Post on 25-Jun-2020

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• New Testament Map (digital or paper)

• Large surface to write on (chalk/whiteboard or big pieces of paper)

• Markers

• 9 Index Cards

• “God’s Team: Member Profile” activity sheets - see page 5

• Pencils/Colored Pencils

• Masking/Painter’s Tape


• Box/Basket (1 per homebound member)

• -Greeting Card (1 per homebound member)

• Yellow tissue paper

• Name Tag and string to connect it

• Assortment of Yellow items (see instruction sheet for ideas)


• Photo Scavenger Hunt List

• Smartphone, digital camera, or another device for taking digital pictures

Better Together

Impact Kids Pre-Camp Bible Study

…by speaking the truth with love, let’s grow in every way into Christ, who is the head. The whole body grows from him, as it is joined and held together by all the supporting ligaments. The body makes itself grow in

that it builds itself up with love as each one does its part. Ephesians 4:15-16



BEFORE YOU BEGINWrite the definition of a team — [A team] [is a] [group of] [individuals] [working] [together] [to achieve] [a common] [ goal.] — on nine index cards. Put the word/words in the [ ] on individual cards. Hide the cards throughout your space. Campers will find and assemble the definition by putting the cards together.

WARM-UP ACTIVITYStart by forming a circle. Tell campers that the goal of this game is for the entire group to be connected in a circle by linking arms. The way they link arms is by finding one thing they have in common with another camper. Designate one person to go first. They will share something about themselves like, “I love to eat apples.” Everyone who loves to eat apples will then walk quickly across the circle and try to be the first to link arms with that camper. The camper who gets there first gets to stay and then will go next. The challenge is complete when the last two campers find something they share in common and everyone has linked arms.

LEARNShare with campers that this week you are learning about the Apostle Paul, the Ephesians, and their church. Challenge campers to find Ephesus on the map. Ask campers to share what they know about Paul. Write down their answers and add other facts. Hang up this list and use it each day to review what you have learned.

Facts about Paul:

• Paul’s name used to be Saul

• Paul was born in Tarsus

• Paul didn’t like Christians but God changed his heart

• Paul became one of the most important early Christians

• Paul wrote lots of letters to churches that are now in the New Testament

• Paul traveled to many places to share God’s love with as many people as he could

In today’s session you will study Ephesians 4:1-6. Invite campers to open their bibles to this text (I have found it is easier to ask campers to find the book, once everyone has found it then have them find the chapter, and then tell them the verses). Read the scripture verses aloud slowly and ask campers to stand up when they hear you read the word “one.” Make a list of all the “ones” found in the text, you should find seven (one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God). Ask campers why they think Paul used the word “one” so many times?


Share with campers that Paul begins teaching the Ephesians how to be a church by showing them what they have in common. The things the people share in common is often what brings them together and what forms a team. The church/God’s team is one body, brought together by one Spirit, motivated by one hope, who worships one Lord, who shares one faith, who have or will each experience one baptism, and who are loved and who love one God. And above all, God is the ONE thing that makes them a team.

Ask campers to give either a thumbs up, thumbs down, or thumbs in the middle response to the statement “the church is a team.” Ask each camper to explain why they responded the way that they did.

Tell campers that you have hidden nine index cards throughout the room that they need to find. When they have retrieved the cards challenge them to work together to put the words in order to form the definition of a team:

[A team] [is a] [group of] [individuals] [working] [together] [to achieve] [a common] [ goal.]

Share with campers that a church is a team in that it is a group of people that shares a common goal-to share God’s love throughout the world. As Christians we are better together when we come together and are united in our faith. Invite campers to change their thumbs up, thumbs down, or thumbs in the middle response to what they have learned.

REFLECTClose this session by asking campers to help you make a “KWL” chart. Campers will work together to come up with 5 things they know, 5 things they want to know more about, and 5 things they have learned about being a part of God’s Team. You will do this same reflection activity at the end of your last bible study session. Keep this list to review at the end of the week.

TEAM BUILDING ACTIVITYPart of Bible Study each day is learning about the members of God’s Team. The five “team members” we are going to focus on are the Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, and Teacher. Tell campers that today they are going to create profiles for each member. Divide campers into groups and assign them one or two of the team members. Give them a profile activity sheet and the short description of the team member. When campers have completed the profiles have the groups present their team member(s) to the rest of the campers. Have some fun by designating an announcer (like at a basketball or baseball game) to introduce each team member. Hang these profiles in your bible study space and encourage campers to reference them.

MEMORY VERSE CHALLENGE: EPHESIANS 4:4-6A There is one body and one Spirit. And God called you to have one hope. There is one Lord, one faith, and one baptism. There is one God and Father of everything.

God’s Team  Member ProÞle 

Team Member Role:

Draw a Picture of the Team Member: Part of the Body of Christ:

Three Talents/Skills




One Thing to Hope for: I am an important part of God’s team because…




APOSTLEThe Apostle is a leader who is the brains behind the team. They are encouragers who are good listeners and help others to achieve their hopes and dreams. They know a lot about history and use this knowledge to help the team grow. It is most important to them that the team continues to share God’s love and serve in the world. They often say whatever is on their mind without thinking about it first. They believe the truth is very important, even if it is blunt.

PROPHETThe Prophet is a leader who can see God’s vison for the world and shares that with the team. They daydream and can be easily distracted by other ideas. They love to tell others about how God is special and how we have special callings to be like God. They will frequently say that they have a ‘Gut Feeling’ about things and they are usually right! They believe that it is very important to help people who are being hurt, sick, or bullied. They always stand up for justice.

EVANGELISTThe Evangelist is a leader who speaks the good news of Jesus’ ministry and God’s love with the whole team and throughout the world. They like to talk in front of lots people and tell stories about their life and what they believe. It is most important to them that the team grows in spiritual understanding and size. They love to celebrate when others accomplish their goals, and then always want to tell everyone about it. They feel that life is short and we all need to be doing more to change the world.

SHEPHERDThe Shepherd is a leader who has a big heart and takes care of everyone on the team. They pray for people who are hurt, sick, or sad but also help people if they are angry, have big questions about God, or are in a fight. It is most important to them that the team is united and healthy. They feel sad when someone gets hurt. It is important to them to help others. They worry a lot and want to help people who have big problems in their lives.

