Imaging Gliomas with Positron Emission Tomography and Single-Photon Emission Computed...

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Imaging Gliomas with Positron Emission Tomography andSingle-Photon Emission Computed Tomography

Francois Benard, Jonathan Romsa, and Roland Hustinx

Over the last two decades the large volume of research

involving various brain tracers has shed invaluable light

on the pathophysiology of cerebral neoplasms. Yet the

question remains as to how best to incorporate this

newly acquired insight into the clinical context. Thal-

lium is the most studied radiotracer with the longest

track record. Many, but not all studies, show a relation-

ship between 201Tl uptake and tumor grade. Due to the

overlap between tumor uptake and histologic grades,201Tl cannot be used as the sole noninvasive diagnostic

or prognostic tool in brain tumor patients. However, it

may help differentiating a high-grade tumor recurrence

from radiation necrosis. MIBI is theoretically a better

imaging agent than 201Tl but it has not convincingly

been shown to differentiate tumors according to grade.

MDR-1 gene expression as demonstrated by MIBI does

not correlate with chemoresistance in high grade glio-

mas. Currently, MIBI’s clinical role in brain tumor imag-

ing has yet to be defined. IMT, a radio-labeled amino

acid analog, may be useful for identifying postoperative

tumor recurrence and, in this application, appears to be

a cheaper, more widely available tool than positron

emission tomography (PET). However, its ability to ac-

curately identify tumor grade is limited. 18 F-2-Fluoro-2-

deoxy-D-glucose (FDG) PET predicts tumor grade, and

the metabolic activity of brain tumors has a prognostic

significance. Whether FDG uptake has an independent

prognostic value above that of histology remains de-

bated. FDG-PET is effective in differentiating recurrent

tumor from radiation necrosis for high-grade tumors,

but has limited value in defining the extent of tu-

mor involvement and recurrence of low-grade lesions.

Amino-acid tracers, such as MET, perform better for this

purpose and thus play a complementary role to FDG.

Given the poor prognosis of patients with gliomas,

particularly with high-grade lesions, the overall clinical

utility of single photon emission computed tomography

(SPECT) and PET in characterizing recurrent lesions

remains dependent on the availability of effective treat-

ments. These tools are thus mostly suited to the evalu-

ation of treatment response in experimental protocols

designed to improve the patients’ outcome.

© 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

BRAIN TUMORS ARE typically diagnosedwhen they produce symptoms such as head-

ache, nausea, personality change or seizure, orwhen they produce focal neurologic impairments.Although historically nuclear medicine techniquesonce played a significant role for diagnosing braintumors, the 99mTc pertechnetate, diethylenetri-amene pentaxeity acid (DTPA) or glucoheptanatebrain scans are now obsolete. Magnetic ResonanceImaging (MRI) has now been established as thepreferred diagnostic modality for detecting sus-pected primary brain tumors, with an exquisiteability to localize brain tumors in relationship tonormal structures, evaluate edema, hemorrhage,and hydrocephalus.

The estimated number of new cases of centralnervous system malignancies in the United States

is 17,000 for 2002.1 Most of these malignanciesinvolve the brain, with a high rate of mortalitydespite significant advances in early diagnosisbrought about by computed tomography (CT) andMRI since the 1980s. Spinal cord tumors are muchless frequent, with an incidence ratio relative tobrain tumors of approximately 15%.

According to the 1993 World Health Organiza-tion (WHO) classification, primary brain tumorsare classified according to their presumed cell oforigin.2 For example, tumors derived from astro-cytes are called astrocytomas or gliomas, whiletumors derived from ependymocytes are calledependymomas. A nonexhaustive list is presented inTable 1. Gliomas constitute approximately 45% ofall brain tumors.3 Other common tumors includemeningiomas (27%), pituitary tumors (10%) andnerve sheath tumors (7%). Central nervous system(CNS) lymphomas constitute less than 4% ofprimary brain tumors. Although many benign tu-mors such as meningiomas and neuromas are curedby surgery, even low-grade glial cell tumors arenotoriously challenging to treat, with a very highrelapse and mortality rate. Since most nuclearimaging techniques have been targeted at charac-terizing primary or recurrent gliomas, this reviewwill focus on that particular group of tumors.

Gliomas are typically subdivided in astrocytic

From the Department of Nuclear Medicine and RadiationBiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universite de Sherbrooke, Sher-brooke, Quebec, Canada; the Department of Nuclear Medicine,University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada; andthe Division of Nuclear Medicine, Centre Hospitalier Univer-sitaire de Liege, Liege, Belgium.

Address reprint requests to Roland Hustinx, Division ofNuclear Medicine, Centre Hosptalier Universitaire, Sart Til-man B35, 4000 LIEGE1, Belgium.

