperialism (London, 2005)37 R. Kiely, 'Capitalist Expansion and the Imperialism-Globalization Debate', journal ofInternational Relations andNOTES TO PAGES 18-43231Development, 8 (2005), pp. 3 2 - 4 . See, inaddition to the textsby Harvey and me cited above, W. Bello, Dilemmas of Domination(New York, 2005),P. Gowan, The Global Gamble(London, 1999), C. Harman, 'Analysing Imperialism',InternationalSocialism, 2/99 (2003), J. Rees, Imperialism andResistance (London, 2006), and C. Serfati,Imperialisme etmilitarisme (Lausanne, 2004)38 For example, G. Arrighi, The Long Twentieth Century (London,1994), and Adam Smith in


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Beijing (London, 2007)39 R. Brenner, 'What is, and What is Not, Imperialism?', HistoricalMaterialism, 14.4 (2006),and 'Imperialism and Neoliberalism',paper given at Historical Materialism conference, London,10November 2007. Aijaz Ahmad occupies a broadly similartheoretical position: Iraq, Afghanistan and theImperialism ofOur Time (New Delhi, 2004)40 B. Sutcliffe, 'How Many Capitalisms?', in Rupert and Smith,eds, Historical Materialism andGlobalization, p. 5041 B. Sutcliffe, 'Imperialism Old and New', Historical Materialism,14/4 (2006): 7442 Among my earlier efforts are: A. Callinicos, 'Imperialism, Capitalism,and the State Today',International Socialism, 2/35(1987), 'Marxism and Imperialism Today', InternationalSocialism, 2/50(1991), and 'Periodizing Capitalism and AnalysingImperialism', in Robert Albritton et al., Phases ofCapitalistDevelopment (Basingstoke, 2001). For the InternationalSocialist tradition, in addition to the textsby Harman, Kidron,and Rees cited above, see T. Cliff (1957), 'The Economic Rootsof Reformism', in id.,Marxist Theory after Trotsky (London,2003), N. Harris (1971), 'Lenin and Imperialism Today', inid.,India-China: Underdevelopment and Revolution (Delhi,1974), J. Rees, 'The New Imperialism',International Socialism,2/48 (1990), and Callinicos et al., Marxism and the New Imperialism(London,1994). I have incorporated fragments fromthe first two articles cited, and from 'Bourgeois RevolutionsandHistorical Materialism', International Socialism, 2/43(1989), albeit altered, and surrounded by much newmaterial,in chapters 1, 3 and 443 Callinicos, 'Does Capitalism Need the State System?', p. 542,and, in response, G.Pozo-Martin, 'Autonomous or MaterialistGeopolitics?', Cambridge Review of International Affairs,20/4(2007)


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