TEACHERThe teacher is a leader who is very wise and hands down their knowledge to everyone on the team. They love to learn and are very curious about the world and how it works. It is most important to them that the team is learning and preparing to share their knowledge with those in the future. They are good at explaining hard things and helping others understand new ideas.




BEFORE YOU BEGINGather a list of homebound members or family members/friends who are homebound. Contact each person on the list and ask if they would like to receive a care package.

INSTRUCTIONS1. Share with campers that some of the members of your church are not able to come to

church because they are sick, hurt, or cannot easily leave their homes. If you are familiar with some of the people on your list, share with campers some memories about these individuals. Tell campers that today you are going to make care packages to brighten their day.

2. Assemble boxes by first placing tissue paper in the bottom and then adding the items. Encourage students to write notes and sign their names on the greeting card and maybe even draw a picture of their own!

3. Attach a Name Tag to each basket making sure it matches the greeting card. Close by saying a prayer for these members. Invite campers to place a hand on the baskets as a blessing.



• Peanut M&Ms

• Lipton Tea Bags

• Yellow/Smiley Face Notepad

• Hand Lotion/Soap

• Wet Ones Travel Pack

• Wheat Thins

• Coffee Mug

• Bookmark

• Candle

• Socks

• Golden Oreos

• Subway Gift-card

• Magnet

• Flowerpot

• Baseball cap

• Lays Potato Chips

• Crystal light lemonade packets

• Cards with inspirational quotes

• Flowers/artificial or real

• Picture of your group in a yellow frame



INSTRUCTIONS AND RULES• Divide campers into teams. Tell them they have one hour to go around and take pictures

• All team members must be in every photo (except for the person taking the picture)

• Each team will submit 8 photos (no less, no more!)

• No repeat photos! (For example, you can’t take two pictures on playground equipment)

• While Together is Better…No collaboration with other teams

• Be respectful in everything you do and obey the law!

SCAVENGER HUNT LIST � Rock Out: Take a picture posing like a band

� Something green

� Cool Shadows: Take a picture of your shadows-be creative!

� Walk like a duck

� Group hug

� People being statues

� High five

� Silly faces

� The beauty of nature

� Teamwork

� Walking on sunshine: Take a picture jumping-no foot on the ground!

� Looking Sporty: Take a picture posing like athletes

� Shake it out-Crazy Dancing

� We are the Champions: Take a picture looking like winners!

� A little tree

� Looking peaceful: Take a picture in your best yoga poses

� Feeling Hangry? Take a picture eating something

� Form the initials of your church’s name with your bodies

� Feeling sad? Take a picture of something blue

� Better Together: Awkward Family Photo










• Large surface to write on (chalk/whiteboard or big pieces of paper)

• Markers

• 5 Pieces of Blank Paper

• Masking/Painter’s Tape

• Bag of individually wrapped candy (3 pieces per camper)


• Flat, smooth rocks (palm-size or a little smaller)

• Paint Pens


• Sardines: No equipment needed

• Electric Current: Coin and a ball

• Protector Ball: Soft ball (like a foam ball or a beach ball)

• Name Tag: No equipment needed

• Ninja: No equipment needed

• Alphabet Travels: No equipment needed

• Dance Party/Freeze Dance: Speaker and either a CD player or an iPhone/iPod

Better Together

Impact Kids Pre-Camp Bible Study

…by speaking the truth with love, let’s grow in every way into Christ, who is the head. The whole body grows from him, as it is joined and held together by all the supporting ligaments. The body makes itself grow in

that it builds itself up with love as each one does its part. Ephesians 4:15-16



BEFORE YOU BEGINMake a sign for each of the five team roles (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, and Teacher) and hang them around the room. If possible, hang the profiles from yesterday next to the corresponding signs.

WARM-UP ACTIVITYInstruct campers to find a partner and stand back-to-back. Explain that when you say, “back-to-back;” campers are to stand with their backs to each other. When you say “face-to-face,” campers are to find a NEW partner and stand facing each other. When campers are standing face-to-face, give them about 30 seconds to answer a question you give them (i.e. What is a one of your favorite foods? What subject in school do you like the best? What do you want to be when you grow up? What scares you? What makes you laugh?) Instruct campers to go back to standing back-to-back when they have finished answering the question.

LEARNWrite the word “Equip” on a large piece of paper or chalk/whiteboard. Under “Equip” write the Greek word “καταρτισμός” Phonetically this word is pronounced “kat-ar-tis-mos.” Ask campers to write what they think the word “equip” means in the space around the words. It is okay if campers do not know the word, tell them to make their best guess.

Share that today you will be studying the next six verses in Ephesians 4. Ask campers what they remember about the Book of Ephesians and who wrote it-remind them that they can reference the list that you made yesterday. Ask campers if they remember the word that was repeated in the scripture yesterday and what it teaches us about God’s team (God’s team is united!)

Invite campers to open their bibles to Ephesians 4:7-12. Ask for three volunteers to read two verses each. Encourage campers to follow along by putting their finger on the verse number as it is read. Ask if anyone saw the word “equip” in the text. Depending on the translation of the bibles, you may/may not find the word “equip.” Try and have at least one translation on hand that does (the NIV, NKJV, NRSV, and CEB all use the word equip).

Share with campers that when Paul wrote his letter to the Ephesians, he first wrote it in Greek. Later in history it was then translated into English. The Greek word Paul used was “kat-ar-tis-mos.” As you say the word, point to where it is written. When we study this Greek word, we learn that it means to prepare, create, reconcile, or restore. In giving gifts and special jobs to different people in the church, God was preparing, creating, reconciling, restoring, or putting back together the body of Christ. Ask campers to help you define each of these words.

Depending on your group you might need to acknowledge that this is a big concept that might make their brains hurt. Sometimes studying the bible can be challenging but it is good to learn


new things! Paul teaches that Christ has given each of us gifts; some people are really good at teaching, some have big hearts and love to take care of people, some people like to talk a lot and share Good News, some people are visionaries, and some people like to plan and organize groups of people. We have been given these individual gifts so that we can use them to make God’s Team stronger and more perfect. God equips each of us with gifts that will help the whole team. We are better together when we use our talents and skills to help one another.

