Immunity and Vaccinations Health Science. Objectives / Rationale The ability to develop immunity to...

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Transcript of Immunity and Vaccinations Health Science. Objectives / Rationale The ability to develop immunity to...

Immunity and Vaccinations

Health Science

Objectives / Rationale

• The ability to develop immunity to diseases is a key factor in maintaining health and wellness.

• The student will learn the difference in naturally acquired and artificially acquired immunity and understand the importance of vaccinations for individual and community health.

• The Immune System is the body’s special defense response against foreign organisms.

Immune system includes:

• Lymphoid organs– lymph nodes

– spleen

– thymus gland

• Their products – – lymphocytes– antibodies

Macrophages – phagocytes that are found in the blood, brain, liver, lymph nodes and spleen


• *The capacity to resist certain types of organisms and toxins (poisons) that will damage tissues and organs.

• *Natural (innate) Immunity – one’s own ability to fight off disease. By genetic predisposition, phagocytosis, macrophages.

• *Acquired Immunity – the body develops specific immunity (antibodies and cells) against invading agents such as lethal bacteria, viruses, toxins, and even foreign tissues from other organisms.

• *Acquired active immunity occurs in two ways:

• By having a disease

• Receiving a vaccination containing a modified pathogen or toxin, which stimulates production of antibodies.

• Acquired passive immunity – the patient receives immune serum containing antibodies produced in another animal.

• Examples: antitoxins, gamma globulin

White Blood Cells

• Protect us from infection, and help us fight infection

• Neutrophils • One of the body’s main defenses

against bacteria.• Kill bacteria by actually ingesting them


• Eosinophils – kill parasites and have a role in allergic reactions

• Basophils – function in allergic reactions. They release:

• histamine – causes blood vessels to leak and attract WBCs, and

• heparin – prevents clotting in the infected area so that the WBCs can reach the bacteria.

• Lymphocytes – complex cells that direct the body’s immune system.

• T lymphocytes – (T cells) – they mature in the thymus and are responsible for cell-mediated immunity

• Four types of T Lymphocytes:

• Helper T cells – direct the rest of the immune system by releasing cytokines which produce signals that regulate cell growth and function during the inflammatory response.

• Cytotoxic T cells – release chemicals that break open and kill invaders.

• Memory T cells – remain afterwards to help the immune system respond more quickly if the same organism is encountered again.

• Suppressor T cells – suppress immune response so that it does not destroy normal cells

• B Lymphocytes – responsible for humoral immunity (antibody production)

• Monocytes – called ‘wandering’ cells until they enter a tissue where they become fixed and turn into macrophages.

• They destroy old, damaged and dead cells in the body.

• Macrophages are found in the liver, spleen, lungs, lymph nodes, skin and intestine.

Naturally Acquired Immunity

• Active Immunity – immunity may be acquired by exposure to a disease.

• *Antigen – a substance that triggers an antibody response.

• An antigen can be anything from bacteria to pollen; dust to drug; food to animal.

• People are born with certain antigens, such as those on the RBCs, depending on their blood type.

• An antigen doesn’t produce an allergic reaction in all people.

• Because…….

• In hypersensitive people, the presence of an antigen combined with an antibody provokes the release of histamine which forms the basis for all allergic symptoms.

• *Passive Immunity – immunity may be acquired naturally by a fetus through the passage of antibodies from the mother through the placenta or through breast milk to a nursing infant.

• In this type of passive immunity, antibodies come from an outside source.

• These antibodies are temporary. They will protect for up to 6 months or longer if the mother continues nursing.

Artificially Acquired Immunity

• *Vaccination or immunization – an agent is introduced into the body to stimulate antibody production.

• Vaccine is given by injection or liquid by mouth.

• Needle free: inhalation of aerosol or powder.

• The body makes antibodies against the weakened or killed pathogens from the vaccine.

• These antibodies can fight the pathogens when they invade the body. The antibodies destroy them and the person will not become ill.

• Protective antibodies then stay on guard in the body to safeguard it from the real disease if the person ever becomes exposed to the real disease. This protection is immunity.


• Live organisms – must be nonvirulent for humans or treated in the lab to weaken them so that are not as pathogenic to humans.

• Attenuated – an organism that has been weakened.

• Killed – vaccination with a toxoid occurs when the toxin produced by an organism is altered with heat or chemicals to render it harmless, but still allows the body to make antibodies against it.

*Examples of Vaccines

• *Anthrax – a serious disease that can affect both animals and humans.

• Contracted from infected animals, wool, meat, or hides

• Causes skin ulcers, fever, fatigue.• 20% of the cases are fatal• Inhaled anthrax is more serious.

• Anthrax vaccine protects against both types of anthrax.

• Who should be vaccinated? Those 18-65 y/o potentially exposed to large amounts of the virus – lab workers, military personnel at risk.