© 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.0001-2998/03/3302-0001$30.00/0doi:10.1053/snuc.2003.127304

148 Seminars in Nuclear Medicine, Vol XXXIII, No 2 (April), 2003: pp 148-162

tumors, oligodendogrial tumors, ependymal tu-mors, and mixed gliomas. Astrocytic tumors arefurther graded into grade I (pilocytic astrocytoma)to grade IV (glioblastoma multiforme) accordingto specific pathologic criteria that include cellularatypia, mitotic activity, necrosis, endothelial pro-liferation, etc. The tumor grade is establisheddepending on the number of criteria found in thehistopathologic specimen.4

Surgery remains the primary therapeutic ap-proach for most brain tumors, generally with acurative intent. However, except for pilocytic as-trocytomas, the extent of necessary surgical resec-tion beyond obtaining a tissue diagnosis remainscontroversial.5 In completely or partially resected

low-grade astrocytomas, radiation therapy can of-ten be deferred until there are signs of progressiverecurrence or malignant transformation. Althoughthe 5-year progression-free survival is improvedwith immediate irradiation, the overall 5-year sur-vival is unchanged. Since radiation therapy cancause significant cognitive and pituitary dysfunc-tion in longer term survivors, well-differentiatedastrocytomas can be treated with a lower dose. Ininfiltrative glial tumors, the goal of primary sur-gery is to provide a histological diagnosis whilereducing tumor bulk and brain compression asmuch as possible. These tumors typically infiltrateapparently normal brain tissues quite deeply, andcomplete surgical resection is usually impossible.Patients with higher grade gliomas have a survivalbenefit with radiation therapy compared to chemo-therapy alone. However, glioblastoma multiformeis highly radioresistant and has a dismal prognosis,with a median survival time of 10 months. Theefficacy of chemotherapy is limited, and agentssuch as carmustine, carboplatin, procarbazine,tamoxifen, and several others have been used inclinical trials, with varying but relatively limitedsuccess. Temozolomide, an orally administeredalkylating agent, is used with modest results inanaplastic astrocytomas and glioblastomas and isrelatively well tolerated.6

Because of the relative ineffectiveness of con-ventional chemotherapy, multiple trials are ongo-ing at several institutions to search for moreeffective approaches, for instance gene therapy orantiangiogenic agents.6 The superiority of theseapproaches over traditional multimodality treat-ments that include surgery, radiation therapy andchemotherapy has yet to be demonstrated in well-designed randomized trials.

CT and MRI with contrast (to assess the integ-rity of the blood brain barrier) are excellent toolsfor tumor localization. These methods are howeveroften unable to characterize the underlying histo-pathology. Particular areas of difficulty includedefining tumor extension and grade, as well asdifferentiating tumor recurrence from necrosis orscar.7 Radiation necrosis is particularly problem-atic, as this entity can produce disruption in theblood-brain barrier by vascular and astrocytic dam-age, and thus contrast enhancement, edema, andcortical dysfunction that are indistinguishable fromrecurrent tumor on conventional CT or MRI.8

Several attempts have been made to circumvent

Table 1. Primary Tumors of the Central Nervous System

Neuroepithelial Tumors:Astrocytic tumors

Pilocytic astrocytoma (grade I)Astrocytoma (grade II)Anaplastic astrocytoma (grade III)Glioblastoma multiforme (grade IV)

Oligodendroglial tumorsOligodendrogliomaAnaplastic oligodendroglioma

Ependymal cell tumorsEpendymomaAnaplastic ependymomaMyxopapillary ependymomaSubependymoma

Mixed gliomasMixed oligoastrocytomasMalignant oligoastrocytomas

Neuroepithelial tumors of uncertain originGliomatosis cerebri, astroblastoma, others

Tumors of the choroid plexusChoroid plexus papilloma and carcinoma

Neuronal and mixed neuronal-glial tumorsPineal Parenchyma Tumors

Pineocytoma, pineoblastoma, mixedTumors with neuroblastic or glioblastic elements

(embryonal tumors)MedulloepitheliomaPrimitive neuroectodermal tumors medulloblastoma and


Other CNS Neoplasms:Tumors of the sellar region

Pituitary adenoma, craniopharyngiomaHematopoietic tumors

Primary malignant lymphomas and othersMeningiomas and mesenchymal tumorsTumors of cranial and spinal nerves

Schwannoma, neurofibroma


these limitations with the use of functional imagingtechniques such as single-photon emission com-puted tomography (SPECT) and positron emissiontomography (PET).


Brain SPECT tracers have a long history predat-ing the development of more anatomically orien-tated modalities such as CT and MRI, which havedeveloped into the clinical workhorses in the pri-mary assessment of brain tumors. There is howeveran appreciation of the limitations of these tech-niques, as mentioned above. SPECT tracers havelong been used in an attempt to answer some ofthese questions, beginning with 201Tl and MIBI,and more recently 3-[I-123]Iodo-alpha-methyl-L-tyrosine (IMT). SPECT tracers also have the dis-tinct advantages (as compared to PET tracers) ofbeing widely available and significantly less ex-pensive. This section will focus on three of themost researched tracers (201Tl, MIBI, and IMT).