REFLECTSpend some time reflecting on what you have learned. Share with campers that you have three questions you would like for them to answer. When a camper answers a question, they will get a piece of candy. Everyone will have the chance to get three pieces of candy. Assure campers that these are thinking questions so they do not need to worry about giving a wrong answer. Celebrate what each camper share with the group. Ask campers:

1. What are some gifts that God has given you?

2. What do you think will happen if people don’t use their gifts in ways that help the church/God’s team?

3. What is one way you can use a gift God has given you to help our church/God’s Team?

TEAM BUILDING ACTIVITYBegin by asking campers which team member (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, or Teacher) they are most like. Tell them that this activity is going to help them to learn more about their individual leadership types and what gifts God has given to them. Ask campers to stand in the middle of the room facing you. Tell them that you are going to read a description of each team member while standing next to the sign for that team member. Campers will then come and stand by you if what you are describing sounds like them. I would recommend doing a practice run and stand by the “Apostle” sign and say “Apostles love to eat pizza.” All the campers who love to eat pizza would then come over and stand by you. Assure campers that they can move at any time and as many times as they want. At the end of the activity, ask campers to share if they changed their mind from the beginning to the end of this activity.

MEMORY VERSE CHALLENGE: EPHESIANS 4:11 And Christ gave gifts to men—he made some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to go and tell the Good News, and some to have the work of caring for and teaching God’s people.


APOSTLEThe Apostle is a leader who is the brains behind the team. They are encouragers who are good listeners and help others to achieve their hopes and dreams. They know a lot about history and use this knowledge to help the team grow. It is most important to them that the team continues to share God’s love and serve in the world. They often say whatever is on their mind without thinking about it first. They believe the truth is very important, even if it is blunt.

PROPHETThe Prophet is a leader who can see God’s vision for the world and shares that with the team. They daydream and can be easily distracted by other ideas. They love to tell others about how God is special and how we have special callings to be like God. They will frequently say that they have a ‘Gut Feeling’ about things and they are usually right! They believe that it is very important to help people who are being hurt, sick, or bullied. They always stand up for justice.

EVANGELISTThe Evangelist is a leader who speaks the good news of Jesus’ ministry and God’s love with the whole team and throughout the world. They like to talk in front of lots people and tell stories about their life and what they believe. It is most important to them that the team grows in spiritual understanding and size. They love to celebrate when others accomplish their goals, and then always want to tell everyone about it. They feel that life is short and we all need to be doing more to change the world.

SHEPHERDThe Shepherd is a leader who has a big heart and takes care of everyone on the team. They pray for people who are hurt, sick, or sad but also help people if they are angry, have big questions about God, or are in a fight. It is most important to them that the team is united and healthy. They feel sad when someone gets hurt. It is important to them to help others. They worry a lot and want to help people who have big problems in their lives.

TEACHERThe teacher is a leader who is very wise and hands down their knowledge to everyone on the team. They love to learn and are very curious about the world and how it works. It is most important to them that the team is learning and preparing to share their knowledge with those in the future. They are good at explaining hard things and helping others understand new ideas.




INSTRUCTIONS1.Invite campers to decorate the top of their rocks with images, Bible verses, or encouraging


2. Once the paint has dried, write #ImpactBetterTogether2020 on the back of the rocks

3. Go outside (in a neighborhood if possible) and walk together as a group. Use this guided prayer as you walk.

GUIDED PRAYERGod, we know that you created the whole world. Thank you for beautiful trees, the birds in the air and bugs in the ground.

Pause and ask campers to point to trees, birds, and bugs say together Thank you, God, we are better together!

God, you have made us part of our families and you have given us friends and neighbors to play with, learn together, and have fun. Thank you for our communities.

Pause and ask campers to share the name of someone who is important to them. Then together say Thank you, God, we are better together!

God, you ask us to share what we have, work together, and create peace in your world. Thank you for trusting us to work with you and share your love in this world.

Pause and ask campers to take their rock and go and place it somewhere in the neighborhood.

Once everyone comes back say together Thank you, God, we are better together!

Spend some time walking the in neighborhood and observing all that God has made.




SARDINES Choose two people to go and hide in a dark place. After 2-4 minutes send everyone else out to look for them. When a camper finds the two people who are hiding, they will join them in hiding. The goal is to find the hidden campers first, the game ends when there is only one camper left searching.

ELECTRIC CURRENT Equipment: coin, ball

Divide the group into two teams and have the teams line up facing each other. Each team needs to “connect” by holding hands. Place a ball on the ground at the end of the lines between the last two campers of opposing teams. The leader should stand at the start of the line between the two teams. Start the game by flipping a coin. If the coin is heads, the starting players squeeze the hand next to them. The squeeze is passed from one person to the next until it reaches the last players. Once the last player’s hand is squeezed, he grabs the ball without letting go of hands. Whoever retrieves the ball first wins and gets points for her team.

If the coin is tails: The players are not to pass the squeeze (the current). If the current is started and the ball is retrieved the team loses a point. After each round, rotate campers. Play until everyone has been the starting and ending person.

PROTECTOR BALL Equipment: soft ball (like a foam ball or a beach ball)

Have campers form a circle and choose two campers to stand in the middle of the circle. One of these campers is designated as IT and the other as IT’s protector. The group’s goal is to hit IT with a ball below the knees. However, IT’s protector is simultaneously attempting to keep the ball from hitting IT. When IT is finally hit, the group switches roles until everyone has had a chance to play both roles.

NAME TAG Form a circle with one camper in the middle. The person in the middle is IT. Ask everyone in the circle to hold both hands out in front of them at waist level with palms up. To begin, IT chooses someone to begin. The starting camper calls out another camper’s name in the circle. IT attempts to tag the hand of the camper whose name was called before that camper calls out another name. Play continues until IT tags someone’s hand, an incorrect name is called, or someone f l inches as IT is attempting to tag.



Variation: No callbacks. If your name is called, you may not call the camper’s name that just called you or you are in the middle.

