Post on 28-Aug-2018

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An internationally acclaimed, language and behavior-based communication model that will help you influence your world.



Presented by LaRita Jarvis 2

What if you could get buy-in from leadership?

Build more consensus among your colleagues?

Get faculty to create more flexible options?

Understand the best way to keep students engaged?

Get your teenager to see and appreciate your point of view?

Presented by LaRita Jarvis

If you want them to listen to what you say, talk their language.”—Taibi Kahler, Ph.D.


Presented by LaRita Jarvis 4

PCM® is an innovative tool for understanding, motivating and communicating effectively with others

Use it to:• Simply observe and understand one’s own behavior

• Understand the behavior of others

• Analyze distress and miscommunication

• Find resolution and a return to effective communication

Presented by LaRita Jarvis 5

Authored and owned bycommunication rockstarsTaibi Kahler, Ph.D., (1943-present), PCM® author and founder of Kahler Communications, Inc., is an award-winning clinical psychologist, author, expert interviewer, presidential/senatorial communications advisor and consultant/advisor to Global 2000 companies, NASA and other governmental agencies.

Gerard Collignon is president of Kahler Communication Inc., the international research, communication and assessment company that owns the rights to PCM®.

Presented by LaRita Jarvis 6

Two basic principles

The way we say something is more important than what we say

Although each individual is unique, we all share six characteristics

Presented by LaRita Jarvis 7

Six doorways for human contact

Thoughts (value data, information)

Opinions (value trust & loyalty)

Emotions (value relationships)

Action (value initiative and self-sufficiency)

Reaction (value fun, humor, spontaneity)

Reflection (value “taking it in” and direction)

Presented by LaRita Jarvis 8

Easy platformKnow ourselves and understand others, specifically how type of personality relates to:

• How each of us perceives the environment

• Visible and physical expressions

• Character strengths

• Psychological needs as the key to personal motivation

• Different environmental preferences

• Different interaction styles

Presented by LaRita Jarvis 9

Called a “genius discovery”

For recognition that:• The process of communication is observable, sequential and measurable

• Productive communication and unproductive miscommunication can be distinguished second by second by observing words, tones, postures, gestures and facial expressions

Presented by LaRita Jarvis 10

More than words

Words account for only 7% of a speaker’s impact.

Vocal tone is responsible for 38%.

Body language accounts for 55%!

(Research by Albert Mehrabian at UCLA)

Presented by LaRita Jarvis 11

Big idea

Making contact with others using a doorway different than their own often results in miscommunication

Presented by LaRita Jarvis 12

Six doorways for human contactPercentage of population:

30% Emotions (value relationships)

25% Thoughts (value data, information)

10% Opinions (value trust & loyalty)

10% Inaction/reflection (value “taking it in” and direction)

20% Reaction (value fun, humor, spontaneity)

5% Action (value initiative and self-sufficiency)

Presented by LaRita Jarvis

Process Communication is being used successfully in companies mainly as a management tool, as a vehicle to improve salesmanship, as a powerful marketing survey tool, as a political polling tool, as a dynamic tool for making speeches more effective…”

—Taibi Kahler, 1994, and still true today


Presented by LaRita Jarvis 14

Big idea

The Golden Rule often leads to under motivated employees

Presented by LaRita Jarvis 15

Six starring roles







Presented by LaRita Jarvis 16

Easy platformRecognize and positively impact difficult behaviors:

• Micromanagement, criticism of ideas

• Opinionated, judgmental

• Blames others

• Withdraws and isolates

• Makes mistakes, low self-confidence

• Manipulates and causes negative drama

Presented by LaRita Jarvis

Talk to me in a language I understand and you reach my head. Talk to me in my language and you reach my heart.”

—Nelson Mandella


Presented by LaRita Jarvis 18

Easy platformBetter manage and interact with others:

• Assess (personality type)

• Connect (understand personal perceptions, channels and environmental preferences)

• Motivate (charge battery)

• Resolve conflict (connect based on their needs, not ours; understand their distress sequence and help get them out of it)

Presented by LaRita Jarvis 19

Exceptional validityPredicts with 95% accuracy how to connect with and motivate a person and what patterns of distress they will display that sabotage productivity

NASA-funded research comparing PCM® to Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) concluded that the PCM profile is far more practical and applicable because of “phase”– identification of psychological need motivators and predictability of distress patterns—and intervention strategies.

#1 reason clients rate PCM® as superior to any other model they have used, is the immediate practical application.

Presented by LaRita Jarvis

Great framework for understanding why conflict in the workplace may occur, and how to diffuse it through understanding of personality types, their motivators, their stressors.”

—Nadine Kano, Senior Director, Microsoft,

Seattle, WA


Presented by LaRita Jarvis 21

Money in the Bank

Companies that are highly effective communicators had 47 percent higher total returns to shareholders over the last five years compared with firms that had the least effective communicators.

(2009, Towers-Watson study)

Presented by LaRita Jarvis 22

Needed today more than everA 2013 Gallup poll revealed that 63 percent of the international workforce is not engaged, meaning they lack motivation and are less likely to invest discretionary effort in organizational goals or outcomes; 24 percent of the workforce is actively disengaged, indicating they are unhappy and unproductive at work and liable to spread negativity to coworkers.

In rough numbers, this translates into 900 million not engaged and 340 million actively disengaged workers around the globe.

Presented by LaRita Jarvis

While I have always thought of myself as a good communicator, this (PCM) seminar certainly helped solve the puzzle of why true with some people and not with others; and it has provided the means to reach those I had previously missed.”

—John E. Renfeld, Vice President & General

Manager, Toshiba


To Find Out How You Can Take The Personality Pattern Inventory ~ visit

LaRita Jarvis is a licensed and certified distributor of the Process Communication Model® and all materials related thereto, which are the proprietary rights of Kahler Communications, Inc.

The Kahler Communication's name is used by express permission.