Thallium-201 (201Tl) is cyclotron produced from201Pb, with a T1/2 of 73 hours. 201Tl decays byelectron capture to Hg-201, which then emitscharacteristic x-rays in the 68-80 KeV rangemainly. It is classed as a group IIIA element,though is behaves chemically similar to potassium(monovalent, similar ionic radii). Thus, it is usuallyadministered as a chloride and is rapidly distrib-uted and cleared from the body. Most brain imag-ing protocols generally require IV doses rangingfrom �2-4 mCi with early imaging at �15 minand possible delayed images up to 2 hours later.

201Tl was in fairly wide usage in the 1970s as amyocardial tracer. It was also known from variousother clinical applications that it had very lowcerebral uptake. Ancri et al9 in an early studyattempted to exploit some of these properties toimage a group of patients with miscellaneouscerebral lesions (gliomas, meningiomas, metasta-ses, infarction, hematomas, pituitary adenomas) ascompared to normals. The patients were studiedwith 1.5-2 mCi of 201Tl and compared to scanswith 10-15 mCi of 99mTc pertechnetate. It wasfound that in the 201Tl patients there was relativelygood visualization of the brain including the tem-poral fossa and subtentorial regions (ie, low up-take). Normal areas of hyperactivity included the

orbital region, the base of the skull, and thehypophyseal region. 201Tl easily identified thelesions and was felt to be superior to 99mTcpertechnetate because of improved contrast, dis-crimination between multiple lesions, and shortertime to scanning.9

Subsequently, in the mid 1980s Kaplan et al.10

again noting the disparity between CT brain scansand performance scores performed a study on 29subjects with pathological correlation for seven.Patients with grade III/IV gliomas were evaluatedwith 201Tl, 99mTc gluceptate, and 67Ga as well asCT scans. In the seven patients with pathologicalfollow-up, 201Tl was found to be the best modalityfor identifying viable tumor. 67Ga gave similarresults in those patients not taking steroids. Glu-ceptate and CT were routinely unable to differen-tiate fibrosis, necrosis and non-fibrotic changefrom viable tumor. In the patients without patho-logic correlation 201Tl was routinely found todisplay smaller and more focal abnormalities thaneither 67Ga or gluceptate. It was proposed that201Tl uptake may have been related to a combina-tion of factors including alterations in the bloodbrain barrier, variability in the expression of theNa/K ATPase pump (viable cell having intactuptake mechanisms), and blood flow.

Kim et al11 in the late 1980s looked at a mixedgroup of 45 patients most with primary braintumors, some with metastatic lesions, hematoma ortoxoplasmosis. Twenty-five patients had availableautopsy information. Using ratios of regions ofinterest (ROI) of the tumor site compared toapparently normal contralateral hemispheric ROIs,various indices were calculated. There was a cor-relation between 201Tl uptake and tumor grade.They were able, using a threshold ratio (tumor/non-tumor) of 1.5, to distinguish low grade fromhigh grade lesions with an accuracy of 89%. Thiswas not a perfect indicator of grade however, assome low grade lesions had high uptake ratios andvice versa. Partial volume effects as well as non-uniformity in the tumor ROIs (necrosis or edema)were felt to be in part responsible for these find-ings.

The idea of non-invasively predicting tumorgrade spurred on further study by various researchgroups worldwide. Oriuchi et al12 in 1993 lookedat 28 presurgical patients. Postoperative tumorhistology and cellular proliferation (using a thymi-dine analogue BUdR-bromodeoxyuridine) were


correlated. ROIs of tumor to normal contralateralbrain were able to differentiate grade IV gliomasfrom lower grade tumors with some success. Fur-thermore, there was a good correlation between the201Tl index and cellular proliferation. There were,however, some false-positives (high ROIs and lowproliferative indices) including a pilocytic astrocy-toma. An attempt was also made to predict malig-nant degeneration in low grade gliomas as well aswith prognosis with some success.

In an effort to further improve the specificity of201Tl brain imaging, Jinnouchi et al13 looked at agroup of 13 meningioma patients. Meningiomasare hypervascular tumors and based on the in-creased blood flow they have significant 201Tluptake. By comparing the initial uptake index(early UI) to the delayed uptake index (delayedUI), a retention index (RI) was calculated. Asexpected the early UIs were elevated for all typesof meningiomas, however delayed UIs variedsomewhat between the various histologies, withthe RI being lowest in meningothelial meningio-mas. Based on these findings it was concluded thata high RI identifies those meningiomas with ma-lignant potential. Ishibashi et al14 studied a groupof 34 patients with various brain tumor histologiesusing monoclonal antibody Ki-67 and proliferatingcell nuclear antigen (PCNA) as cell proliferatingindices and compared theses results to 201Tl uptakeindices (early and delayed). Astrocytomas weredistinguished from glioblastomas on both early anddelayed 201Tl imaging, however neither tumorcould be significantly distinguished from anaplas-tic astrocytomas. The PCNA indices correlatedwell with the 201Tl early uptake index in astrocy-tomas but not for the other tumors. Ki-67 on theother hand correlated only with the delayed 201Tlindices in astrocytomas, anaplastic astrocytomasand glioblastoma. Interestingly, although benignhypervascular tumors displayed increased earlyuptake indices, their washout rates were not statis-tically different from those of normo/hypovasculartumors. In effect this study showed some corre-lation, though not always consistently, between201Tl uptake and malignancy as well as cellularproliferation.