NINJA Instruct campers to stand in a circle with their hands in front of their chests and the palms of their hands touching. Designate one camper to start the games. They will say, “1, 2, 3, Ninja” and when they say “Ninja” all campers will freeze in their favorite ninja pose. The camper who started the game will then reach out with either their right or left hand and try to tap the hand of either the player on their right or left. And then freezes in place.

If the camper taps the hand of their neighbor, that camper must put their hand behind their back and the games continues. If the first camper misses, then the game continues moving clockwise around the circle. A camper is out when both of their hands have been tapped. The last camper with one or both arms in the game wins! Ninja sounds are encouraged throughout the whole game.

ALPHABET TRAVELS Have the group sit in a circle. The goal of the game is to work through the alphabet, with each camper making a sentence using as many words as possible beginning with their letter. (The letter X can be left out.) Every sentence must begin with “I am…and I am going to…” and then a person/object and place should be named.

• Examples: First player – “I am Amy and I am going to Alabama to avoid angry alligators,” Second player – “I am Ben and I am going to Brazil to balance bright blue bananas.”

Variation: Use the first letter of the camper’s real name to determine the focal letter for the rest of the sentence. For example, if the camper’s name is Tray…” I am Tray and I am going to Tulsa with ten, twin, turtles, toting torches.

DANCE PARTY AND FREEZE DANCE Equipment: Speaker, CD player or an iPhone/iPod

Some groups really like to dance, and others are more reserved. Turn on camp songs such as the Interlude, Church Clap, and other fun songs that your group likes. Take time to slow down the steps and teach your whole group the dances. Campers will be more likely to dance if you do! You can also designate campers who really like to dance to be the leaders in teaching everyone.

Freeze Dance: Turn on loud, fun music and instruct campers to freeze when they hear the music stop. You can add challenges by telling them to freeze like a starfish (arms and legs spread out in opposite directions) or like Tim Tebow (bend down on one knee and make a fist with your elbow on your knee and your fish touching your head)


• Monopoly • Trivial Pursuit • Life • Sorry

• Connect 4 • Clue • Cranium • Ticket to Ride







Better Together

Impact Kids Pre-Camp Bible Study

…by speaking the truth with love, let’s grow in every way into Christ, who is the head. The whole body grows from him, as it is joined and held together by all the supporting ligaments. The body makes itself grow in

that it builds itself up with love as each one does its part. Ephesians 4:15-16


BIBLE STUDY: GOD’S TEAM STICKS TOGETHER Supplies Needed: • Large surface to write on (chalk/whiteboard or big pieces of paper) • Markers • Blank Paper (1 piece for each camper) • Pencils/Colored Pencils • “Connecting the Body of Christ” activity sheet • “Growing as a Leader on God’s Team” activity sheet. • Balloons (Optional)


• 3 water bottles for each camper • String • Sharpie Markers (the more colors the better) • Scissors • Box Cutter • Nail (to poke the holes in the lids) • Suction Cups (optional)


• Chronological Line-up: No equipment needed • Long, Long, Long Jump: Cones for a starting/ending line and a way to measure distance • Ready Aim: blindfolds for half of the group, soft objects to throw, a target • One Hand Tag: No equipment needed • Ant Bait: No equipment needed • Over/Under Tag: No equipment needed • Cooperative Kickball: A kickball

Supplies Needed for Option #2: • Wire • Colorful Beads • String • Suction Cups (optional)



WARM-UP ACTIVITY: PEOPLE TO PEOPLEInstruct campers to find a partner and stand in a circle. Tell them that you will call out two body parts (for example: right hand to right hand, or knee to foot) and they will connect with their partner according to your directions. Partners will continue to hold their positions until you give new directions or say, “People to People.” When the leader calls out “People to People” everyone must find a new partner as quickly as possible and the games continues.

Variations: Give each person an inflated balloon and use the balloons to connect body parts.

LEARNEphesians 4:13-16

Give each camper a piece of blank paper and ask them to draw the Body of Christ. Remind them how you have learned about Apostles being the head, Prophets the eyes, Evangelists the mouths, Shepherds the hearts, and Teachers the hands but also give them the freedom to create whatever comes to mind. Ask campers to share what they drew.

Challenge campers to tell you what book and chapter we are studying this week. Ask them who wrote it and who it was written to. Ask them what they have learned about these people and their church so far this week. (God’s team is united; God’s team is equipped!)

Ask campers to get their bibles and leave them closed in front of them. Tell them that they are going to race to see how fast they can find Ephesians 4:13-16 as a group. You will start the timer after saying “Go!” and stop it once everyone in the group has found the verses. Encourage them to work together and give them two or three chances to beat their time.

Once everyone has found the scripture passage read verses 13 and 14 and ask the whole group to read verses 15 and 16 together. In this part of the letter, Paul teaches the Ephesians to work together like a body. He says that they need things like truth and love in order to work together. Ask campers if they can think of other things that we would need to be able to be a team (in verse two it says we should be humble, gentle, and patient). You might also prompt them to consider the fruits of the spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithful, gentleness and self-control). These things are the ligaments that hold the God’s Team/the Body of Christ together. It would be very hard to be a team if we weren’t patient or kind to our teammates. We work together better when we are honest with one another and love one another. We are better together when we share these good things!

REFLECTUsing the “Connecting the Body of Christ” activity sheet (see page 5), work as a group to choose connecting ligaments that will help your team to work and grow together. As you create, share with campers the good ways you see them sticking together as a team. Ask them to also share what they observe.


TEAM BUILDING ACTIVITYShare with campers that today they are going to explore how to get better at the team roles they are not as excited or confident about. Ask campers to work together to tell you the five team members and a little about each of their roles. Tell them that as a part of God’s Team we need to learn about and grow in our ability to function in all the roles. Begin by having them write the name of their best team role in the middle of the “Growing as a Leader on God’s Team” activity sheet. Next have them write the other four team roles in the surrounding bubbles. Ask campers to complete the sentences on the outside of each of the four bubbles which says “One way I can grow is...” Ask them to think of one way they can become better at each of the four roles. In the space between the bubbles have them write a prayer asking for God’s help to grow as a leader in these ways. Celebrate each camper for the gifts they have and their willingness to try new things. Celebrate that your group is a team, an important part of God’s Team.