• Three doses given at 2 week intervals.• Three additional doses each six months

after the previous dose. Boosters.

• *DPT – Diptheria, Tetanus, Pertussis

• Diptheria – causes a thick covering on the back of throat, can lead to breathing problems, paralysis, heart failure and death.

• Tetanus – causes painful tightening of muscles, leading to “lockjaw” – cannot open mouth or swallow; leads to death in 1 out of 10 cases.

• *Pertussis (whooping cough) – causes coughing spells so bad it is hard to eat, drink, breathe. Can lead to pneumonia, seizures, brain damage, death.

• Children should receive 5 doses of the DtaP vaccine.

• Mild risks and serious risks involved.

• *Hemophilus Influenza, Type b (Hib)

• Serious disease caused by a bacteria.

• Hib is spread person-to-person.

• If it remains in nose and throat, the person will not get sick.

• If it moves to the lungs or blood stream, can be serious.

• *Hepatitis A Vaccine –

• Hepatitis A is a serious liver disease caused by Hep A virus, found in stool of persons with Hep A.

• Can be spread by close personal contact or by eating food or drinking water contaminated by it.

• Causes mild flu-like illness, jaundice, stomach pain, diarrhea.

• Hep A vaccine should be given in 2 doses at least 2 months apart.

• Who should get? Travelers to or residents of countries with high rates of Hep A – 1 month before traveling; homosexual men; street drug users; individuals with chronic liver disease.

• *Hepatitis B Vaccine –

• Hep B (HBV) is serious. Can cause acute or chronic illness.

• 1.25 million people in U.S. have chronic HBV. Each year, it is estimated that 80,000 people, mostly young adults will get it; 4000-5000 people will die each year.

• HBV is spread through contact with blood and body fluids of an infected person: having unprotected sex, sharing needles, being stuck with an infected needle, during birth when passed from mother to baby.

• Who should get? those 18 y/o and younger. High risk adults.

• Three doses

• *Influenza Vaccine – • Influenza is caused by a virus; spreads

form infected persons to nose or throat of others. Usually Nov through April.

• Causes fever, cough, chills, sore throat, headache, muscle aches.

• Causes thousands of deaths annually.• The virus changes often. • Let’s look at a Brainpop video on flu.

• *Lyme Disease Vaccine – Lyme disease is caused from being bitten by an infected tick.

• Common sign is a round, red, expanding rash 2 inches or more in diameter btw 3 days and a month after the tick bite. Fever, chills, headaches, joint and muscle pain can also occur.

• Can lead to arthritis, heart rhythm prob

• *Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) – • Measles virus causes rash, cough,

runny nose, eye irritation, fever.• Mumps causes fever, headache &

swollen glands and can lead to deafness, meningitis, painful swelling of testicles or ovaries, death.

• Rubella (German Measles) causes rash, mild fever, arthritis.

• If a woman gets rubella while pregnant, she could miscarry, or her baby could be born with serious birth defects.

• Who should get the MMR vaccine?

• Children (2 doses)

• Adults born after 1956

• *Meningococcal vaccine – meningococcal disease is a serious illness caused by a bacteria; is the leading cause of bacterial meningitis.

• Is an infection of the brain and spinal cord covering.

• Who should get?

• U.S. Military recruits

• People exposed during an outbreak

• Travelers to a country where it is common

• Anyone who has a damaged or removed spleen

• Lab workers routinely exposed to the bacteria

• College students living in a dorm

• *Polio vaccine – polio is a disease caused by a virus that enters through the mouth and can cause paralysis and death.

• No “wild” polio has been reported in the U.S. for > 20 years. Still common in some parts of the world.

• *Smallpox – last natural case of smallpox occurred in 1977, and in 1980, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the global eradication of smallpox and recommended that all countries cease vaccination.

• Because of concerns that the virus could be used as a bioterrorism weapon, the CDC has a plan.

• The plan will coordinate CDC, state, and local public health activities if an outbreak occurs, and it will help health officials define and control the outbreak.

• This includes indications for vaccination, contraindications for vaccination, risks, sites, personnel, facilities, etc.

• *Tetanus and Diptheria Vaccine – (Td) – Tetanus is caused by a germ that enters the body through a cut or wound. Diptheria spreads from person to person.

• People get the original vaccination after 7 y/o. Should also get one every 10 years throughout their life.

• *Varicella (chickenpox) vaccine – the virus can spread from person to person through the air, or by contact with fluid from the blisters.

• A person who has had chickenpox can get a painful rash – herpes zoster (shingles) – later in life.

• With any vaccine, there are risks and contraindications.

• Each person should be evaluated as to which vaccines they should or should not receive.

• Immunity may not be life-long with vaccines. Sometimes, booster shots are needed to keep antibody levels high enough for protection.