Dierckx et al15 conducted a large retrospectivestudy of 90 patients comparing 201Tl brain SPECTin the differential diagnosis of various brain tu-mors. Overall, in a population fairly representativeof what might be seen in many centers, the

sensitivity was found to be 71.7% and the speci-ficity 80.9%. False positives included a skull me-tastasis, hemorrhagic strokes, an angioma, and anepidural hematoma. False negatives occurred intumors located in the posterior fossa, the temporalregions or in deep locations. Tumors of smallvolumes were also problematic. The commentswere made that delayed imaging with retentionindices as well as close clinical correlation mayhave helped improve the sensitivity and specificity.Ricci et al16 in a MRI/201Tl comparison of 13patients with histologically proven glioblastomasfound that the main limiting property of 201Tl wasits poor resolution. It was shown that necrosis (amarker of high grade activity) was a commoncause of underestimation of tumor grade. On theother hand, perilesional edema was not an impor-tant factor.

More recently, Sun et al17 described in a study of41 patients with primary and secondary braintumors the utility of delayed imaging and calculat-ing retained indices. Using these tools they wereable to separate low grade or benign tumor groupsfrom high grade or metastatic tumor groups. How-ever, in some cases there was overlap betweengroups.

Staffen et al18 in 1998 published a study com-prising 40 patients with either a suspected braintumor or with a recurrence of a previously treatedbrain tumor. As a group, low grade and high gradegliomas could be separated from each other. How-ever, there was significant overlap with otherdisease entities such as scars, strokes, metastasesand meningioma, limiting the clinical utility of thescans.


MIBI’s utilization as a brain tumor imagingagent began well after 201Tl. MIBI has severalsimilarities to 201Tl in terms of its exclusion fromthe brain by the BBB and its similarities as amyocardial perfusion agent. MIBI is a cationiccompound and accumulates in cytoplasm and mi-tochondria as a result of passive diffusion acrossthe negative cellular/organelle membrane. Uptakeis nonspecific, but is driven by metabolic demand.Additionally, it has much better imaging properties(140 KeV) and larger doses can be given intrave-nously (10-30 mCi). O’Tuama et al19 compared201Tl to MIBI in 19 children with brain tumors andfound that both modalities were fairly similar


(sensitivity of 67% for both 201Tl and MIBI,specificity of 91% for 201Tl vs. 100% for MIBI).Lesion boundaries were better defined by MIBI,however, they generally paralleled those of thal-lium. Problem areas for MIBI were in the regionsof choroid plexus, uptake that wasn’t prevented bythe administration of potassium perchlorate. Bothmodalities were felt to complement MRI by pro-viding functional information.

Using a 4-point visual grading scale (tumorMIBI uptake compared to normal brain back-ground) Bagni et al.20 looked at 27 patients presur-gically. Normal MIBI distribution was observed inthe choroid plexus, scalp, and pituitary gland butnot in normal brain parenchyma. Among the find-ings a trend between MIBI uptake and astrocytomagrade was identified. Meningiomas appeared tohave uptake proportional to their vascularity. Gli-oblastomas had variable uptake. Furthermore, le-sions in the fronto-parietal regions were moreeasily identified as compared to those in the tem-poral regions or the posterior fossa.

Another study by Soler et al21 looked retrospec-tively at a group of 35 malignant glioma patientswith clinical deterioration to assess MIBI’s useful-ness as an indicator of tumor recurrence. Tumoruptake was compared to pituitary gland activity.Although only 6 patients had biopsies, the otherswere followed clinically and with conventionalimaging for at least another 6 months. There was100% sensitivity and specificity in those patients inwhom a biopsy had been performed. In the othercases the SPECT findings correlated well with theclinical outcome. Thus, it was concluded that MIBIis an effective tool in differentiating tumor recur-rence from radiation necrosis.

One of the interesting properties of MIBI is itsefflux from cells by P-glycoprotein (Pgp), whichalso acts as energy-driven efflux pump for severalantineoplastic agents. In a study by Yokogami etal22 MIBI and thallium were assessed for theiruptake in malignant brain tumors. The MIBI find-ings were also compared to the expression of theMDR-1 gene and its product Pgp. In the 19 patientsstudied, it was found that MIBI had sharper imagedefinition as compared to 201Tl; however, choroidplexus uptake interfered with paraventricular le-sions detection, a finding similar to previous stud-ies. The early uptake indices for MIBI correlatedbetter with degree of malignancy than the lateuptake indices. This finding was reversed for 201Tl.