MEMORY VERSE CHALLENGE: EPHESIANS 4:16The whole body depends on Christ. And all the parts of the body are joined and held together. Each part of the body does its own work. And this makes the whole body grow and be strong with love.


Connecting the Body of Christ DAY 3 ACTIVITY



Growing as a Leader on God’s Team

One way I can grow is…

One way I can grow is…

One way I can grow is…

One way I can grow is…

Dear God, help me to…


r God

, hel

p m

e to

Dear God, help me to…

Dear G

od, help me to…





BEFORE YOU BEGIN1. Poke a hole in the top of each water bottle lid and pull a looped string through the hole to

create a way to hang your suncatchers.

2. Put an “X” on the bottom of each bottle to remind campers not to color the bottom.

INSTRUCTIONS1. Give each camper three water bottles to decorate with sharpie markers. Encourage

campers to use lots of color and not to leave any colorless areas. Campers will not need to decorate the very bottom of the bottle.

2. Ask campers to bring their completed bottles to an adult. The designated adult(s) will cut off the bottom of the water bottle about an inch from the base. They can use scissors or a box cutter.

3. Some campers may need assistance for this step. Have campers cut around the water bottle in a swirl pattern as they cut towards the top of the bottle. It might be best to demonstrate this to all campers before they begin.

4. To assemble the suncatchers, you are going to stack the three bottles together. Tie a lid to the bottom of the string and pull it through the first bottle. Tie another lid onto the string and put it through the second bottle. Pull the string through the third bottle and then create a loop to go through the third lid. Screw the lid onto the third bottle, making sure the string is tight.

5. Secure the string to the suction cups which can be placed on the window of nursing homes or at-risk individuals who cannot have visitors.




BEFORE YOU BEGIN1. Cut 2 or 3 pieces of wire per camper. Wire can vary in length from 1– 2 ft.

2. Bend one end of the wire into a loop and twisting the end to make sure the loop is secure.

INSTRUCTIONS1. Give campers beads and the prepared pieces of wire and have them string the beads onto

the wire creating various patterns.

2. Ask campers to bring their completely beaded piece of wire to an adult to bend the straight end over the last bead and secure it. It is important to secure the wire to guarantee that no beads fall off.

3. Some campers may need assistance for this step. Bend the wire in a spiral shape until the whole piece looks like a giant curl. It might be best to demonstrate this to all campers before they begin.

4. Give each camper a piece of string to tie to the top of their suncatcher.

5. Give each camper a suction cup to connect to the string on their suncatcher. These can be placed on the window of nursing homes or at-risk individuals who cannot have visitors.



CHRONOLOGICAL LINE-UP Without talking, ask the group to line up by birthdays (month and day). Designate where the January and December birthdays should stand.

Variations: Line up by; shoe size, first name, last name, height, hand size, etc.

LONG, LONG, LONG JUMPEquipment: Cones and a way to measure distance

The goal is to see how far your team can jump collectively. Start by marking a starting line. The first camper will jump one time as far forward as she can. Then the second camper jumps from the first camper’s landing spot. The third camper then jumps from the second camper’s landing spot. Continue until everyone has jumped and mark the ending distance. Challenge the team jump again to try and beat their first distance

READY AIM Equipment: blindfolds for half of the group, soft objects to throw, a target

Ask campers to partner up with one other camper. In pairs, one camper is blindfolded, the other can see. Give each pair, one soft throwing object. The goal is for the blindfolded camper to throw the soft object and hit a designated target within a specific amount of time. A target may be a tree, duffle bag, pole, or whatever you can find.

Set a time limit (2 or 3 min. per round) With each hit, points are given to the team. 1000 points per hit is an easy number to add and it sounds big. Only the blindfolded partner may touch the soft throwing object. Do not allow the sighted camper to retrieve the objects. After the first round, have the team set a goal and try to improve. Switch roles between the sighted and blindfolded camper and do it again.

ONE HAND TAG In this game two campers are IT, and they hold hands with their partner while trying to tag other campers with a free hand. When a camper is tagged, they have to hold hands with the camper who tagged them, and they are now IT as well. If two campers stand back to back, they are immune from being tagged for 10 seconds. This game will go on until all of the participants are tagged.



ANT BAIT This game is best played in a field or a large area. One camper will be IT and they have to chase other campers. When a person gets tagged, they have to lie on the ground with legs and arms sticking up so that they look like a dead ant. If four campers tag each of the ant’s limbs, this ant will come alive again. If a camper is a dead ant more than 2 times, they can’t come back to life and are now IT. For a more intense game, you can have more than one person to be IT. This can add even more fun and mystery when it’s hard to keep track of who is IT and who isn’t.

OVER-UNDER TAG In this active game, there is one camper who will be IT. They will tag other campers, and when they do, that camper will be frozen until someone else who isn’t tagged crawls underneath their legs. They are then free to continue to play.

COOPERATIVE KICKBALL Equipment: a kickball

Divide campers into two teams. One team starts on offense, the other on defense. The defensive team spreads out in the field similar to a regular kickball game. However, there are no bases, and everyone participates. The offensive team forms a straight line at home plate.

The defensive team pitches the ball. The first player in line on the offensive team kicks the ball. Once the offensive player kicks the ball, he/she runs laps around the rest of his/her team that is standing in a line. While the offensive player is running laps, the defensive players retrieve the ball, line up in a straight line and pass the ball down the line. The first player will passing it over her head to the second player who will than pass it between his legs to the third player…the pattern continues until the ball has been passed to all defensive players, at this time, the offensive player stops running. The offensive player gets a point every lap she completes during this time.

There are no outs. Everyone on the offensive team gets a chance to kick the ball before switching to defense. Keep track of the score to see which team wins.

• You may want to identify boundaries

• You may choose to have each defensive player pitch the ball.

• You may allow teams to have timeouts to plan.