MDR-1 gene expression was found to be inverselyrelated to grade of malignancy in gliomas, thusindicating that its expression is not likely related tochemoresistance for gliomas. A further finding ofnote was that neither MIBI nor 201Tl appearedbetter than MRI for determining the distribution oftumor cells.

Most recently, yet another study comparing201Tl and MIBI was published. Nishiyama et al.,23

in a series of 25 patients with malignant braintumors, found that uptake ratios (early and de-layed) were elevated in malignant tumors for bothMIBI and 201Tl. The retention index was deter-mined to be less useful. Once again, neither 201Tlnor MIBI showed tumor beyond the contrast en-hanced lesions on MRI, and thus likely did notaccurately delineate the full tumor extension. 201Tland MIBI were found to be relatively equivalent asimaging agents.

99mTc-Tetrofosmin has several features in com-mon with 99mTc-MIBI, and theoretically could beused as a brain tumor imaging agent. However todate research with this radiopharmaceutical hasbeen too sparse to draw any conclusions.24

123I-Alpha-Methyl Tyrosine (IMT)

An area of recent interest is that of iodine-123-alpha-methyl tyrosine (IMT). IMT is seen as apossible SPECT alternative to less available/moreexpensive PET tracers such as 11C-methyl-methimine (MET).

Initial work on this tracer began in the late 1980swhen Biersack et al25 showed that in 9 of 10patients with brain tumors demonstrated uptakesignificantly above background. Further study in-dicated that IMT is taken up in the brain by carriermediated, stereoselective active transport systems.These systems involve transport across both theblood brain barrier (BBB) and brain cell mem-branes. IMT is not incorporated into cellular pro-teins, however uptake does bear a relationship tocellular proliferation, at least in human gliomacells.26

Clinical work has focussed on evaluating glio-mas. Kuwert et al27 in 1996 analysed IMT uptakein 53 patients with various grades of gliomas (40patients) and non-neoplastic lesions (13 patients).They reported a diagnostic sensitivity of 71% andspecificity of 83% for differentiating high fromlow grade gliomas. High grade gliomas wereseparated from non-neoplastic lesions with a sen-


sitivity of 82% and specificity of 100%. Unfortu-nately, non-neoplastic lesions could not accuratelybe differentiated from low-grade gliomas. Interest-ingly, some marked overlap between low and highgrade groups did occur, most notably with anoligodendroglioma recurrence and an oligo-astro-cytoma, presumably because of the high cellularityof these tumors.

IMT imaging was performed in another study byKuwert et al28 in an effort to address the importantclinical question of identification of glioma recur-rence in a post primary therapy patient population.Twenty-seven patients were imaged with IMT andfollowed clinicopathologically. Histologic diagno-sis was obtained in 11 of the patients. Using aspecified uptake ratio as a cutoff between recur-rence and benign post-therapeutic change, the in-vestigators were able to achieve a sensitivity of78% and a specificity of 100%.

The role of IMT SPECT in the non-invasiveevaluation of tumor grade and prognosis has beenresearched. Schmidt et al29 reviewed the files ofpatients investigated over a 10 year period withIMT. The 58 patients comprised a mixed group ofprimary and recurrent gliomas of various grades.No relationship between IMT tumor to backgroundratios and histologic grade or survival could beestablished. The only identified prognostic imagingfeature was the absence of contrast enhancementon CT or MRI. These results were paralleled byWeber et al30 who in a study of 114 patients wereunable to differentiate tumor grade on the basis ofIMT uptake. However, not suprisingly the pres-ence of significant IMT uptake post tumor resec-tion was found to be an important prognosticfactor, implying the importance of IMT as amarker of residual tumor.

In a small comparative study between SPECTwith IMT and PET with MET, 11 patients withcerebral gliomas were evaluated by Langen et al.31

In all cases both tracers showed significant uptakein the gliomas above baseline with no discrepantresults between imaging agents. IMT was, how-ever, found to have a faster washout from thetumors than MET, presumably because IMT isn’tinvolved in intracellular metabolism as opposed toMET. Disruption of the BBB did not appear to bea critical factor for IMT or MET uptake, as twonon-enhancing tumors on CT both displayed in-creased amino acid accumulation.

Several comparisons of IMT SPECT with FDG

PET have also been performed. Weber et al.,32

demonstrated that in a series of 19 patients IMTwas more reliable than FDG at detecting tumorwith less interobserver variability and was better atdelineating tumor extent. IMT uptake was notrelated to grade, although FDG uptake did appearproportional to histologic grade. Woesler et al.,33

in another study of 23 histologically proven braintumors found that IMT and FDG were equallygood at differentiating low grade and high gradetumors with accuracies of 83% and 91% respec-tively. In yet another study Bader et al.,34 exam-ined 30 patients who were being assessed postprimary therapy for either tumor recurrence or fordetermination of upgrading. IMT scanning wastrue positive in 26 of 29 patients for recurrence.IMT identified the one true negative patient. IMTwas not successful in noninvasively grading therecurrence. FDG was true positive in 23 of the 29patients, and also identified the one true negative.As would be expected, IMT was better than FDGfor detecting low grade recurrences, but FDG onthe other hand was able to grade recurrence. Sasakiet al.35 evaluated 201Tl, MET and FDG PET in 23patients with newly diagnosed astrocytic tumors.They found that 201Tl was better than either FDGor MET for evaluating histologic grade. MET wasthe most effective agent for defining the limits ofastrocytomas. Two examples of IMT scans areshown in Figs 1 and 2.

A new SPECT tracer is p-[I-123]iodo-L-phenyl-alanine. Only very preliminary work has beenperformed on this agent. It appears to be similar toIMT in many respects, however may be somewhatmore specific for brain tumors and has a longerretention time, allowing for more flexibility inimaging.36


The first attempts to visualize brain tumors withpositron emission tomography (PET) were pub-lished in 1951 by Wrenn and colleagues, followedclosely by Brownell and Sweet in 1953.37,38 Sincethen, several radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuti-cals have been used in clinical research studies.13N-ammonia was unsuccessful in visualizing pri-mary brain tumors.39 15O-water was used to mea-sure tumor blood flow40 and 15O2 to measureoxygen utilization.41 Nucleoside analogues such as11C-thymidine have been utilized with mixed suc-cess to detect cell division rates.42 Few reports


Fig 1. Fifty-year-old patient reevaluated after radiotherapy for a suspected recurrent multifocal oligoastrocytoma grade III

initially located in the right fronto-parietal area. There was no evidence of recurrence on the IMT scan, which only showed a

photopenic area. Follow-up confirmed these findings. (Courtesy of Dr H. Everaert, AZ-VUB, Brussels).

Fig 2. Reevaluation after surgery, chemo- and radiotherapy for a gliobastoma multiforme. There is an intense IMT accumulation

in the left temporo-occipital region consistent with recurrent tumor. (Courtesy of Dr H. Everaert, AZ-VUB, Brussels).


have been published with this tracer for braintumor imaging. Thymidine analogues are not trans-ported well across the blood-brain barrier (BBB).Initial reports suggested the feasibility of imagingbrain tumors with 11C-thymidine.43 However, BBBdisruptions appear to account for a significantproportion of the uptake when the label is attachedto the methyl carbon.44 With 2-[11C]thymidineand kinetic analysis, Eary and colleagues wereable to resolve DNA synthesis from passive BBBdisruption.45 Other nucleoside analogues, suchas [124I]iododeoxyuridine5-fluoro-2�-deoxyuridinehave also been considered for PET imaging ofbrain tumors.46 Fluorothymidine has recently beenproposed to measure tumor proliferation rate,47 butuses of this tracer for brain tumor imaging have notyet been published. Putrescine has also been la-beled to evaluate polyamine metabolism.48

Therapeutic agents such as carmustine49 havebeen labeled with positron emitters for imagingtumors as well as for performing in vivo pharma-cokinetic studies. Another interesting area of re-search is the development of 18F labeled com-pounds for imaging tumor hypoxia for correlationwith the response to radiation therapy.50

Although these radiopharmaceuticals presentdefinite research interest, no clear practical clinicalutility has yet been defined for these tracers. Mostclinical researchers have focused their efforts onmetabolic substrates such as choline, amino acidsand 18Fluoro-2-deoxy-2-glucose (FDG).

Radio-Labeled Choline Analogues

Choline, a phospholipid precursor, has beenshown by magnetic resonance spectroscopy to bepresent in increased concentration in brain tumors,particularly high-grade lesions.51 Shinoura and col-leagues evaluated 20 patients with brain tumorsusing 11C-choline PET. They observed progressiveuptake over time in brain tumors with negligiblenormal brain uptake, and a high tumor-to-back-ground ratio. 11C-choline uptake was not related toblood flow in tumor tissue.52 Ohtani et al.53 com-pared 11C-choline PET with FDG PET and MRimaging in 22 patients. There was higher uptake ofcholine in high-grade brain tumors, except for veryhigh uptake in a case of pilocytic astrocytoma.11C-choline PET showed greater tumor extent thanMRI, could differentiate high-grade from low-grade lesions, but not low-grade lesions from 2non-neoplastic lesions. Fluorinated analogs of cho-

line have been recently synthesized.54 These trac-ers could be promising agents for brain tumorimaging.