Better Together

Impact Kids Pre-Camp Bible Study

…by speaking the truth with love, let’s grow in every way into Christ, who is the head. The whole body grows from him, as it is joined and held together by all the supporting ligaments. The body makes itself grow in

that it builds itself up with love as each one does its part. Ephesians 4:15-16



• Pennies (1 for each camper)

• “Anger Ice Berg” activity sheet

• Pencils/Colored Pencils

• “Happy/Sad Face” cards (1 for each camper)

• Large surface to write on (chalk/whiteboard or big pieces of paper)

• Markers

• Story Stone Cut Outs



• Movie and a way for everyone to watch it!

• Sticky Notes (about 6 per camper)

• Markers (1 per camper)

• 5 signs (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, Teacher)

• 2 big pieces of paper (labeled “Where I Saw Teamwork” and “Where Teamwork Was Needed”)

• Masking/Painter’s Tape

• Discussion Questions

• Popcorn (optional)



WARM-UP ACTIVITYGive each camper a penny. On ‘go’ they must balance the penny on their chin while trying to knock everyone else’s penny off. This means the penny will lay flat on the chin and the campers will be looking up into the air. Last one standing with the penny balanced wins.

Remind campers to be gentle and not hurt one another.

LEARNGive each camper an “Anger Iceberg” activity sheet (see page 5)and colored pencils. Ask them to think about a time when they got really mad. In the space above the wavy line have them draw and write about the situation. Give campers time to complete this first part and assure them that they won’t be asked to share anything with the group that makes them uncomfortable. Tell them that sometimes what makes us angry are emotions hidden deep down inside of us like feeling jealous, sad, guilty or scared. Instead of facing those feelings we often find that it is easier to just get mad. In Paul’s letter, he tells the Ephesians, “do not let the sun go down while you are still angry.” An important part of being on God’s team is changing bad behaviors like hurting others or being mean because we are angry. Tell campers they will finish their iceberg in a little bit and ask them to set them aside and take out their bibles.

Challenge campers to tell you what book and chapter we are studying this week—try to engage your campers who are less likely to answer questions. Ask them who wrote it and who it was written to. Ask them what they have learned about being on God’s team so far this week (“God’s team is united; God’s team is equipped; God’s team sticks together!”)

Invite campers to open their bibles to Ephesians 4:17-31. Give each camper a happy and sad face card (see page 6). Ask an adult to read the scripture passage. Challenge campers to hold up the sad face when they hear bad ways to behave and the happy face when they hear good ways to behave; for example, they would hold up a sad face when they hear, “Don’t let any bad words come out of your mouth” and a happy face when they hear, “Only say what is helpful when it is needed for building up the community so that it benefits those who hear what you say” (v. 29). Make a list of the behaviors Paul is asking the Ephesians to change.

The Apostle Paul is teaching the Ephesians about the hard work that is required to be a team. When we are part of a team, we cannot be selfish, mean, or dishonest. Ask campers what happens when team members do not get along. Tell them that Paul challenges the Ephesians to work through their anger and problems with one another in order to become a stronger, more united team. Ask them to help add to Paul’s list of bad behaviors that hurt your team (see page 7).


REFLECTAsk campers to get out their “Anger Iceberg” activity sheets again. Show or read to them a list of common “hidden” feelings that make us angry. Invite them to draw or write the hidden feelings that made them mad in the specific situation they wrote about earlier or just in general below the wavy line. Challenge them to think about these hidden feelings when they get angry and share their feelings instead of being mean or getting upset. We are better together when we are honest about how we feel, when we change the bad behaviors that hurt others, and we truly love one another. Close in prayer by asking God to help your team to make good changes.

TEAM BUILDING ACTIVITYShare with campers that today you are going to create silly stories about God’s team using the five team members: Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, and Teacher. Place the pre-made story stones (see page 7) in the middle of your group and ask the campers to identify each symbol (Brain: Apostle, Eye: Prophet, Mouth: Evangelist, Heart: Shepherd, and Hand: Teacher). Challenge them to share what they can remember about each team member. Instruct campers that they will each choose a stone and create a character and a way their character can help the main character using their stone. As a group decide on a main character and basic plot. Have fun and be silly while apply what you have learned creating group stories!

Here is an example:

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away a little girl named Stella had big questions about shooting stars. First, Stella went to her teacher (hand stone) and asked where shooting stars came from. Her teacher told her everything he had ever read about shooting stars, but the little girl still had questions. When she got home her grandmother told her about a dream she had had once to be an astronaut (eye stone). Her grandmother then asked Stella if she was interested in being an astronaut because she liked shooting stars. Stella said she wasn’t sure and had some more questions but then her grandmother fell asleep. The little girl felt very sad, so she went to see her friend (heart stone). He gave her a big hug and listened as the little girl shared all her problems. Her friend suggested that she go talk to Mr. Blue (mouth stone) who always told stories about shooting stars, he loved to talk! He believed shooting stars could change the world! Stella liked listening to Mr. Blue, he too encouraged her to become an astronaut. Mr. Blue had a friend named Vega who was the principal of the local astronaut school, Vega (brain stone) told Stella she would coach her and help her become a part of their school so she could learn more about shooting stars and astronauts. The little girl, Stella, became the first astronaut to catch a shooting star with her bare hand.

MEMORY VERSE CHALLENGE: EPHESIANS 4:23-24 But you were taught to be made new in your hearts. You were taught to become a new person. That new person is made to be like God—made to be truly good and holy.


Happy/Sad Face Cards DAY 4 ACTIVITY




� Sad

� Disappointed

� Lonely

� Overwhelmed

� Embarrassed

� Hurt

� Helpless

� Frustrated

� Insecure

� Hungry

� Tired

� Guilty

� Jealous

� Scared

� Ashamed


Story StonesDAY 4 ACTIVITY




BEFORE YOU BEGINIn past years, campers have really enjoyed doing an extended Mission Activity on one day of camp. Last year some campers weeded and planted flowers at one the houses that the Middle and High school campers were repairing while other campers baked cupcakes and planned a birthday party for an elderly homeowner. Impact Mission Camps is offering mission opportunities this summer as part of Virtual Camp that may work for your extended activity or your church may have an on-going mission ministry with which you can team up. Here are other ideas that may work for your group. If you are going off-side, be sure to plan transportation and communicate expectations to campers. Everyone is better together when they know the plan!