Amino Acids

Many amino acids have been proposed as tumorimaging agents.55 Increased amino acid transportacross the cell membrane and incorporation intoproteins are the main mechanisms by which theseagents accumulate in tumor cells. The uptake ofradio-labeled amino acids reflect protein synthesisrate (PSR) to some extent, although this may bequite variable according to the amino acid beingstudied.56 11C-methyl-methionine (MET) has beenfrequently utilized, and its usefulness has beendemonstrated in imaging brain tumors.57-60 Thisagent is easily synthesized,61 but its main draw-back relates to the short half-life of the carbon-11.MET is an imperfect marker of protein synthesisrate, and a significant fraction seems to be incor-porated into phospholipids through the S-adenyl-methionine pathway.62 MET has been shown to bea good marker of tumor response to radiationtherapy and this agent does not seem to be taken upas avidly in inflammatory tissues as FDG.63 Theabsolute tumor uptake in generally high, and METmight reflect response to therapy better thanFDG.64 MET uptake in brain tumors appears to bepartly related to tumor grade,60,65 but this does nothold true for all tumor types.66 Even in low gradegliomas, this agent offers much better contrast thanFDG relative to surrounding gray matter activity. Italso delineates the extent of tumors better thanother imaging techniques, and therefore may helpin planning therapy, as showed in Fig 3.67-69 Thesebenefits are offset by a potentially lower specificityof MET for tumor tissues. The uptake is partlyrelated to passive diffusion in tumors with signif-icant breakdown of the blood-brain barrier(BBB)70 and this may limit the specificity of METin diagnosing recurrence in areas of high contrastenhancement on CT or MRI.

Ogawa et al.71 studied 50 glioma patients withMET PET. They observed MET uptake in nearlyall high-grade gliomas (31/32) and approximately60% of low-grade tumors. These authors alsoobserved that the tumor extent delineated withMET corresponded more closely to pathologyresults than CT. Voges et al.72 imaged 46 patientswith gliomas before and after brachytherapy. Tu-mor extent on MET PET was greater than MRI in


2/3 of patients, and similar in the others. MET wasvaluable in assessing response to therapy, particu-larly in low-grade tumors, where FDG was inef-fective in their study. De Witte et al.73 recentlyreported their experience with MET PET. In alarge retrospective study of 85 patients, they ob-served a good relationship between MET uptakeand primary tumor grade, and MET uptake innearly all gliomas. Pirotte et al69 also used MET incombination with FDG to guide stereotactic brainbiopsies. MET PET had an accuracy of 79% in alarge series of 196 patients for differentiatinglow-grade gliomas from non-tumoral lesions.74

Other amino acids, such as 11C-tyrosine and11C-leucine have been proposed as better PSRimaging agents,61 but the clinical experience withthese radiotracers is still limited. Carbon-11 label-ling is a limiting factor for routine clinical use andfor regional distribution. Tyrosine can also belabelled with 18F, with high yields and specificactivity.75 L-[2-18F]Fluorotyrosine holds promises

to replace MET and complement FDG in tumordiagnosis, as illustrated in Fig 4.76

18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)

FDG remains the keystone of PET imaging inoncology. Warburg demonstrated more than sixdecades ago that malignant cells have highly ele-vated rates of glucose uptake and metabolismcompared to non malignant cells.77 Tumor cellswith high glycolytic rates have high levels ofenzymes that control glycolysis such as hexoki-nase, phosphofructokinase and pyruvate dehydro-genase.78 Changes in glucose transport rate are notsimply related to the accelerated growth rate butare transformation specific.79 Although the mech-anism for this biochemical alteration remains un-clear at this time, increased membrane glucosetransport capability has been shown to occur withneoplastic transformation.80 There is a significantincrease in the number of functional glucose trans-porters at the transformed cell’s surface, and nearly

Fig 3. Right frontal lobe glioblastoma. Although the tumor is hypermetabolic on both MET (A) and FDG PET scans (B), its extent

is better delineated using the former than with the latter; The corresponding contrast-enhanced MRI is also shown (C). (Courtesy

of Dr B. Kaschten, CHU Liege).


all mitogens and cellular oncogenes activate glu-cose transport.81 Six mammalian glucose transport-ers have been identified and overexpression of bothGLUT-1 and GLUT-3 mRNA has been demon-strated in brain tumors, with a higher ratio ofGLUT-3 in more aggressive lesions.82 PET cancapitalize on this increased capacity for glucosetransport observed in malignant glial cells to imagebrain tumors with FDG. In a group of 10 patientswith astrocytomas (WHO grade 2 and 3), Herholzet al83 found that cell density, but not nuclearpolymorphism, correlated significantly with FDGuptake.

Di Chiro et al84,85 reported the successful use ofFDG-PET imaging in evaluating primary braintumors and radiation necrosis in 1982. In studies ofprimary brain tumors, PET-FDG imaging has beenable to determine the degree of malignancy at thetime of imaging.85 While low grade tumors reveallow levels of metabolism, those with high gradeappear hypermetabolic compared to normal brain

tissue (Figs 4 and 5). Both quantitative and quali-tative analysis can be used to demonstrate thesefindings, although simple approaches such as thetumor/whole-brain ratio seem to work quite well.Either approach shows a significant differencebetween the low grade and high grade tumors.86

However, low-grade oligodendrogliomas and pilo-cytic astrocytomas can be quite FDG avid, so FDGuptake in such lesion does not necessarily imply apoorly differentiated histology.66 Meyer and col-leagues compared several quantitative indices us-ing receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curvesand found that a 6-score visual grade system wasmore effective and reproducible to separate highgrade (WHO grade III-IV) from low grade (II)lesions. Their visual grading cutoff was set at alevel of tumor uptake much greater than whitematter activity, but less than grey matter.87 Stan-dardized uptake values (SUV) in the brain do notcorrelate well with regional metabolic rates ofglucose utilization (MRGlu), and are less effective

Fig 4. Recurrent low-grade oligodendroglioma. Only the F-TYR PET study shows the lesion, with a high tumor to background

ratio (A). There is no significant uptake on the FDG scan (B). (Courtesy of Dr B. Kaschten, CHU Liege).


in characterizing primary brain tumors than tumor-to-white matter or tumor-to-cortex ratios.88 In pe-diatric tumors, FDG also appears to be accurate ingrading tumors89 and assessing response to treat-ments.90

Metabolic activity of the tumor as shown by thePET-FDG method is a good indicator of theprognosis in patients with primary brain tu-mors.91,92 Persistent uptake of FDG-PET also hasprognostic significance after surgery for glioblas-toma.93 Patients with hypermetabolic tumors havea significantly worse prognosis than those withhypometabolic lesions. However, De Witte et al.94

found that histological grade remains a more im-portant predictor of survival than FDG as theuptake of FDG in glioblastomas did not appear to

have an independant prognostic significance givenits correlation with tumor grade.

PET-FDG has been used to differentiate recur-rent brain tumors from necrosis after radiationand/or chemotherapy (Fig 6).95-97 The areas ofnecrosis reveal significantly reduced metabolismwhile recurrent tumors are identified having in-creased metabolism. Kim and colleagues from theM.D. Anderson Cancer Center evaluated 33 pa-tients with brain tumors after radiation therapy (15gliomas, 7 metastases and a mixture of otherlesions), and found a sensitivity of 80% and aspecificity of 94% for tumor recurrence.98 Somestudies report the use of FDG-PET to determinethe response to therapy. In a pilot study, Brock andcolleagues demonstrated that MRGlu measured

Fig 5. Right occipital lobe glioblastoma. The lesion visualized on the MR images non-enhanced (A) and contrast- enhanced (B)

is highly hypermetabolic on the PET study (C).

Fig 6. Recurrent left parietal lobe glioblastoma. CT images are shown before (A) and after contrast enhancement (B). The very

high FDG uptake leaves no doubts as regard to the malignant nature of the lesion (C).


with FDG-PET could differentiate responders(25% reduction in the region of highest uptake)from non responders after one cycle of temozolo-mide. They found the SUV ineffective in assessingtreatment response of brain tumors.99 Rozentalfound that secondary to both chemotherapy andstereotactic radiotherapy there was an acute in-crease of MRGlu 24 hours after treatment, fol-lowed by a progressive decline.100,101 FDG uptakeis not increased after initial resection of CNStumors, and can document the extent of resection.96

PET-FDG imaging can identify malignant de-generation of low grade gliomas. While low-gradetumors are noted to have low levels of FDGuptake, areas of malignant degeneration show in-creased metabolic activity,102 confirming the find-ings of tumor grade mentioned earlier. De Wittealso associated increased uptake in low-grade tu-mors with an unfavorable prognosis.103 Hansoninitially published case reports on the use ofFDG-PET to guide stereotactic biopsies.104 Pirotteand colleagues found in 38 patients that PETguided biopsies always yielded a tissue-diagnosis,unlike those guided by CT only, and that the use ofFDG-PET information in biopsy planning couldreduce the number of trajectories needed for asuccessful diagnosis.69

In clinical practice, FDG-PET imaging works

reasonably well in differentiating radiation necro-sis from recurrent tumors for high-grade gliomas.In most cases, this assessment is readily made.However, the activity in very thin rims of recurrenthighly necrotic tumors can be underestimated dueto partial-volume averaging effects.105 Small areasof recurrent lesions visualized on MRI can bedifficult to differentiate from normal grey matter ifthey involve only part of a gyrus without causingsignificant edema. Primary low-grade tumors canbe less active than the contralateral white matter,and amino acids such as MET may be preferablefor this group of lesions.66


Recently, studies have begun assessing genetherapy in recurrent gliomas. Transduction of theherpes simplex virus type-1 thymidine kinase(HSV-1-tk) followed by subsequent activation ofthe prodrug gangyclovir may be beneficial asadjuvant therapy. The level of expression of thisgene may predict response to therapy. One of thepromising substrate/markers is the I-124-labelled2�-fluoro-2�deoxy-1b-D-arabino-furanosyl-5-iodo-uracil (FIAU). This probe may prove to be aconvenient imaging marker for gene therapy.106-108


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