IDEAS• Clean up flower beds around the church

• Create raised garden beds at your church

• Volunteer at a community garden

• Volunteer or host a food drive

• Help a few homebound or elderly members do yardwork (weed and plant flowers)




BEFORE YOU BEGINIf time allows, watch the movie on your own before camp and take notes to help guide campers for the discussion. Hang up signs on a wall that will allow campers to get up during the movie and write/place sticky notes. Write the names of the main characters in the movie you choose on sticky notes for each camper.

INSTRUCTIONS Give each camper a stack of sticky notes and a marker. Challenge campers to look for leaders and teamwork as they watch the movie two different ways:

1. Either during or after the movie have them place the sticky notes with the names of the main characters under the leadership type they embody (or are most like). For example, if you are watching The Kid Who Would Be King, you might place Alex under the “Prophet” sign.

2. Either during or after the movie have them write or draw both where they saw the characters working as a team and where the characters needed to do a better job of working as a team.

After the movie talk about the camper’s responses to the two challenges above and then ask:

1. What was your favorite part? OR Who was your favorite character and why?

2. What are lessons we can learn from this story?

3. How is the image of God within human beings seen in this film? Or Where did you see God in this movie?


TITLE RATING LENGTH MAIN CHARACTERSThe Kid Who Would Be King PG 2 hours Alex, Bedders, Lance,

Kaye, MerlinTrolls: World Tour PG 1 hour, 30 min. Poppy, Branch, Biggie,

and CooperSpider-man: In to the Spiderverse PG 1 hour, 57 min. Miles Morales, Peter

Parker, Gwen StaceySpies in Disguise PG 1 hour, 42 min. Lance, Walter







Better Together

Impact Kids Pre-Camp Bible Study

…by speaking the truth with love, let’s grow in every way into Christ, who is the head. The whole body grows from him, as it is joined and held together by all the supporting ligaments. The body makes itself grow in

that it builds itself up with love as each one does its part. Ephesians 4:15-16



• Large surface to write on (chalk/whiteboard or big pieces of paper)

• Markers

• Paper (1 piece for each camper)

• Pencils/Colored Pencils

• Pre-made hearts

• Ephesians 4 Scripture with Highlighted Memory Verses

• “God’s Team: Member Profile: activity sheets


• Computer/iPad with Wi-Fi to show video

• Mosquito Net (big enough that your group can sit inside)

• String to hang mosquito net on the ceiling

• World Map or Globe

• “Helping God’s Team in Ghana” Activity sheet


• Duck, Duck, Splash: a bucket and a sponge

• Over-Under Sponge Relay: 4 buckets, 2 sponges

• Water Balloon Toss: 1-2 water balloons per camper

• Back-to-Back Water Balloon Race: 1-2 water balloons per camper and markers for boundaries

• Sponge Target Toss: Sidewalk Chalk, bucket, 3 sponges



BEFORE YOU BEGINAsk each camper’s family to share (e-mail/text/etc.) with you four things they love about their camper. You might want to do this at the beginning of the week to give time for people to respond. Cut out a heart for each camper and on the front write the four things their family shared and add one or two things you love about them too. If you have time, you might invite other adults in your church to add to the heart. On the back of each heart print First Corinthians 13:4-8a. Do your best to make each camper’s heart look the same.

WARM-UP ACTIVITYDivide into two teams and choose one member of each team to be IT. Give the selected team members a piece of paper and a marker. Show them a word and have them draw images describing the word. They cannot write any words or letters. Then challenge the teams to guess the word their team member drew. Rotate through team members as time allows.

LEARNGive each camper the heart your made for them and give them a few minutes to read ALL the things people love about them. Share with them that today is the last day you will study Ephesians 4. Ask them to tell you who was the author and audience of this letter. Challenge them one more time to share what they have learned about being a part of God’s team. (God’s team is united; God’s team is equipped; God’s team sticks together; God’s Team Changes Bad Behaviors!)

Ask campers to get their bibles and leave them closed in front of them. Tell them that once again they are going to race to see how fast they can find Ephesians 4 as a group. Remind them that you will start the times after saying “Go!” and stop it once everyone in the group has found the verse. Encourage them to work together and give them a few chances to beat their time.

Tell campers you are going to read Ephesians 4:1-31 but you need their help to fill in the verses that they have memorized throughout the week (see page 5). Ask them to stand up when prompted and say the memory verses. Congratulate them on all the hard work and time they have invested in memorizing each verse. Share that today’s memory verse is the very last verse in Ephesians 4. Ask the group to read Ephesians 4:32 out loud and together. Then also read Ephesians 5:1.

Today’s lesson from the Apostle Paul is that being part of God’s Team is all about love. This type of love is called kenosis in Greek. Ask campers to repeat after you in saying “ken-o-sis.” Remind campers that Paul wrote his letter to the Ephesians in Greek (see if they can remember the other Greek word that they learned about earlier in the week: katartismos) Kenosis is an action word that describes all the things we can DO to love one another. Kenosis is hard work. When Paul teaches the Ephesians that they must be united, they are to use their gifts


to strengthen the Body of Christ, they have to live out the fruits of the spirit in order to stick together, and they have to change their bad behaviors, Paul is asking the Ephesians to DO love/kenosis.

Share with campers that there is another letter written by the Apostle Paul in the New Testament that talks about love. Have them flip over their hearts and listen while you read 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a. Using, this scripture passage as an example, ask campers to make a list of all ways they can DO God’s love.

Invite campers to mark Ephesians 4 in their bibles using their heart as a bookmark. This way they can always find Paul’s instructions on how to be a part of God’s team!

REFLECTClose this session by asking campers to once again help you make a “KWL” chart. Campers will work together to come up with 5 things they know, 5 things they want to know more about, and 5 things they have learned about being a part of God’s Team. If time allows compare this chart with your KWL chart from the first session.

TEAM BUILDING ACTIVITYShare with campers that today they are going to make their own profile. Give each camper a “God’s Team: Member Profile” activity sheet (see page 6), colored pencils, and markers. When campers have completed the profiles ask the group how they would like to present their team member. In the first session you announced each team member like if you were at a basketball or baseball game, you can choose to do this again or do something different that makes the group excited. Celebrate each camper after they present their profile and affirm their presence on God’s team!

MEMORY VERSE CHALLENGE: EPHESIANS 4:32 Be kind and loving to each other. Forgive each other just as God forgave you in Christ.



1 As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. 2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. 3 Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. 4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. 7 But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it. 8 This is why it says: “When he ascended on high, he took many captives and gave gifts to his people.” 9 (What does “he ascended” mean except that he also descended to the lower, earthly regions? 10 He who descended is the very one who ascended higher than all the heavens, in order to fill the whole universe.) 11 So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, 12 to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. 14 Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming. 15 Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. 16 From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. 17 So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. 18 They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. 19 Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, and they are full of greed. 20 That, however, is not the way of life you learned 21 when you heard about Christ and were taught in him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus. 22 You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; 23 to be made new in the attitude of your minds; 24 and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. 25 Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body. 26 “In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27 and do not give the devil a foothold. 28 Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with their own hands, that they may have something to share with those in need. 29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.


God’s Team  Member ProÞle 

Team Member Role:

Draw a Picture of the Team Member: Part of the Body of Christ:

Three Talents/Skills




One Thing to Hope for: I am an important part of God’s team because…




BEFORE YOU BEGINAt the beginning of the day hang the mosquito net up in a room away from where campers gather.

INSTRUCTIONSWelcome campers into the room where the mosquito net is hanging. Ask them to find a seat inside the net. Using a map or globe ask, a camper to locate Africa. When they have found Africa, ask another camper to locate Ghana. Share with campers that a way Christians care for each other throughout the world is by sharing mosquito nets (just like the one they are sitting under) with people in Ghana and throughout Africa. These people need the nets because the mosquitoes where they live carry a disease called Malaria. Malaria makes people very sick, so sick that many have died.

The Baptist General Association of Virginia and the Ghana Baptist Convention have teamed up with the goal of collecting one million dollars, which will buy 100,000 nets for the communities in Yendi, Ghana. Invite campers to learn more by watching the following video: More Than Nets

Share with campers that your team can also become part of the Baptist General Associate of Virginia and the Ghana Baptist Convention’s team by collecting money. Hold up a $10 bill and tell campers that with $10 God’s Team can do many things for people in Ghana. Ask them to fill out their “Giving to Help God’s Team in Ghana” Activity sheet with you (see page 8).

While holding up $6 tell campers that the cost of one net is $6 (they will then fill in the first blank)

• Hold up $2 and share with campers that this money goes to help teach people how to use their mosquito nets and to stay safe

• Hold up $1 and tell campers that one of the ten dollars goes to shipping the nets to Ghana

• Hold up another $1 and share with campers that the last dollar is spent to help start new churches in Ghana.

Share with campers that so far 86,000 nets have been purchased and distributed to 400 villages completely netted. Ask them to fill in the thermometer up to 86,000. Ask campers to tell you how many nets still need to be purchased (14,000). Share that there are 45 more villages who need nets. Ask campers to think about and either write or draw how they can help God’s Team in Ghana. Close this time together by asking campers to share how they want to help and praying together for God’s Team and the people of Ghana.



Helping God’s Team in Ghana 

$ __________ = One Mosquito Net  

$ __________ = Mosquito Net Education and Safety   $ __________ = Transportation of Mosquito Nets  $ __________ = Starting New Churches in Ghana  

 Amount of Nets Collected

100,000 Nets!

20,000 Nets

40,000 Nets

80,000 Nets

I can help God’s Team in Ghana by:





1. Fill a bucket with water and a sponge


1. Have campers form a circle and then sit down. Designate one camper to be the “it.” They will walk around the circle with the sponge from the bucket saying “duck, duck, duck…”

2. When the camper choses their “goose,” they say “Goose!” and squeeze the water-filled sponge on the chosen campers’ head.

3. The goose then chases the camper who is it around the circle. If the camper who is it gets back to the empty spot without being tagged, the “goose” camper becomes it. If the camper who is “it” does get tagged, they go again. After 2 turns as it, have the camper choose a new “it.”


1. Fill two buckets with water and a sponge

2. Place an empty bucket several feet behind the water-filled bucket (your teams will stand between the filled and empty bucket)


1. Separate campers into two teams. Have Team #1 stand in a line facing one buck and Team #2 do the same in front of the other bucket.

2. Challenge students to see which team can fill their empty bucket with water by passing the sponge from the water-filled bucket to each team member and then squeezing it into the bucket. The first camper will pick up the sponge and pass it over their head. The next camper will take the sponge and pass it under their legs. The over/under pattern will continue down the line until the last camper receives it. He/she will then squeeze the sponge into the bucket and run to the front of the line.




1. Fill 1-2 water balloons per camper


1. Pair off campers or ask them to partner up. Instruct campers to form two lines with partners facing each other. Each team will start with their toes touching.

2. Give all campers in one line a water balloon.

3. When the leader says “Go!” campers will throw the balloon to their partner. After each successful throw and catch, the camper who threw the balloon will take a step back.

4. The team who is able to move the furthest apart without dropping the balloon wins.

3. Give each camper a chance to squeeze the sponge into the bucket and then measure which team has the most water in their bucket. The team with the most wins!


1. Fill 1-2 water balloons per camper

2. Mark a starting and ending line with cones or any items which create a clear boundary. It is best to play this game on grass in case someone would fall.


1. Pair off campers or ask them to partner up. Instruct campers to stand with their backs facing one another and one foot on the starting line. Give each team 1 water balloon and have them hold it in place by pressing their backs together.

2. Challenge teams to walk down to the boundary line and back without dropping their balloons. If the balloon falls, the team can pick it up and keep going. If it breaks, they are out. When everyone is in place say “Ready, set, go!”


1. Draw a large target with three rings. The outer ring is worth 10 points, the middle ring 20 points, and the inner ring is 30 points.

2. Fill a bucket with water several feet away from the target and place 3 sponges in the water. Mark a line for campers to stay behind while throwing.


1. Each camper gets 3 chances to score as many points as possible by through a sponge at the target.

2. Keep track of each camper’s score.